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As Bo was making some coffee in the kitchen, Katie, who had just woke up walked into the small bathroom where Vicki was fixing her auburn-light brown hair back into a ponytail. She noticed that Vicki looked somewhat cheerful this morning.

Katie had also noticed a remarkable change in Vicki in just a few hours. She saw that Vicki didn't looked as stressed & depressed now as she had acted earlier in the week.

Katie then decided to ask the redhead why she was happier this morning.

"Vicki, are you okay?" asked Katie as she approached Vicki.

"I'm fine, Katie," said Vicki as she giggled happily.

Katie glanced at the engagement ring that Vicki had on her left ring finger.

"Vicki, what in the world happened last night after I went to bed? By looking at that beautiful ring on your finger, you accepted Bo's marriage proposal."

"Sure did, Katie," said Vicki, giggling as she walked back into her bedroom.

Katie glanced at the tangle of sheets on Vicki's bed. "I can see that, Vicki. Bo must have started out sleeping on the couch, but ended up sleeping on the bed next to you."

Vicki giggled. "And Bo was the perfect gentlemen too. He just wanted me to sleep peacefully in his arms, and I did. We're very much in love with each other."

Bo peeked his blonde head into Vicki's bedroom. Grinning big, he walked over to the redhead. "That's right, sweetheart," he said, putting his arm around his fiancee' then added, "When I'm in love with you, our hearts seems to be beating together."

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As Katie was driving near the Hazzard/Chickasaw County line, Jasper's voice came over the CB.

"LadyRed, do you have your ears on? This is Convict, come back," said Jasper into the CB mike.

Katie pulls her red camero up at a gas station. "Vicki! That's Jasper's voice! I wonder what he wants?" asked Katie worriedly.

"It probably has something to do with that bank that I'm going to rob for him," said Vicki sarcastically, picking up the CB mike then added, "Go ahead, Convict."

"LadyRed, overhearing through the grapevine, I heard that the Hazzard Bank is going to close today at noon. Would you be interested in robbing it today for us?" asked Jasper laughing into the CB mike.

Katie & Vicki looked at each other. "Vicki, what are we going to do now? That criminal wants you to rob a bank for him."

"I have no idea, Katie," said Vicki worriedly, watching the trees sway in the wind outside...


**NOTE** "LadyRed" is Vicki's CB handle when she's working undercover! :wink:


"LadyRed, will you do this for us?" Jasper asked sincerely into the CB mike.

"I don't know..." said Vicki hestiantly into the CB mike. She couldn't believe that this criminal was asking her to rob a bank for him.

Vicki looked outside the door at the wildflowers growing on the grass beside the highway. *I really don't want to put myself or anyone else in danger, but I have to do this. I have to catch this criminal before another bank gets rob or before he hurts someone.* Vicki thought.

"Well, I don't have all day. Are you going to help us?" Jasper asked impatiently into the CB mike.

Ignoring Jasper's irriating voice, Vicki glanced up at the clouds trying to make a decision about the whole situation...


Before talking back to Jasper, Vicki checked to make sure that her mini cassette tape recorder was on and recording. She was making a tape for her supervisor Agent Jim Barnes & Sheriff Little.

"Okay, Jasper. I'll do it," said Vicki hestiantly into the CB mike.

"Good, good. I knew that you would do it," said Jasper excitedly into the CB mike then added, "I want you to do it just like that Capital City job you did about a week ago according to the newspaper that I was reading this morning."

"Vicki, did you really rob a bank in Capital City?" whispered Katie to Vicki.

"Of course not, Katie," said Vicki as she smiled at Katie then added, "Agent Barnes just made it look like I did. Including having one of his men give Jasper Johnson a 'phony' newspaper article about me robbing a bank."


The conversation continued on.

"Jasper, that Capital City heist happened a week ago. I can't believe that the newspaper article is finally coming out," said Vicki in shock then added, "That was one of the weirdiest bank heists that I have ever made."

"How much did you steal?" asked Jasper.

"Only about $5,000 dollars. Why?" asked Vicki.

"Could you do the same job again for us in Hazzard this afternoon?" Jasper asked again.

"You DON'T think that I can do it?" Vicki asked sarcastically into the CB mike then added, "I told you that I have changed. I am not the same person!"

"Vicki, I know that you can do it. I can't believe that you have changed. Weren't you once a cop in Hazzard?" asked Jasper back into the CB mike.

"Well, at one time I was, but it was a long time ago," said Vicki back into the CB mike.

"Can you meet me at my dad's old moonshine hideout in Hazzard Swamp in about an hour? I want you to go over plans with Dave & Harry." asked Jasper.

"Sure, but I have to run some errands first. Isn't the hideout near the Chickasaw County line inside the Swamp?" Vicki asked into the CB mike.

"That's right, LadyRed," said Jasper with a harsh laugh.

"Okay, I'll be there. I'm going to let you go for now. Talk to you soon," said Vicki back into the CB mike

"Okay, bye," said Jasper into the CB mike.

"Bye," said Vicki into the CB mike as she hung it up.

Smiling, Vicki turned off the mini cassette recorder. She was beginning to think that Jasper thinks that she is indeed a criminal just like him.

"How did it go, Vicki?" Katie asked the redhead.

"Just fine, Katie. Jasper really thinks that I'm a criminal just like him," said Vicki with a smile.


Meanwhile, in the General, Bo & Luke were listening in on Vicki's conversation with Jasper.

"Bo, do you think that Vicki is talking seriously to Jasper?" asked Luke in shock.

"Of course not, Luke! I know that Vicki is shuck-n-jiving him. She's working undercover again for the FBI, even though I don't like it very much," said Bo worriedly as he continued to listen to the conversation that ended between Vicki & Jasper...


As Katie was driving into Hazzard County about 30 minutes later, Jim Barnes, Vicki's supervisor, voice broke into the CB.

"Little Red, you do have your ears on? Come back..."

"I figured that he would be calling me. He probably heard that conversation I had with Jasper Johnson a few minutes ago," said Vicki as she picked up the CB mike.

"Do you think that Bo & Luke heard it too?" Katie asked.

"I'm sure of it, Katie," replied Vicki, brushing her auburn hair back away from her face. "And I'm sure that Bo is hearing this one too."

Katie laughed at Vicki's remark. "Probably..." she said as she giggled.


"Go ahead, BossMan," said Vicki back into the CB mike cheerfully.

"I was just wondering how your conversation with that criminal went earlier," said Jim.

"Better than you think. I have the 1st tape ready for you to listen to," said Vicki back into the CB mike.

"That's good, Little Red. We need to meet so you can give it to me," said Jim back into the CB mike.

"10-4, BossMan. I'm ready whenever you are. Where are you at right now?" asked Vicki back into the CB mike.

"Near Silver Creek Road, Little Red," said Jim then added, "Are you close to me?"

"Not really, but If you'll stay there, I'll meet you in about 15 minutes. Okay?" asked Vicki back into the CB mike.

"10-4, Little Red. I'll be waiting. While I'm waiting on you to arrive, I'm going to call your backup to meet us too," replied Jim back into the CB mike.

"10-4, BossMan. I'm gone," said Vicki as she hung the CB mike back up.


"Vicki," said Katie as she turned onto Silver Creek Road. "Who is your backup?"

"I really don't know," said Vicki as she looked outside at the wildflowers. She didn't know that they were being followed by Bo & Luke less than a mile back behind them...


Glancing at Katie's red camero in front of them, Bo frowned thinking about what Vicki was going to do for the FBI by going after Jasper Johnson.

"Luke, I just don't like the idea..." Bo said worriedly.

"About what, Cousin?" Luke asked as he was trying to keep up with the speeding red sportscar.

"About Vicki working undercover for the FBI," Bo said.

"And her supervisor for talking us into following her," said Luke as he watched Katie turning down an unpaved road in front of them.

"At least I'll be there in case something happens when she robs the bank later," said Bo, hanging on as Luke made a sharp turn.

"Just don't get in over your head, Bo. Jasper will probably have his men watching the bank when Vicki supposedly robs it. You better call Rosco before you start watching them," said Luke, shaking his head as he pulls the General to a stop behind Katie's car.

"You know me, Luke," grinned Bo as he was getting out of the General as he watched Vicki walk over to where her supervisor was standing...


AUTHOR NOTE: **Sometimes, when I get a little bit off on my writing, I turn to reading romance/mystery novels. They really help me alot on my writing. Take Care!** :wink:


As Katie pulls her red camero up behind a red suburban, Vicki glances behind her. She catches a glimpse of the General driving slowly behind them.

"Katie," said Vicki as she gets out of the camero. "I think that I know now who my backup is."

Katie glances back then giggles. "Yeah, it figures that your fiance' would be your backup."

Vicki shook her red head then laughed. "Yep, and I hope that I can keep him out of harms way. Bo always seems to find trouble when I'm around him."


Agent Jim Barnes was looking over a wanted poster when Vicki & Katie walked up to him.

"Vicki, I see that you finally made it back. Did you enjoy your short vacation?" asked Jim.

"Yeah, especially last night when I got engaged," said Vicki as she smiled at her supervisor, then at Bo & Luke who were walking up to them. :wink:


Agent Jim Barnes blue eyes widen, but then smiled at the redhead. "That's great, Vicki. When is the big day?"

"Either tonight or sometime tomorrow," Bo said, walking up to Vicki as he puts his arms around his fiancee'.

"Yeah, we want to get married as soon as we can," said Vicki, smiling at her supervisor as she gave him the cassette tape that she made with Jasper.


A few minutes later, Vicki was pacing back-n-forth in front of Bo when Agent Barnes walked over to them.

"Vicki, calm down. You're making a rut right in front of me," said Bo as he held onto the redhead.

"Bo, how can I calm down? I'm getting ready to go undercover as a crook. I know that is what my supervisor wants me to do especially after he listens to that tape," said Vicki fearfully.

"Sugar, you don't want to go undercover, do ya?" Bo asked, holding on to Vicki.

Vicki stared back at Bo, trying to find the right words that was Hidden away inside her...


Vicki's face went pale. She didn't want to think about the nightmare about Bo getting killed by Jasper that she had earlier this morning. She wanted to keep it secretly hidden in the back of her mind.

Vicki's face grew paler just thinking about Jasper. She really didn't want to go after him, but if she didn't, her nightmare might come true. She was certain that Bo's life would be in jeopardy if Jasper comes after him.

Vicki didn't want to consider that implication right now. It frightened her as nothing else had but the thought of Bo's safety.

Vicki sighed loudly.

"Honey, are you all right?" Bo asked as he held Vicki in his arms.

"Why should I be all right? I am worried sick about this mess that we're in," said Vicki as she trembled in Bo's arms.

"Maybe you shouldn't have accepted the offer that your supervisor & Sheriff Little made to you several days ago. Then, that criminal wouldn't be hunting us down right now," said Bo as he held onto Vicki.

"Bad thing about it, Bo, is that Jasper thinks that I have turned into a crook," said Vicki as she watched her supervisor walk towards them...


**AUTHOR NOTE: Due to a busy schedule with school and my family, my posts on this story will be limited for the next few weeks. Sorry for any delays & inconivence. Take Care! Vicki** :wink:


***AUTHOR NOTE--Part 2 of A Hidden Secret will now be under the title of

"No Hiding Place", due to me making major changes with the ending of this story.

I'm glad that y'all have enjoyed this story so far, and I hope that you will also enjoy part 2 when I begin writing it soon.

Take Care & Have a Great Night! Talk to Y'all soon!


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