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Good question, CRMLHT. I was wondering that myself!

Hey, Roger, how is the map going????

Oh, and congratulations, CRMLHT on your first post! Welcome to Hazzard county! Hope you enjoy your stay!

General Grant


Thanks for asking. I think I posted this update in the map thread (see hobbies) awhile back but I'll repeat it here.

Back when the series was originally on, I made a map of Hazzard County and a seperate map of the town. That was before VCRs were around so I know I missed a lot of stuff while writing things down and trying to watch the show at the same time. When the DVDs started coming out a few years ago, I got the idea of making a better and more complete one. By complete, I mean down to the finest detail. So I watched the whole series, compiling a notebook of several different catagories (again, see "Hobbies" for details and click on "map of Hazzard" thread).

Anyway, I was pretty excited to start the map when I first posted my project here but then realized that I should double check all the items I had by watching the entire series again. I am now in the middle of season 6 and will likely be starting this large project in a couple months.

By watching the entire series again, I am accomplishing several things.

1) Having a lot of fun

2) correcting mistakes

3) gathering additional information for my trivia and Duke or Dupe threads

4) coordinating the items with the episodes by writing numbers by items. For example, Sand Creek Road first appeared in the eleventh episode of the third season so I have added 3-11 by it in red ink in my notebook.

5) I also added a "family and history" section to the notebook. In that, I have things like Boss's cousin is Big Dan Hogg of Rapaho County and the Duke Farm has been in the family since 1792....etc.

6) I have been using "closed-captioning" when watching the entire series this time to confirm spellings of my items. I didn't think of that the first time around. Unfortunately, closed-captioning isn't always accurate but it helps.

7) And just getting the piece of mind that this map is going to be as accurate as it possibly can be.

It certainly will have obstacles to overcome with inconsistancies caused the writers of the show being one of them. Another one will be the sheer size of the thing. But those problems are something that I'll overcome with a little creativity.

Again, thanks for showing an interest and asking CRMLHT and General Grant.


Thanks for the update, Roger! I've been really curious about that myself. Boy, you really are going through a huge amount of work to make sure that this map is just about 100 percent accurate, good for you! It sounds like you only have one more season to go-you're almost there!

Let me know once you start sitting down to make the map-how much paper do you plan on using? :lol: Can't wait to hear some more progress-there's a lot of people cheering you on!

Laura Duke:wink:

  • 2 weeks later...

Wow that will be interesting to see :) Which town are you using for Hazzard? Covington or Warner Brothers?

I have a copy of the Hazzard County road map, just like Cletus is selling to passing cars in "The Great Hazzard Hijack". Got it via eBay.


That's a good question wekke. I already have a preliminary map drawn up of the town. I love the Georgia episodes because of the realistic scenery. Since I live in the woods myself, I really love the trees but unfortunately I have ignored most of layout of the streets (in town) of the Georgia episodes since there were only 5 of them. I am taking some of the businesses from the Georgia episodes (like the Western Auto, the bait shop and Ace's used cars for example) and sticking them in what I feel are appropriate places and trying to ignore the innacuracies that are unavoidable.

Of course, the arguement could be made that Ace probably went out of business after that episode but that's the beauty of making a map. Even though I try to keep it as accurate as possible, I can still customize it a little bit even though not everyone would agree with my decision. In that respect, I guess you could say that Hazzard County mapmaking is a personal thing. I remember my original map I made in the early 80s I even put my own house on there just a country block away from the Duke farm...so you can even make it into a fantasy thing if you wanted to.


Thanks for the offer but my map is pretty much based on the sets in California. Like I said in the last post, the best I can do with the stuff from the Georgia episodes is incorperate them into those sets as well as possible.


That's pretty cool. Where did you get it? Unfortunately, I'm pretty computer illiterate (except for Hazzardnet) and wouldn't have a clue how to blow it up and print it. If you're interested in maps of Hazzard, I have posted (in the hobbies thread) all of the episodes that have maps. If you can't find it, let me know, I'll repeat them on this thread.


This is really interesting. I've been wanting to make some kind of map of (what could be) Hazzard County. Still need to get started though.

I'm gonna watch the California episodes and write down whenever they give a road name or 'geographic reference'. But there will indeed be lots of inconsistencies.

Here's 2 pieces of info I remember from Daisy's Shotgun Wedding, just watched it an hour ago: there they say there are 2 roads leading from the Duke farm to town (Hazzard): Pond Road and Ridge Road.

And the farm is a 2-hour trip from the Tennessee border (where the Baudry hideout is, in the Chattahoochee Hills, TN). But driving like crazy, the General Lee did in 1 hr.

So that would place the farm & Hazzard about 90 , 100 miles into Georgia, south of Tennessee.

Also, the "real" position of the farm, the Boar's Nest and the town (relative to each other) in Georgia seems fairly story-correct.

I'm also gonna use Warner Bros town square, that's the one we saw most.

Give me a year or so to make my map, then we can compare :-D


Well I decided that I would start making models of the town and farm this could take along time but I got 3 months off work so I will be pretty bored other than taking care of my kids, I want to do a map but I will save that for later since there is a few people doing them.


If you have all the shows on DVD, you can go to these episodes and hit "pause" to help you start drawing a map. These are all the episodes that have shown a map in all 7 years.

Days of Shine and Roses--season 2

The Meeting--season 2

Double Dukes--season 4

Treasure of Soggy Marsh--season 5

Farewell Hazzard--season 5

Boss Behind Bars--season 6

Ransom of Hazzard County--season 6

Lulu's Gone Away--season 6

Cool Hands Luke and Bo--season 7

I think it would be a good idea to continue this discussion on the "Hobbies" section where the "Map of Hazzard Thread" is located.

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