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First of all, I'm sick. I'm sick of this movie. I'm sick of people who now think this lame excuse for a movie is the Dukes of Hazzard and I'm sick of what this stupid movie has done to the image of the Dukes of Hazzard.

At this point I think if you enjoyed this movie, you shouldn't have. You should feel ashamed for the way they treated the Dukes. I don't understand how anyone can just stand by and let someone tarnish and mock something you really care about and personally, I really care about this show. I know this post is going to get major response from those of you out there that think this movie is the best thing since cheese in a can, but at the same time I want to hear from those of you who feel about this movie maybe the same as I do. I've loved this show since I can remember. I'm 27 years old now and some of my first memories are of the Dukes of Hazzard and the General Lee. The first toys I remember getting for Christmas was my little General Lee cars. So, you can see that it has really impacted my life. There are just somethings in life that you don't mess with. There are some things that don't need to be redone or reimagined or "improved". I feel strongly that the original Dukes is one of those things. It wasn't broke and they didn't need to fix it. It didn't need to be revamped for today's generation. Today's generation was already falling in love with it on CMT. I remember how popular it was when it came back on TNN also. The Dukes of Hazzard is just one of those timeless classics that you should just take it as it is and be thankful. Honestly it's a pretty lame excuse to say how wonderful it was to see the General Lee again. I watched this trashy film and if you can show me something so extrordinary that they did with the General Lee on this movie that they didn't pull of ten times better on the show 28 years ago I'll be amazed. Most of the Stunts on this movie weren't done by stunt drivers. I watched Cory Eubanks at Dukesfest this year jump a General Lee over a parked truck and you tell me it's too dangerous to do that on a movie? Oh yeah, and wow, you can put the General into a controlled slide around a big turn! BIG DEAL. Give me a break.

So here it is, your chance to step on my toes and give me valid reasons for why this movie is so much better than the original. Give me valid reasons to why they needed to make it and valid reasons why people who loved the original shouldn't be upset over it.

Like wise, here is the opportunity for those of you who feel the same as me to show support for the original Dukes of Hazzard and for what it stood for. Afterall, isn't this the USA and hasn't God blessed us with the ability to express our opinions and beliefs?


I agree that the new movie ruined the dukes. I read a post saying about the drugs, nudity and swearing. Honestly, I liked the movie because I have always LOVED Johnny Knoxville. Dont hate me, please. Still though, drugs are not good. I dont do drugs. I seen the rated and unrated. The girls boobs dont bother me cause I have boobs (excuse me, not to be goofy). The original good ole' boys dont say f**k, s**t, or anything else. Once in a while Boss Hogg says jackass, but thats not horrible. The original Bo and Luke made out a few times in the show, but not SO sexually, unlike the movie. The dukes imaged is ruined.


Personally, I don't think the original DOH is ruined at all. I think Jay Chandahakacankissmybutt ruined himself with literally millions of faithful fans. Putting "his" spin on "our" show ruined his chances to be taken seriously later on in life. The original Dukes will live on well past our lifetime, such as "The Honeymooners" or "I Love Lucy" or even "The Brady Bunch" (before Greg slept with the mom). I'm sure I'll speak for several people in this forum who I feel I've become friends with since last November...you can knock anything that you want. It's your opinion and your right. But, ease up a bit on the original series now...cuz that's when most of us will get offended. If you haven't noticed, this site is dedicated to the fans of the series and now the movie. I'll refrain from the (BLEEPS) and the (BLANKITY-BLANKS) until later feedback. (Your welcome, Brian)

By the way, you can stir the pot all ya want...but we gonna put some Cajun seasoning in there to really get it going. 8)


Cedar I agree with you.It sure makes you appreciate the original all the more. It was good to see the General again that's about it. Agreed the stunts weren't anything we haven't seen before but it could have been worse.They could have used that CGI crap for the jumps.Let's face it,WB never cared about this franchise even though it made them tons of money over the years nor do they care about us fans.It was another one of Hollywoods pitiful attemps to make a quick buck off a popular old TV show.Which it only made about 10 mill over it's budget (including the lost law suite) in the US.Not that good of a profit in Hollywood terms.On a side note,I know someone who is in contact with Gy Waldron and he wasn't pleased with what Jay and Broken Lizard crew did with his creation.

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