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"Thanks Doric! Have a good evening." Chet Duke called back to the lady at the cash register as he left the small corner store in down town Hazzard. His arms weighed down with plastic bags of groceries that his wife had sent him to fetch at the store.

He was relieved to finally reach his white Dodge Charger parked beside the curb and dump the arm full of goods into the passenger seat. A bright yellow piece of paper flickered from the breeze as it was clamped down onto his car’s windshield by the wiper blade. Chet walked around the fender of the car and grabbed up the paper from under the wiper. He glanced over the announcement as he slid in through the car’s window.

Chet read aloud to himself, “Poker game to be held at the Hazzard Hotel on Friday June 13th 2006. All proceeds go to the Hazzard County Orphanage fund.â€

The young Duke boy snorted in amusement as he started the Charger and pulled away from the curb. Dropping the flyer on top of the groceries next to him, he could only bet that the proceeds weren’t in fact going to the orphanage. Knowing Hazzard’s crooked law system the chances that money would be pocketed by Commissioner Hogg were very high. Having it announced for a charitable cause like that was the only way that the gambling of that sort could be held legally.

The young Duke boy arrived home. His wife wasn’t yet home and wouldn’t be for at least another hour or so. He unloaded the groceries and tacked the flyer up on the refrigerator as if it was usual. After doing so he decided to grab his deck of cards from the drawer and head on out to the barn. There was no time like the present to brush up on his skills, even if he didn’t enter to play the game.

His infamous Red gelding nickered in greeting and Chet pulled a sugar cube from his pocket and fed it to the tall red-ish colored Thoroughbred horse. He patted his hand on the horse’s strong cheek and pulled up a couple bales of hay to sit on and play cards. Chet shuffled the cards in his hands an began dealing them out as if he were playing with one other person, this was a good fashion to practice. He’d play both hands against each other and see which would win.

The barn radio from the tack room ticked out tunes like it was going out of style. Everything from Johnny Cash to the newest hits of year came across the air waves. Chet couldn’t help but chuckle to himself when an old familiar song came on. It was too irresistible to not begin singing along with the tune.

"You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em.......Know when to walk away and know when to run......" Chet tapped his boot against the concrete floor of the barn in rhythm to the music. "You never count your money, when you're sittin' at the table.....There'll be time enough for countin', when the dealin's done!"

As Chet was singing one the cards in his hand slipped from his fingers and fell between the stall wall and the bale of hay he was sitting on. He discontinued his singing and gathered the remaining cards in his hands, as he stood and pushed the bale of hay out of the way.

"Now where in the hell did that card go..." Chet muttered to himself and got down on his knees fishing his hand between the space in the concrete where the floor ended and the wall of the horse stall began.

The old barn was as ancient as the ranch house that he lived in. Each had been built somewhere in the mid 1850's. Both buildings had survived the fires of the civil war. Some time in the early 1900's electricity had been installed in the home and barn. Then not shortly after the new owners moved out claiming the old home was haunted with ghosts of the past.

From there the entire ranch was sold time and time again. Still it managed to survive the great depression, the change over to extreme technology that sent the country to the moon and finally up to date with the modern world.

Chet’s fingers felt over paper and what seemed to feel like the card he had lost so he clamped on and pulled. Rather then retrieve his lost playing card he pulled out a half opened book, the pages dark an dirty from being in the crack for so long. The edges were chewed as though mice had had there way with it for some time.

"Hmmm what’s this?" He muttered to his horse, who came to the stall gate an sniffled the antique book. Red perked his ears with interest and snorted a heavy breath on the book as he an Chet looked it over examining it.

"My thought exactly." Chet chuckled an sat back down on the hay bale forgetting about his lost card, the ancient book taking his interest.

The Thoroughbred hung his head over the tall gate eager to watch and see what would happen with the book. Chet opened the cover, just inside there seemed to have been a name or title written once but the ink was illegibly washed out from years of dampness in the barn. On the next page was a date and the book contained a well drawn picture of what appeared to be a courthouse.

"1870 Town of Hazzard Georgia." Chet read aloud and turned the page. Quietly he began to read the hand written text...


**Town of Hazzard Georgia, 1870.**

A commotion had come over the town causing people to gather thickly around the bulletin board out in front of the mercantile store. Men chattered to each other, never before had such a grand announcement been made in the little town. The second biggest game of Poker known in history was going to be held right there at the grand Hazzard hotel.

The news was spreading quickly through out the town. The telegraph office was humming with the sounds of messages going out all over the country. Owners from surrounding store fronts were suddenly scrambling to put in extra orders for supplies. The on goings at the hotel was going to draw in on lookers and players from every corner of the map.

Even as evening came on and darkness began to settle over the town the bustle to get prepared in one week’s time seemed to continue. A familiar rider made his way into town his long legged, fiery red Thoroughbred horse perked its ears at all the bustle still going on in the town and slowed to a walk. Chet Duke glanced around curiously. Usually by this time of night on a Sunday evening every woman and child had gone home and bedded down for the night. But here were children still playing in the streets, the Boars Nest Saloon twanged with the sound of a live piano. The building seemed to be packed and a few men with beer mugs in their hands lingered in the door way.

The twenty-one year old son of Bo Duke had gotten wind of the news about the games going to be held right there in his home town. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine it would start this much commotion in such a small town as Hazzard was. Chet drew his horse to a halt at the hitching rail in front of the Saloon and hooked his knee around the saddle horn as he built a cigarette. His mismatched eyes looked around taking everything in. Glancing down the line of horses at the railing, half expecting to see many familiar animals and maybe some not so familiar. The young Duke couldn’t help but wonder what kind of faces the news of the games would draw in…

(Cue Konrad Duke. Anyone interested in joining, contact me.)

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Riding into town, the strange cowboy ignored the strang looks his way as he rode at his steeds own pace. He knew that it must have looked strange riding the horse bareback. He was used to drawing attention even if he didn't mean too. He hoped that this town Hazzard would be a little haven were he could rest up and maybe get a decent feed which he hadn't had in awhile....and maybe a little female company.

Stopping at the bar he loosely tied up his Buckskin coloured Mustang, more away from the other horses. Konrad Lee whistled softly to himself and kept his Akubra hat low. He stopped and looked at his horse.

"Now don't give me that look. I ain't plannin' on stayin' long anyways...." He gave the street a quick look. "Not with the law around here..." He said sullenly. He knew what the name 'Duke' meant around here so he didn't use it he, just used his first two names.

He muttered to himself and finished trying up the horse. The Mustang was still mostly wild, not quite trained enough to ware a saddle. Both Konrad and the Mustang had an unspoken bond between them. The dark cowboy gave a soft kiss on the Mustangs forehead.

"Be good alright? don't cause too much trouble like last time..." He smiled at the animal and walked into the Boar's Nest saloon. One figure caught his eye before he stepped into the bar. Ignoring the others, he ordered his drink and drunk the lot in one go and ordered another, this time sipping slowly. He looked over at the others with little interest.

(Cue Chet and only Chet)


Chet watched the strange looking cowboy get off the mustangs bare back. He had to hand it to the fella, it was a nice looking horse, a crazy loony sorta nice but some of the best are. He tilted his head watching the fella go inside the saloon, his eyes scanned over him. The long swayin steps of the cowboy seemed to be in a familiar trait, a nature that a certain breed came to know in a certain life style.

"Im gonna go for a drink Red, you stay here... watch that lil mustang over yonder ok?" The Red gelding bobbed his head and nickered in reply as Chet slid from his back and stepped up onto the board walk.

He went inside, his own steps long and with that very same flowing manner. His back strait and firm, alert and capable of a lightening fast reaction to an oposing force. Quietly and casually Chet sat down at the bar beside the stranger and ordered a cold beer.

(Cue Konrad.)


He heard someone take the stool next to him. He cast a long glance at the stranger next to him and wondering why he sat next to him when there were plenty of other seats around the almost empty bar at this hour of the day.

He turned back to face the bar and drank a healthy mouthful of his own beer. He probably seemed even stranger that he has no spurs at his heals, but he did carry a gun, hidded under his long coat but not at his hip. Usually the look was not to automatically get the stereotype that the was here to cause trouble. But if they saw no gun the people of each town might be a little of ease, he didn't know. He just hoped it was like that. But just his luck he was almost always running out of town with guns blazing after him. But he was polite enough to take off his hat inside and set it on the bar beside him, letting his almost shoulder lenght hair flow free.

"You want somethin'?" He asked the stranger next to him after a long silence.

(Cue Chet)


"Yeah... I'd like to know what your doin in my territory." Chet glanced at the stranger, his dark mismatched eyes not as friendly as they had been as he'd watched the man enter the saloon.

The young Duke man could smell trouble walkin like greed in a Hogg. He could also see that beneath the lack of spurs and casual attire this guy was threatening his status. No other law threatening man was gonna walk the streets of his town without him knowing it. Chet took a gulp of his beer, his back strait and firm as he sat at the bar intent on rufflin answers outta the stranger.

The outlaw Duke boys appearence left nothing in question, towns folk coulda picked him out in a line up. A deep black stetson set low on his brow, shadowing a pair of half blind dark mismatched eyes. A long duster covered a deep blue double breasted shirt. On each hip a matching colt lay tied down in hand made holsters, perfect for his lightening fast draw. Chocolate brown leather chaps and brown boots topped off with heavy spurs made him nearly 200 pounds of mean outlaw.

(Cue Konrad.)


He frowned and turned a raised eyebrow at the guy and scoffed.

"Your territory huh? Look i ain't here fer trouble, just rest, so if ya don't mind, i'd like ta left alone." He said narrowing his eyes in a sort of weak glare.

He reached and brushed the rouge brown locks of hair off his face and turned back to his beer. He sighed not wanting any trouble at his time but it looks like it found him anyways.

(cue Chet)


Chet pressed his lips not liking the way the stranger scoffed at him. He by passed it for now and turned slightly gaze a moment. One of the ladies that worked the bar, painted up and dressed pretty came over and smiled widely at the stranger. She smoothed her hands over his shoulders and leaned against his side.

"What'll it be handsome? How about a one night stay with a bottle of any spirit of your choice?" The under dressed women for rent asked him with a bat of darkned eye lashes.

Chet pressed his lips in annoyance... the bar room lady that was now hanging on the stranger always came to him first. But tonight she'd approached the stranger over him. Even on evenings when the saloon was full, Naughty Maudy had wrapped herself around the young outlaw Dukes broad shoulders to see if she could sell him a evening. Many times she had.

(Cue Konrad.)


He raised his eyebrows as a female voice purred in his ear. He turned and smiled at her.

"Well hey there darlin'. Any spirit of my choice huh? Well how 'bout your spirit sweetheart?" He said in that southern cowboy drawl and smiled at her.

He ignored the younger man beside him and kept his full attention to the painted woman hanging off him.

(cue Chet)


A streek of jealousy struck Chet deep as he watched the stranger romance and pull Naughty Maudy's strings one at a time. He growled under his breath and shoved his beer away in annoyance.

Chet leande towards the stranger and growled in his other ear, nearly snarling. His hand came up and grabbed the older mans shirt collar to be sure he had his attention.

"Go ahead and have fun with her... but after that you got 24 hours starting at midnight tonight to get the hell outta this town. Or I mount your head on a stick for everyone to stare at when they come in that door." Chet let him go roughly and got up from the bar, standing at well over 6 feet tall. "Are we clear?"

(Cue Konrad.)


He chatted small talk with the woman before he felt a heavy breath down his neck and his collar was grabbed. His body went still and alarm bells rang though his head. He listened to the stranger. He cought himself as he was shoved roughly and straightened his collar and glared back at the guy. He also stood up. Not as tall as the other cowboy but he wasn't put off by it.

"You have no idea who you're threatenin'...." He growled. This time ignoring the woman.

(cue Chet)


"It wasnt a threat...." Chet glared with fire in his eyes. "Its a promise."

He turned away and sleekly folded himself into the crowd, bending through and past it. Going back out side he gathered his horses reins and backed the long legged animal up away from the hitching rail before mounting the horses back.

The painted lady inside the saloon wrapped hersefl back around the strangers shoulders and arms. "C'mon handsome... let me make all your worries disapear."

(Cue Konrad.)


He glared at the guy and stood his ground. He didn't respond to the cowboys words. Just watched him slink away like a real coward he was. He felt female arms wrapped around him again forcing his attention back to her. He smiled at her.

"Well, what are we waitin' fer Darlin'?"

(cue Chet)


"C'mon handsome." The painted lady led Konrad away, up the stairs and to her room for the rest of the evening.

Chet rode away into the darkness heading back to his small camp far away from everyone and everything. A canvas bunker tent protected him from the rain, while his small cabin was still a skeleton in the midest of being built. He bedded down and slept near a war fire, night going and the early rays of sunshine peaking over the moutains at dawn.

(Cue Konrad.)


He stayed with the painted lady till morning. He waited for her to wake up so he could pay her for her services. He didn't care if her job was to bed men but she was very good company and wouldn't mind spending more time with her. He still kept in mind the threat of the young cowboy. Normally in his line of work he would be six feet under by now, but somehow that fate eluded him.

Putting on his jeans and jacket he went down the stairs to get a bottle of beer while she slept then went back up stairs to have a drink while he waited.

(cue Chet)


The young cowboy was up with the break of dawn, breakfast was quick and simple. Then it was down to the creek for a bath and shave before getting onto his work for the day. Twelve of the meanest, rankest, most ornery horses galloped around in a holding corral he'd built. Each waiting to try there luck at bucking the cowboy off.

For every one horse that he was able to saddle break to ride, he earned 10 dollars. For every horse he stole, a fine price of $25 dollars came for a handsome animal. By the time the sun had reached high in the sky Chet was busy bucking as many horses as he could withstand.

Meanwhile in town, six riders rode in halting there sweating and frothed up mounts at the front of the hotel, each of them having atleast one tied down pistol on there hip. All of them looking like they'd crawled outta the deepest darkest shadow of hell.

(Cue Konrad.)


The barebacked Mustang padded uneasily at the sudden appearance at the new arrivals. Konrad also heard the commotion outside and got up taking a look through the window. He cursed quietly under his breath and quickly got dressed. Putting about $50 on the small table next to the bed he left her room but stayed upstairs out of sight but he had a clear view of what would happen down in the bar.

(cue Chet)


The six roughians shoved there way into the bar walkin right up to the counter and ordering a round of there choice. They each drank thristy like they'd ridden hard and long. There faces mean and ugly looking as they gazed over the games of poker going on and all the pretty ladies for rent.

Near lunch time Chet took a break to deliver three freshly broke horses he'd been working with days before to a farmer who needed them. Then he rode into town to get a bite to eat, tired but still as alert as a skitish horse. He went to the cafe, immediately taking note of the six unfamiliar tired horses standing at the hitchin rail down the street at the hotel.

(Cue Konrad.)


He tried to slip out unnoticed but that didn't work but as soon as he walked out of the bar he ran straight into the young cowboy that threatened him yesterday. Picking himself up he ignored the young man and went over to calm his Mustang who was still trying to pull on the reins to get away from the other tired animals.

(cue Chet)


Chet stopped in mid step as him and the older stranger almost ran right into each other. He only growled in annoyance and hurried up into the board walk to go over to the saloon and lean in the door way. He casually lit a hand rolled cigarrette and looked in on the six rough lookin strangers. Once he'd has his fill of surveying them he walked off the board walk and crossed the street pausin mid way.

"Ya got 12 hours..." He snapped. "Dont press your luck with me."

(Cue Konrad.)


Konrad growled in return and watched the younger man look at the new strangers in town. Once his horse was clamed he stepped out the street toward the younger man.

"If someone has a problem about me i'd like ta know why." He said casually. He put his hands on his hips showing back this long coat showing off his pistol.

(cue Chet)


Chets eyes narrowed lethally as the stranger talked back at him. "The only problem is.... were of the same breed and your in my town and now so are they. Why.... I have no idea why your hear and I dont care. No one steps on my toes." He glared and moved forward to come nose to nose with the stranger.

(Cue Konrad.)


"Alright fine. At least tell me your name. If someone had a quarrel with me i'd like to know their name. At least then i can put it on their tombstone." He replied, the last bit he growled dangerously, holding his ground. He was not the least bit threatened by this stranger.

"Maybe you're just after a fight, young and stupid, out ta get yaself killed. Trust me, if i was that stupid i'd be dead already." He said.

Rosco, sitting in front of the Sheriff's office with his feet resting on the porch railing saw the two in the street and decided to break it up before it got ugly. Setting his feet back on the ground he went up to them.

"Aright Duke," He said addressing the younger of the two. "One mistake and thats your last chance." He warned.

Konrad frowned when he heard the Sheriff say the mans name and looked back at the younger cowboy.

"Duke?" He said surprised.

(Cue Chet)


"Yeah, Duke. You got a problem with that?" Chet snapped at the stranger then turned to the Sheriff. "Butt out Rosco, you wouldnt touch me through iron bars to save your life. Chet snarled at the old sheriff glaring at him, then glaring at Konrad.

A low growl of warnign echoed in Chets chest. "My names Chet Duke. And I wouldnt mind knowing who Im planting in the ground either."

(Cue Konrad.)


"Lee, Konrad Lee." He replied, frowning and purposely leaving his own last name out. "Who's your father?" He asked. Wondering if it was any relation to himself.

Rosco scowled and replied calmly. "I wouldn't have to touch you from behind bars. But if you cause any trouble ya know it's the noose for you." He warned. "Last chance." He said at last and left.

(cue Chet)


"You first rosco, you like nooses. Boss had one around your neck for years." Chet snorted and chuckled. His eyes slowly gazed over the stranger, gauging his questioning before pressing his lips.

"My fathers a no account low down yellow bellied dog, his named Beauregard Duke." Chet snapped. "Now you gonna leave or you want a piece of me?"

(Cue Konrad.)

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