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HEY ALL YOU TURKEYS OUT THERE!!!! : Thanksgiving Chat?

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Hey guys and gals!

I had alot of fun at the Boar's Nest chat that one night. Can we do something like that again on or around Thanksgiving?

I know as of right now, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (Nov. 24) I'm aviable. Can we shoot for that day around 8:00pm? Or does anyone have any other suggestions for dates and times? Let me know by posting to this thread. Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

Who knows, maybe we could have a turkey shoot. As your neighborhood friendly Game Warden, I sure am up for that! Does that sound fun? Give me some feedback here if this appeals to ya'll.

Give me your gobbles! (Gobble, gobble, gobble)

Val ;D

Val, Is your chat gonna be here at the Hnet forums or on AIM?

I've tried to find y'all on the HazzardNet forums, but no one is there when I look :( ! Are there other places I can find ya at? And (forgive my ignorance) what is AIM? :oops:


OMG....I just read the next chat post down from this one that MaryAnne wrote!!!!! I MISSED THE CHAT!!!!!! I can't believe it!!!!! I didn't check the Chat messages posted and I MISSED IT!!!!!! Someone smack me........run me over with a Charger......shoot me......I can't believe I missed a chance to meet all you nice people!!!!!!!!! Darn...... *feeling really stupid* :oops::cry:


AIM is AOL Instant Messenger. If ya don't have it, you can go into aol.com to download it. I have an older version of it (5.0)

When I'm not browsing through hazzardnet forums, I can be found just browsing through aol.

I couldn't make it to the chat until at least 9p.m. Central Time Zone that night. I'm still in school until December 6. I'll try to get on sometime that night.

Take Care!



*stands with clip board in hand*

Realizing there is some missinteruptitation on the details of the chat, let me clear things up for ya folks...

The chat will be held in the Hazzardnet chat rooms. I figure, MA and the Commander designed a pretty snazzy place for us to chat at, we might as well use it. So anyone who wants to join in the histaria, that's the place you should go.

As far as the time, I am shooting for Wednesday because I know I am aviable that night. I 'might' be aviable Thursday night as well, but I'm not certain. However for simplicy sake, I'd just assume Wednesday be the night. As far as the time that night, I choose 8pm Eastern Standard time because that's a time that I know most folks around here start comming online. Plus, I'm sure that we all will be around for quite a while after 8. If this is your first time comming to one of these, folks normally stick around for a while. Sometimes until the wee hours of the morning, (dependin' if you got work or school the next day and how long the bar is open *chuckles*).

Now, as far as what we do there...

Anything pretty much goes, as long as it's fun, friendly, family oreintanted (in other words G-rated or PG-rated activity). Just remember your e-manners and treat others with respect. Yeah there is some horsing-around, but it's most of the time good clean Hazzard fun.

Sometimes folks talk about episodes, sometimes we talk about favorite characters, sometimes it's about cars. Pretty much anything you want to do or talk about as long as it fits the main rules I mentioned above, goes.

Sometimes we disscuss ghost stories in Hazzard, where our favorite hangouts are in Hazzard, activities in Hazzard, (ya get the picture).

Now... about the 'Turkey'

Since this is a family site, no real Turkeys will be harmed at this chat. I repeat, No real Turkeys will be harmed at this chat.

I have decided that we are going to use paintball guns for the Turkey shoot and as far as the Turkey...

Well it has come to my attention that the first 'Turkey' to reply to my thread is Mr. Coltrane... *smiles and pats Brian on the back in a friendly manner*

What color of paint balls to ya like on that jacket, Brian? Blue or Yellow? *laughs* Muhahaha! Or maybe Hazzard Orange?


Well, Brian looks like you just topped that guest list you were talking about for the first Hazzard Turkey Shoot. Congratulations, cousin! KHEE!!!

I'll be there Val! =)

Tempest....and any the rest of y'all out there...as the ol' Loretta Lynn song goes.. 'Y'all Come!!" =)



We could also use this as a welcome back chat for me :D I'll do my best to be there! Yehaw!

Oh and on the thought with the paintballs and brians jacket, how about some sort of light color? Do paint balls come in white by anychance, or even pastels? Ya know i'm only playin' Brian... though if you are the turkey.... it'll be might' amusin'.


Hey y'all

I hope I am invited to this little get together....If Wednesday is still on, I plan on being there. I apologize for missing the last one after saying I will be there. But I look forward to finally chatting with good folks of Hazzardnet...




You are quite welcome to join us. I'm sure many of the Hazzardnet folk would love it if you dropped in Wednesday night. Having fun is the only rule. If you can make it, we sure would like it if you would grace us with your presence. Anyone and everyone is allowed to come.

I'll warn you ahead of time tho' sometimes things get kind of zainy.




Practicing my Turkey Calls for Wednesday night *gobble…gobble* Finding my paintballs…..umm…HERE they are---although flaming arrows of death would be more interesting!!! Gee….maybe we need a decoy to attract more turkeys?? I’ll find some feathers and make a turkey costume---BUT who is going to wear it?? *Looks around the room* My turkey calls aren’t too convincing…



*Brusts into laughter* Tempest, I like your style. Good to hear that you're practicing your turkey calls. You might need them. But I'm afraid the turkey we are shooting at might not respond to those sort of calls.

Flamming arrows of death? Sounds very affective but it's also very dangerous. We don't want our turkey to die. However if we were hunting real turkey, that would be a more affective way to save time. Ah this modern age we live in, kill the bird and cook it at the same time! Genius!

HHHHHMMMM *pondering about concept of flamming arrows of death* However if we missed, we'd end up burnin' the whole forest down. Maybe not a good idea. Although, what if we used Uranium 235 pellettes on the tips of the arrows? Nuke turkey from the inside out. Kind of like a microwave. Hhhhhmmmm.....

Ah, who am I kidding, that stuff is toxic. We'd have a diaster on our hands. If ya'll think Cooter blowing up the vat in 'High Octane' was a big boom. Just think what would happen to the poor turkey!

Any how, love the pic you digged up for the holiday Tempest. See ya all Wednesday.

Thanksgiving count down.... 3 days left!!!!


Hey Everyone!

I just want to thank all who showed up last night for the Thanksgiving Chat. It was a huge success! I hope when Chirstmas rolls around we can have just as much fun.

Thanks for yamsters Tempest and the pie tasted great Brian.

MaryAnne's salad was refreshing and the cider and beer that Alex brought was great to wash it all down.

Happy Thanksgiving all! Hope you have a great one with your friends and families!

Val :wink:

PS For anyone who missed it. Brian got paintballed but good! Hee hee!


You know, I didn't read Tempest's post about the flamin' arrows of death before I walked into that little get-together....just imagine my surprise. But all in all, I'd have to say the first annual Turkey Shoot was a succes....seein' as how I survived it. Heh!

We did have a few incidents involvin' the inappropriate use of pies, yams, and dinner rolls, but I suppose that's to be expected. Thanks to all who participated!



I had a great time chatting with my fellow Hazzardites. A big Thank you goes out to Daney and Tempest for keeping me in place.. ...Thank you for letting me be a part of it...Just gotta learn to type faster around these parts. And learn who is who, I was so confused and I am not a blonde either...sorry bad joke.

Hey next time let me bring the BEER , it's the least I could do..

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving...


Who knows manybe next time instead of turkey, it could be a Duke er Duck hunt. Daney

I REALLY enjoyed chattin to y'all! Everyone is AWESOME and I'm so glad to have met ya!

So....a Duke er Duck hunt you say, Daney??

Well then, I'm gonna start training my Hamsters and find some more arrows!

BEFORE Training:


AFTER Training:


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