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Smallville/Original Superman Movie Fans: Question For U

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I know that the reason that they had Jonathon Kent die in Smallville was because they were following the original Superman movies.

However, this is what I don't understand. Maybe my memory is wrong, but from what I remember from the Superman movies, is this:

1. Clark met Lois for the first time when he started working at the daily planet.

2. Lois did not know that Clark and Superman were the same person, even though the only difference in his appearance was his outfit and a pair of glasses.

So, if my memory is correct, then my questions are:

1. If the writers of Smallville claim to that they killed off John's character just because they are following the original superman movies, then what is Lois doing on Smallville, when according to the movies, they didn't know each other back then?

2. How does having Lois on Smallville make sense anyway considering the fact that had she known Clark at that time, he wasn't wearing any glasses then, so wouldn't she recognize him as superman later if she had known him from as a teen in Smallville?

Can anyone explain this to me please. Because I just don't understand how they can kill off John's character and use the reason that they did it as that they are following the original movie series when it doesn't seem like they are following the movies on other issues.

  • 1 month later...

I was quite bummed when John was killed off. But maybe since it is suppose to be like the "'new' superman as a teen" they're trying somethign a bit different in the plot line. *shrugs* I wouldn't be able to answer your questions about how Clark isn't suppose to me Lois until later though. I remember in a few episodes he wears glasses, so maybe his vision will become worse and he'll permentaly have to wear them?? Or maybe he'll choose to? haha. I don't know *shrugs*

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