pendragon1980 Posted July 6, 2003 Author Posted July 6, 2003 Angel was plenty peeved at the name. "If you're not referring to the car with that crack, you're getting it when we stop." Luke's laugh could be heard over the CB.Angel around the car in a quick 360 and nearly plowed into Rosco, who in turn had to go offroad to turn at the sudden change of direction. Within minutes, she caught sight of Eno's patrol car's following closly behind Luke over a slight hill by the side of the road. She swerved the General Sherman offroad and pulled it up next to Enos car. Luke looked behind to see Angel had joined them. "Couldnt get enough of me, sweetheart?""Just taking out the competition, honey."Angel carefully pushed the General against Eno's car, the deputy pulled closer to the edge of the small hill in response. One more slight push and the patrol car was rolling down the enbankment. After having landed on its side, the patrol's car occupant climbed out the window and waved at the racecars as they turned and passed him. Rosco, having finally caught up with the chase, was unpleasantly surprise to find the two cars bearing towards him. He close his eyes as an orange blur passed on the left and a red one to his right. Unfortunatly closing his eyes also caused him to crash into a tree.Looking behind her and laughing, Angel thought if the cops in Pittsburgh were this easy to ditch, me and sis would be milloniares by now. Quote
essyjane Posted July 6, 2003 Posted July 6, 2003 Well the car was back just as Lulu and Boss walked outside from their long discussion. "You will come home and fix the sink," Lulu grunted."Yes dear," Boss replied."You will take out the garbage.""Yes dear.""You won't charge the Dukes with ANYTHING.""Yes I will! Theyt stole my car.""Then what's that?" Lulu pointed to the White Caddy sitting in the drive. It was well clean and much sharper than the day he'd bought it. Boss' jaw hung wide open. "NEXT time YOU want to LIE about not having a car, don't come to me to borrow it." "But Lamb Chops...""JD, one more word out of you and I will crush our agreement to keep your fridge.""You can't take Wally, we have had good times together. Midnight bindges, great pork chops and more.""It's only a fridge JD!" Lulu walked to her car and got in. Boss picked up the CB and held it in his hands. "You know you're gonna git it one of these days...when I finally catch you two groups. You're gonna wish you were never born.""What with that police force Boss?" Stephanie replied. She laughed over the CB. "ROSCO! You're lucky your sister is my wife!" "Boss, did you just say you wish I was your wife?" Boss rolled his eyes. He walked back into his building and planned the race of a life time that would happen in another two weeks due to the robbery of his car. While he was doing that, Lulu was planning the annual backwards dance where the gals choose which fella they want to go with. Now friends, this should be interesting. Enemies ganged up to go and fix a big mistake. Now they could be dancing partners. This should be good. Quote
essyjane Posted July 6, 2003 Posted July 6, 2003 Since the Dukes and the Wilsons had become friends, Luke offered an invitation for them to all stay in the Duke house. That way they didn't have to pay for the boarding house for so long."Can you believe the nerve of Hogg?" Stephanie grumbled."Now come on Steff, I know were gonna race but you know how Boss is. He wants to wait two weeks well let him," Angel answered. "No, this ain't fair, he has to prospone is because of you! If you didn't get any ideas...""Well if you didn't go and make me come to Hazzard in the first place...""Ladies!" Uncle Jesse exclaimed."She started it," both said at the same time."Now girls, we don't fight in this house, sort of a family rule. As long as you're stayin' here, y'all are family. I don't want to see it!""Okay sis, then let's step outside," Stephanie hissed."I don't think so!" Bo exclaimed. He grabbed onto Stephanie's hips. Bo lifted her up and dragged her into the next room. Stephanie swung her legs over and wrapped them around Bo's neck. She pulled him to the ground with them. "Bo, I am a dang good wrestler!" Bo got her legs off of him and put Stephanie in a half nelson."SO am I." Bo held her for a minute and gave her a kiss on the mouth."Hey!" Stephanie cuffed her arm around his and rolled towards him. She put her elbow by his hipbone. "You ain't gonna fight with your sister. You love her." Stephanie hit Bo in the face hard making his nose bleed. "Owe!""Yeah I love her.""I don't usually hit a lady..." "Yeah but I usually do hit a man." "Don't you dare try it!""Watch me!" Bo elbowed her in the stomach as she went to hit him again. "Bo! You ain't supposed to hit a lady!" Uncle Jesse yelled."Sorry sir!" Bo yelled back. Stephanie quit."Why shouldn't I fight with her? She almost had us all in big trouble." Bo laughed. If he fought with LUke everytime he got the two in trouble, they wouldn't exactly be friends anymore."Sisterhood is a bond.""More like a pain.""How many times to I have to appologize?" Angel asked."Well I think you should do it now. You should get something for me too.""I am sorry! I will make a big dinner tomorrow okay?""You're forgive then sis." Angel put a hand up for Stephanie. She didn't accept it of course being as stubborn as she was. "Now, we should go and practice for the race before we go dress shopping for that dance.""Okay." Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 6, 2003 Author Posted July 6, 2003 Angel dropped her sister and Daisy off at the dress shop, she wasn't going anywhere near it. She had not worn a dress since she was 16 and she liked it that way, thank you very much. She was amazed at all that Steph wanted to wear a dress at all, but then again, her little sister had been acting strange since they starting staying at the Duke farm. *Oh, and you're not, Miss Sigh-When-Luke-Smiles-At-You*She took Sherman over to Cooter's garage to wait for the girls, unfortunalty Hogg was already here, with his new racecar, the Hogg Hellion. Scowling and parking her car, Angel walked up to Boss and pointed at the car. "Whats this? You racing two cars now, Boss?""No, I aint. This is the car that will win the race on Sunday. You and your sister are FIRED. You two have been nothing but thorns in my side since you hooked up with them Dukes and I aint taking it no more.""We had a deal!""Deal's off! and I want to intrduce you to someone."Angel looked at the man Hogg had motioned to warily. "Oh?""This here's Jon Corbet, Pittsburgh City police."At the word, "Pittsburgh", Angel's heart had come to a grinding halt, by "police", she had turned to run. But Corbet was a hair faster. He pushed Angel against the General with all the gentleness of a bear, then slapped a pair of handcuffs onto her wrists. "Angela Marie Wilson, you're under arrest for the following charges; grand thief auto, robbery, alluding and evading police capture, resisting arrest.."Angel close her eyes and sighed. How was going to explain this to Steph? Quote
essyjane Posted July 6, 2003 Posted July 6, 2003 Jon held the middle of the cuffs. "You're not getting away from me girly not matter how much you try," Jon hissed. Angel struggled with the cuffs. She tried to get out of his grip but it was no use. "Are you gonna drive all the way back there tonight?" Boss asked."What do you think Hogg? Corbet answered harshly. "This one got away from me once. She's just like her old man. STEALING items that don't belong to him." "Oh don't start with me Uncle Jon! It's not my fault that your side of the family wouldn't take us in after Mom died. Dad was a jerk and left us after that. I don't have a problem with that. When you left us in the dark, that made me mad.""She married him! He left!""It's not my fault that Mom got married to Dad!""Woe, hold the phone, you're family?" Boss asked. "Yeah, Angela's mother Genna eloped. We didn't want anything to do with her. Then I find out that the man she married had a criminal record, Moon shine runner. Used to live in Chicasaw County. Moved to our city after he was released. ""He has a name Uncle Jon.""He doesn't need it to be used!""Barry, Barry Wilson. My father may have been a moon shine runner but he turned out to be a wonderful man. Mama worked her tail off as a nurse and he stayed home to raise us. It may be a hard life but he did it. When Mom died, he couldn't even bear the sight of us.""Yeah, messed up your mom's chances of a good life. Now, this discussion is over! Where' Stephanie?""She's not involved in this!""If you don't want to be arrested or convicted of anything, you better tell me the name of that man on the video camera.""What video camera?""Every bank machine has a hidden camera...we saw you lift that car. Now, who was that man?""I would rather rot in my cell.""So be it!" Jon took off the cuffs and pushed her in. "You've forgotten who you are Jon! You have turned your back on your family." "I turned my back on her the minute she married him." "You stupid lousy..." Jon glared at her and simply walked away. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 6, 2003 Author Posted July 6, 2003 Angel sat the jailcell under the Hazzard County Sheriff's Department, her head in her hands, wondering how on Earth she was going get out of this mess. She hadnt come up with an answer when Stephanie came tearing down the steps, Bo and Luke in tow. Angel stood when Stephanie came up to the bars. "Don't worry, Sis, We're gonna get you out of here somewhere, we'll...""Steph, I made a deal with Corbet""WHAT?!""I promised him if I confessed and didnt resist extradition to Pittsburgh, all charged would be dropped against you.""oh Angel, you didn't!""Stephanie, he has video of me and Ken lifting a car.""Who's Ken?" Luke immediatly wanted to know. "Cool your heels, darling, Ken's my partner. He's the one who taught me how to steal cars." Angel looked at Luke, She had grown very fond of him over the last week. "Looks like I'm gonna miss the dance then." Luke put his hand over the one holding the bar. "Not if I can help it."Stephanie cut in. "Angel, you told me you werent gonna steal any more cars. When did this happean?""About 3 days before we came to Hazzard. We needed the extra money for the entry fee and modification on Sherman.""Oh Angel, How could you?!""Stephanie, I have wanted only the best for you since Mom died. I thought if we could win the grand prize here in Hazzard, we could set up a normal garage. I guess you can't run from your past then.""But...""Come on, little sister, you know how little the shop was making, how did you THINK I was bringing in highclass parts?" Angel's voice held unusual vehemence. "Now, I'm telling you and you listen good, Go get Sherman and walk away and don't look back." Quote
essyjane Posted July 6, 2003 Posted July 6, 2003 "No!" Stephanie exclaimed. "What?" Angel asked."You heard me. I was unaware. I won't be charged anyway. Think about it Angel! He has you in his corner by playing you for a sucker! I am not about to let it happen. Men, we have some talking to do. You talk to my sister while I talk to that stinky Uncle of mine." Stephanie walked up the stairs just as the tears hit her eyes. She couldn't let this happen to her sister. Stephanie bit on her top lip and looked up at the ceiling. She didn't want to leave her sister but what if it was her only option? Stephanie finally moved up the stairs. She looked at Jon and barked like a dog."Oh come off it!" Jon exclaimed. "Come off what? You almost got her in a mess by charging me! I didn't know anything about it therefore, I am not liable. Sorry. You cannot hold me over her head," Stephanie shouted back."Did you tell her that?""Yes I did. Now, you better leave her alone!""I won't! Not until she tells me that name.""She would rather die!""A few days on bread and water will change her adittude some. I think we will stay in Hazzard. Soon we'll go back and she can be in jail for a long time.""If she says the name?""I'll drop the charges." What was Angel gonna do? Would she ever let it slide? Or would she rather have bread and water for the rest of her days? Stephanie knew her sister was stubborn. Angel wouldn't want anything to happen to her sister or her friend. was familiar to her. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 7, 2003 Author Posted July 7, 2003 Meanwhile, Jon had gone back down to the cells to see if he could convince Angel to give up her partner. Angel, in truth, was a small fry compared to this guy, who had been lifting cars for the better part of twenty years. Jon knew if he could knew him, it would make his career.As he reached the cells, he saw Angel talking quietly two men, a brunette and a blonde, she was holding the hand of the brunette as she talked."Well, well, Angela, I'm so sorry to interrupt you talking to your boyfriend, or boyfriends, I should say. Like mother like daughter as I guess.""Go to hell, Corbet.""I'll see you when I get there.""I guess you didn't hear the lady." Luke said. "She doesn't want to talk to you.""Fine with me, we'll have a long, long drive back to Pittsburgh to talk. Of course, you could save yourself a lot of trouble with just tell me the name of your partner.""Nothing doing, pal.""You're going making it harder on yourself." With that, Corbet left.After he was gone, Luke turned back to Angel. "We're going figure something out.""I hope so, sweetheart, becuase I won't give up Ken that easily."Bo was more doubtful. "I don't see why not, I mean, this guy brought you into a life of crime and all.""Its not that easy, Bo, Ken was there for me and Steph when noone else was, showed me how to make a living that could support me and Steph.""Stealing cars?""I didn't have a choice, we had noone else." It was a heavy confession, although it was true that Angel and Stephanie never had the loving family that the Dukes had, they only had each other. Angel laughed sadly. "I guess I could be the poster girl for what happeans when you come from a broken home.""Don't say that.""It's the truth. I tried to give Steph the chance I didn't choose for myself. And I guess I failed" Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 7, 2003 Author Posted July 7, 2003 Luke squeezed her hand slighty. "You sacifaced yourself for someone you love. There is no failing something like that."Angel wanted to kiss Luke for his kind words, but the bars of the cell prevented it. Instead she pressed two fingers to her own lips and then to Luke's. Smiling softly, she said "Luke, Bo, You have to promise me you won't let Steph do anything to endanger her own safety or freedom.""But..""No Buts. I would rather spend the rest of my life in jail then see that little girl hurt."Before either of the Duke cousins could response to that, Corbet returned. "Alright, plowboys, visiting time's over. It's my turn to chat with the little lady.""I told you before, she doesnt want to talk to you.""But she might be interested in listening."Angel caught the warning in Corbet's tone. "Luke, I'll be alright, he cant hurt me from inside the cell."Luke didnt look happy about leaving, but he and Bo did, joining Steph upsides."Still not talking to me, Angela? Or should I call you Angel?""Only my friends call me Angel.""Oh? and What does Luke Duke call you, I wonder?""Shut up, Corbet and leave them alone."Corbet smiled coldly at his niece. "You were always the protective type. You would NEVER let anything happean to someone you love, esp Steph."Angel breath stopped as she got his meaning. "Corbet, you wouldnt dare! You wouldnt risk your own career by harassing your own niece.""You're right, I wouldn't but i know plently good ole boys in the area that would let to make a buck or two, and getting to push around your pretty little sister would probably be a bonus." With that, Corbet stood and turned to leave."Corbet! Wait!""Too late, Angela. You had your chance to cooperate. Now's let see if your sister has more brains than you do.""Steph doesnt know anything.""We'll see about that." Still smiling, Corbet left.Angel grasped the cell bars with both hands, never feeling so trapped, so powerless in his life. "CORBET!"But it was useless, he was gone. Angel plowed her hands through his hair. She could'nt let this happean. But by now, the Dukes and Steph were on their way and Corbet thug probably was too. She was locked up and couldnt help, couldnt even warn them.Grabbing the bars, Angel shouted "Enos!"The deputy came running down the steps. "You OK, Angel?! I aint never heard you hollar like that before!""Enos, Listen to me, I have to let me out.""I can't do that, Angel, its my job as a deputy. I shouldnt even be talking to you, Sheriff Rosco says""Then listen to me, PLease! You have to warn the Dukes, Corbet has sent a thug after my sister and that means anyone with her will also but in danger.""Angel, I don't thi...""Enos, They will be KILLED if you don't help me." Enos turned pale, he nodded and ran back up the steps. Quote
essyjane Posted July 18, 2003 Posted July 18, 2003 As Enos continued to his car, Rosco stopped him. "Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" Rosco commented. Enos was one of the most honest people in Hazzard County. If you think he's gonna lie, think again. "I am going to the streets of Hazzard," Enos replied. I said he was honest, that doesn't mean he needs to tell the whole truth. "To do what?"""Chase the Dukes." He did it again. Enos was chasing the Dukes alright, chasing them down to give them information. "Carry on then." Enos ran out the door. Remember, though the man can't drive he has lived in Hazzard all his life. Enos knew where the boys were headed, home. Enos took a couple of sharp turns and finally got to the Dukes. He set up a mini road block and got them to stop. Bo looked angry and Stephanie, she wasn't too pleased. "HEY!" Stephanie hissed."Hey nothing, I gotta warn you about Corbet. He's comin' after Stephie and y'all," Enos mumbled."I thought...""Yeah well he's still comin'""Great.""How do we fix it?""We need four heads...we need Angel. Look, Corbet's gonna keep coming until we get her out of harm's way.""Normally I wouldn't agree with you honey but you're right. I didn't hear your plans though. Git Stephanie to saftey and plan it with Cooter.""Okay," Bo replied. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 20, 2003 Author Posted July 20, 2003 Angel paced the confines of her cell. She couldnt just sit here while Corbet and his thug went after Steph, whether it was to get to Angel herself or try to wring the truth out of little sister it didn't matter. Angel knew what she had planned would probably destroy much hope of having any sort of normal life for herself, but she would do it for Steph.Coming up to the bar, Angel called up the jail steps. "Rosco! Sheriff!"Rosco came down the steps and frowned at his prisioner. "Alright, Wilson. Whadda want?""Sheriff, I'd like to confess.""Confess? If you gotta confess, you confess to that big city Yankee feller.""I..umm...I don't think I can later. If I don't do this now, I won't have the nerve.""Well, alright." Rosco pulled his pen and paper from his shirt pocket. "Alright, start confessing."ANgel opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again as if the confession were too much to bear. Rosco leaned foward to hear better. Angel saw her chance and grab Rosco's collar. "Sorry Rosco" She said before jerking her arm back, causing the sheriff's head to come against the bars. Rosco went down like a champ.Carefully, Angel removed the key from Rosco's belt and unlocked the cell. Stepping over the unconscious sheriff, Angel hesitated, then also took Rosco's gun and tucked it into his waistband. She hoped she wouldnt have to use it but nothing would stop her from protecting Steph. The General Sherman was still parked at Cooter's. Thanks to the mechanic's quick thinking, Corbet hadnt put his hands on the girls' prized racecar.The sheriff's office was empty, since Enos had left. Angel had no trouble sneaking across the street to Cooter's, removed the dropcloth and climbed into the Challedger. Slamming the accelator to the floor, the red racecar's tires squealed as it headed out of town, following Corbet and his thug. Quote
essyjane Posted July 20, 2003 Posted July 20, 2003 Stephanie and company arrived about twenty minutes after the mysterous Fallen Angel had vanished. Stephanie took a toothpick out of her mouth and looked at Bo as she put her sunglasses on. "Okay, she read our mind. Now I guess we're gonna have to have some fun. I need to do some research," Stephanie commented."What do you mean?" Bo asked."Uncle Corbet needs to be taught a lesson. You boys ain't allowed to leave the county but we don't to...I have got a friend in the force. His name is Peter Manning, one of the best older men I have ever dated. We broke up becuase well...there was a WAY better girl waiting for him. Anyway, he'll help me on something."Stephanie was right, she did find out something from this guy. Corbet was one who loved women...however he was married which wasn't exactly good. Stephanie had a plan. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 20, 2003 Author Posted July 20, 2003 Actually Angel had no idea what Steph had planned, her only thoughts were tracking down Corbet and preventing him from doing any damage to her sister. Her methods were also a little more straightfoward...force. Over the CB, she could hear Rosco explaining to Corbet about her escape, and, by the Pittsburgh's cop's ripe language, he wasn't thrilled about it. ..I'm over by Miller Road, right now. But I'll be back to the office about 20 minutes. We'll find her, if it takes everything we got. And Rosco, consider her armed and dangerous, shoot first and ask questions later.""Ten-four." Rosco wasn't happy about being ordered around, but he knew Corbet had a point, considering Angel now had his gun.Angel swung General Sherman into a sharp right, with any luck, she'd hit Miller Road same time as Corbet. Hopefully she could convince him to leave her and Steph alone, if not...Angel blocked the thought. She had always known her hard and fast lifestyle would catch up with her, but if things were going to come to a head, she preferred to be in the center of the storm alone. Stephanie didnt need to caught up in things Angel had started. And Angel intended to finish things today.Sure enough within five minutes, she spotted Corbet's blue sedan ahead and coming at her fast. Swinging the Sherman across the road, she forced the other car to stop and climbed out, holding the gun in one hand. Corbet realized who it was and grabbed the CB "Rosco, Angela is on Miller Road. She's has a gun. I need backup..!" That was all Corbet could get out before Angel grabbed the CB from him and yanked the mouthpiece clean out of the machine. Using Rosco's police special, she indicated Corbet to get out of the car. Which he did, he wasn't stupid, esp when he had a gun pointed at him. Angel's blue eyes were ice cold as she regarded her uncle. "Jon, I think its time we discussed things." Angel didnt realize that Corbet's request for backup was also heard in the General Lee, by Luke, Bo and Steph.Bo's eyes were wide as he glanced over to Steph. "She wouldnt, would she?" He didnt need to elaborate his thoughts.Steph nodded grimly. "To protect me, she would. She gotta get over there before she does anything stupid." Quote
essyjane Posted July 21, 2003 Posted July 21, 2003 Thank goodness they got over there in time. Stephanie grabbed her Uncle and was about to throw him over when Corbet decided to pull out a gun on her. "I have had enough of you two!" Corbet snarled. Bo hit him hard from behind and Corbet landed on the ground. Stephanie laughed. "What's so funny about this?" Angel asked."You don't see the brighter side of life. You remember his wife Julie?" Stephanie asked. "Duh.""Well its play time. Starring Corbet the dog." A smile arose on Angel's face."When Corbet woke up in his underwear and undershirt. There was a ladie's dress on one side. Three girls walked out and began to kiss him. Corbet didn't resist. "Hold on sweetbabies, there's plenty of me to go around," Corbet commented. About nineteen flashes took place out of Stephanie's camera and of course the Dukes as well. Corbet couldn't believe it."Pittsburg News, cop's wife kills him after she sees pictures," Stephanie said."That's blackmail!""That's right.""What do you want?""I want all charges dropped against my sister and I. You leave and never come back. Got it?""Okay, done." Stephanie handed him one roll."You'll get the other four when we get back to our city and see the records are gone.""FINE!""In the words of my friends from Hazzard, 'Don't come back ya hear?'" Everyone laughed as Corbet finally left the Dukes and the Wilsons alone for good. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 22, 2003 Author Posted July 22, 2003 Angel was waiting outside with the General Sherman while Stephanie did her dastardly deed. Angel shook her head ruefully, think, for once, Steph had saved her instead of the other way around. But everything Corbet had said about Angel was, in its way, right. She was a car thief and a criminal. She had been willing and ready to silence Corbet permnantly. And although, they had thir charges cleared in Hazzard, they could never return to Pittsburgh. With that thought in mind, Angel strolled over to the pay phone and made a call.A little while later, Stephanie and the Dukes joined Angel outside. Angel approached Stephanie. "Sis, how would feel about a change of venue?"Her little sister looked confused. "What do you mean?""I just called Ken. Hes agreeed to buy the garage and chop shop from us." Angel leveled her eyes at her sister. "You know even though Corbet agreed to leave us alone, we can't go back to Pittsburgh. Well, I can't anyway..""I told ya before, sis, we stick together!""I know, thats why I'm looking into buying a place here in Hazzard. What can I say, the place's kinda grown on me. I could even get to like grits after a while." Angel grinned at her sister. "What do you say? Stay or go?""STAY!" Stephanie, Bo and Luke all said at once. "Well then, what are we waiting for? With the winning from the race day after tommorrow, we'll build the best garage in town."Bo grinned. "You gals still think you're gonna win?""Not think, Know!" Stephanie stuck her tongue at the blonde Duke.Angel rolled her eyes. "Not THIS again!" Quote
essyjane Posted July 24, 2003 Posted July 24, 2003 After the boys got through with Boss, he couldn't say no to sponsoring two cars instead of one. Someone had to win. Bo and Luke were sure it was gonna be them. Having the enemy become the good friends. Angel looked at Luke, "Either way we win." Quote
essyjane Posted July 24, 2003 Posted July 24, 2003 (By Chance and Essy)The girls were dressed like people from a real track. They wore checkered suits with advertisement to everything Boss Hogg owned. Hogg figured that the people would stare more at the gals than the guys. He also did something else that they weren't exactly aware of. You see, Rosco messed with Bo and Luke's car. He bet $100 that the girls would win. Boss Hogg did the opposite, he added to General Sherman's engine. Now friends, this could turn out to be an interesting race considering neither driver knew about this. Stephanie usually checked her car ten minutes before the race but was busy making plans with Bo for next Saturday since she was allowed to stay in Hazzard. "Swimming in the moonlight? Sounds primitave," Stephanie commented."No, sounds romantic," Bo retored."Oh whatever, just know that we're gonna have fun.""For a minute there you sounded southren."Angel and Luke came up to the car and Angelgrinned at her sister and Bo flirts. "Steph, what a time to be flirting with the enemy." She teased and then frowned as she pulled at the collar of her jumpsuit. "I can't believe Boss made us wear this clown costumes. I think this is venegence for stealing his car.""I bet it is too. I look like I belong on a bed," Stephanie replied. Angel heard the call to get into her car. She gave Luke one heck of a kiss. "Have fun Bo driving," Stephanie commented. She looked at Luke as he was finally released from her sister's lips. "Have fun watching us kid, though you won't see me behind the dust," Bo mumbled."Yeah, our dust.""You're dreaming!""No, you are!" Bo walked over to the Lee and laughed. Angel went to the Sherman. Isn't it funny how they were both side by side. Bo smiled as Daisy stood out with the flags ready to wave them. Daisy did her job and the two cars were off. Bo was in the lead but his parts were ready to come apart. Angel couldn't understand where the new found power came from in her General. Well that was it folks. Bo's breaks were gone. It took less than second for Angel to decide what to do. Pulling the Sherman in front of the General Lee, Angel used her car to slow the accelration of the General Lee. It would probably mean losing the race but saving a life was more importantWith the breaks gone, the steering was next. Seems old Rosco went for the wrong piece. I guess when you do it in the dark things are bound to go wrong. The car went off the road. Luke got worried and jumped into Dixie with Daisy. They began to speed up towards Bo but knew he wouldn't catch him. All the cars went passed the General Lee and Sherman. Luke remembered the bow and arrows Daisy carried in the back. "Take the wheel!" Luke commanded."No problem sugar," Daisy replied. She held on tight swerving from other cars. Luke had to work fast. He attatched a rope to the front of Dixie and another to the Arrow. Angel kept the car steady in the front. Luke let the arrow fly and it attached onto a piece of weak metal that was injured by Sherman. Luke went back in dixie. "Fallen Angel, Daisy, breaks." Both applied the breaks. The General was stopped in between the two. Quote
essyjane Posted July 24, 2003 Posted July 24, 2003 (By Essy and Chance)With the crisis ended, Angel exited the General Sherman. Just then Hogg Hellion passed the trio of stopped cars. She reached inside the General Sherman and called to her sister. "Sunbeam, this is Fallen Angel. We're stopped about...""STOPPED?!" Stephanie voice was incredoulous."stopped.." Angel repeated "about a half mile from the finish line. Grab Cooter and get him over here. We have problems."That done, Angel walked over where Bo, Luke and Daisy were peering inside the General Lee's Hood. It didn't take a mechanic to see the choppy job someone had done to the General insides.Angel figured there was something wrong with her baby boy as well. She looked under the hood. "He's been modified," Angel shouted."Well I didn't do it," Bo commented. "Bo, your nose is bleeding.""Yeah, I hit it on the dash." "Are you okay?""Fine." Angel went to touch his nose. Bo pulled away. "How am I supposed to know that you ain't responsible?""Bo, you're thinking crazy!" Luke exclaimed. "It was almost like Steph was keeping me busy while she...""I would NEVER do that!" Angel exclaimed."Bo, stop it, you're just angry," Luke mumbled."Yeah...I guess so. I suppose you would be mad too if you almost died," Bo snapped. Cooter showed up with the tow truck. Everyone got into their cars and drove off. Quote
pendragon1980 Posted July 25, 2003 Author Posted July 25, 2003 "Can you believe him?" Angel asked her sister later while at Cooter's garage. Stephanie was undoing the damage made to the General Sherman. "After all we've been through, your boyfriend still thinks we're capable of sabatoging the General Lee. I mean, Who would do something like this? Bo and I could have been killed.""Oh Pul-lease, Sis. Who do you think?" Steph rolled her eyes and nodded towards the county court house."Boss Hogg may be greedy, but he doesnt strike me as someone willing to attempt murder.""Maybe it was an accident then?""What I'd like to do is catch Hogg in the act of confessing what he did. That would be a picture." Angel grinned wickly at her sister "suitable for 'framing.'"Stephanie grin widened as she caught what her sister was thinking.The next day, Boss Hogg's office door slammed down to reveal an incensed Angel. Boss looked from the money he was counting. "You?! What do YOU want?.""Just my share of that prize money.""What prize money? You didnt even finish the race, let alone win!" Boss stood to call Rosco, but Angel push him back into his seat. The money he was counting scattered to the floor. As Boss was scrambling to collect, Angel flicked on the CB sitting on his desk and pulled the phone onto the receiever so the channel stayed open."You hired me and Steph to come down to Hazzard and make sure the Dukes lose. We did our part...they lost. We get our cut.""Uh-Uh, you didnt have nothing to do with those Dukes losing the race.""Didn't we?""Nooo. If it werent for me and Rosco, those Dukes would have taken everything.""Is that so?" Angel grin was wicked. "How you do it, divine help?""Divine nothing, just a little good old-fashioned mechanics"Angel leaned over the desk, glaring at Hogg. "You're 'good old-fashioned mechanics' nearly got Bo killed.""Well, I didn't know that dipstick sheriff of mine would take it into his head to mess with the General Lee!"Angel grinned and picked up the CB reciever. "Got all that on tape, sis?" Angel had Luke, Bo and Steph listening in the General Lee, who was now fixed up proper, outside. Steph actually had no tape recorder but Boss didnt need to know that.Boss Hogg's drop red and he turned an unhealthy shade of purple when we realized what he had done. "Now, Boss, Here's the deal. Half the prize money got to me and Steph, payment and compensation for our troubles, the other half goes to the Dukes, for nearly killing one of their kin. And that tape Steph is holding goes into the trash. Otherwise, it goes to every newspaper between here and Pittsburgh.""You..You wouldnt!"Angel leaned in until she was almost nose to nose with the Hazzard County Commissioner "Wouldnt I?"Ten minutes later and two thick enevlopes in hand, Angel met her sister and the Dukes of the bottom of the courthouse steps. ,laughing at Hogg's reaction to her scheme and exchanging celebreory hugs (the longest of which lasted between Angel and Luke)Bo suddenly turned serious for a moment. "Angel, I'm sorry I accused you of messing with the General. I guess I don't think when I'm angry." He held out a hand to Angel.Angel shook it. "No problem."Luke, however, added. "Bo, NOW you realize this?" Quote
essyjane Posted July 25, 2003 Posted July 25, 2003 Two weeks later...Two cars were racing down Hazzards streets. Both cars as good as ever. Sherman would stay in Hazzard. Unlike the war between men, this Battle in Hazzard turned out to end in a handshake...well a hand shake and a kiss. Bo Duke and Stephanie figured they could keep it going. Angel couldn't believe how alike they were. Both on opposite ends but when you think of it, both were always connected somehow. Now this was Hazzard and all was well...uh until next time I mean.THE END Quote
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