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Hi, everyone. I'm new to Hazzardnet, but I thought you guys would like an update on the movie from a local. I live in Clinton, LA, where the majority of the movie is to be filmed. Filming is to begin at Cooter's Rebel Repair today at 3:00 p.m. The shop (formerly Red's Body Shop) has been there for many years, but the production crews have updated it quite a bit to look like Cooters. There are camera crews, camera equipment, and 18-wheelers full of stuff everywhere. The production company has practically taken over the local private school. It's parking lot has been turned into base camp with all of the wardrobe trailers (about 7-8 total trailers for the stars). Believe me this is a very small town (the population for the entire parish is only 21,000 people), so this is extremely exciting to all of us.

Yesterday, a transporter brought into town Daisy's Jeep, several police cars, and the General Lee. With this piece of information I hope to end the speculation and relieve most of you: The General Lee does have the Rebel flag on top!! I saw it myself. I tried to sneak around the security guards last night to get some pictures, but they hid the General Lee inside Cooter's, so no luck. Diasy's Jeep is a brand new, white, Jeep Rubicon, but the cop cars look just like the old ones from the TV show.

Everything is very tight lipped around here. The locals aren't told much by the production company. We didn't even know they were suppose to show up yesterday and start filming today. There have been rumors that the Boar's Nest will be a bar called Bear Creek Saloon in Montpelier, LA, and it would be a perfect location. Also, it's rumored that there will be a jump scene in front of the courthouse here in Clinton. The General Lee is suppose to jump over our Confederate soldier statute that is in front.

At 3:00, I'm going over to Cooters to check in on the filming and see what I can find out. However, it is raining heavily today, so I don't know how much filming they will get done. I will keep you guys updated.


Welcome to Hazzard Beanie!

Thanks for the info. It is nice to hear from someone who has some inside info. Sounds like they might be trying holding true to orginality of the show as far as the vechicles go. Wish they would have done that with the cast. Oh well...

Glad to see a new face and get some new info. Plus meet another Hazzard and Biology nut as well. *giggles* I'd love to shoot the breeze with you sometime Beanie about Hazzard and of course Biology. Hope to see ya around.



Welcome to Hazzardnet....Thank you much for the information about filming. And thanks for the info on the General Lee. So now everyone can rest easy about having the flag on the car. Now it's the way the movie will be that will have everyone going...



Yo, Beanie! Welcome to HazzardNet! And thanks for your spy-witness report on the filming! That's a fantastic bit of information. I think that's the most encouraging report we've heard yet about the feel of the movie.

No doubt about it, Louisiana folk have been terrific about sharing the scoop with all of us. Keep the spy-witness reports coming!


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