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The remaining players nodded in recognition of Konrad folding. They put in there last coin and laid down there cards. The appointed leader grinned grizzly and racked in his winnings.

"Theres no room for second place boys."

(Cue Konrad)


He watched the winner of the round take his winnings and gave his cards over to the next dealer in line and waited to get his next set of cards. Watching each of them in turn, taking in their features and actions and watching for the slightest bit of aggression towards himself.

(cue Chet)


The players aorund the table muttered to each other as the new cards were dealed out. Each of them spread there 5 cards out in there fingers and emtionlessly looked them over, there attention was not on Konrad what so ever. Luke was with Konrad on this deal, he was delt a good hand.

(Cue Konrad.)


The entire table matched him by placin a silver dollar in the center. The table dealer traded Konrad for the thrown away cards. Unknowing the dealer handed him nearly exactly what he needed for a great hand in the game.

(Cue Konrad.)


He took the cards and regarded them carefully. Not letting the other guys know he just got dealt a possible winning hand and played his facial expressions like he just made a mistake getting rid of those two cards he got dealt with in the first place.

(cue Chet)


Two of the thugs grumbled and folded, the remaining three up'd the pot with a silver dollar. They glanced at Konrad but saw nothing except a possible expression of loss.

(Cue konrad)


He took his winnings and started to put then in small pile beside him.

"Now tell me. I saw some of you high tail it outta here yesterday, i's just wonderin' what ya's were up to....did it have anythin' ta do with that S.O.B that tried ta take me on?" He asked interested. "Man i wish i coulda finished 'im off myself, i ain't seen him taday."

(cue Chet)


"Your damn right it did... we planted him- OOF!" The appointed leader back handed one of his boys in the chest hard to shut him up. The leader shuffled the cards.

"It might have, whats it to you?" He delt the cards again without lookin at Konrad.

(Cue Konrad)


"Well he was my problem ta deal with as ya's saw in the street yesterday. If someone had a problem with me i wanted to take care of that myself ya see my point?" He said not taking his eyes off the leader of the group. "So what was your buisness with him?"

(Cue Chet)


"Well..." The leader lit a hand rolled smoke and exhaled sitting back in his chair. He was a big man and the chair creaked under his weight, smoke frothed the air. "You might say he was in our way too, I didnt quite catch your name sod buster." The leader met Konrads eyes, the big mans eyes were green as a monsters, grizzly and ugly.

(Cue Konrad)


"Alright." The leader nodded and shuffled the deck of cards. "No names. Now... what do you wanna know?"

He put the cards down in the center and sat back in his chair to talk business.

(Cue Konrad.)


"He was in our way..." The leader tapped the ash from his cig on the table then dusted it off symbolically. "We cant have that now can we. This town is ours now, we can do what ever we want here and that hick sheriff and no one else can stop us." The grizzily man took a deep drag and exhales it through his teeth like a monster, a vile grin on his lips.

(Cue Konrad)


He had been leaning back in his chair casually, listening. He leaned foward when the conversation got interesting.

"So what has one as great as yaself got planned for a little unsuspectin' town like this?" He asked. Making it look like he was interested and possibly joining this little band of rag tags who thought they were hotshots.

(Cue Chet)


The leader of the wolf pack leaned forward meeting Konrad nearly nose to nose, his eyes blood shot and ugly. Almost as ugly as his grin. He took and long pull on his cig and exhaled in through his nostrils.

"Everything... every last penny..." His smirked narrowing his eyes. "Whats it to you?"

(Cue Konrad)


He kept the gaze, not immitated at all. "If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em." HE said simply to the question about his take in all this.

He knew the second meaning of 'Everything' which would prabably include having themselves any woman they desired, with concent or not. But if they chose his sister, Daisy, he would turn on them faster then a rattle snake.

(cue Chet)


The man looked at his fellow pack members and they nodded, they liked the looks of the stranger. The leader smirked again and laid his hand on the table in an offer to shake. "Welcome to the pack.... betray me and you'll get laid in the ground."

(Cue Konrad.)


"Well it'd be about time anyways," He shrugged and took the offered hand. The grip was strong, but so was his.

"On one condition, if everything even includes women, theres one paticular one that is mine. Don't touch her." He said firmly in a low growl. He didn't let go of the hand he held till the owner agreed.

(cue Chet)

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