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Luke watched as his cousin looked down again. "Bo, if I really thought you were such a bother, why would I always be with you? Uncle Jesse don't make me hang out with you. I do it because I want to..." added Luke pleadingly, wishing Bo would at least look at him.

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Bo shrugged a little, shaking his head.

"I don't know Luke...I mean...with all the stuff I do an'...how stupid I am sometimes...and headstrong....I can understand why you wouldn't want to hang out with me really..."


Luke blinked in disbelief. "How stupid...Bo! Who on earth has been telling you this stuff?! You aren't stupiid! Headstrong, yes, but I am just as stubborn as you are. Who has been telling you this stuff, 'cuz I know it wasn't me!" asked Luke in a more demanding than questioning tone. He sensed that there was more to Bo's feelings than he was telling and Luke was bound and determined to get to the bottom of it.


Bo sighed and looked to him.

"I's heard it all my life Luke....from my teachers, from you sometimes, from Uncle Jesse on a rare occasion...there's gotta be some truth behind it or people wouldn't say it at all would they..."


Luke sighed heavily. "People say stupid things Bo...hurful things...without thinking. I don't think you are stupid....I know I tease you a lot about not using your head, but truth is, I always thought you was smartr than you was given credit for," said Luke honestly though a pang of guilt weighed on his heart.


Bo swallowed gently, wringing his hands a little.

"I just..sometimes I stop and think about where my life is goin' an' I realise that..it ain't got no direction to go in right now...I...I don't have no proper qualifications to get a job...I ain't got a girl I want to settle down with..."


Luke shook his head. "Bo...I'm older than you are...and I ain't got no girl to speak of...least not anymore," he added to himself thinking that Theresa was history after what she said to Bo. "An' you do have skills...you could do anything if you put your mind to it, Bo."


Bo sighed and looked down as Luke held his shoulders...he knew that...he did...it was just recently he had been thinking about these things more and more and it was starting to weigh on his mind a little, and quite frankly it scared him.


Bo closed his eyes a moment before looking back to Luke, finally admitting.

"I'm scared Luke...I don't know why but recently these things have just been pressing on my mind and...and...I don't know why its getting to me so much but it just is..."


"Well...when I think about all the dangerous stuff we do tryin' to protect the county an' all...the amount of times we've nearly got shot, or drowned, or burnt...I realize i've done nothing with my life...I haven't really stepped foot outside of Hazzard County all my life...."

Bo shook his head, looking out over the lake again.

"I haven't done anything with my life..."


"Not for another good few years I can't...not until my probations up and I will be allowed to explore more without worrying about permits or permission to go places..."

Bo said, shaking his head


Bo sighed harder and stood up, shaking his head.

"No Luke this is not about huntung trips alright! I just.... *looks to the floor, calming himself down before continuing* Never mind, I don't wanna talk about this anymore..."

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