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went to a website about sean william scott (has great info on movie)

filming of the Dukes is scheduled to start Nov 9th in louisiana.

one of those teen maguzines PEOPLE ??? had an article about Nick and Jessica's relationship and said that Jessica was currently filming Dukes of Hazzard If this is true it raises a lot of good questions like who was cast as Rosco Cooter Enos???? why film in luisiana it should be at the town sqaure on the backlot at WB in Burbank CA. Or mabe in Georga where the first five episodes where filmed. This movie is starting to sound WACK

no wonder BEN JONES was so outraged. the producers don't know what there doing.


My cousin works at the Warner Bros studio in L.A. and he told me that even though they still have the court house and a couple other things there left from the show, it's not sutable for filming anymore. It's more of an attraction. He said something about them haveing to pretty much demolish the whole thing and rebuild it if they wanted to film there. Plus what's left of it is pretty small, just the square. I'm sure Louisianna has tons of small towns that fit the bill, plus the real Hazzard was supposed to be pretty swampy. As for who's playing Roscoe, Enos, and Cooter I don't know. The news only seemed to be concerned about Bo, Luke and Daisy. I think the only reason we heard about Boss and Uncle Jesse is because they got two big names to play them. I also heard on the news today that Jessica Simpson is in Louisianna filming the movie and that the movie takes place in the present, so don't worry about another Starsky and Hutch(which I actually liked but probably because I never saw the real show). As for Ben Jones being upset about the movie, he's not upset about the script, he's upset about the whole idea of other people playing the characters. John Schneider was quoted in some magazine as saying he liked the script and that it was pretty true to the show when it first started. My opinion is to let something fresh come from the concept. Otherwise we might get Dukes Reunion Part 3: Dukes in outerspace!


Im not offended by the script. I just think their are better canadates for some of the parts Sean was funny as Stiffler in american pie Knoxvile is kind of a crazy dare devil but they don't seem like the dukes. Poul Walker and Ashton Kucher might have been better. Bert Renolds should do the Dukes but he doesn't fit as Boss Hogg.I support Danny Devito for boss.

Ben Jones made a good point "when people think of the DUKES OF HAZZARD they think of the ORIGINAL CAST


I think everyone on this here site had some great choices about the cast. We are all true DOH fans on here and wanted nothing but the best for this movie to be successful. Having the original cast in at least a cameo or something would be ideal for all of us. ....But what made the Dukes so successsful was the chemistry between everyone. Now let's hope the movie has some of that...


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