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The painted lady appeared at the back door of the saloon and came out to see Chet. "Can you carry him up stairs to my room? I cant care for him out here." He pointed up the stairwell just inside the back door of the saloon. "I'll fetch some bandages and whiskey to sooth his pain."

(Cue Konrad.)

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"Sure." He answered and pulled Chet off the horse and hoisted him over his shoulder and carried him up stairs to her room. He dropped him on the bed and then took off his own bloodied coat to clean it off. He didn't want stains on it because it was the only one he got. He left it there and went back down stairs to take care of both horses.

(cue Chet)


Chets big redish colored horse planted his feet and refused to move for Konrad, he would wait until his mater was pronouced dead and his body taken away or came out of there to get him. Either way he wasnt movin.

The painted lady hurried back up stairs and quickly stripped the dirty and blood soaked clothes off the young cowboy. Quickly she began to clean the wounds and apply pressure to anything that still bled perfusely. Each wound was to be clensed with the whiskey, it burned deep and rattled Chet from his unconscious state. He gasped and shook in pain.

"Shhhh....shhhh...." She tried to sooth him hoping the old man would come back to help her care for him.

(Cue Konrad.)


He tried to move the horse but it was being a stubbon mule so he decided to leave it and take care of his own horse. Once done, he walked into the bar and got himself a bottle of whiskey to drink, it had been a long day. He opened the door to the painted lady's chambers and looked over her shoulder.

"How is he?"

(cue Chet)


The painted lady glanced at Konrad. "Hes hurtin, in and outta consciousness. Would you mind helpin hold him while I close up his wounds? Hes loosing alot of blood." The lady was working as best she could to sew up the wound in Chets back and some other cuts. Leaving his face for last, blood trickled down his chin, the gouge so wide open it had not yet clotted.

(Cue Konrad.)


"yeah sure." He nodded and put his bottle down. He went over to Chet and held him as best he could. Was he getting fond of this young cowboy?, he asked himself quietly. He was family and it was Chet who started the fight in the first place anyway, he didn't want a quarrel with him.

(cue Chet)


The young cowboy didnt have much strength left, he just writhered against Konrads hold when the pain was too much. The painted women finished with his upper body wounds and moved up on the bed to clean his face. "This is going to scar very badly if he lives. Its very deep." She held the wound together and stitched as best she could.

After over 2 hours of clensing, stitching and bandaging Chet finally rested easily. His stomach pumped full of whiskey to help him rest painfully. The painted lady washed her hands clean in the basin and looked at the older cowboy that had brought him in. "I know people dont like him, but who would do this?"

(Cue Konrad)


He held Chet tightly but also carefully as he was bandaged up. After that was all finished he laid Chet down comfortably but still sat on the bed afterward. He shurgged when he asked who did this.

"I have no idea. I got there afterward. But i know fer sure that it was about four of those ruffians that came in here earlier today."

(Cue Chet)


The women shook her head. "Ive known him for a few years, hes mingled here on and off. Folks in town dont like him cause he steals an occasional broke down horse or a wild one. But hes kept this town clean of ya nasty outlaws that coulda other wise torn it apart. Hes never much hurt anyone unless they ask for it or crossed the line with him." She paused laying a wet towel over his forehead. "Where did you find him?"

(Cue Konrad.)


He sighed and got up. Taking off his shairt to cleaned himself of the blood that he managed to get on himself as she explained.

"Well he picked a fight with me and all i wanted was to rest. I found him a few miles out of town near his camp." He answered washing with the clean soapy water in a seperate basin.

(Cue Chet)


She frowned at this. She'd seen them fighting earlier that day. "I know... I saw... he missed. Ive NEVER seen him miss." Her green eyes watched him wash up. He was a handsome looking man, nothing compared to many of the mangy rats that seemed to roll into the town. "I have to ask... did he tell you why he was tryin to run ya outta town?"

(Cue Konrad)


"Yeah well this time he missed." He said a looked at his shoulder where Chet had aimed and missed. Finishing washing he went over and showed her his shirt and the hole in the sleeve where his shoulder was and poked his finger through it.

"Well he missed and didn't miss...sorta..." He put it back down and left his shirt off to be comfortable a bit and reached to take a swig of his whiskey straight out of the bottle.

"All he said was somethin' along the lines of keepin' my type out....i don't know i can't really remember....ya have ta ask him that one." He said pointing to the ailing younger. "But hell i said said was i wanted ta come here fer some rest and recreation....not get inta a fight with some hotheaded kid like him."

(Cue Chet)


The saloon girl shook her head. "You were very lucky. Ya also didnt miss him when ya shot back." She paused sitting down on the bed and scoots back to wipe the wet towel over Chet's face as he slept through the pain of his wounds.

"Can you imagine this little town with its incompatant law? This kid keeps the badies out who could really tear this town apart, people dont understand it but with out him this town woulda been a gonna a long time ago. The other only he ever did was steal broke down and crazy horses. A meager payment for what he does." She combed her fingers through the short black hair of the young Duke.

(Cue Konrad.)


"Lucky? hee. yeah right, if i was lucky i'd be dead long ago..." He mused to himself outloud. "Where did i hit him?" He asked stepping closer to take a look himself.

"With my history i'm surprised i'm still alive..." He continued. "I got outlaws chasin' after me not ta mention the military..."

(Cue Chet)


"You are Lucky, ya landed in Hazzard some how." She giggled. The women smoothed her hand down the side of Chets ribs where the gash was from the bullet. "Right here... just a graze."

(Cue Konrad.)


"The only prosicution you'll get here in Hazzard was this kid here. The laws got better things to do then harrass you. Thats why this cowboy was goadin ya, cause the law wouldnt." She sat up alittle with her back against the head board, Chets head near her hip.

"You'll also be even more lucky if this boy dies. Everything he set out to do will fall unto you." The saloon women smirked.

(Cue Konrad.)


"Thats ok, I'll stay with him. Not work for me tonight. See you in the morning handsome." She smiled and snuggled in beside Chet.


By dawn of the next morning the saloon gal could be found clensing Chets wounds carefully while he slept. By mid morning she was tryin to stirr him from sleeping to eat so that his strength would not dwindle, he had survived through the night.

(Cue Konrad.)


He came back to the room after a long night. He didn't sleep a wink and was in a bad mood because of it. He paid for her attentions and yet she gave it all to the kid. He coincided leaving the town but something kept him there, Kept him awake during the night keeping an eye out for those thugs in case they tried something else now that Chet was down.

"How is he?" He asked gruffly.

(cue Chet)


The women looked up from tryin to spoon some broth into the young mans mouth as the handsome one came in. She shook her head alittle. "Hes alive, he had a long night of fightin for it though." Chets eyes were open alittle and he could comprehend what was going on. But his body lay too weak and exhausted to move. "I got him to drink some water but hes not hardly eatin."

(Cue Konrad.)


He nodded and walked over to the dressing table and picked up one of her rubber bands for her hair and tied his up and replaced his hat back on his head. He pulled out his gun and checked to see if it was fully loaded. He put it back in his holster and saw Chet's and grabbed it, doing the same.

After he walked back out and saw 5 of the six that attacked Chet yesterday playing a game of poker to pass time, he wounded why that haven't left town yet. Seeing a free seat he sat down with them.

"Pass me a hand." He said. He might as well get some answers in why they decided to attack the wounded cowboy upstairs.

(cue Chet)


The five remaining thugs didnt even glance at Konrad as he sat down and joined there game. They dealed him in, passing him 5 yellowed playing cards.

"Dueces wild, Aces stud." One muttered, they all thumbed through there cards.

The appointed leaded opened the game by placin a silver dollar in the center of the table. Each man went around the table matchin it.

(Cue Konrad.)


He took the cards, looking at what he got dealt. No doubt that he would get dealt a loosing hand. He expected that but he put his contribution in the middle of the table when it came around to him. He kept quiet at the moment thinking about his point of attack in getting his questions answered as well as keeping himself alive.

They probably knew about his little gun battle in the middle of the street with Chet and could probably use it to his advantage. He wondered if they knew if he was still alive as he could lie about finishing Chet off to get into their favor and look like he was out to get the young cowboy in the first place.

(cue Chet)


As Konrad expected he was delt a hand of nothing, alot of miss matches. Alittle of this and that but nothing solid. The other men traded in 1-3 cards and two folded. The others put in a quarter to stay in the game, then paused waiting for Konrad to make his move.

(Cue Konrad.)

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