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Talk, talk and more talk. Is that all you can dish out.

*stands on the grass of town square*

You couldnt lead a hefer to water, and if u did she'd make u drink! Come on Coltrane u think u can hit this Duke!


*looks around town square* "Dammit, Chet. You want to fight right in front of the Hazzard County Sheriff's Department? Why don't you wear a big sign on yer back that says "bust me" ? Be just as effective. Save you a black eye, too. "

*squares shoulders, letting black jacket hang open. Paces around Chet, keeping both dark eyes fixed on the enemy Duke.* "What's with you, anyway? Most Dukes are happy to milk goats and husk corn. Weren't you any good at that ?"


Naw just thought u wanted one more chance to run and hide but if ur answers no we might as well settle this in the lot of the Boars Nest. That way when im done shinning u up for the black and blue parade I can have me the finest on the house.

*Watches you circle me pathetically, ur runing already, in circles* I prefer working on cars atleast u can make a living doing that, only thing those goats are good for are chops.

*Lights up a cig and blows smoke at you in a midnigh blue sleeveless and black jeans* Race ya to the Boars Nest *Noddes at the white 70' dodge charger titled Ghost.


"Nah, you called this venue, and I'm stickin' with it. Right here in the middle of town is fine with me. Besides, we fought in the Boar's Nest once before, and I kicked yer posterior."

*continues slowly circling opponent* "You realize, of course, that the winner of this thing is probably gonna get thirty days or more. The loser might get a nice floral arrangement. "


This place suits me fine, and the only 30 days i got planned is the 30 days u gonna spend recovering. *looks at ur leather jacket* Aint it kinda warm for that?

*watches you walk around and around until my cig comes to an end* Might as well get this started im still gonna get that drink at the nest.

*steps out and stands right in front of u preventing u from continuing to circle* Here let me lend you a hand i think u missed a spot brushing ur teeth! *punches you in the mouth* I ain't like any Duke u have ever met, i start fights the hell with finishing them.


*head snaps back with the blow, takes a couple of fast steps backwards, catching balance. Resumes circling, pacing faster, dark eyes glaring*

"Naw, you ain't like any Duke I evah met. Dukes fight for a cause. You fight for the hell of it. "

*pushes up sleeves on black jacket* "You been sayin' how you were gonna get me for a long time. You been walkin' on my shadow for months. And I'll only look over my shoulder so many times, before I decide that some threats can't be ignored anymore. We could have been friends, man....but hell....have it your way."

*with that, suddenly pivots in place, spins body around, and lashes out with a leg sweep to knock Chet's feet out from under him. As Chet goes down, the attack is followed through with a fast drop with one aimed elbow, which is planted directly in Chet's abdomen, driving the air out of him.*

*Keeps elbow in Chet's gut* "That could have been worse, but I'm just tryin' to get your attention. Ready to call it even, Duke?"


*gasps for breath, but manages to hit Brian in then face with a left hand hook but the Coltranes elbow dont give up it presure* Never given up till im beatin to a bloody mess and cant stand up!

*brings a knee up into Brians chest knocking the wind out of him but not knocking him off but hooks him with a left* Sure u could have brought that elbow down harder but you would have hurt urself and went home crying from it!


*rolls away, scrambles to feet, gives a hard cough before speaking* "No man....I coulda landed that elbow somewhere else! But considerin' there's genteel folk in this town....I cut you a break."

*coughs again, pacing unsteadily* "You satisfied yet? Nobody needs stiches, so we'd probably both get off the hook with a fine and a day's community service."


No way dude im just getting started, ive owed you this for a long time. Ever since you pinned me by the throat in the Boars Nest you've had it coming to you.

*Gets to feet with a single quick motion while still catching breath* You should feel lucky my knee didnt land somewhere other then it did either.

*low hucks Brian in the gut and grabs him around the neck in a quick, strong head lock poised behind him* Come on Brian i thought you had more meat under the hood then this!


*grits teeth* "Duke....you got a lot to learn...."

*Cannot move much due to headlock. Struggles to move forward, but is held fast. That leaves one, risky option.*

*Suddenly propels legs backwards, driving body back into Chet. Hooks one leg behind Chet's ankle, sweeps it forward and out from under the surprised Duke, shoving own body backwards at the same time.*

*175 lbs. of Coltrane lands backwards on top of Chet Duke, who hits the ground hard.*


* 180lbs slam into the rock hard ground, wind is knocked out and coughs deeply. Releases grasp around Brians neck and rolls to one side forcing self to feet.* Dam! *Coughs and holds ribs wondering if any cracked.*

You got...*breaths* more to learn then me! *Swings and hits Brian in the ribs and face.*


*Absorbs the blow to the ribs with a pained grunt, and does not dodge the sharp blow to the face. Instead, lashes out with left arm, grabs Chet's right forearm, twisting it and hauling Chet forward with a mighty tug. As Chet is jerked forward, unleashes a heavy, right cross across the Duke's jaw. There is no time for the Duke to react as a second punch is hammered into his gut.*

*With this statement made, releases Chet and shoves him away forcefully, dancing back from the Duke's reach.*

"You've...been practicin'...." *speaks between clenched teeth, sucking in oxygen* "But I ain't lived this long by accident. Get the hell out of here...before I do sometin' I regret."


Is that a threat!? * Gets to feet slowly from ground that I had been thrown to cracks neck when fully standing.* I told you im not leaving, its time you got your ears check might need a hearing aid.

*Plows into Brian knocking him down on the ground and sits on him.*

Here leme help ya with a make-over! *Punches Brian in the face twice then in the ribs pinning him down*


"GAH! You @#&*...."

*With the last punch to the ribs, the air seems to leave the black-clad Coltrane, and his body jerks with the spike of pain that bolts through him.*

*There is no movement, except the slow, rolling tilt of the head to the side, a lock of brown hair falling over the temple. The dark eyes seem to lose focus, and they close shut.*


*Observing fallin openate, touches Brians side with toe of boot wondering.* Cant believe you have lived this long, this 18 year old Duke just whooped up on you. *Continues to caustiously observe Brain*


*At the touch of the boot, there is no immediate reaction. It's not until Chet is done speaking that the black-clad Coltrane suddenly rolls completely to side, reaches out with both hands to snag Chet's leg, and bodily hauls him down to hit the earth.*

"KHEEHAAAAAA! Happy landings, Chet! Just when you were gettin' smug. KHEEHAHA!"

*springs to feet and scrambles back, holding out palms, still chuckling* "Awright, I could have stood over ya with a boot aimed at your adam's apple, but I think we've proved enough to each other. Wanna call it even while we can both walk?"


*prepares to shake Brians hand from the ground, but at last moment grabs Brians arm and brings him crashing to the ground* Whats wrong I thought you liked to fight, specially with and openate like myself!

*in one great motion, elbow lands in Brians ribs and earns him a fresh shinner then rolls to feet* You didnt have me fooled, I kept my distance for good reasons!


"....gah....that was...dirty...even for a Duke."

*slowly stands up, looking at Chet with dark, serious eyes* "I do enjoy a good fight...but I ain't gonna put you down for no damn good reason. When I said we could have been friends, Chet Duke, I meant it. But now....."

*shakes head* "I gave you plenty chances to save face here, and you haven't taken any of 'em. So I got no reason to believe you'll ever be satisified by anythin' less than my end. And if you accomplish that, you might go after somebody I care about....like MaryAnne, or Min, or Daney, or anybody in town here who has dared to 'get in the way.' "

*takes a step closer, and the dark eyes hold open the gates of Hell. "I got two ways I can deal with you now. I could kill you as you stand without too much effort, Chet....I've been givin' you room to grow but you don't want it. So it comes down to this."

*right hand flashes to inside jacket pocket , withdrawing a pair of handcuffs* "I'm makin' a citizen's arrest. You hit me first, and that's assault, you polecat. Epecially when ya throw my olive branch back in my face. You ain't gettin' another one."

*opens handcuffs* "You have the right to remain silent. Anythin' you do may be held against ya in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney...."


OK. *Holds wrists out waiting for Brian to cuff em'. But at the last possible moment, grabs Brians wrist and slaps a cuff around it and twists his arm behind his back and slaps the loose cuff on his other hand. *

See ya in the future Brian Coltrane, its been fun real fun. * Walks away towards car leaving Brians hands cuffed behind his back. *


*stops half way to car and pivotes to look at Brian* Im not running from you! Im running from the law! You'd be the last person in the world that I would run from because of fear.

*turns away and continues to car*

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