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Im a huge fan of both the Dukes and Diagnosis Murder, so I thought why not start a story about them. In this story Dusty is paired with Steve Sloan. Mark Sloan happens to be an old friend of Jesse Dukes. Let the show begin!


Los Angles Ca.-

"Hey Dusty have you seen the McKaren file by any chance?" Tanis Devon, Steve Sloan's partner said as she stopped in front of Dusty's desk. Tanis took one look at Dusty and sighed.

Dusty Rose Duke, Detective in the Homicide divison at LA Metro Police Department, just stared off into space or at least that's what she wanted every body to think. What she was really doing was thinking about a certain police LT whose last name just happened to be Sloan.

From the first day that Dusty showed up in LA, Steve never treated her as some 'hick from the back woods' that most the officers were doing. He treated her as a person, which didn't stop him from flirting with her playfully on the spot to break the tention.

What shocked Dusty even more was to find out that Steve's father Mark was best friends with her Uncle Jesse back home. She just seemed to relax and be herself. You could say she fell head over heels in love with Steve Sloan right there.

Dusty was shakin out of her revarie by a sound of a voice. She looked up stared into the amused face of Tanis Devon.

"Oh sorry Tanis, what'd you say?" Dusty asked in her southern drawl.

"I said, have you seen the McKaren file?" Tanis asked with an amused hint in her voice.

Dusty stood and started to franticly search for the missing file. She let out mild 'YEEHAWW', and handed the file to Tanis.

"There you are, I knew I had it some where." Dusty said with a cheeky grin. Tanis looked at her friend again and sighed.

"Dusty what's eating you? I know something's bothering you. Is it this serial case that you're working on with Steve?" Tanis asked as she sat on the edge of Dusty's desk.

"Yea, you could say that Tanis. I mean this case is really starting to eat at me. We have no leads, no prints, no fibers, nothing! It's like this guy is just toying with me and Steve, like this is some sick, private joke to him. These poor kids, girls who are only 15 years old are being murder for no reason Tanis, and this puck thinks it's some sort of game. What kind of monster would play a kind of game like that?" Dusty said half way through her rant as she looked up at Tanis. Her blue eyes as cold as ice.

"A prick, who knows exactly how to get around the law it seems. Don't worry Dust, you and Steve will catch this perp." Tanis said with a sympathic smile and patted Dusty's back for reassurence.

"That's what I'm afraid of, what Steve will do when we catch this puck." Dusty said with a shiver, remembering the last case she worked with Steve. She had been beaten and kidnapped by their perp the minute they got close. Luckily Mark had been there to hold Steve from killing the guy when they had found them.

"Oh yea! I forgot. Don't worry about Dust, Steve knows the stakes in this case, he'll take it easy. Say you're completely worn right out, why don't you go home and then come back in the morning and look at the case again with fresh eyes?" Tanis suggested.

"That's a good idea. Tanis tell Steve when comes back that I've gone home and if he needs me that's where I'll be." Dusty said as she stood and put on her Black Leather jacket. She walked to Steve's desk and set all their case work for him to look at.

"You got it girl. Now go on, get out of here!" Tanis said as she playfully shoved Dusty towards the door. Dusty grinned and out.

Dusty swung her Ford Mustang keys around her fingers as she walked towards the parking lot. She whistled a Don Williams tune as she went. That's when she heard the sound of foot stepps following her. She turned with her hand automatically on her gun.

She didn't even have time to draw when a gun shot rang out. Dusty felt the bullet pierce her left shoulder. She hit the ground and rolled. When Dusty rose again to her feet unsteadily, she was facing a car. Dusty raised her right arm and fired her weapon as the car barrled towards her.

Dusty gun shot hit the windshield just as the hit her, sending her flying over the hood and to the ground with uncermosious thump. The car stopped for a second then took off leaving an uncousious Dusty on the ground.

Five minutes later and silver sedan pulled up out stepped a 6'2" Brunett hair and the most striking blue eyes. Steve Sloan let out a yawn as he looked down the parking lot and a cowboy boot, and immediantly realise who it was laying there.

"Dusty!" Steve yelled as he raced to the woman he secretly loved. His broke as he got a good look at the southern belle that had secertly stolen his heart since she first showed up in LA.

"Dusty can you hear me it's Steve. Dusty?" Steve tried to get Dusty to respond. Steve whipped out his cell phone and dialed 911.

"Yea, this is Lt. Steve Sloan reguesting ambulance for the LA Metro-Police Departmart, imeddiantily." Steve said to the dispatcher. While Steve was relaying the infomation to the dispatcher Dusty started to come around for brief moment.

"Mmm!" Dusty groaned.

"Dusty, sweetheart can you hear me? It's Steve. Sweetheart can you tell me what happened?" Steve asked arugently.

"Ste-ve?" Dusty slurred as she drifted back unconusious.

"Dusty, DUSTY!" Steve yelled franticly just as the ambulance pulled up. Steve knew tow things: 1.) He was going to find the sick SOB that did this to his girl, and 2.) This was going to be long ride to Communilty General Hospital.

Cue: Anybody

  Dusty Rose Duke said:
Im a huge fan of both the Dukes and Diagnosis Murder, so I thought why not start a story about them. In this story Dusty is paired with Steve Sloan. Mark Sloan happens to be an old friend of Jesse Dukes. Let the show begin!


Los Angles Ca.-

"Hey Dusty have you seen the McKaren file by any chance?" Tanis Devon, Steve Sloan's partner said as she stopped in front of Dusty's desk. Tanis took one look at Dusty and sighed.

Dusty Rose Duke, Detective in the Homicide divison at LA Metro Police Department, just stared off into space or at least that's what she wanted every body to think. What she was really doing was thinking about a certain police LT whose last name just happened to be Sloan.

From the first day that Dusty showed up in LA, Steve never treated her as some 'hick from the back woods' that most the officers were doing. He treated her as a person, which didn't stop him from flirting with her playfully on the spot to break the tention.

What shocked Dusty even more was to find out that Steve's father Mark was best friends with her Uncle Jesse back home. She just seemed to relax and be herself. You could say she fell head over heels in love with Steve Sloan right there.

Dusty was shakin out of her revarie by a sound of a voice. She looked up stared into the amused face of Tanis Devon.

"Oh sorry Tanis, what'd you say?" Dusty asked in her southern drawl.

"I said, have you seen the McKaren file?" Tanis asked with an amused hint in her voice.

Dusty stood and started to franticly search for the missing file. She let out mild 'YEEHAWW', and handed the file to Tanis.

"There you are, I knew I had it some where." Dusty said with a cheeky grin. Tanis looked at her friend again and sighed.

"Dusty what's eating you? I know something's bothering you. Is it this serial case that you're working on with Steve?" Tanis asked as she sat on the edge of Dusty's desk.

"Yea, you could say that Tanis. I mean this case is really starting to eat at me. We have no leads, no prints, no fibers, nothing! It's like this guy is just toying with me and Steve, like this is some sick, private joke to him. These poor kids, girls who are only 15 years old are being murder for no reason Tanis, and this puck thinks it's some sort of game. What kind of monster would play a kind of game like that?" Dusty said half way through her rant as she looked up at Tanis. Her blue eyes as cold as ice.

"A prick, who knows exactly how to get around the law it seems. Don't worry Dust, you and Steve will catch this perp." Tanis said with a sympathic smile and patted Dusty's back for reassurence.

"That's what I'm afraid of, what Steve will do when we catch this puck." Dusty said with a shiver, remembering the last case she worked with Steve. She had been beaten and kidnapped by their perp the minute they got close. Luckily Mark had been there to hold Steve from killing the guy when they had found them.

"Oh yea! I forgot. Don't worry about Dust, Steve knows the stakes in this case, he'll take it easy. Say you're completely worn right out, why don't you go home and then come back in the morning and look at the case again with fresh eyes?" Tanis suggested.

"That's a good idea. Tanis tell Steve when comes back that I've gone home and if he needs me that's where I'll be." Dusty said as she stood and put on her Black Leather jacket. She walked to Steve's desk and set all their case work for him to look at.

"You got it girl. Now go on, get out of here!" Tanis said as she playfully shoved Dusty towards the door. Dusty grinned and out.

Dusty swung her Ford Mustang keys around her fingers as she walked towards the parking lot. She whistled a Don Williams tune as she went. That's when she heard the sound of foot stepps following her. She turned with her hand automatically on her gun.

She didn't even have time to draw when a gun shot rang out. Dusty felt the bullet pierce her left shoulder. She hit the ground and rolled. When Dusty rose again to her feet unsteadily, she was facing a car. Dusty raised her right arm and fired her weapon as the car barrled towards her.

Dusty gun shot hit the windshield just as the hit her, sending her flying over the hood and to the ground with uncermosious thump. The car stopped for a second then took off leaving an uncousious Dusty on the ground.

Five minutes later and silver sedan pulled up out stepped a 6'2" Brunett hair and the most striking blue eyes. Steve Sloan let out a yawn as he looked down the parking lot and a cowboy boot, and immediantly realise who it was laying there.

"Dusty!" Steve yelled as he raced to the woman he secretly loved. His broke as he got a good look at the southern belle that had secertly stolen his heart since she first showed up in LA.

"Dusty can you hear me it's Steve. Dusty?" Steve tried to get Dusty to respond. Steve whipped out his cell phone and dialed 911.

"Yea, this is Lt. Steve Sloan reguesting ambulance for the LA Metro-Police Departmart, imeddiantily." Steve said to the dispatcher. While Steve was relaying the infomation to the dispatcher Dusty started to come around for brief moment.

"Mmm!" Dusty groaned.

"Dusty, sweetheart can you hear me? It's Steve. Sweetheart can you tell me what happened?" Steve asked arugently.

"Ste-ve?" Dusty slurred as she drifted back unconusious.

"Dusty, DUSTY!" Steve yelled franticly just as the ambulance pulled up. Steve knew tow things: 1.) He was going to find the sick SOB that did this to his girl, and 2.) This was going to be long ride to Communilty General Hospital.

Cue: Anybody

Dr. Mark Sloan got the alert that there was a L.A. Cop that has been shot but he had no idea who that cop was or that she was so close to his son.

Right then, Jesse came up to him and says "Mark it's Steve's sweatheart Dusty Rose Duke that has been shot and she is in critical condition and Steve is riding along in the ambulance right now."

Cue :Dusty Rose Duke or anybody


Steve closed his eyes and clutched Dusty's hand as they drove towards Community General. He opened his eyes again and gazed upon the girl that was unconusious. Steve really wanted to get the SOB that hurt Dusty, the girl who took the time to not even realize it and steal his heart.

He leaned down to whisper in Dusty's ear just as they pulled into the ER entrance of Community General. Steve never let go of her hand the whole time as they unloaded Dusty.

"Dusty you to pull through. Please don't open that door and walk out on me, I really need you to stay." Steve whispered.

Just as he straightened up, Steve saw his father coming towards in a hurry.

"Dad!" Steve exclaimed.

Cue: Julieduke


Dr. Mark Sloan and Dr. Jesse Travis rushed over as soon as the ER doors opened. Mark took one look at Dusty as realized it was bad, he couldn't help but think what her insides looked right now. Mark pulled the gurrney to a examing area and to asuss Dusty.

"Lt. Sloan you have to leave." The nurse said as she tried to usher Steve out of the room. Steve turned a full glare on the poor nurse.

"Lady, that's not goign to happen in this centery. I'm not leaving Dusty, so you can just forget about it right now." Steve said in a tone that reserved for ribbing out police officers that didn't do their job.

Cue: Julieduke

  Dusty Rose Duke said:
Dr. Mark Sloan and Dr. Jesse Travis rushed over as soon as the ER doors opened. Mark took one look at Dusty as realized it was bad, he couldn't help but think what her insides looked right now. Mark pulled the gurrney to a examing area and to asuss Dusty.

"Lt. Sloan you have to leave." The nurse said as she tried to usher Steve out of the room. Steve turned a full glare on the poor nurse.

"Lady, that's not goign to happen in this centery. I'm not leaving Dusty, so you can just forget about it right now." Steve said in a tone that reserved for ribbing out police officers that didn't do their job.

Cue: Julieduke

Nurse Angelena Brown looked at Steve and says "Well I hope your ready for what were going to see then. And I can understand that as well I have a five year old and everytime they try to get me to leave I can get just as stubborn as you right now. And another thing you must really love Dusty then."

Cue Dusty Rose Duke


"Yea! Yea I do! And you know what saddest part is," Steve paused and looked at Nurse Brown. The young nurse stopped for a moment and shook her head. The look she gave him told Steve that he could continue.

"The saddest part to this whole thing is that woman that is laying right now, on that bed this very minute, right in front of me, she's lying in that bed right now fighting for her life. And she doesn't even know that I love her. Of course I should kick myself because I had so many oppuntunities." Steve said as he leaned against the wall and crossed his left leg over his right leg and crossed his arms over his chest.

Steve couldn't pull his eyes away from what his dad and the other doctors and nurses were doing. Running around, trying to save his secret love's life. Nurse Brown gave his arm a gentle squeese of support.

Cue Julieduke


(Just a quick note to everyone. I happen to love Alex Cord who played on Airwolf, so I thought I'd use him in this story as Dusty and Julie's supposely dead father!)

While everyone in the ER rushed around Steve, trying to keep Dusty alive, a mysterious man stood in front of the closed door that lead to the ER room that Mark and Jesse had Dusty. He stood about 6'1" with blond hair, moustach, and blue eyes that were covered with dark glasses.

He crept slowly away from the door and went to one of the pay phones to conceil his cover and appereance. He picked up the phone and dialed a familar number. He let it ring a few timed until he sighed with relife when he heard the beatiful voice on the end.

"Cordy baby, it's Joe." Then man said. He listned for a minute and then nodded his head.

"Yea I'm at the hospital. And before you start negging on me, I'm alright. But our oldest daughter isn't." Joe said with a shaky sigh.

"Well from what I gather Cordy, Dusty at the parking lot of the LAPD when she was shot and then ran over by a car. I'm thinking it's the group of people who are after us. Now baby, Dusty's fine. She's a Duke remember. We Dukes are surviors. Just stay in the room with Joey and the girls. I'll be there as soon as I can. Yea I love you too baby. Bye." Joe said as he hung the phone and closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Cue Julieduke

  Dusty Rose Duke said:
(Just a quick note to everyone. I happen to love Alex Cord who played on Airwolf, so I thought I'd use him in this story as Dusty and Julie's supposely dead father!)

While everyone in the ER rushed around Steve, trying to keep Dusty alive, a mysterious man stood in front of the closed door that lead to the ER room that Mark and Jesse had Dusty. He stood about 6'1" with blond hair, moustach, and blue eyes that were covered with dark glasses.

He crept slowly away from the door and went to one of the pay phones to conceil his cover and appereance. He picked up the phone and dialed a familar number. He let it ring a few timed until he sighed with relife when he heard the beatiful voice on the end.

"Cordy baby, it's Joe." Then man said. He listned for a minute and then nodded his head.

"Yea I'm at the hospital. And before you start negging on me, I'm alright. But our oldest daughter isn't." Joe said with a shaky sigh.

"Well from what I gather Cordy, Dusty at the parking lot of the LAPD when she was shot and then ran over by a car. I'm thinking it's the group of people who are after us. Now baby, Dusty's fine. She's a Duke remember. We Dukes are surviors. Just stay in the room with Joey and the girls. I'll be there as soon as I can. Yea I love you too baby. Bye." Joe said as he hung the phone and closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Cue Julieduke

Julie looks at Joey and says "You know, I sure hope the catch the guys that shot are sister. She won't forgive too easily you know Dusty she ain't going to like being in a hosptial bed too long."

cue Dusty Rose Duke


A couple of hours later, after Dusty was brought out of surgy, Joe also known as Joseph Douglas Duke Sr, crept to his oldest daughter's room. As he slowly entered he found a unkown man sitting next to his daughter's bed with his head on her stomach.

Dusty started to come around after being unconsuious for 12 hours. She opened her eyes and got the shock of her life. She stared up into her fatther's blue eyes.

"Am I dead?" Dusty asked as she tried to shift into a better position and looked at her father.

"No sweety, you're not dead. You are very much alive, thank god." Joseph said as he slowly walked rowards the bed.

"Well if I'm not dead daddy, then why are you Dusty asked with a yawn.

"Just call me your guardian 'Angel' baby. Now go back to sleep." Joseph said as he watch Dusty's eyes shut. He brushed her strawberry blond hair out of her eyes and placed a quick kiss to her forehead. Then as quickly as he came, he left.

Cue Julieduke


6 hours later Dusty awoke again and looked down at the man that was still asleep on her stomach. She watched Steve with a little smile on face as she started brush his dark hair through her finger tips. Dusty couldn't help feel at peace.

She wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning. Curled up close to Steve, nice and warm. Dusty thought back to the strange dream she had the night before. She could've sworn that her dead father was in the very room she in.

Dusty moved a little to get comfortable which jostled Steve awake. Steve sat up and wiped his eyes to get rid of the sleep then he turned his eyes on the lady in the bed. She gave him a big smile.

"Morning Sweetheart." Dusty said with a huge grin. Steve grinned back, his mind still fogged with sleep.

"Morning Baby." Steve said automatically. Then his eyes went huge.

"Dusty, your awake. And come to think of it, you called me sweetheart." Steve said with ateasing grin as he sat on the bed gently and leaned close to her.

"Well Sweetheart, you called me Baby." Dusty whispered as she grabbed Steve's shirt and brought him close. Steve's grin widened as captured Dust's lips with his.

All of sudden they were jostled apart when Steve's father Mark entered thae and poor Steve fell to the floor.

Cue Julieduke

  Dusty Rose Duke said:
6 hours later Dusty awoke again and looked down at the man that was still asleep on her stomach. She watched Steve with a little smile on face as she started brush his dark hair through her finger tips. Dusty couldn't help feel at peace.

She wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning. Curled up close to Steve, nice and warm. Dusty thought back to the strange dream she had the night before. She could've sworn that her dead father was in the very room she in.

Dusty moved a little to get comfortable which jostled Steve awake. Steve sat up and wiped his eyes to get rid of the sleep then he turned his eyes on the lady in the bed. She gave him a big smile.

"Morning Sweetheart." Dusty said with a huge grin. Steve grinned back, his mind still fogged with sleep.

"Morning Baby." Steve said automatically. Then his eyes went huge.

"Dusty, your awake. And come to think of it, you called me sweetheart." Steve said with ateasing grin as he sat on the bed gently and leaned close to her.

"Well Sweetheart, you called me Baby." Dusty whispered as she grabbed Steve's shirt and brought him close. Steve's grin widened as captured Dust's lips with his.

All of sudden they were jostled apart when Steve's father Mark entered thae and poor Steve fell to the floor.

Cue Julieduke

Dr. Sloan says "Hey Steve and Dusty this a hosptial not a hotel room now and besides Dusty there somebody here that wants to see you anyways."

Julie walks in and sees that Steve was leaving and she says "Oh Dr. Sloan what happened to Steve there."

Cue Dusty Rose Duke


Dusty blushed beet-red from embarassment. Sometimes Mark could sound and act just like her father or Uncle Jesse it was scary. She looked up at Steve as gave his father a shy grin as he turned to leave. He turned back to Dusty and gave a wink.

"See you later Dusty. Maybe by then the 'jalier' here won't give me such a hard time." Steve teased. Then smiled down at Juile. "Hey Jules!" Steve said with a grin as ruffled Julie's hair.

"Julie, it looks like Steve as adopted you." Dusty said as she doubled over laughing as Julie tried to get her back into place. "Come here Julie. I missed you so much." Dusty said as she held out her good arm for sister.

Cue Julieduke

  Dusty Rose Duke said:
Dusty blushed beet-red from embarassment. Sometimes Mark could sound and act just like her father or Uncle Jesse it was scary. She looked up at Steve as gave his father a shy grin as he turned to leave. He turned back to Dusty and gave a wink.

"See you later Dusty. Maybe by then the 'jalier' here won't give me such a hard time." Steve teased. Then smiled down at Juile. "Hey Jules!" Steve said with a grin as ruffled Julie's hair.

"Julie, it looks like Steve as adopted you." Dusty said as she doubled over laughing as Julie tried to get her back into place. "Come here Julie. I missed you so much." Dusty said as she held out her good arm for sister.

Cue Julieduke

Julie says "It sures looks that way, oh Steve you missed my orenery stage then I was a really pistol right Dusty and you know you can give the best hugs even with only one good arm. Hey Dusty, do you remember when me and Joey and done something to your car and you had seen the two of us and dragged us to Mom and Dad by our ears you had me on the left and Joey on the right."

cue Dusty Rose Duke


Dusty laughed. "Well of course I did. And though of you deserved it with a passion. You and Joey knew that Ridge Runner was my baby and still is." Dusty said with a mock stern look. She turned her gaze towards the confused loooks on Mark and Steve's faces.

"Ah, Dusty, what is a Ridge Runner?" Steve asked confused. Dusty chukled a little.

"Ridge Runner is the name of my Dodge Charger that is back in Hazzard County, my home town. You see I named after my Uncle Jesse Duke, he use to run moonshine in his car called 'Black Tilly', so I thought I'd honour him naming my car after him. She's red, white and blue with a confederate flag on top." Dusty explained with a huge grin as she talked about her.

"That must be some car. And I suppose, you being the oldest and all, you puled many pratical joke or two on this one." Steve asked with a cheeky grin as he pointed to Julie. Mark just stood there and chuckled at the scene.

Cue Julieduke

  Dusty Rose Duke said:
Dusty laughed. "Well of course I did. And though of you deserved it with a passion. You and Joey knew that Ridge Runner was my baby and still is." Dusty said with a mock stern look. She turned her gaze towards the confused loooks on Mark and Steve's faces.

"Ah, Dusty, what is a Ridge Runner?" Steve asked confused. Dusty chukled a little.

"Ridge Runner is the name of my Dodge Charger that is back in Hazzard County, my home town. You see I named after my Uncle Jesse Duke, he use to run moonshine in his car called 'Black Tilly', so I thought I'd honour him naming my car after him. She's red, white and blue with a confederate flag on top." Dusty explained with a huge grin as she talked about her.

"That must be some car. And I suppose, you being the oldest and all, you puled many pratical joke or two on this one." Steve asked with a cheeky grin as he pointed to Julie. Mark just stood there and chuckled at the scene.

Cue Julieduke

Julie says "Well Steve there was this one time I borrowed her car and parked behind the garage and made some story that it was stolen and she was so mad and she later found it but she went right to me and I just said I didn't know who put it there. But my driver's license fell out of pocket so there was not way I could talk my way out of it."

Cue Dusty Rose Duke


Dusty grinned from ear to ear. "Yes remeber that. I also remember you getting the Bo and Luke special after I found it was you who took my car and made believe it was stolen." Dusty said smugly. Steve grinned at the scene.

"Bo and Luke special Dust?" Steve asked amused.

"Yea, you see Bo and Luke decided they wanted to take Ridge Runner for a little joy ride without permission. When I found out about it, I decided to get them both back. So I dumped Red, White, Blue and Yellow paint all over them, that learned all three their lesson." Dusty said with a huge grin. Steve was doubled over with laughter.

Cue Julieduke

  Dusty Rose Duke said:
Dusty grinned from ear to ear. "Yes remeber that. I also remember you getting the Bo and Luke special after I found it was you who took my car and made believe it was stolen." Dusty said smugly. Steve grinned at the scene.

"Bo and Luke special Dust?" Steve asked amused.

"Yea, you see Bo and Luke decided they wanted to take Ridge Runner for a little joy ride without permission. When I found out about it, I decided to get them both back. So I dumped Red, White, Blue and Yellow paint all over them, that learned all three their lesson." Dusty said with a huge grin. Steve was doubled over with laughter.

Cue Julieduke

Julie says "Hey sis that wasn't very funny then, and still isn't today."

cue Dusty Rose Duke


"Well you did learn your lesson about borrowing my stuff without permission. I thought it was nice pay back." Dusty told her with a smug grin plastered across her face. Steve shook his head at the back banter between the two sisters.

Cue Julieduke

  Dusty Rose Duke said:
"Well you did learn your lesson about borrowing my stuff without permission. I thought it was nice pay back." Dusty told her with a smug grin plastered across her face. Steve shook his head at the back banter between the two sisters.

Cue Julieduke

Julie says "Well, your always doing to me Dusty you know and yes I never borrowed your stuff with persmission that you know about as well."

Cue Dusty Rose Duke


"Yea I know. And you dear sister also know that I give good pay backs." Dusty said with a teasing grin. She looked at her sister for a long moment then went serious. She turned her towards Steve and Mark, and gave tem the same serious look.

"Guys, can you give my sister and me some time to talk about something important?" Dusty asked. Mark looked from Julie to Dusty then back again, he nodded his consent then quietly left the room. Steve squessed Dusty's shoulder for support and than followed his father.

"Julie we need to talk about something important, and I have a feeling your going to loose our famous Duke temper if I told." Dusty said seriously.

Cue Julieduke

  Dusty Rose Duke said:
"Yea I know. And you dear sister also know that I give good pay backs." Dusty said with a teasing grin. She looked at her sister for a long moment then went serious. She turned her towards Steve and Mark, and gave tem the same serious look.

"Guys, can you give my sister and me some time to talk about something important?" Dusty asked. Mark looked from Julie to Dusty then back again, he nodded his consent then quietly left the room. Steve squessed Dusty's shoulder for support and than followed his father.

"Julie we need to talk about something important, and I have a feeling your going to loose our famous Duke temper if I told." Dusty said seriously.

Cue Julieduke

Julie looks at her sister and wait for Mark and Steve to leave and she says "Okay Dusty, what's going on and and how bad can it be. I think I can control better than you than anybody else in this family."

Cue Dusty Rose Duke


Dusty nodded her head and sighed. "Ok but be warned. A couple of hours ago, I had this strange dream. In this dream, I was hear but there was something really strange, someone strange. This strange person was her in this very room with Steve fast asleep beside me." Dusty said as she stopped for breath.

"Julie I don't know how can describe it or even explain it, the strange person in this room was someone I knew, some one we both knew from a long time ago. Oh sweety there is no easy way to say this, so I'll just come out and say it, Julie the person that was here, was our dead father, Joesph Douglas Duke SR." Dusty said as she looked her sister straight in the eye.

Cue Julieduke

  Dusty Rose Duke said:
Dusty nodded her head and sighed. "Ok but be warned. A couple of hours ago, I had this strange dream. In this dream, I was hear but there was something really strange, someone strange. This strange person was her in this very room with Steve fast asleep beside me." Dusty said as she stopped for breath.

"Julie I don't know how can describe it or even explain it, the strange person in this room was someone I knew, some one we both knew from a long time ago. Oh sweety there is no easy way to say this, so I'll just come out and say it, Julie the person that was here, was our dead father, Joesph Douglas Duke SR." Dusty said as she looked her sister straight in the eye.

Cue Julieduke

Julie says "Dusty, are you saying that our dead father visited you in a dream what did ge say to you then."

Cue Dusty Rose Duke

  • 2 weeks later...
  Julieduke said:
Julie says "Dusty, are you saying that our dead father visited you in a dream what did ge say to you then."

Cue Dusty Rose Duke

Julie says "Sis, but he's been gone for a really long time now he can't be alive anymore are you sure it was him?"

Cue Dusty Rose Duke

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