LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 16, 2008 Posted August 16, 2008 Bo says "No their talking to Uncle Jesse something about it kind of delicate and she might be upset when she hears the news as well, that docter wants to talk to Micheal thow he needs to see him. "Micheal says "Me, why me I don't understand the Angel's docter didn't want to talk to me about her and now about Julie. Finally somebody gives me some respect that I deserve right now."Bo looks at Lizzy and says "What's so funny right now Lizzy?"Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody"Nothing, not gonna go there." Lizzy replies shrugging. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 16, 2008 Author Posted August 16, 2008 "Nothing, not gonna go there." Lizzy replies shrugging. Cue anyone.Bo says "No going to go where, the suspense is killing you've been grinning ever since we got that old steel mill I want to know what about right now?"Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 16, 2008 Posted August 16, 2008 Bo says "No going to go where, the suspense is killing you've been grinning ever since we got that old steel mill I want to know what about right now?"Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody"Just about that time that Julie beat you." Lizzy replies. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 18, 2008 Author Posted August 18, 2008 (edited) "Just about that time that Julie beat you." Lizzy replies. Cue anyone.Bo says "What in the world are you talking about Lizzy, I know it sure ain't driving your talking about and Luke what's so funny right now. Angel and Julie, are sick right now and you find this funny why do I got the feeling that Lizzy knows something potentially embrassing right now?"Micheal says "Listen I know what your sister told Lizzy because I heard it as well but I'm not saying anything and besides the docters needs to talk to me right now Bo. It's my fiance in there and she's hurt and can please hold this book right here as well, I got this sometime ago when Julie first told me she had Asthma and I don't know why I never looked for signs or symptoms in Angel when she was around me, listen I feel terrible right now and the test they keep refering to is a "Spirometry" well it messure's how the lungs are functioning it's the standerd Asthma test. But I never knewn why Julie, doesn't like this I never seen this machine but it's very helpful as well."Bo says "I know but a docter once told me when Angel was feeling better at eighteen months old why don't sister let her guard down she never outgrow Asthma. I still can't understand what she was thinking, personally Lizzy I think she just wanted her daughter to have a normal life without going docters like she did growing up. I always believed with my whole heart that's what made my sister so darn tough at times but seeing her today makes me see how fragile she really is as well. So Micheal, you go see what's going with her and I'm not that mad at anyways not too many guys would buy a book like this to help understand what the girl is going through it looks intersecting maybe she let her look at this as well."Micheal says "Well listen, I got to get going but getting either one to look at this is like talking to wall about anything."Micheal walks to talk Julie's docter and see's Uncle Jesse there as well and he knows this is going to be hard on both him and Julie. As well everybody else in the family he just didn't know how hard right now.cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody Edited August 18, 2008 by Julieduke Needed a little More, Sorry about the sad parts.
Julieduke Posted August 18, 2008 Author Posted August 18, 2008 Bo says "What in the world are you talking about Lizzy, I know it sure ain't driving your talking about and Luke what's so funny right now. Angel and Julie, are sick right now and you find this funny why do I got the feeling that Lizzy knows something potentially embrassing right now?"Micheal says "Listen I know what your sister told Lizzy because I heard it as well but I'm not saying anything and besides the docters needs to talk to me right now Bo. It's my fiance in there and she's hurt and can please hold this book right here as well, I got this sometime ago when Julie first told me she had Asthma and I don't know why I never looked for signs or symptoms in Angel when she was around me, listen I feel terrible right now and the test they keep refering to is a "Spirometry" well it messure's how the lungs are functioning it's the standerd Asthma test. But I never knewn why Julie, doesn't like this I never seen this machine but it's very helpful as well."Bo says "I know but a docter once told me when Angel was feeling better at eighteen months old why don't sister let her guard down she never outgrow Asthma. I still can't understand what she was thinking, personally Lizzy I think she just wanted her daughter to have a normal life without going docters like she did growing up. I always believed with my whole heart that's what made my sister so darn tough at times but seeing her today makes me see how fragile she really is as well. So Micheal, you go see what's going with her and I'm not that mad at anyways not too many guys would buy a book like this to help understand what the girl is going through it looks intersecting maybe she let her look at this as well."Micheal says "Well listen, I got to get going but getting either one to look at this is like talking to wall about anything."Micheal walks to talk Julie's docter and see's Uncle Jesse there as well and he knows this is going to be hard on both him and Julie. As well everybody else in the family he just didn't know how hard right now.cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybodyBo starts looking at Micheal's book and he finds out that Asthma is difficult in children that is gets commonly mistaken for reacurrring Bronchitis and bad chest colds as well. He thinks about his old daughters and how many times they've been sick as well, and he starts to wonder if what the docters said what it was really it. He sure wonders which side of family his sister got this from him and Jesse have always been relatively healthy well he can't speak for Jesse but he can't remember having nothing more than just bad chest colds and the time he got to stay home from school for two weeks because of bad bronchitis he looks at Luke, wandering if his cousin can tell he's worried about his sister and niece right now.Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 Bo starts looking at Micheal's book and he finds out that Asthma is difficult in children that is gets commonly mistaken for reacurrring Bronchitis and bad chest colds as well. He thinks about his old daughters and how many times they've been sick as well, and he starts to wonder if what the docters said what it was really it. He sure wonders which side of family his sister got this from him and Jesse have always been relatively healthy well he can't speak for Jesse but he can't remember having nothing more than just bad chest colds and the time he got to stay home from school for two weeks because of bad bronchitis he looks at Luke, wandering if his cousin can tell he's worried about his sister and niece right now.Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody"Don't worry Bo, they'll be alright." Luke says. "Dad do you really think they'll be alright?" Lizzy asks. "Of course they will. You know how tough Julie can be, and Angel's a lot like her mama she'll make it through this just wait and see." Cooter assures Lizzy even if he wasn't too confident himself.Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 18, 2008 Author Posted August 18, 2008 "Don't worry Bo, they'll be alright." Luke says. "Dad do you really think they'll be alright?" Lizzy asks. "Of course they will. You know how tough Julie can be, and Angel's a lot like her mama she'll make it through this just wait and see." Cooter assures Lizzy even if he wasn't too confident himself.Cue anyone.Bo says "Well Lizzy, if you want to look at this book you can it even talks about Allergies it turns out according to this I'm allergic to something in the house. Did you see how scared Angel before she passed out, I've never seen her like that ever before one quick question are you okay Lizzy that RV was hit by the same Semi. I know I seen the backend of it you haven't said a word about it ever since we got here."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport, Runningwild or anybody
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 Bo says "Well Lizzy, if you want to look at this book you can it even talks about Allergies it turns out according to this I'm allergic to something in the house. Did you see how scared Angel before she passed out, I've never seen her like that ever before one quick question are you okay Lizzy that RV was hit by the same Semi. I know I seen the backend of it you haven't said a word about it ever since we got here."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport, Runningwild or anybody"I'm fine Bo, the RV's a lot bigger than a car. To tell you the truth I didn't feel him hit the back end. I felt the bumps against the side but that was it. I don't feel any different than I did before, but thanks for the concern." Lizzy answers shrugging. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 18, 2008 Author Posted August 18, 2008 "I'm fine Bo, the RV's a lot bigger than a car. To tell you the truth I didn't feel him hit the back end. I felt the bumps against the side but that was it. I don't feel any different than I did before, but thanks for the concern." Lizzy answers shrugging. Cue anyone.Bo says "Lizzy, what if Julie was never even pregant what the docter told her the wrong results that would explain why she never got any morning sickness at the house before this happens. Because, I've seen her pregant and she just doesn't seen like she was ever pregant I hope it was just that. She can that alot better than a miscarriage she wanted another, well especially a little boy for the longest and it's the she doesn't love Angel anymore but she wants a baby boy that's all."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 Bo says "Lizzy, what if Julie was never even pregant what the docter told her the wrong results that would explain why she never got any morning sickness at the house before this happens. Because, I've seen her pregant and she just doesn't seen like she was ever pregant I hope it was just that. She can that alot better than a miscarriage she wanted another, well especially a little boy for the longest and it's the she doesn't love Angel anymore but she wants a baby boy that's all."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody"I know what you mean Bo, just come sit down and wait for what the doctor has to say. As for her being pregnant I don't know, she may take it better than miscarrying but I don't know. You know what I say about doctors, they're like mechanics they either charge to much for spotty work or they don't do anything for the problem." Lizzy replies. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 18, 2008 Author Posted August 18, 2008 "I know what you mean Bo, just come sit down and wait for what the doctor has to say. As for her being pregnant I don't know, she may take it better than miscarrying but I don't know. You know what I say about doctors, they're like mechanics they either charge to much for spotty work or they don't do anything for the problem." Lizzy replies. Cue anyone.Bo says "I've never thought about in that light ever before Lizzy, you know what I don't think we need all those shots that docters claim we need. Everybody here knows I don't like shots but Cassidy is so brave at times she is a trooper she talked me into this year to getting a flu shot is still hurt thow."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 18, 2008 Posted August 18, 2008 Bo says "I've never thought about in that light ever before Lizzy, you know what I don't think we need all those shots that docters claim we need. Everybody here knows I don't like shots but Cassidy is so brave at times she is a trooper she talked me into this year to getting a flu shot is still hurt thow."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport"Yeah the power your children can hold over you. How is she doing by the way?" Lizzy asks. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 19, 2008 Author Posted August 19, 2008 (edited) "Yeah the power your children can hold over you. How is she doing by the way?" Lizzy asks. Cue anyone.Bo says "Oh Cassidy doing great, she hardly ever gets in trouble but she wants to buy a car this year, and she's saving up for it as well."Just at that moment Brian Lee Davenport walked in and says "Lizzy, are you okay you or dad left the garage open and it looks like somebody used a battery ram at the backend of Julie's car and the General looks just dreadful what happened.does everybody look so sad and who owns those two black cars in front they have a red light going back and forth in the front of them. Oh I'm so sad I just broke up with girlfriend and it seems that she doesn't kids and I do and in fact she just told me she wanted an abortion and I agrued that she didn't have but she just told me it was her body and she didn't be pregant that next time she'll take better precautions againist this happening again. Oh Lizzy, what I'm going to do I really wanted that baby I could've had a son or daughter by next year this all so sad. In fact, the reason about the abortion made me want to break up with her in the first place. Where's Julie and Angelena at right now and why does it look like everybody's been crying lately."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody Edited August 19, 2008 by Julieduke
Julieduke Posted August 19, 2008 Author Posted August 19, 2008 Bo says "Oh Cassidy doing great, she hardly ever gets in trouble but she wants to buy a car this year, and she's saving up for it as well."Just at that moment Brian Lee Davenport walked in and says "Lizzy, are you okay you or dad left the garage open and it looks like somebody used a battery ram at the backend of Julie's car and the General looks just dreadful what happened.does everybody look so sad and who owns those two black cars in front they have a red light going back and forth in the front of them. Oh I'm so sad I just broke up with girlfriend and it seems that she doesn't kids and I do and in fact she just told me she wanted an abortion and I agrued that she didn't have but she just told me it was her body and she didn't be pregant that next time she'll take better precautions againist this happening again. Oh Lizzy, what I'm going to do I really wanted that baby I could've had a son or daughter by next year this all so sad. In fact, the reason about the abortion made me want to break up with her in the first place. Where's Julie and Angelena at right now and why does it look like everybody's been crying lately."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybodyMeanwhile in Angel's room the Doc that responded to her was explaining Asthma and her elbow was throbbing and she just then noticed the bandage on it as well. Angel says "Doc, what happened when I fainted did I hit the floor that hard now it hurts like that dickens I must know it's so confusing right now. Did I break my right elbow and how will this effect my basketball season when I play for the Lady Tarheels. How's Mom doing I gotta know, yes I know that I'm hurt right now but it doesn't matter I really would want to know."Back In The Waiting Room, Bo looked at Brian and says "Oh Angel and Julie are hurt and it seems that my niece had her first Asthma attack for the first time in a long time and my sister well she's seems to be getting out of surgery and we haven't talked to either one. Oh Lizzy Angel has a hairline fracture from when she fainted and just hit the floor it seems that I forget to tell everybofy that and the docter told us that it won't hurt that much for her."Brian Lee says "Well for one thing that docter lied to you about a hairline fracture not hurting and hurts just as much a fracture does. They just tell patients and their families that so we don't get too worried about and they keep acting like it's no big deal as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or Anybody
Julieduke Posted August 19, 2008 Author Posted August 19, 2008 Meanwhile in Angel's room the Doc that responded to her was explaining Asthma and her elbow was throbbing and she just then noticed the bandage on it as well. Angel says "Doc, what happened when I fainted did I hit the floor that hard now it hurts like that dickens I must know it's so confusing right now. Did I break my right elbow and how will this effect my basketball season when I play for the Lady Tarheels. How's Mom doing I gotta know, yes I know that I'm hurt right now but it doesn't matter I really would want to know."Back In The Waiting Room, Bo looked at Brian and says "Oh Angel and Julie are hurt and it seems that my niece had her first Asthma attack for the first time in a long time and my sister well she's seems to be getting out of surgery and we haven't talked to either one. Oh Lizzy Angel has a hairline fracture from when she fainted and just hit the floor it seems that I forget to tell everybofy that and the docter told us that it won't hurt that much for her."Brian Lee says "Well for one thing that docter lied to you about a hairline fracture not hurting and hurts just as much a fracture does. They just tell patients and their families that so we don't get too worried about and they keep acting like it's no big deal as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or AnybodyBo says " I know I kind of left something out and maybe your sister can fill you in about the rest of it but I just don't want to talk about everything going on right now. Besides I'm worried about Julie and Angel right now so if you don't mind maybe Lizzy could explain what happened I don't know how to explain everything right now. It started like a peaceful day and I just don't know what happened and Lizzy know's something my sister told her and she seems to find it very amuzing right now but she won't tell me what right now."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody
Julieduke Posted August 19, 2008 Author Posted August 19, 2008 Bo says " I know I kind of left something out and maybe your sister can fill you in about the rest of it but I just don't want to talk about everything going on right now. Besides I'm worried about Julie and Angel right now so if you don't mind maybe Lizzy could explain what happened I don't know how to explain everything right now. It started like a peaceful day and I just don't know what happened and Lizzy know's something my sister told her and she seems to find it very amuzing right now but she won't tell me what right now."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybodyBrian Lee looks at his sister and says "Lizzy, I wonder what that could be oh you got to share this with later on with just us promise me."Bo says "Oh great so you want the secret that I had with Julie passed around more, that's not even funny why it's so juicy if I could figure out what Lizzy is talking I'll tell you all about Brian but I just don't know right now."Brian Lee says "I'm sure it's too embrassing kind of like the time that Lizzy forget the oil plug in dad's tow truck and she poured six quarts of oil right on the floor of the garage now that was funny. It wouldn't been more funny, until dad slipped on the oild and he wondered how six quarts of oil got on the floor."Bo says "Hey Lizzy, I thought you was a season pro at automechanics here and you forget the plug that's is pretty funny. That sounds like something I would've done now, not you oh boy that's pretty funny and you know what I think Angel would enjoy hearing that story when I go to talk to her and Cassidy as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Bo says "Oh Cassidy doing great, she hardly ever gets in trouble but she wants to buy a car this year, and she's saving up for it as well."Just at that moment Brian Lee Davenport walked in and says "Lizzy, are you okay you or dad left the garage open and it looks like somebody used a battery ram at the backend of Julie's car and the General looks just dreadful what happened.does everybody look so sad and who owns those two black cars in front they have a red light going back and forth in the front of them. Oh I'm so sad I just broke up with girlfriend and it seems that she doesn't kids and I do and in fact she just told me she wanted an abortion and I agrued that she didn't have but she just told me it was her body and she didn't be pregant that next time she'll take better precautions againist this happening again. Oh Lizzy, what I'm going to do I really wanted that baby I could've had a son or daughter by next year this all so sad. In fact, the reason about the abortion made me want to break up with her in the first place. Where's Julie and Angelena at right now and why does it look like everybody's been crying lately."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody"Slow down and chill out Brian you're talking too fast and my head hurts. Apparently Hughie Hogg wanted Dad's garage so he hired some guy to kidnap me and Julie to get it." Lizzy says as Brian sits on Lizzy's other side opposite from Luke. "The guy Hughie hired had a black semi, and he's been ramming the back of Julie's car because Angel may have over heard something she wasn't supposed to. The General got flipped when we were trying to take the guy out and those two talking cars out front belong to Micheal Knight who is Julie's fiance and his son Mike. As for your girlfriend well any girl who doesn't want kids and tries to get an abortion doesn't deserve to love you or have your love. Angel and Julie are back in the rooms I believe Angel is resting and Julie's going through surgery. When the guy that kidnapped us captured us he threw Julie to the ground and really hurt her but she'll be fine." Lizzy says looking at her half brother. Brian Lee looks at his sister and says "Lizzy, I wonder what that could be oh you got to share this with later on with just us promise me."Bo says "Oh great so you want the secret that I had with Julie passed around more, that's not even funny why it's so juicy if I could figure out what Lizzy is talking I'll tell you all about Brian but I just don't know right now."Brian Lee says "I'm sure it's too embrassing kind of like the time that Lizzy forget the oil plug in dad's tow truck and she poured six quarts of oil right on the floor of the garage now that was funny. It wouldn't been more funny, until dad slipped on the oild and he wondered how six quarts of oil got on the floor."Bo says "Hey Lizzy, I thought you was a season pro at automechanics here and you forget the plug that's is pretty funny. That sounds like something I would've done now, not you oh boy that's pretty funny and you know what I think Angel would enjoy hearing that story when I go to talk to her and Cassidy as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody"Elizabeth Natalie what is your brother talking about?" Cooter asks a warning tone evident in his voice. "Your son needs to keep his nose out of my tiny mistakes. It happened once because you asked me to change the oil in your truck and I got to it right after I got the call that said Tom had fallen off Diego. And as for what I find funny apparently when Julie was training at the police academy she challenged Bo with her escape skills and she beat him. And if you tell my goddaughter or your kid about that I will string you from the tallest tree in Texas and watch all your bodily fluids drip out very slowly." Lizzy threatened. Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2008 Author Posted August 20, 2008 (edited) "Slow down and chill out Brian you're talking too fast and my head hurts. Apparently Hughie Hogg wanted Dad's garage so he hired some guy to kidnap me and Julie to get it." Lizzy says as Brian sits on Lizzy's other side opposite from Luke. "The guy Hughie hired had a black semi, and he's been ramming the back of Julie's car because Angel may have over heard something she wasn't supposed to. The General got flipped when we were trying to take the guy out and those two talking cars out front belong to Micheal Knight who is Julie's fiance and his son Mike. As for your girlfriend well any girl who doesn't want kids and tries to get an abortion doesn't deserve to love you or have your love. Angel and Julie are back in the rooms I believe Angel is resting and Julie's going through surgery. When the guy that kidnapped us captured us he threw Julie to the ground and really hurt her but she'll be fine." Lizzy says looking at her half brother. "Elizabeth Natalie what is your brother talking about?" Cooter asks a warning tone evident in his voice. "Your son needs to keep his nose out of my tiny mistakes. It happened once because you asked me to change the oil in your truck and I got to it right after I got the call that said Tom had fallen off Diego. And as for what I find funny apparently when Julie was training at the police academy she challenged Bo with her escape skills and she beat him. And if you tell my goddaughter or your kid about that I will string you from the tallest tree in Texas and watch all your bodily fluids drip out very slowly." Lizzy threatened. Cue anyone.Brian says "Well, I'll better not cross your sister Bo she sounds mean I wonder who taught her that and I guess that was some pretty good instructer as well."Bo says "That's not funny, and besides with some of the nuts loose she needs to be fast but I wonder sometimes with the way she's been feeling this week. Well I really wonder how fast she would've been no wonder it happened twice and why did he throw her down like that makes me want to find him myself. Look at the pain she was in before the surgery as well and it seems that she's even doubting herself as a cop as well."Brian looks at everybody and says what everybody expects him to say "Who's Hughie Hogg an why does he want Dad's garage and Lizzy please becareful that nut might be still on the loose out there in the county. Oh I've a seen a huge black semi overturned on the road here it was Eno's that told you was in the hospital so did this guy hurt you Lizzy. Why did he manhandle you and Julie like that I want to get ahold of this guy Bo, nobody does that to my sister now!"Bo says "Lizzy, I don't think you can and besides your slowing down with age as well and I don't care what you think about what Julie beat me on. Besides it supposed to be a secret between myself, Julie and Luke and I don't know why she told you. Some funny time for girl talk between the two of you I wonder about that and Brian if this Garthe Knight is still in Hazzard he's mine but if you want to help then go ahead."Brian says "Wait a minute are you saying that Julie is engaged to thee Micheal Knight he's a legend they even know about him in New York City and that car of his well I just don't believe this right here. And this Garthe Knight isn't his brother apparently he's Wilton Knight's son and he's the man that made Knight Industries and the Foundation For Law and Government possible in the first place."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody Edited August 20, 2008 by Julieduke
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2008 Author Posted August 20, 2008 (edited) Brian says "Well, I'll better not cross your sister Bo she sounds mean I wonder who taught her that and I guess that was some pretty good instructer as well."Bo says "That's not funny, and besides with some of the nuts loose she needs to be fast but I wonder sometimes with the way she's been feeling this week. Well I really wonder how fast she would've been no wonder it happened twice and why did he throw her down like that makes me want to find him myself. Look at the pain she was in before the surgery as well and it seems that she's even doubting herself as a cop as well."Brian looks at everybody and says what everybody expects him to say "Who's Hughie Hogg an why does he want Dad's garage and Lizzy please becareful that nut might be still on the loose out there in the county. Oh I've a seen a huge black semi overturned on the road here it was Eno's that told you was in the hospital so did this guy hurt you Lizzy. Why did he manhandle you and Julie like that I want to get ahold of this guy Bo, nobody does that to my sister now!"Bo says "Lizzy, I don't think you can and besides your slowing down with age as well and I don't care what you think about what Julie beat me on. Besides it supposed to be a secret between myself, Julie and Luke and I don't know why she told you. Some funny time for girl talk between the two of you I wonder about that and Brian if this Garthe Knight is still in Hazzard he's mine but if you want to help then go ahead."Brian says "Wait a minute are you saying that Julie is engaged to thee Micheal Knight he's a legend they even know about him in New York City and that car of his well I just don't believe this right here. And this Garthe Knight isn't his brother apparently he's Wilton Knight's son and he's the man that made Knight Industries and the Foundation For Law and Government possible in the first place."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybodyBo says "Brian, so you know about this Micheal Knight he seens like a nice enough guy but, he did risk life and limb to get Julie and Lizzy out of there spot as well. Even thow Garthe used my sister and your sister as bait and you should be proud of you sister as well. Julie accidently told her about the bobby pin trick I'm Lizzy will always carry one of those around now, and the reason I know she told me about that right there as well."Brian says "What in the world is the bobby pin trick or should I know about this right here as well."Just the then the Nurse walks out and says "Does anybody want to donate for Julie, we don't have enough of her type just in case she might need a transfusion here. And well family members or even friends are welcomed and don't worry donating blood is painless it just a tiny little needle that all."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody Edited August 20, 2008 by Julieduke
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2008 Author Posted August 20, 2008 Bo says "Brian, so you know about this Micheal Knight he seens like a nice enough guy but, he did risk life and limb to get Julie and Lizzy out of there spot as well. Even thow Garthe used my sister and your sister as bait and you should be proud of you sister as well. Julie accidently told her about the bobby pin trick I'm Lizzy will always carry one of those around now, and the reason I know she told me about that right there as well."Brian says "What in the world is the bobby pin trick or should I know about this right here as well."Just the then the Nurse walks out and says "Does anybody want to donate for Julie, we don't have enough of her type just in case she might need a transfusion here. And well family members or even friends are welcomed and don't worry donating blood is painless it just a tiny little needle that all."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybodyBo says "Well Lizzy, I got one heck of deal for you and Brian now and here goes you don't tell anybody else about my secret and I don't tell anybody else about you and the oil plug okay."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Brian says "Well, I'll better not cross your sister Bo she sounds mean I wonder who taught her that and I guess that was some pretty good instructer as well."Bo says "That's not funny, and besides with some of the nuts loose she needs to be fast but I wonder sometimes with the way she's been feeling this week. Well I really wonder how fast she would've been no wonder it happened twice and why did he throw her down like that makes me want to find him myself. Look at the pain she was in before the surgery as well and it seems that she's even doubting herself as a cop as well."Brian looks at everybody and says what everybody expects him to say "Who's Hughie Hogg an why does he want Dad's garage and Lizzy please becareful that nut might be still on the loose out there in the county. Oh I've a seen a huge black semi overturned on the road here it was Eno's that told you was in the hospital so did this guy hurt you Lizzy. Why did he manhandle you and Julie like that I want to get ahold of this guy Bo, nobody does that to my sister now!"Bo says "Lizzy, I don't think you can and besides your slowing down with age as well and I don't care what you think about what Julie beat me on. Besides it supposed to be a secret between myself, Julie and Luke and I don't know why she told you. Some funny time for girl talk between the two of you I wonder about that and Brian if this Garthe Knight is still in Hazzard he's mine but if you want to help then go ahead."Brian says "Wait a minute are you saying that Julie is engaged to thee Micheal Knight he's a legend they even know about him in New York City and that car of his well I just don't believe this right here. And this Garthe Knight isn't his brother apparently he's Wilton Knight's son and he's the man that made Knight Industries and the Foundation For Law and Government possible in the first place."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody"I'm fine Brian, nothing more than a couple of bruises." Lizzy answers. "You really shouldn't have asked about Hughie." Luke mutters. "As for Hughie Hogg, he is the most self-centered, crookedest swindler I have ever met to include his uncle Boss Hogg and Rosco. And I am not slow with age if you remember correctly you're three years older than I am I could take you down if I wanted to. Yeah she's engaged alright about six months ago and she didn't tell me Micheal was the one that let it slip." Lizzy says. Bo says "Brian, so you know about this Micheal Knight he seens like a nice enough guy but, he did risk life and limb to get Julie and Lizzy out of there spot as well. Even thow Garthe used my sister and your sister as bait and you should be proud of you sister as well. Julie accidently told her about the bobby pin trick I'm Lizzy will always carry one of those around now, and the reason I know she told me about that right there as well."Brian says "What in the world is the bobby pin trick or should I know about this right here as well."Just the then the Nurse walks out and says "Does anybody want to donate for Julie, we don't have enough of her type just in case she might need a transfusion here. And well family members or even friends are welcomed and don't worry donating blood is painless it just a tiny little needle that all."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody"Julie's bobby pin trick is using a bobby pin to release a pair of handcuffs like I had to do to get us out of the jam we were in. And nurse what kind of blood type does Julie have. I know I hate needles and all but if it'll save her life I am more than willing to donate." Lizzy replies. Bo says "Well Lizzy, I got one heck of deal for you and Brian now and here goes you don't tell anybody else about my secret and I don't tell anybody else about you and the oil plug okay."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody"Alright I won't tell anyone else I promise Bo, as long as you keep up your end of the bargain." Lizzy says. "Has anyone seen Micheal yet." Cue anyone.
Julieduke Posted August 21, 2008 Author Posted August 21, 2008 (edited) "I'm fine Brian, nothing more than a couple of bruises." Lizzy answers. "You really shouldn't have asked about Hughie." Luke mutters. "As for Hughie Hogg, he is the most self-centered, crookedest swindler I have ever met to include his uncle Boss Hogg and Rosco. And I am not slow with age if you remember correctly you're three years older than I am I could take you down if I wanted to. Yeah she's engaged alright about six months ago and she didn't tell me Micheal was the one that let it slip." Lizzy says. "Julie's bobby pin trick is using a bobby pin to release a pair of handcuffs like I had to do to get us out of the jam we were in. And nurse what kind of blood type does Julie have. I know I hate needles and all but if it'll save her life I am more than willing to donate." Lizzy replies. "Alright I won't tell anyone else I promise Bo, as long as you keep up your end of the bargain." Lizzy says. "Has anyone seen Micheal yet." Cue anyone.Brian says "Well yeah me too if Lizzy is willing but one more thing is Hughie related to local Hogg in my neck of the woods named Joey Hogg he always bragged he had relatives in Georgia and that guy has given me trouble ever since Summer Camp and the play. Can you believe we had this script for the pilot episode of "Dallas" and he played J.R. Ewing he played the part to the tee Bo."The Nurse says "Well according to her charts she has O+ and were just don't have any right now, Mz. Davenport you look really weak are you sure don't want those bruises looked you was in a auto accident and everything that happened."Brian Lee looks at his sister "Oh Lizzy, come on you do you look weak even I think so and don't worry that's my brand as well."Bo says "The weird thing is that Angel has a different blood type then her mother she actually has A+ and it's the same as mine and that doesn't mean I would chicken out if my niece needed blood but only if now. I don't like needles as well, it's the one thing that we do share alike, she may not be her mother's spitting image but get to know her for the week and she is exactly like her mother. Why when everything was going on, there is a cellphone mix-up and she kept Garthe which somehow got her phone, and kept him distracted and she scared of Asthma figure this one right here."Brian Lee says "Wow, I could never do that right there that takes some real guts on Angel's part and how is she doing right now anyways."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody Edited August 21, 2008 by Julieduke
Julieduke Posted August 21, 2008 Author Posted August 21, 2008 Brian says "Well yeah me too if Lizzy is willing but one more thing is Hughie related to local Hogg in my neck of the woods named Joey Hogg he always bragged he had relatives in Georgia and that guy has given me trouble ever since Summer Camp and the play. Can you believe we had this script for the pilot episode of "Dallas" and he played J.R. Ewing he played the part to the tee Bo."The Nurse says "Well according to her charts she has O+ and were just don't have any right now, Mz. Davenport you look really weak are you sure don't want those bruises looked you was in a auto accident and everything that happened."Brian Lee looks at his sister "Oh Lizzy, come on you do you look weak even I think so and don't worry that's my brand as well."Bo says "The weird thing is that Angel has a different blood type then her mother she actually has A+ and it's the same as mine and that doesn't mean I would chicken out if my niece needed blood but only if now. I don't like needles as well, it's the one thing that we do share alike, she may not be her mother's spitting image but get to know her for the week and she is exactly like her mother. Why when everything was going on, there is a cellphone mix-up and she kept Garthe which somehow got her phone, and kept him distracted and she scared of Asthma figure this one right here."Brian Lee says "Wow, I could never do that right there that takes some real guts on Angel's part and how is she doing right now anyways."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybodyBo smiles and says "Now Brian, you ain't thinking carrying a bobby pin with you and use it like my sister keeps it for you got to remember being a cop things like can come up as tough as cops try to be even they had bad days."Brian says "Listen I still think it's a good idea if Julie is so fast I wonder who taught her to get fast like that now! And Nurse listen I have the same blood type as Julie does it's very amazing isn't that was my mother's type as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 22, 2008 Posted August 22, 2008 Brian says "Well yeah me too if Lizzy is willing but one more thing is Hughie related to local Hogg in my neck of the woods named Joey Hogg he always bragged he had relatives in Georgia and that guy has given me trouble ever since Summer Camp and the play. Can you believe we had this script for the pilot episode of "Dallas" and he played J.R. Ewing he played the part to the tee Bo."The Nurse says "Well according to her charts she has O+ and were just don't have any right now, Mz. Davenport you look really weak are you sure don't want those bruises looked you was in a auto accident and everything that happened."Brian Lee looks at his sister "Oh Lizzy, come on you do you look weak even I think so and don't worry that's my brand as well."Bo says "The weird thing is that Angel has a different blood type then her mother she actually has A+ and it's the same as mine and that doesn't mean I would chicken out if my niece needed blood but only if now. I don't like needles as well, it's the one thing that we do share alike, she may not be her mother's spitting image but get to know her for the week and she is exactly like her mother. Why when everything was going on, there is a cellphone mix-up and she kept Garthe which somehow got her phone, and kept him distracted and she scared of Asthma figure this one right here."Brian Lee says "Wow, I could never do that right there that takes some real guts on Angel's part and how is she doing right now anyways."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or anybody"Joey was such a jerk that year at summer camp. How I didn't notice he was related to Hughie at first surprised me. They are both exactly the same, I guess it's a good thing I swore off dating Hoggs. I have O- blood I can donate if need be but I'd rather not, I hate needles more than anything else on this planet. The bruises aren't from today and I'm fine I just haven't been sleeping well for the past couple of weeks." Lizzy says. "Are you sure you're ok Lizzy?" Luke asks. "I'm fine now stop asking me that." "What do you mean past couple of weeks?" Cooter asks. "I just, I don't know since I found out that Cindy was being kept alive for Molly I just couldn't sleep. My doc put me on some meds to help me sleep but it didn't really work." Lizzy shrugs. "You're telling me that you haven't had a full night's sleep in six months?" Cooter asks. "I didn't say that I just said that it's been hard for me to sleep." Lizzy responds leaning against Luke. "Lizzy maybe a doctor should look at you." Luke tries to convince her. "No, no I'm all good I promise." Lizzy answers trying to fight of the feeling of falling asleep. Cue anyone.
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 23, 2008 Posted August 23, 2008 “Lizzy?†Luke asks. “Lizzy are you alright?†Bo crouches in front of Lizzy resting his hands on her knees. “Lizzy look at me.†Bo says shaking her arm. “...†Still no answer from Lizzy. “Lizzy wake up this isn’t funny.†Luke prods. “She’s not responding.†Bo says. The nurse walks over and takes a look. She runs a standard test and gasps before barking orders. Before they know what’s happening Lizzy is taken away on a stretcher and the nurse is looking sadly at them. “Nurse what’s wrong?†Cooter asks. “The test I preformed on the girl is a standard dehydration test. She was showing some signs of dehydration and malnourishment.†The nurse answers. “Is my little girl going to be alright?†Cooter asks. “We need to run some more tests but with the proper treatment she’ll be fine. Now if you’ll follow me I’ll have you fill out some paperwork and then we’ll see what we can come up with.†Cooter follows the nurse as another comes to escort Brian to Julie’s room to have him go through the necessary steps to donate. Cue anyone.
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