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Sweating For The County

Do You think James and Emy are going to get away?  

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  1. 1. Do You think James and Emy are going to get away?

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Julie says "Bo, she usually goes to the Swamp when she's really mad and just the record I'm glad I took that test and you know I think every girl should make it point to take it as well. The Militiary isn't just for the guys anymore you know it's equal look at the girl Jessica somebody for West Virginia she's a real impersation right there. Wow, now that was tough what she went through as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"I don't know if she'd go there this time. You may also want to check Tom's place in Capital City or David's father's place on the outskirts of Hazzard." Cooter suggests.

Cue anyone.

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"I don't know if she'd go there this time. You may also want to check Tom's place in Capital City or David's father's place on the outskirts of Hazzard." Cooter suggests.

Cue anyone.

Bo says "Maybe I should just flip a coin or just talk to her on the cb and then ask her where's she at right now. Cooter, why the Army what branch was you in and is there some importance to that decision of hers she seems to know what she wants."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Bo says "Maybe I should just flip a coin or just talk to her on the cb and then ask her where's she at right now. Cooter, why the Army what branch was you in and is there some importance to that decision of hers she seems to know what she wants."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"I've been a mechanic all my life since I left mom when I was 18, her granddad Richard Jackson, David's father was a Cavalry man with the US Army. She probably spent her childhood listening to his stories. It explains why she's so good with horses as well." Cooter explains.

Cue anyone.

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"I've been a mechanic all my life since I left mom when I was 18, her granddad Richard Jackson, David's father was a Cavalry man with the US Army. She probably spent her childhood listening to his stories. It explains why she's so good with horses as well." Cooter explains.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "Okay, that's explain but does she know what she's getting into right now you know they could send whatever unit over to Iraq just as much as Bo's now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Julie says "Okay, that's explain but does she know what she's getting into right now you know they could send whatever unit over to Iraq just as much as Bo's now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"She knows that which maybe why she's so against joining." Cooter says. "And Bo I'd get a move on if you want to find her by night fall."

Cue anyone.

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"She knows that which maybe why she's so against joining." Cooter says. "And Bo I'd get a move on if you want to find her by night fall."

Cue anyone.

Bo says "Okay Luke, you want to help me out about this maybe you could help explain that I'm just scared after reading my letter it's not the easiest thing to read and you know I worried for Jeb as well aren't you."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Bo says "Okay Luke, you want to help me out about this maybe you could help explain that I'm just scared after reading my letter it's not the easiest thing to read and you know I worried for Jeb as well aren't you."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"I would love to help you Bo but this is something you've got to do yourself. I'll call around and see if I can find her but you've got to talk to her. Take it easy, explain why you just dropped it like that. I doubt you told her that Jeb was missing." Luke says.

"Jeb's missing?" Cooter asks. "As Lizzy would put it the hot motorcyclist cousin of yours?"

Cue anyone.

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"I would love to help you Bo but this is something you've got to do yourself. I'll call around and see if I can find her but you've got to talk to her. Take it easy, explain why you just dropped it like that. I doubt you told her that Jeb was missing." Luke says.

"Jeb's missing?" Cooter asks. "As Lizzy would put it the hot motorcyclist cousin of yours?"

Cue anyone.

Bo says "Yeah, he's missing hey Luke tell Julie not to worry I seen the look on her face she thinks I'm not coming back after I ship out myself. You know that Jeb taught her how to ride a Motorcycle much to Uncle Jesse objections, she better than our cousin right now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Bo says "Yeah, he's missing hey Luke tell Julie not to worry I seen the look on her face she thinks I'm not coming back after I ship out myself. You know that Jeb taught her how to ride a Motorcycle much to Uncle Jesse objections, she better than our cousin right now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Luke nods and calls around getting a no from both David and Tom who haven't seen her. After getting the number from Cooter he calls Richard but there was no answer. "David and Tom haven't seen her and there's no answer at her Grandfather's so you may want to check the swamp and his house see if he's just not answering." Luke tells Bo.

Cue anyone.

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Luke nods and calls around getting a no from both David and Tom who haven't seen her. After getting the number from Cooter he calls Richard but there was no answer. "David and Tom haven't seen her and there's no answer at her Grandfather's so you may want to check the swamp and his house see if he's just not answering." Luke tells Bo.

Cue anyone.

Bo says "Okay, I bet Lizzy probaly thinks the samething as my sister Luke can you please tell her it will be okay. You remember what Jeb told her last year, and now this letter she must freaked out by now think about from her side of this here."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Bo says "Okay, I bet Lizzy probaly thinks the samething as my sister Luke can you please tell her it will be okay. You remember what Jeb told her last year, and now this letter she must freaked out by now think about from her side of this here."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"I'll take care of Julie you go find that girlfriend of yours or I'm gonna start thinking you don't care about her and she really is just like the rest of those girls." Luke demands.

Cue anyone.

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"I'll take care of Julie you go find that girlfriend of yours or I'm gonna start thinking you don't care about her and she really is just like the rest of those girls." Luke demands.

Cue anyone.

Bo says "No way Luke, and see you jeez maybe you ought to be a recruiter I heard to talking to Julie eariler."

Bo leaves and starts out for the Swamp, he wanted to find Lizzy fast and explain what has him so upset right now.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Bo says "No way Luke, and see you jeez maybe you ought to be a recruiter I heard to talking to Julie eariler."

Bo leaves and starts out for the Swamp, he wanted to find Lizzy fast and explain what has him so upset right now.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Julie see's Luke and she says "Bo isn't coming back just like Jeb as well you know he taught me how to ride a Motorcyle and everything. And it was just the same when he came told us he said he was coming home and now's Missing In Action I can just tell right now I haven't read that letter but I just know in my heart right now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Julie see's Luke and she says "Bo isn't coming back just like Jeb as well you know he taught me how to ride a Motorcyle and everything. And it was just the same when he came told us he said he was coming home and now's Missing In Action I can just tell right now I haven't read that letter but I just know in my heart right now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

"Julie, Jeb is coming home. You can bet on it. One way or another we will see him again. Don't worry about that or about Bo, you know he'll fight tooth and nail to make sure he can make it back to Lizzy and to you." Luke says.

Cue anyone.

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Bo says "No way Luke, and see you jeez maybe you ought to be a recruiter I heard to talking to Julie eariler."

Bo leaves and starts out for the Swamp, he wanted to find Lizzy fast and explain what has him so upset right now.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Lizzy looks around the cabin and sees very little movement inside. Still she shuts off her engine and walks up to the door and knocks. After a brief waiting period she knocks again. “I’m comin’ give me a minute.†A male voice barks. “What do you want?†He asks as he pulls the door open.

“I’m sorry...I...†Lizzy stutters.

“Richard it’s your granddaughter let her in.†A female voice calls.

“Lizzy?†Richard asks. Lizzy nods. “By God girl why didn’t you just say so?†Lizzy looks down as Richard moves out of the way. Lizzy walks in and sits on the couch where she is shortly joined by her grandfather.

“So what brings you by here?†Richard’s wife Sue Ellen asks.


“Stop it.†Sue snaps back. Richard nods as Lizzy pulls her feet up beside her and leans her head against Richard’s chest. Richard wraps an arm around Lizzy shoulders and looks at her.

“Grandpa...What was it like being in the army?†Lizzy asks.

“It was complicated at first. Hard work and determination got me through boot camp and AIT but after that it was just doing your job and following orders. It was something I wouldn’t trade for the world. Why do you ask?â€

“Rich...†Sue warns.

“My friend talked me into taking the ASVAB and a recruiter thinks I’d do well in the Marines.â€

“The Morons? What did I tell you about that?â€

“I told him that it was a lot to think about and that if I did join it’d have to be the Army. You remember that boy I told you about Bo Duke?â€

“Yeah the one I said was no good.â€


“No boy is ever gonna be good enough for my princess.â€

“Yeah Grandpa he’s a Marine Reservist. And his cousin Luke is an ex-Marine. Bo’s got training in a week at a Marine base in Texas. He just up and said it too. There was no sweet southern boy I fell for he really sounded like a Marine Jarhead. I love him Gram but after Katie I promised I’d never fall for a Marine. Not after the way she lost Billy. I just...I’m so scared. I don’t want to lose him but...I love him and...â€

“You’re confused Darlin’.†Rich says flat out. Lizzy nods. “I’ve never wanted my princess to have to see the hell I went through in Korea or Nam but if you think being a Mechanic for the U.S. Army is the right choice your Gram and I will support you all the way.â€

“What about Bo?†Lizzy asks looking up at her granddad. Rich looked at his wife who had always been better with matters of the heart.

“If your heart is telling you that he’s the one, Marine or not, then let it work itself out. You remember I told you my daddy was an Airman?†Lizzy nods. “He hated Soldiers, absolutely hated Army. Said they were wanna be Marines. Said an Airman or a plowboy was the only one good enough for his princess. He even went as far as to say that a rodeo cowboy was better than a soldier. Needless to say he was plenty mad when I decided your granddaddy was the one. Eventually over time we let things work themselves out and after a heart to heart between your granddaddy and my dad they got along. I was so thrilled that he walked me down the aisle and there was no animosity between either of them. What I’m trying to say darlin’ is that Love overcomes all obstacles and if you really love him then someway it’ll work itself out.†Sue replies.

Cue anyone.

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"Julie, Jeb is coming home. You can bet on it. One way or another we will see him again. Don't worry about that or about Bo, you know he'll fight tooth and nail to make sure he can make it back to Lizzy and to you." Luke says.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "I don't know I sure hope so you they say war changes a person I hope it doesn't change either Jeb or Bo I like the way they are Luke. And I was thinking when I'm better I still want to take the AFQT, one question what's with the Alphabet Soup and the Military."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Julie says "I don't know I sure hope so you they say war changes a person I hope it doesn't change either Jeb or Bo I like the way they are Luke. And I was thinking when I'm better I still want to take the AFQT, one question what's with the Alphabet Soup and the Military."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Luke just shakes his head smiling. "Don't worry they'll be fine. I'm not any different than I was before I left for Nam am I?" Luke asks.

Meanwhile Bo reaches the swamp and after looking around doesn't find Lizzy. He makes up his mind then that he's gonna have to do some bribing to find out where she really went.

Cue anyone.

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Luke just shakes his head smiling. "Don't worry they'll be fine. I'm not any different than I was before I left for Nam am I?" Luke asks.

Meanwhile Bo reaches the swamp and after looking around doesn't find Lizzy. He makes up his mind then that he's gonna have to do some bribing to find out where she really went.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "I noticed that everybody is really proud of my score how did Lizzy do on her test does anybody know."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Julie says "I noticed that everybody is really proud of my score how did Lizzy do on her test does anybody know."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Luke looks at Cooter. "According to the marine recruiter she's scored the highest out of anyone he's ever seen." Cooter says.

"Lost Sheep 2 to Crazy C you got your ears on come back?" They hear over the CB.

"Crazy Cooter comin' at ya. What ya got?" Cooter answers.

"She ain't at the swamp."

"Try her granddad's place. Southwest edge of the county. Little red cabin back off of route 7-11. Be careful of the dogs though." Cooter warns.

"Ten four. Bo out." Bo answers and drives down that way.

Cue anyone.

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Luke looks at Cooter. "According to the marine recruiter she's scored the highest out of anyone he's ever seen." Cooter says.

"Lost Sheep 2 to Crazy C you got your ears on come back?" They hear over the CB.

"Crazy Cooter comin' at ya. What ya got?" Cooter answers.

"She ain't at the swamp."

"Try her granddad's place. Southwest edge of the county. Little red cabin back off of route 7-11. Be careful of the dogs though." Cooter warns.

"Ten four. Bo out." Bo answers and drives down that way.

Cue anyone.

Julie says "Well what's the number is it higher than 85 percent you can tell me it looks like Daisy wants to try that test now she seems really intersected right now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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"She got a 95." Cooter says.

"Looks like you lost that bet." Daisy says. "About that test I don't know."

Cue anyone.

Julie says "Oh Dang, but Daisy all you need it at least a 31 that's all and it's hard but I did take that hard Post Office test as well last year and that's was a toughie now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

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Julie says "Oh Dang, but Daisy all you need it at least a 31 that's all and it's hard but I did take that hard Post Office test as well last year and that's was a toughie now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport

Daisy nods thinking about it.

Bo pulls up outside the cabin and sees two hound dogs on the front porch a Great Dane under a tree and three rottweilers around the side of the house. The Great Dane lifts his head and begins to bark setting off the two hounds but the Rots just stay put. Bo cocks his head at the action but slowly makes his way to the front door.

Sue looks out the window then at Lizzy. "There is a very cute boy making his way up the drive from what looks like an orange car." She says.

"Let me guess he's wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, brown cowboy boots, and he's blonde." Lizzy says.

"Yeah you know him?" Sue asks.

"He wasn't supposed to come here. He really wasn't supposed to come here." Lizzy mutters.

"You want me to get rid of him?" Richard asks.

"I don't want to talk to him but I don't want you to threaten him with a shotgun either."

"I'll get rid of him still."

"I don't want Sassy and Rip to hurt him." Lizzy says.

"Darlin' you know it's not the Rots he's got to worry about it's the hounds."

"Don't let them hurt him."

"I can get rid of him." Rich warns.

"I don't want to talk to him but..." Lizzy says.

Cue anyone.

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Daisy nods thinking about it.

Bo pulls up outside the cabin and sees two hound dogs on the front porch a Great Dane under a tree and three rottweilers around the side of the house. The Great Dane lifts his head and begins to bark setting off the two hounds but the Rots just stay put. Bo cocks his head at the action but slowly makes his way to the front door.

Sue looks out the window then at Lizzy. "There is a very cute boy making his way up the drive from what looks like an orange car." She says.

"Let me guess he's wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, brown cowboy boots, and he's blonde." Lizzy says.

"Yeah you know him?" Sue asks.

"He wasn't supposed to come here. He really wasn't supposed to come here." Lizzy mutters.

"You want me to get rid of him?" Richard asks.

"I don't want to talk to him but I don't want you to threaten him with a shotgun either."

"I'll get rid of him still."

"I don't want Sassy and Rip to hurt him." Lizzy says.

"Darlin' you know it's not the Rots he's got to worry about it's the hounds."

"Don't let them hurt him."

"I can get rid of him." Rich warns.

"I don't want to talk to him but..." Lizzy says.

Cue anyone.

Bo just looks and is surprized that there was so many dogs right now.

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Bo just looks and is surprized that there was so many dogs right now.

"Do you want me to get rid of him or do you want to talk to him?" Rich asks.

"I don't want either. I told you I'm confused." Lizzy says.

"Maybe it'd be best you heard what he has to say." Sue says.

"Grandpa Squirt's gonna hurt him." Lizzy says looking out the window to see the Great Dane heading for Bo.

"Easy bud...I don't want to hurt you...I just want to see Lizzy." Bo says making slow movements away from the Great Dane.

Cue anyone.

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