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I wonder where they will get the horn for the new movie? I watched the Dukes as a kid every friday at my babysitters and I now own the first season on dvd. Everytime I count the notes of the horn on the show, I get 12 notes. JCWhitney's Dixie horn plays 11. What gives? I'd like to have a horn like the one on the show. Maybe I just can't count, lol. Any ideas?


Hi and welcome to Hazzardnet,

From what I have heard and seen the Dixie horn used in the TV series was dubbed in by sound editing. However in the first few episodes from the first season, I really think they did use the actual Dixie Horn on the General. Check it out for yourself. you will notice the difference in the way the horn sounds as the episodes go on. As for the movie, I would say they will use sound editing, but it would be so cool to hear the actual horn from the General Lee. I have a little experience from the Dixie Air horn from J.C. Whitney and all I can say is that if you get it, take your time and install it properly and in a good spot. It does sound similar to the TV show horn but not exact. It will do the job though. Also, I have experienced that these air horns sometimes dont like the bitter cold so mounting it in the right place is really important. I hope I have been of some help to you. See ya around Hazzard


I was in Gatlinburg a month ago and I visited Cooters and Ben "Cooter"

has a replica of the Dixie horn for sale. Anything you would like to have

pertaining to the Dukes-you can find it there. If you go-You can even find

him hangin round and for a treat some of the cast stop in there from time

to time. Enjoyed my trip! :p


A few years ago...actually it's going on 6 years (wow...time has flown by), I used to have a '96 Z71 that I installed a Dixie horn in. Got it from my friend who ordered it fomr JC Whitney. It was a pretty easy install in the engine compartment. The worst part was buying extra tubing to go from the pump to the horns. I've gotta say, I sure did enjoy having it in my truck. it was especially nice at spring break...I definately stuck out with my pipes, horn, and twin 8' steel CB whips. Ah the god ol days.

Brian [><]


Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I listened to a sample of the Dixie horn by WOLO and it sounds just like the one in the show, it costs $100 bucks, but I think it's worth it. Someday I hope to have a General Lee of my own. The horn sadly is the first piece of it I can afford, hahaha. Anyway, it will reside in my truck until the funds for the Charger can be saved. Take care ya'll.

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