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  • 5 weeks later...

I hope not, they should bring back the old ones, same for the other cars, daisys jeep, jesses truck, cooters trucks, and bosses car, it would be cool!


There's a link on this forum to pictures of what the police cars look like. They're late 80's model Caprice Classics. They are older but they are different from the cars used in the show. Pretty much every car in the movie looks different except the general which is a good thing since the movie takes place during present times. If they didn't change the police cars I think it would be beyond cheesy. Not to mention that there isn't a police department in the country that still uses those old plymoth reliants that the show did, but you still see some caprice classics still being used.


All of the squad cars that were used in the original series were either Plymouths or Dodges. They also used a few AMC Matadors as well just after the series relocated from Georgia to California. I'll certainly miss seeing all of those familiar old patrol cars from the series, but I'll have to agree with "traveler150" about updating the cars. If the movie is supposed to take place in 2005, you have to do it. That's what always seemed strange about the first "Hazzard Reunion" that aired back in 1997. Although, the reunion show was taking place in 1997, Rosco and Cletus were still driving Plymouth/Dodge squad cars that were 20 or so years old. Hazzard County's economy wasn't that bad was it?


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I think they should use the 74 Dodge Polaras or 75-76 plymouth furys Like they used in the first 5-6 episodes in the first season if any of them exist most cars from that era in the midwest are junky and or rusted out. :)

I hope not, they should bring back the old ones, same for the other cars, daisys jeep, jesses truck, cooters trucks, and bosses car, it would be cool!

There are sum pix of the police cars and the general on this forum. It says

pictures and video of the General lee!!!!....or sumthin like that. Yeah I saw the cars they like around an '85 chevy Carprice, i mean they're fine, but why not go for the 74, 75 furys that they used in all 7 seasons except for 1 and partly 2. THe design on the side says hazzard county police, but why not be like they were.


I live in New Orleans area and was downtown during the stunt scene. The police cars are a new modle car. I do have a pic. The general is of course the original 69 charger. Looks good.

I heard that in the movie Bo and Luke stop to ask for directions. The ask a group of black guys for directions. The guys get upset at the car cause of the flag. Bo and Luck then do some explaining that it was cooters idea to paint it cause he is a civil war buff. Hollywood sucks. Political correctness. Have to explain the flag. Only in hollywood. Where is an earthquake when you need it.

  • 2 weeks later...

All I have to say is that I have a friend who used to drive a 1980 Caprice Classic and that thing is the biggest boat I've ever had to ride in! Plenty of room for prisoners in there. I had to drive it a couple of times. Once it got stuck, so the guy who owned it wanted me to help him push while our other friend, who was about 4' 2'' was going to drive. But the seat was stuck and she couldn't reach the pedals! So I wound up driving while the other two pushed the dang thing out of the mud.

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