Cowboy Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 *Hazzard County 2005 Sometime in early January*A pair of hungry mismatched eyes watched from a strand of Georgian pines behind the market on the end of Maple St in the town of Hazzard. The thermometer on the side of the build was showing little red, the air was cold, the ground frozen with a dusting of snow. A freshly killed cow hung from the back of the market, the butcher there removing the outer fat from the beef before starting on cutting up the meat. Chet glanced from watching the butcher start on the fresh meet to the parking lot of the market. It was early morning and no customers had arrived yet, a perfect time to try snatch a piece of the meat without being seen. His stomach growled hungrily as he adverted his attention back on the deep red beef flesh. He couldn’t help but like his lips, the young Duke boy hadn’t touched a good meal in over a week. Blood dripped from the back of the cowboys black canvas jacket onto the frozen brown grass near the trees. A fresh wound in his shoulder evidence that he’d already failed in one attempt on a meal earlier that morning. The load of buckshot in his shoulder made the muscles quiver, the warm fresh blood steamed in the cold. But his patience loomed as he waited, the butcher would fill the large steal bowl full of the fresh meat and leave to take it into the market to be wrapped. Then would be his chance to snatch a chunk of the meat and be gone before anyone noticed it missing. ( CUE B.L. DAVENPORT ) Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 B.L Davenport was out early running errands she had a busy schedule today so wanted to get started. She pulled up at the butcher's getting out of her car her warm breath steaming in the cold temperatures as she trudged toward the door. She however didn't see the cowboy hiding and eyeing the meat walking in the shop she greets the two men that work there with a smile and nod. Looking into the display counter she wondered what would be a good choice for supper tonight. She also wanted to make some stew for tomorrow or the next day and there was a special on stew meat lots of people would make big pots to last two or three days in the cold weather to warm them after being out in the frigid temperatures.(CUE CHET) Quote
Cowboy Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 The fresh stew beef that BL was seeking came in from the back of the market as she was looking into the display counter. Ron, the head butcher and owner of the market placed the big bowl of fresh meat on the cutting table behind the counter and began to weigh it all before putting it in the display. “Good morning BL. One of the boys will be right here to help you a few moments ok.†He smiled at her as he emptied the bowl. Chet had watched Ron pick up the bowl and take it inside, leaving the remaining beef hanging unwatched. A large front shoulder lay on the chopping block near the hanging meat, bearing 10-12 pounds of flesh on white bone. He ducked out of the pines sleekly and made his way up to the block to snatch the leg. His shoulder aching Chet grabbed the bone picking up the hearty chunk of meat with it. The butcher came out the rear door way only feet way just as he lifted the meat off the block. A scrap two by four struck Chet hard enough to knock him down, and he scrambled to get back up as fast as possible, clutching onto his meal. “Drop it you damn theif! Thats my meat!†Ron snarled and grabbed for the two by four as Chet hurried to get away, the butcher blocking his path. “Ya aint going anywhere with that, drop it! DROP IT NOW!†“NO!†Chet snarled and stumbled through the back door way and past the meat locker. It was the wrong way he knew, going into the market was a bad idea but he was hell bent on getting away. The butcher hurried after him as he breached the tile flooring into front isle of the store. Afraid for his customer he threw the two by four against the back of Chet’s legs, sending the young man sprawling onto the floor and knocking into a stack of cracker boxes right beside BL. The meat staying tightly clutched in one hand. "Give me that meat you filthy animal!" The owner yelled and the two other fellas that worked there hurried foreward. (CUE B.L. DAVENPORT) Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 "G'morning Ron, alright" B.L greeted the friendly owner of the butcher store they had went to school together. B.L continued browsing while she waited for one of the others to help her with her order.She looked toward the back when she heard Ron shout at someone. Jack one of the other two men was just coming to assist in filling her order when the young man came through the back and into the store the meat clutched in his hand as he made his attempt to get away.B.L jumped out of her skin with a startled yelp as the cracker boxes crashed to the floor beside her. Ron advanced on the young man in a menacing manner intent on getting the stolen meat back. Quote
Cowboy Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 Jack and Ron grabbed for the meat that Chet clutched as he scrambled to get up. Cracker boxs scattering everywhere as he gained his feet and paused having heard the female yelp of surprise. He met the eyes of the Davenport women, his wounded back twitching in pain. The gaze lasted only a moment before Jack and Ron were trying to wrestle the raw meat away from him. He swung punching the younger man in the jaw and backing up towards the walk in meat locker as John, the other worker joined the struggle. There was nowhere to, the three men had him cornered. "Finally got you ya low down mangy yella bellied cur. You've stolen from me for the last time you piece of ****. Jack! Call the sheriff, tell him we've got a thief cornered." Ron smirked keeping his eyes pealed on the cornered outlaw. Chet bristled at mention of the old sheriff, Rosco had had eager hands to throw him under the jail for a long time now. Nothing would please the old sheriff more then to have him handed over to him, nice and pretty like.(CUE B.L. DAVENPORT) Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 "Right Boss" Jack said as he went to call Rosco to come get the theif. B.L stood in the aisle cracker boxes scattered on the floor all around her feet watching the scene as it played out before her eyes. The young cowboy was in bad shape she noticed, looking like a scarecrow half starved his clothes were dirty and ragged. She also noted his shoulder was bleeding profusely from what looked like a gun shot wound. She sort of felt sorry for the state he was in but that didn't mean she didn't think he ought to be sent to jail for his crime. Despite all this though she had seen something in the look when he'd looked at her, she just couldn't place what was in that look other than the obvious signs of hunger and pain from the wound but there was something more. Maybe it was just a glimmer of innocence she thought as she watched the two remaining men keep him cornered while the other had went to call the Sheriff. Quote
Cowboy Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 Being arrested just wasn't on Chet's to do list. He looked at the two that had him cornered, he'd faced worse odds in worse shape. His stomach grumbled in hunger and he pressed his lips. "I ain't going to jail." Without any warning at all he rushed the owner knocking the guy down and sprinting for the back door way. Jack chased after him running as fast as he could. Chet ducked into the pines he'd hidden in earlier and slipped around the back of them. His big red chestnut horse waited, nibbling at the dead grass. With the meat still clutched in his hand he lept into his saddle and squeezed his horses flanks tightly. The long legged Thoroughbred galloped up the other side of the dry creek bank and hurried escaping through the brush. Jack didn't have a chance. He returned to the market shaking his head. "Im sorry Ron, he got away." Ron grumbled brushing himself off. "This is the last straw." He pressed his lips and went behind the counter to take BL's order. "Im sorry about that, this is twice now in two weeks, Ive lost nearly 17 pounds of meat to that filthy animal. What can I get for ya today?" (CUE B.L. DAVENPORT) Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 B.L had took the liberty of restacking the boxes of crackers in the midst of all the chaos. She gave Ron a small smile placing her order once the young man had fled. " It's ok Ron....Maybe he's just hungry is why he was stealing he looked like a scarecrow to me." Ron frowned but had to nod in agreement the thief was painfully thin anyone could see that."Yeah.....anyway what can I get ya today?" B.L pointed to some pork chops in the display and then to the meat that still needed wrapping. "Give me six of those and 2lbs of stew meat please."Ron nodded and weighed out the correct amount of stew meat then wrapped it along with the pork chops putting it all in a bag handing it over to her. "Thanks Ron I'll see ya later.""Bye BL" Ron raised his hand to her in farewell as she went out the front door. Quote
Cowboy Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 *Two Days Later*"Has that shipment arrived at the bank yet Enos?" Rosco barked a question at his long time deputy Enos Strate. Enos shook his head. "No Sheriff, no sign of it yet." Rosco only nodded and closed the door into his office. Down in town square the town bustled as usual people coming an going left and right. Going about there every day business, ladies shopping for spring dresses, or that extra pair of warm socks for the cold days still in the near future. Even the bank was as busy as ever on this day, the door never closing for more then a few moments before another person made there way in or out. Four men dressed in dark clothing came in casually close to the noon hour and took a seat calmly. Each buisied himself with something, one cracking open a book, another a lap top pc, the others sorted through banking papers. Not a sole in the bank paid the four men any mind at all.Down in the alley between the bank and the bakery, Chet winced as he lifted a heavy box from the back of a shipping truck. The side of the box read, "Food Coloring." He carried the box up a couple of steps and placed it just inside the back of the bakery. Then he returned to the truck to heft a couple of sacks of sugar, then flour and some other cooking supplies. Mrs. Barns at the bakery occasionally checked in to make sure all her supplies had arrived as ordered. Once Chet had finished unloading the truck, Mrs. Barns brought him a large plastic bag of day old bread, stale cookies and crushed donuts. He was always timid, knowing that many people in town feared him and had great distain for him. Mrs. Barns never handed the bag to him, she'd tried and he had just backed away until she placed it on the step. "Thank you for your help. Same time again next week?" She asked with a soft smile steping back so he'd take the bag from the step. Chet watched her, brow creased in wariness, he picked up the bag and nodded. "Yes, that'd be great. Thank you." He carried the bag away picking a nice warm place in the sun shine behind the backery to open the bag and shovel down the food hungrily. (CUE B.L. DAVENPORT) Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 B.L like all the other customers in the bank didn't pay the four men that walked into the bank any mind. She was on her lunch break from the Boar's Nest and didn't have much time to complete her banking business before time to go back to work. The four men continued to look busy each one though was quietly looking around the establishment at the amount of money flow being transacted in and out of the establishment on this busy day. They had been watching the outside of the bank for a few days and knew there was supposed to be a shipment today and they were just waiting for it to arrive. B.L stepped upto the teller behind the counter with a smile she greeted the other woman."Howdy Vera, business sure is booming today ain't it?"Vera a young woman with sand colored hair and green eyes nodded "Hi B.L, yes it's really hopping today. What can I do for ya?" "I'm here to pay the mortgage on the garage for Cooter he's awful busy today too and asked me if I could do it for him." B.L said as she handed the money for the payment over to the other woman behind the counter looking out the window as she waited she saw the armored truck with the shipment pull up out front and stop.The four men also saw it and jumped up pulling out guns one of them saying "Nobody move and ya won't get hurt." The bank door opened the guards from the armored truck coming in pulling a cart with a long handle on it and something covered under a cloth.(CUE CHET) Quote
Cowboy Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 The bank cart stopped and a man in a gaurds uniform, with black hair, a sharply trimmed goatee and brown eyes crawled out from under it. He brandished two 9mm pistols, raising them and taking aim at the chests of the other two gaurds. "BANG BANG" All the people in the bank screamed and chaos broke out, women, children and men ducked for cover in terror."NO BODY MOVES!!" The phoney gaurd fired a round into the ceiling of the bank. People screamed and a small boy ran from the cover of a banking desk to get to his mother who huddled in the corner. The dirty gaurd leveled his gun on running child and cut the boy down."BANG!" With a terrible shriek of pain the boy fell to the floor, a blood wound in his chest. His mother raced foreward and dropped down to her knees crying beside her child. "EVERYONE EMPTY YOUR POCKETS! NOW! MOVE IT!" One of the three men dressed in dark clothing barked while his comrads gathered the money from the bank tellers.(Cue B.L.) Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 B.L stood nearby quaking a little until she saw the boy cut down as he tried to get to his mother. Wether it boldness or stupidity she wouldn't remember later. "Takes a big man to shoot little boys" She growled only to have the gun leveled at her chest the guy staring hat her cold and evilly. "Shut up lady or your next!" The mother sat on the floor weeping holding her son as his lifes blood ran from the wound if he didn't get the help he needed soon he'd surely die. Everyone was emptying out their pockets and purses as one of the other men came round holding a sack open for the items to be dropped inside. The goods gathered from the customers and the bank drawers cleaned out one of the robbers pointed with his gun to a room off to the left it was where some of the bank records was kept it was filled with filing cabinets."Get in there all of ya!" The customers started filing in like sheep all except B.L who stubbornly stood her ground. The robber who had come from under the cloth on the cart pushed her toward the room. "GET IN THERE!" Gun to her back B.L had no choice to go while the boy that had been shot was left on the floor to die. Locking the door after all were inside then one of the robbers propped a chair under the door knob adding extra security that they couldn't escape from the inside before they all made their way out the door again casually leaving no hint to anything having happened inside the bank. Quote
Cowboy Posted January 2, 2008 Author Posted January 2, 2008 Oblivious to the robbery that had just taken place, Chet gathered his bag of stale food and wandered out of the alley. As he turned the corner he bumped into the nasty robber with the gaurds uniform on. They met each eye to eye for a split second then stepped past each other and continued walking.The robbers got into the armed vehicle and drove away without a hitch. The alarm in the bank sounded drawing Rosco and Enos from the Sheriffs department. Chet wandered down the side walk ducking between a couple of buildings as the sheriff and deputy hurried into the bank. In side the bank the boy that had been shot lay of the floor in a pool of blood, he'd passed minutes before. The two gaurds that had been shot lay dead as well. Enos quickly released the people from being locked in the filing room, the boys mother weeping over his body. Rosco quickly gathered the camera that had filmed the entire robbery from the corner of the room and rushed back to the police department to view the film. He contacted the State Police, there was no way he was going beable to handle three murders and a robbery alone. (Cue B.L.) Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted January 2, 2008 Posted January 2, 2008 The State Police told Rosco they would be there as soon as possible to help him investigate the robbery and murders. While Rosco was back at the police station talking to the State Police Enos stayed behind at the bank outlining the dead bodies with chalk so they could be moved to the funeral parlor and talking to the bank customers writing down the information they gave him all things he'd learned in his time with the Los Angeles Police. B.L knelt on the floor next to the weeping mother trying to calm the distraught woman as best she could. Enos came up beside the distraught mother and asked her. "Can you describe the man that shot your son?" "It was that, rougue of a cowboy Chet that slinks around town like a snake in the grass. I've warned Timmy many times to stay away from him that he was a monster and this proves it!"Some of the less shaken people in the bank had gathered around and was nodding their agreement that it had been Chet who had robbed the bank and shot the two guards and the little boy. B.L however knew it wasn't Chet who had done it she had looked into the robber's eyes there had been no hunger or pain there or that glimmer of innocence that she had seen in Chet the two days ago at the butcher shop. The guy had also had two brown eyes Chet's were mismatched. Quote
Cowboy Posted January 3, 2008 Author Posted January 3, 2008 Chet wandered down the alley between the buildings and made his way behind them, staying away from people as he always did. It was time to get back to his hide out for the day and get his stale food in a cooler. The news of the robbery did not fall on his ears as he mounted his waiting horse and rode out of town. His hide out the old abandoned ghost town, properly named "The Sleepy City."Mean while in town the head of Georgia State police immediately reviewed the video that had been taken at the bank during the robbery. Within an hour after the review was complete a all out APB was issued for Chet. A warrant for his arrest was publically announced and a grand reward of $20,000 if captured dead or alive.Wanted posters went up quickly through out the town, and the surrounding areas. Including Chalktaw, Chickasaw and Chickamahoney. State police officers arrived by the backers dozen, with them came a half a dozen of the best tracking dogs in the state of Georgia. Only a few short hours after the robbery, a all out combing had begun. The real criminals bedded down in a cave deep below the dangerous peek of kissing cliff. Counting up there loot and gobbling down on the wanderous food they had prearranged to have before the robbery. The canyon was the hide out of a genius, for very few people ever dared climb down the trecherous cliff. Laughter echoed from inside the market. "That dirty rascal, he's gonna get whats coming to him now!" Ron, the butcher commented as he watched the news report on a TV at the corner of his cutting counter. (Cue B.L.) Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 B.L was wiping down the bar at the Boar's Nest when Enos came in with some of the wanted posters putting one on the outside of the building and one taped to each door. He sat down at the bar laying one of the posters down. "Howdy B.L can I get a buttermilk?" "Sure Enos" B.L said then sat a frosted mug on the bar filling it with buttermilk. She picked up the poster looking at it her eyes going wide at the amount printed on it with the words 'Dead or Alive' below it. "Enos ya'll are lookin' fer the wrong man Chet didn't commit that robbery or those murders. I ain't denyin' he's a thief but it's just petty theft food and things like that. I saw the leader of the robbers up close. He had black hair like Chet but his eyes was brown and not mismatched like Chet's. Chet looked hungry and in pain the other day when I saw him this guy didn't. And Chet's got a certain amount of innocence in him this guy was pure mean looking almost demon like you could say." Quote
Cowboy Posted January 3, 2008 Author Posted January 3, 2008 Enos Strate shook his head as he sipped the ice cold buttermilk that BL had served him. "I saw the video of the robbery from the bank, it was him without a doubt. I aim to make sure he's caught and put away for what he did." *THE NEXT DAY*Completely unaware that he was being hunted, Chet saddled his horse up in the Sleepy City and rode for town. He needed some more coffee beans and some sugar from the dry goods store. The majority of the state police were hunting him in the moutains and the surround counties, most people expected him to have run far away to escape. He rode right into the back of town, approaching the rear of the buildings through an old dirt road. Once he reached the rear of the dry goods store he stopped and dismounted his horse, leaving the steed in the warm sunshine. "Stay Red, I'll be right back." Chet left his horse and made his way around the front of the store, taking the few dollars from his pocket that he had to buy Coffee and Sugar with. Not paying any mind to anyone that was around. Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 As Chet entered the store minding his own he was being watched by others in the store. The owner of the dry goods store came from the store room and saw him. "You filthy murderer I got ya know and your going to jail where you belong." The man growled as he picked up a nearby shovel and commenced to beat the living snot out of Chet as the younger man tried in vain to back away only succeeding in knocking over things as he backed into them in his flight. Once Chet was beaten to the point he couldn't run the store owner tied him up securely and picked up the phone to call and report to Rosco that he had Chet there in the store. Rosco answered the phone in his office with his usual greeting."Sheriff Roscooo P. Coltrane here what can I do for ya?" "Rosco this Jim McDougal over at the dry goods store I got that murdering polecat!" Jim said. Rosco laughed with glee "I'm a comin' I'm a comin'" He hung up and went out to his patrol car sirens blasting as he took off to the dry good's store. In the meantime Jim stood over Chet ready to clobber him again if he so much as wiggled a finger or toe. Quote
Cowboy Posted January 3, 2008 Author Posted January 3, 2008 "I didn't murder anyone..." Chet grimaced as he breathed. His ribs aching from behind hit by the shovel. He could hear the siren drawing near and began to struggle against his binds rolling over to avoid more swings from the shovel. Chet forced himself up onto his knees and raised his bound wrists as Jim McDougal swung down to strike him with the shovel again. The shovel hit the ropes cutting through them an into Chet's arm. He yelped loudly, baring the pain of the gash he yanked the ropes from around his ankles and tackled the store owner. Chet drew back his fist and punched the older man in the face once hard enough to daze him. Stumbling from the beating as he made his way out the front entrance of the store. As he came out the front door he barely stepped out onto the side walk and a shot rang out. A incrediable force slammed him back against the front of the building. Chet's head swam from getting jacked against the building a hot firely pain licked up the side of his neck. Blinking hard he shook his head and pushed himself up onto his knees then on his feet. Staggering he whistled loudly at the edge of the side walk. Hearing the whistle his horse trotted up to him quickly and Chet vaulted onto his back. Pulls bit into the ground at the horses feet and the side of the building as he galloped back the way he'd ridden in. State police arrived with Rosco, firing shots at the fleaing outlaw. They turned there tracking dogs loose to chase after the horse and rider. The gallant, long legged Thoroughbred horse gallaped as fast as he could down the trail, making tracks for the hide out and taking every short cut possible, even cutting through the back of the Davenport property. Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted January 3, 2008 Posted January 3, 2008 Jim McDougal ran out of his store when the police arrived ranting and shaking his fist at the fleeing figure. B.L was at the right place at the right time to see Chet fleeing across the back of the Davenport property. She waved to him trying to get his attention so he'd stop. "Hey! what're you doing? This is private property." Quote
Cowboy Posted January 5, 2008 Author Posted January 5, 2008 (This post is a joint effort by BL and Chet.)Chet grabbed onto his horses mane as the horse reached the Davenport fence line, at the last possible moment the horse knew he couldn't leap the fence and crashed into. The big Thoroughbred fell through the fence his rider tumbling across the ground. In second the firery Red steed was back on his feet, two snarling German Sherpherd police dogs rushed the horse. The equines ears laid back knowing his master was down on the ground, he reared at the dogs squealing shrilly at them and striking the air. The dogs stopped there rush at the horse, still growling and snarling. With ear laid back and teeth bared the big horse lit into the dogs, bitting one and chasing both back they way they'd come, while his rider regained his feet through the broken fencing. B.L had started to approach Chet to see if he was hurt much from the fall but when the big horse had reared and squealed she took a few steps back so she wouldn't get caught in the cross fire. When the dogs had fled she came over to the fence where Chet was getting back to his feet. "Are you alright?" she asked not showing the usual fear or disdain for him that most people in town showed. Chet backed up away from BL quickly, wary, ready to run. Surely she was after him as well. He breathed hard from the exaperation of his escape. His back pressed against the fencing that remained standing. "Stay back!" Chet's eyes were wide in fear, his mind scrambling so fast he didn't knotice her lack of distain and lack of anger towards him. His horse trotted back from chasing the dogs away, sputtering a mouth full of canine hair.B.L took a couple steps back giving Chet his space hoping he would realize she wasn't a threat. She now saw the blood running down from the gunshot wound in the base of his neck but she didn't dare approach closer to have a better look. "That needs taking care of or ya gonna bleed to death." Sighing BL's brow creased "I know why ya running and I also know you didn't do it. I was in the bank that day and saw it all." She wanted him to know she knew the truth no matter what others wanted to believe. The feeling of warm wet blood soaking up his shirt heartily was not a good sign, Chet knew, he raised his right hand and clutched the wound. He swallowed creasing his brow. "I didn't murder anyone... I have no idea why they think that. Why are they chasing me?" His mismatched eyes traveled over her form head to toe, gauging her by her demeanor, surprised when she stepped back rather they try and keep him from running. His horse stretched his neck out as far as he could to sniff her, ears half cocked back. "I know you didn't kill anyone....One of the men looked a little like you and one of the kids in town was murdered in cold blood. Naturally his mother was distraught and she blamed you and others were quick to follow her accusation." B.L stayed in her place as she explained what she had seen and heard in the bank at the time of the robbery and murders. "I told Enos you didn't do it that I had seen the one who did face to face but he didn't believe me." She flicked her eyes in the direction of the sniffing horse but made no move to touch him in any way just letting him sniff her. "Red... come." Chet called his horse and the gelding came to him obediently, Chet rubbd his hand on the white blaze on the horses face. "Why arent you pinning it on me too? Im sure theres a nice shiny penny for the person who turns me in." He paused watching her. "Of course Enos didn't believe you, his heads full of stuffin just like the Sheriff."B.L shrugged in answer to his question "why pin it on ya when I saw the real person responsible do it? That wouldn't be right just to get the reward money which I don't need that bad. I prefer to earn my money honestly." She didn't totally agree with him about Enos he was a good man but often was led astray by Rosco but this she kept to herself.Chet snorted in amusement. "Why pin it on me... why not, everything else is pinned on me. Just because I aint got a dime in my pocket to buy a meal with, and I just happen to be clever enough to snatch one so I dont starve." His eyes narrowed on her alittle. "So what are you going to do, since you so conviently got me cornered?" B.L just looked at him a moment then speaking "I don't believe in falsely accusing people especially of things I know for a fact they didn't do." Folding her arms shifting her weight to one leg reguarding him carefully it was true she had him cornered and could easily turn him in but she wasn't going to do that. "I ain't gonna do a thing. I'd like to help ya before you bleed to death if you'll let me." Dogs howled and muffled voices echoed from the direction of town. Chet's head turned sharply, the police where on his tracks and closing in. His brow creased deeper and he looked at his horse then back at BL. "Ive got to get outta here. Or I am going to jail for murder.""Come back to the house let me take care of that wound. They won't know your there cos they think your on the move so won't bother stopping at anyone's farm or house to see if your there." She turned her own head in the direction of the howling dogs and voices if he didn't make up his mind soon they surely would catch him.Chet gripped his horses reins tightly. "What about my horse?" He glanced at the sound and moved towards her, he knew he was bleeding bad and if he ran he risked getting caught. "We'll put him in the barn, by some chance they do search out buildings and such and find him it's not uncommon for folks around here to have a horse." She watched him come a little closer, it looked as though he was going to trust her. Quote
Cowboy Posted January 5, 2008 Author Posted January 5, 2008 "Alright, lets hurry there comin damn close." Chet clicked to his horse. "C'mon Red." The horse followed at a slow jog sensing the urgency. B.L turned and headed back towards the house and she hoped safety for Chet. They hadn't been that far from it so it only took a few minutes to get there as the brisk pace they were walking to try and avoid the dogs and state police. "Just put him in the barn. I'm sorry we don't have any grain but there should be some hay in there we've been storing it for one of the local farmer's who's barn burned down a while back."He nodded and led the horse into the barn, putting him in one of the old empty stalls and untacking him in a hurry. Quickly he tossed the horse enough hay to keep him quiet for the rest of the afternoon and hurried for the house. The police were dangerously close now and he ducked inside the rear door just in time. B.L had been standing at the window looking out for the police while he tended to his horse. She'd went inside to gather the supplies she'd need to care for his neck. "Is the bullet still in?" B.L asked as he came in the door she too could hear the dogs getting closer even from inside the house it sounded like they were on top of Chet's trail. Chet swallowed hard, it had been a long time since he'd been in a house and even longer since he'd had close contact with another human being. He shook his head in reply and dipped his hand in to cover the wound under his shirt collar. "No, was a rifle slug." Under his hand he could feel the ragged flesh the large rifle shell had left behind. Opening the first aid kit on the table B.L indicated the chair in front of her. "Have a seat so I can stop the bleeding and bandage it then." She however didn't move to force him to do as she said she was going to do this on his terms only not risking the possibility of scaring him off. Hesitating he sat down in the chair and pealed his shirt off. Without the aid of the shirt to soak up the blood it ran down his left pectorial. The flesh of the base of his neck was a mess, the slug had been big and left a good measure of damage behind. His other wound from the run in with buckshot had scabbed over, but was festering with infection since he couldn't reach it to remove the metal pieces. B.L took the cloth she had on the table and dipped it in the pan of warm water also sitting there. She gently wiped at the dripping blood in order to have a better look at the wound, noticing the scabbed over but obviously infected other wound she asked. "What happened here?" The blood now wiped away so she could see she reached in the first aid kit retrieving the gauze making a pad holding it firmly on the bleeding wound to stop the flow of blood.He bulked alittle as she squeezed the wound but stayed still. His eyes lowered shamefully, he'd been stealing when he'd caught load of buckshot. "I caught a spray of buckshot, richoceted. I cant reach it to get the pieces out.""Looks infected, I'd best do something about that too before gangrene sets in." She replied calmly not incriminating him in any way. However she did suspect that he'd been stealing when it had happened but could only guess that it had been food. His brow creased but he nodded. "Ok." Chet answered, sitting considerably still and relaxed. He sighed feeling weak from hunger and now the blood loss, B.L. could have counted his ribs he looked so gawnt and starved.As the flow of blood from the rifle slug wound began to taper off B.L cleaned it thouroughly with some antiseptic placing a bandage over it and taping the edges. "I've got to sterilize something to get the pieces from the buckshot out." Moving over to a cupboard she pulled out a pan filling it with water then sat it on the stove to heat dropping in a small knife that she would use to dig the pieces out with. B.L could now truly see how starved the young man was at her table and asked "would you like something to eat? It'll only take a minute to whip something up." "No.... " He breathed in a few times blinking his eyes and swaying in the seat. "I think I should lay down though." "Ok, the livingroom is right through there you can lay on the couch and I'll be there in a second to take that buckshot out." B.L pointed through the door of the kitchen to the livingroom beyond. "Ok." Chet nodded and got up makin his way to the living room and the couch. He paused and looked around the livingroom. Memories came back to him, he could remember being there as a young boy. Teetering he laid down on his chest on the couch and blinked his eyes slowly his head spinning for a few moments. Then like a light switch that someone turned off he sunk against the cushions, passing out.Coming into the livingroom a few moments later another bowl of water and a clean cloth in hand along with the steralized knife which was wrapped in another cloth and the first aid kit B.L sat the things on the cofeetable. Opening the first aid kit again and unwrapping the knife she turned to Chet and noticed he'd passed out, that was just as well though it meant she wouldn't have to give him anything to ease the pain while she worked to remove the buckshot. Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted January 5, 2008 Posted January 5, 2008 B.L pulled over a lamp next to the couch getting as much light as she could on her work. She picked up the knife taking a deep breath letting it out slowly beginning the tedious task of removing the buckshot her face scrunched in concentration. An hour later the buckshot was completely removed and B.L sat cleaning the wound and bandaging it so it could begin to heal properly.After making sure he was comfortable she covered him with the afgahn from the back of the couch cleaning up the medical supplies. Everything cleaned up and back in it's rightful place she had nothing left to do but watch him sleep and make sure he didn't start to bleed again through his bandages. Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 (This is another joint post between me and Chet) In down town Hazzard the street lights were coming on in the square and lights were going out in the shops along the main streets, closing up for the day. Cooter Davenport gathered his hat and coat and locked up his garage for the night before getting into his truck and driving home to the Davenport farm. B.L heard the truck pull into the yard she looked out the window to make sure it was Cooter and not someone she didn't want to see who was on the couch like Rosco or Enos. Turning she looked back at Chet still on the couch then the window watching Cooter cross the yard coming closer and closer to the house. She was sure he'd heard all the buzz in town about Chet so she wondered what his reaction would be to finding the outlaw asleep on the couch.Passed out on the couch Chet didnt hear Cooter pull into the drive and walk up the plank steps of the old farm house. The tired mechanic let himself into his home like any average evening after work. "Hey how was your d-" Cooter stopped abruptly in the center of the floor noticing the young man laying passed out on his couch. His jaw slackened and he looked at BL blinking in shock. "BL!" "Now Cooter don't get all wound up if you'll calm down I'll explain everything." B.L placated making a calming motion with her hand. Biting her lip she looked between the two men sighing deeply. "No! Im not gonna calm down, theres a murderer on my couch! You better start explaining real fast or Im calling Rosco!" Cooter demanded, he glanced around the room for some means of protection against the young man should he stirr. Her hands on her hips BL glared at Cooter with firey eyes "He's NOT a murderer he didn't rob the bank or kill those people especially that little boy....I KNOW cos I WAS there!!" B.L then pulled the blanket back a little so Cooter could see the bandages. "He was shot and bleedin' bad came across the back pasture on his horse there was police dogs on his tail we could hear them. I couldn't let him just go riding off into the wild blue yonder and bleed to death now could I?" "Hes wanted BL! Now I know you were there but the video camera that the state police have from the bank proves its him. How do you know he wasnt him?" Cooter folded his arms and pressed his lips moving closer to the couch to see the bandages. His brow creases. "Thats a bad place to be shot." "How do I know? Because I was face to face with the guy who did it that's how i know!" B.L nodded as Cooter looked at the bandages. "Yeah it is and he had an old wound from buckshot that was infected and not healing good cos the buckshot was still in there. I removed it cleaned it up real good should heal just fine now." Quote
B.L. Davenport Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 (This is another joint post between BL and Chet) In down town Hazzard the street lights were coming on in the square and lights were going out in the shops along the main streets, closing up for the day. Cooter Davenport gathered his hat and coat and locked up his garage for the night before getting into his truck and driving home to the Davenport farm. B.L heard the truck pull into the yard she looked out the window to make sure it was Cooter and not someone she didn't want to see who was on the couch like Rosco or Enos. Turning she looked back at Chet still on the couch then the window watching Cooter cross the yard coming closer and closer to the house. She was sure he'd heard all the buzz in town about Chet so she wondered what his reaction would be to finding the outlaw asleep on the couch.Passed out on the couch Chet didnt hear Cooter pull into the drive and walk up the plank steps of the old farm house. The tired mechanic let himself into his home like any average evening after work. "Hey how was your d-" Cooter stopped abruptly in the center of the floor noticing the young man laying passed out on his couch. His jaw slackened and he looked at BL blinking in shock. "BL!" "Now Cooter don't get all wound up if you'll calm down I'll explain everything." B.L placated making a calming motion with her hand. Biting her lip she looked between the two men sighing deeply. "No! Im not gonna calm down, theres a murderer on my couch! You better start explaining real fast or Im calling Rosco!" Cooter demanded, he glanced around the room for some means of protection against the young man should he stirr. Her hands on her hips BL glared at Cooter with firey eyes "He's NOT a murderer he didn't rob the bank or kill those people especially that little boy....I KNOW cos I WAS there!!" B.L then pulled the blanket back a little so Cooter could see the bandages. "He was shot and bleedin' bad came across the back pasture on his horse there was police dogs on his tail we could hear them. I couldn't let him just go riding off into the wild blue yonder and bleed to death now could I?" "Hes wanted BL! Now I know you were there but the video camera that the state police have from the bank proves its him. How do you know he wasnt him?" Cooter folded his arms and pressed his lips moving closer to the couch to see the bandages. His brow creases. "Thats a bad place to be shot." "How do I know? Because I was face to face with the guy who did it that's how i know!" B.L nodded as Cooter looked at the bandages. "Yeah it is and he had an old wound from buckshot that was infected and not healing good cos the buckshot was still in there. I removed it cleaned it up real good should heal just fine now."Cooter pulled the blanket away more, the boy was clearly unconscious probably from blood loss. His eyes scanned the young mans body, shirtless and with raggedy jeans on, his booted feet hung off the edge of the couch. He looked so thin, Cooter could have counted his ribs and traced the bones in his back with a marker. "Your positive it wasnt him? " He covered Chet back up rubbing his brow in worry.B.L nodded assuredly that it hadn't been Chet in the bank that day. "I'm positive it wasn't him. The other guy just looked like him from a distance but up close he didn't. His eyes were both brown Chet's right eye is grey cos he's blind in it. The man killed a little boy that was just trying to get to his mother, right there in front of her in cold blood without an ounce of care as if he was shooting a deer or something he was just that mean and you could see it in his eyes. Chet's not like that you can see just a glimmer of innocence in his eyes. I know what people say he's stolen stuff but it's just piddly little things like food or petty cash so he can eat." Cooter sighed heavily, she sounded very certain and he believed her. He nodded in agreement that people were too harsh on the young man for simply being hungry. "He is skin and bone, but that dont make stealin right and we both know it. What are we going to do with him? He'll be ok here for a day or so but sooner or later someones gonna come here. Theres state police combing the state of Georgia for him.* B.L nodded in agreement the young man was overly skinny especially for his height "Yeah he is I tried to get him to eat but he didn't want nothin' he didn't look so good too much blood loss. No don't make it right but we can't neither one of us say we wouldn't steal if we was as hungry as him." She shrugged biting her lip brow furrowed she hadn't thought much past the immediate situation and that was to get Chet to the relative safety of the house so she could treat the wound. "I don't know haven't thought that far ahead yet. They wouldn't have a reason to search the place though for him and if they did they couldn't do it without a search warrent. We've got to think of a way to keep the state police and the locals off his tail till he's well enough to find a better place to hide." B.L really didn't know what to do and she looked at Cooter with the the same look she had when they were children and found themselves in a sticky situation expecting him to know a way out."He cant hide for the rest of his life either, he didnt kill those people, the law needs to see the error and find the real guy that did." Cooter sat down in the sofa chair in the living room pondering. "We should get him up, get him eating and drinking water, that'll help get his blood level back up." BL sighed deeply sinking down in the other chair in the room Cooter was right Chet couldn't hide the rest of his life. But she wasn't holding her breath that he'd be believed anyway. "Yeah a few good meals would do him wonders but so would some decent rest." "Thats not rest." Cooter teased lightly trying to lighten the mood. "Hes unconscious or more then likely he'd haven waken." BL only smiled at Cooter's teasing "No guess it's not but at least unconscious he's not hurting. With the way you was carryin' on when you came in here and saw him I'm surprised you didn't wake him up anyway." Cooter chuckled lightly. "Yeah thats true. Lets wake him and see if we cant get some food in him, he'll rest better with a full belly. Then I want you to call Bo, tell him that Chet is not the murderer." Quote
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