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Mine are:

Season 1 High Octane, Daisy's Song, Limo 1 is Missing, Repo Men,

Season 2 Ghost of the General Lee, Days of Shine and Roses

Season 3 (don't have the DVDs for that one-only seen a couple of episodes)

Season 4 Goodbye General Lee, Shine on Hazzard Moon, Nothing But the Truth, The Law and Jesse Duke

Season 5 Welcome Back Bo and Luke

Season 6 Dead and Alive, Undercover Dukes, How to Succeed in Hazzard

Season 7 Happy Birthday General Lee, Cool Hands Luke and Bo, The Haunting of J.D. Hogg, When You Wish Upon a Hogg(the genie is almost as hot as Daisy)

My favorite overall-that's a hard one. But I have to go with HIGH OCTANE!

And my least favorites are Strange Visitor to Hazzard, Robot P Coltrane, Treasure of Hazzard, Jude Emery, Double Sting, and many of the Coy and Vance episodes.


Since you don't have a favorite named for Season Three, I'll offer one. "Carnival of Thrills" is a two-part episode that features cool car stunts, a fight between Bo and Luke, family angst galore and a couple of Rosco's sneakier tricks. For my money it's one of the best of the series. Check it out if you get a chance.

Welcome to HazzardNet, Bill-Duke!



Thanks Brian. The only episodes from season 3 I've seen is To Catch a Duke and a few minutes of Bah Bah White Sheep(is that what it's called?). Going by descriptions, I'd say that My Son Bo Hogg would be pretty good. Is it? Next month, I'm going to buy season 3 then I'll have all of them. I have the Dukes of Hazzard reunion on VHS I got on ebay. And I recorded Hazzard in Hollywood from cable, also VHS.

  • 2 months later...

Repo Men


Luke's Love Story

Limo One is Missing

Deputy Dukes

Money to Burn

Route 7-11

Days of Shine and Roses

Gold Fever

Road Pirates

The Ghost of General Lee

Duke of Duke

The Runaway

Follow that Still

Jude Emery

R.I.P Henry Flatt

Dukes meet Cale Yarborough

Hazzard Connection

Witness for the Persecution

Carnival of Thrills

Enos Strate to the Top

The Hazzardville Horror

And in this Corner, Luke Duke

Duke vs. Duke

My Son, Bo Hogg

To catch a Duke

The Late J.D. Hogg

Uncle Boss

Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane

The Great Santa Claus Chase

Mrs. Daisy Hogg

Diamonds in the Rough

Coltrane Vs. Duke

The Fugitive

Sadie Hogg Day

Goodbye, General Lee

Miz Tisdale on the Lam

Dear Diary

Bad Day in Hazzard

Dukes in Danger

Welcome Back, Bo 'n' Luke

Big Brothers Duke

Farewell, Hazzard

Lulu's Gone Away

A Baby for the Dukes

Too Many Roscos

Brotherly Love

The Boar's Nest Bears

A Boy's Best Friend

Targets Daisy and Lulu

Twin Trouble

Eno's last Chance

Cooter's Girl

Happy Birthday, General Lee

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Duke

Robot P. Coltrane

The Dukes in Hollywood

Cool Hands, Luke and Bo

Enos and Daisy's Wedding

Opening Night at the Boar's Nest

  • 5 weeks later...

well too many of it but Season 5 not my favorite as well when coy and vance in Season 5.. my favorite funny episodes most is;

1. Limo One is Missing

2.Money to Burn

3.Route 7-11

4.The Ghost of General Lee

5.The Runaway

6.Dukes meet Cale Yarborough

7.Enos Strate to the Top

8.The Late J.D. Hogg

9.Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane

10.The Great Santa Claus Chase

11.Mrs. Daisy Hogg

12.Sadie Hogg Day

13.Goodbye, General Lee

14.Miz Tisdale on the Lam

15.Dear Diary

16.Welcome Back, Bo 'n' Luke

17.Lulu's Gone Away

18.Too Many Roscos

19.Targets Daisy and Lulu

20.Twin Trouble

21. Eno's last Chance

22.Happy Birthday, General Lee

23.Robot P. Coltrane

24.Enos and Daisy's Wedding

25.Opening Night at the Boar's Nest

26. Strange Visitor to Hazzard

that all I think what my favorite are.. so many for that but few less dislike is Season 5 like coy vs vance dukes in.. thanks :)

  • 3 weeks later...

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