B.L. Davenport Posted September 4, 2009 Posted September 4, 2009 (This is another joint post between Chet and BL) Cooter made his way to the kitchen, opening the door on the refrigerator and taking out a fresh cut onion. "This should do the trick." He returned to the living room unwrapping the onion he lowered it to Chet's nose and waved it back and forth.BL in the mean time had picked up the cordless phone and stepped into the dining room taking a deep breath as she dialed Bo's number wondering just how she was going to break the news to him that his one and only son was in her house alive but wounded and then get him to believe Chet hadn't robbed the bank or committed those murders. The phone rang at the Duke farm and Bo hurried in from sitting on the porch to answer it. "Hello, Duke farm Bo speakin.""Bo it's BL, I got something to tell you and I think you'd better sit down." She didn't ask if he was sitting though before she launched into the rest of her story. "Chet's here, hurt bad and near starved to death...I know what your thinking but before you go jumpin to any conclusions hear me out. I was in the bank the other day it wasn't Chet that robbed it and killed those people. I got a good look at him, he looked a lot like Chet from a distance but it wasn't Chet. I know cos just the day before I was close enough to Chet to see him real good." She listened waiting for Bo's response."I want to believe you BL." Bo's voice was sincere. "But he’s not a Duke, he’s a rogue, he don’t even deserve the Duke name. He’s hurt and killed people. How can you be so sure it wasn't him, he’s robbed the bank before.""I know he's done wrong, but I don't think it was out of malice for anyone it was to survive." Sighing BL continued "I know it wasn't him because I was face to face with the real robber and with Chet. Chet's right eye is grey because he’s blind in it, his left brown. The robber had two brown eyes, you can't mistake someone's identity when they are so clearly different looking.""If they are so different looking then why do the authorities think its Chet?" Bo audibly sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Unless you can prove he’s innocent BL your endangering yourself, your in danger just having him in your home. He could easily hurt you or Cooter, his temper is vicious and for God sakes he’s an outlaw! He’s killed people BL!"BL echoed his sigh, "because the authorities are idiots you know as well as I do that Rosco's a few french fries short of a happy meal. I'm going to do my darndest to prove that he is innocent, I also realize what kinds of risks I'm taking here I'm not stupid". You should give him the benefit of the doubt, Bo I saw something in him nobody else sees that day we met up, I saw innocence looking back at me if you don't believe me come see for yourself. You can believe what you want about the things he's done but I know it's him or I wouldn't have called I know Gabby like any mother would like to see her son again no matter what he's done or been accused of and I wouldn't call and get her hopes up for nothing or yours.""Oh I’m sure it’s him, and the only thing he’s innocent of is leaving us the hell alone. I won't allow his mother to come see him, he’s too dangerous. But I will come see him myself. I'll be over shortly." Bo hangs up leaving the line dead. Cooter sighs from behind you. "That doesn't sound like it went over very well."I shake my head sighing heavily "it didn't Bo is so danged stubborn sometimes. He's coming over but says he's not going to allow Gaby to come see Chet." I look Cooter in the eye now not just upset that Bo is being so hard headed about the things you have been accused of but a little mad at his refusal to let your mother see you. "He can't do that Cooter she's an adult and has a right to see her own son!"Creasing his brow deeply Cooter wrapped his arms around his younger cousin. "Awe BL, Bo's just looking out for her, maybe Gabby cant stomach seeing Chet right now. I have a hunch she’s to afraid to see him, she can't believe he'd have killed that little boy. No matter how much of a rogue he is or how dangerous people make him out to be, being a mother she can't bare the thought." He squeezed her tightly. "Lets wake him and get some food in him, Lord he looks so starved."She hugged Cooter in return and pulled away she knew the young Duke boy hadn't killed that little boy for a fact, biting her lip pondering she just had to convince Bo his son was not as bad as everyone thinks. "I know, that's the reason he steals Cooter it isn't just stealing it's always food or small amounts of cash so he can eat."Cooter nodded in agreement, she was right, but he'd heard rumors and stories of people Chet had beaten to death or shot. "Its hard to know what to believe sometimes BL. Lets try again to wake him up, may have to get the sniffing salts out of the first aid kit.""Ok, maybe we can at least get some food down him before Bo gets here and start figuring out a way to prove his innocence." The youngest Davenport went back to the living room with Cooter and knelt down beside the couch where the cowboy was still unconscious, shaking him gently she tried not to startle him awake. "Chet wake up."Cooter watched for a minute then offered his help with the onion, waving it under the young Duke boy’s nose. The young cowboy’s face wrinkled and he turned his head from side to side. Then all of a sudden, just like a bullet being shot out of a gun he sat up grabbing BL by the arm. His brow furrowed, his mismatched eyes narrowed and vile looking."Hey easy, it's ok ain’t nobody tryin to hurt ya or anything. You want something to eat now?" She didn’t show any fear as her arm wass grabbed knowing it was just a natural reaction from being woken and all the things he's endured in life which she didn't know the half of and probably didn't want to.The Davenport man standing behind her wasn't as certain about the young man’s intentions and watched warily. Chet looked around quickly havin forgotten at first where he was. His eyes met that of Cooter's and he released his hold on BL, swallowing hard, afraid the Davenport man wouldn’t have him.BL smiled at him gently once he'd turned her arm loose, a little unsure how he would take the news of his father's visit but she didn't want him to be caught off guard by it either. "I talked to Bo a few minutes ago and he's coming over to see you.""What?!" Chet sat up the rest of the way and put his bare feet on the floor, looking down at them. "Where’s my boots? I got to get outta here!" BL frowned a little“Now just simmer down, you aint going nowhere not till you've had a decent meal at leastâ€."I don’t wanna see Bo, what the hell’s he comin here for?" Chet moved to get up only to stagger and sit back down. Weak from the loss of blood and malnutrition he couldn't pick up and leave if he wanted to.“Because I called him, did it ever occur to you that he might want to see the son he thought was dead?†She spoke calmly and although your weak and can’t leave I watch you like a hawk to make sure you don't find some strength somewhere and try."Im not his son! His son is dead." Snaps the words and sits back in a huff on the coach.The older blonde woman sat on the coffee table rubbing her hands over her face wondering what to do now, the young man didn't want to see Bo but he was on the way. "You'll always be his son no matter what you say or do blood is thicker than water."One of the best rumors about me of all time peaks its face out from behind a concrete wall. Chet’s face turned beat red in absolute anger. "I'd rather die or be turned into the law then to see that son of *****! GOT IT?! "His anger shocks the hell out of her, just stareing at the young man for a few seconds it was too late and she didn't know what to do now.A heavy breath snorted out of Chet's nose, his face still burning red. Afraid for his cousin Cooter took BL by the arm and pulled her back, fearful that the young man would strike out. In the middle of the silence an old truck could be heard pulling into the drive.Almost falling off the coffee table from Cooter's pull BL held onto the edge balancing herself "would you let go of me thats an arm not a rope to be pulled on." she bit her lip hearing the old truck knowing it was Bo, she sighs stilling herself for what might happen between father and son. Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted September 4, 2009 Posted September 4, 2009 (this is the continuation of the above joint post) With a growl that could have matched a wolfs Chet pushed himself to his feet and staggered towards the door grabbing up his boots. Shaky legged and weak he tried to make his way for the kitchen to get out the back door, but only made it to the kitchen door way before a wave of dizziness over took him.BL followed him to the kitchen taking hold of his arm knowing he wasn't well enough to make it. "You ain't going anywhere, you've lost too much blood and your half starved so you might as well sit down!" Her voice hardens a little but it doesn't raise in volume."Lemme go!" He tried to shake her hold off his arm, pressing at her fingers forcing her hand off. The sudden release landed him flat on his back. Cooter went to the door and let Bo in.Standing over him staring down at the young cowboy BL spoke more calmly this time "I am not going to let you go anywhere your in no shape. Now Bo's already here and you are going to at least be civil to him in my home.""The hell I am!" The younger Duke man flipped himself over on the floor and attempted to press himself up, his shoulder burning in pain. Bo stood by watching, his icy blue eyes falling over the body of the young man from his very own loins. It seemed like he was skin stretched over a frame of bones. He swallowed hard seeing that the boy’s upper torso was completely covered in scars, and now bandages. "Such a pleasant cuss aint ya.""Well he's definitely yours that's for sure, same dang stubborn streak!" BL again gently took hold of Chet's good arm before he hurt himself worse, helping him up but keeping a good hold on him this time so he couldn't get out the door.Chet allowed BL to help him to his feet, even as he stood swaying. His eyes locked on the man that had made him. "I ain’t like him one bit, I hate you, ya son of a *****. I’m not your son, your son is dead!"BL had given Chet a light shake like she might have done years ago when he was a little boy before the kidnapping for his outburst. "Cool it!, if I were you Chet I wouldn't be so hostile toward any of possibly the only people than can and will pull your hide outta this mess." Looking toward the table BL nodded toward the chairs "Cooter will you hand one of those chairs over here please he's got to sit down before he falls down again." Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted September 22, 2009 Posted September 22, 2009 (Joint post between Chet Duke and BL Davenport) "No! I aint sittin down! I'd rather fall on my ass!" Chet glared at the Duke man that had made him. "Get outta here, I wouldnt take your help on a silver platter! I'd rather rot and die in jail." His voice came out a low growl.Cooter had had enough of the young man's attitude and stepped forward his face contorted into a snarl as he pushing a chair over as BL had requested. "Sit down and shut up! I got half a mind to call Rosco to come getcha and lock ya up, ain't no use in trying to help ya none you obviously don't appreciate what BL's already been doing!"A vocal growl, just like a angery dog came out of the young Duke as he looked Cooter in the eye. "Go ahead." He tries to shake BL's hold off. Bo just stood by, he didnt know what to say or do. Truely this was not the young boy he'd lost so many years ago.Cooter stepped back a half a step at the growl but otherwise didn't back down. BL wasn't phased by the growl or the young man's attempt to shake her hold off and she just held on tighter diggin her fingers in a little deeperWeak still, Chet could not shake her hold off or make any move to escape. "Just get away!" He through himself into a thrashing motion letting his body drop to the floor.BL had to let go when he dropped to the floor or be dragged down with him. Cooter watched the Duke boy thrashing and drop to the floor just shaking his head at the display.Exhausted in just a few moments the young man curled on his side and covered his head with his arms.A vehical pulled into the drive at that very moment, a Hazzard County police car.BL and Cooter looked out the window at the sound of the vehicle Cooter commenting idly "looks like we won't hafta call Rosco he done sent someone out here." BL wasn't amused at Cooter one bit despite Chet's reluctance for any further help she wasn't going to just hand him over that easily and hissed to Cooter "get him in the back of the house outta sight!""The celler, Rosco's afraid of the dark." Bo hurried forward and grabbed ahold of the younger Duke, with Cooter's help the two men half carried, half dragged him down into the celler.While the two older men were hiding the younger BL went to the door, stepping out on the porch where Rosco was just about to knock on the door "howdy Rosco" she smiled amiably at the aging sheriff."Kheee ooogit! BL!" Rosco stuttered. "Im lookin fer a murder." The old sheriff pulled out a wanted sheet. It looked like something out of a old western movie, a hand drawn picture of Chet with he words 'Wanted: Dead or Alive" $10,000 reward, written on it.The Davenport Woman took the poster studying it closely with a blank look as if she'd never seeen the face drawn on it before in her life. " $10,000 dead or alive" she whistled low."You was in the bank, you identified that face, and khee by Lord willing we'll get that no good rogue!" Rosco chirped."I identified a face similar to this one but I can't be sure it was this one exactly being drawn instead of a photo." BL commented still looking at the poster, the drawn picture looking up at her from the paper was Chet and not the bank robber but Rosco wouldn't believe her no matter what she told him. Quote
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