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i think its wrong for them to make a movie that makes fun of the things us rednecks grew up with if your gonna use jessica simpson as daisy in the dukes of hazzard all your doing is saying that daisy wasnt nothin but pure simple trash( wich she wasnt) , so i think they should have picked someone else who istnt trash. i cant believe they would stoop so low but they did and about the general lee how are they gonna call that movie the dukes of hazzard if the general lee dont have the flag. thats wrong too .


I honestly think that everyone is going nuts for no reason. Just look at the other picture of the cast with the car. You can clearly see a line that is whit running diagonally and right next to the line is a thicker different color. since you can't clearly see it we can only assume that it would be blue since it is the confederate flag.


Welcome to HazzardNet, Basktqase. In regards to us "havin' a fit for no reason".... that's what the forums are for. Heh heh.

Really, tho', we've been debating whether or not the flag would be present for several months. And now, I gotta point out a little twist o' logic.

The flag might be on the car, on the photos we've seen here.

However, this may not be the same car used in many of the shots in the movie. This could be a proverbial stunt double they're usin' for drivin' practice only.

Don't get me wrong, I'm hopin' the flag is on the car. I'm just not gonna take anything at face value.



Thanks coltrane for welcoming me. As to your speculation on whether or not the car in the picture is one of the many that they are using for the movie or if it is just a practice car. I can put that one to rest right now. I am making my wy into the showbiz world so I am fairly knowledgable at how they operate, and I can tell you that if they were just going to give them a car to practice in, they wouldn't risk damaging a finished product. They would have given them one that wasn't painted yet or just a regualr charger that was set up like this one. And the pictures are taken on a studio lot. You can tell that in the second picture especally because of the trailers and the lights. So this is defintely one of the cars that they are using in the movie.

Also. Hollywood is stupid, but they aren't that stupid. They would realize that not having the flag on the car would piss a lot of people off and that it would be as stupid as making a knight rider movie and making KITT a motorcycle.


Luke-Duke, welcome to HazzardNet. You're right, KITT was reincarnated as a Chevy, but I thought it was a '57. Anyhoo, you made an excellent point, and I'm gonna expand on that.

Basktqase, Hollywood is dumber than ya think. In the example of the tv Knight Rider movies, KITT was reinvented dramtically...and there was nothing controversial about Pontiacs to warrant it. Hell, they went so far as to kill off Devon in the 2nd movie, just to really piss off the fans.

Back to the General Lee and yer statement. Yeah, the car is shown on the movie set, I recognize the junk in the background too. But before anybody decides the flag is there as a sure bet, consider this:

Anything can end up on the cutting room floor. Or in this day and age, edited, graphically altered, photoshopped. ( Nothing says we'll see a lot of shots of the car roof in any case.) I think WB will use the flag in the movie if they think they can get away with it. But I also think the minute they get big pressure from special interest groups, they might edit that flag out.

I'm skeptically optimistic that the flag will still be there. I'm bankin' on the counter-culture strategy tipping the scales. Namely, if there is hue and cry about the flag from special interest groups and the politically correct crowd, then that will translate into free advertisement for the movie. So then, seeing the movie would be the most politically insensitive thing an enlightened person could do, which would send plenty of folk skittering to the box office.



Im honestly not trying to come across as a prick or anything so if I do come off that way, I deeply apologize.


The picture leads me to believe that the shot was taken between film shootings. I would almost be positive of it. So with that being said, the only way they would take the flag out of the movie now is to just go through and digitally edit out the flag in all of the car scenes, which would cost a hell of a lot of money. What they might do is this though. leave the flag on the car, but keep the shots that show the whole flag on the roof to a bare minimum. Which was pretty much they way it was done in the show. It wasn't like they threw the flag in your face during every single shot that the car was in.


Well from the looks of those pics the car is exactly the same as it was in the show. Hard to see the roof though because of the glare but I think I can see the flag. If the car looks that much the same as it did in the show it has to have the flag on it. Other wise it would just look stupid. I would think that if they took the flag off they change other things as well. Like rims and tires atleast. Not to mention that Warner Bros has 7 cars from the show and the reunion movies still on it's lot. They don't look like they're filming cause Stiffler isn't even blond and Knoxville has greasy hair. Even though I think I can see the flag on the car this pic doesn't make me feel any better cause it doesn't prove anything.


Another thought entered my mind after my last post. If they're gonna take the flag off they might as well get rid of the horn and the name General Lee too. The song Dixie is just as divisive and as much a reminder of the old south and Robert E. Lee is one of the most contraversial characters in American History. But if they keep the horn and the name like I know they will, they'll keep the flag too for the same reason. That reason is that they are an intregal part of the show and that they weren't put in the car to make a statement about anything, just to add to that good ol' southern feel. I'm pretty confident that the flag will be on the car. All the merchandise they sell has it on the car, the new video game(which is pretty cool I might add) has the flag on the car, the Warner Bros them park has 2 General Lee's on display, the car's popping up in music videos with the flag on it(with the exception of the Bare Naked Ladies vidoe, but the group issued a statement saying they couldn't get permission to use the real car in the video from Warner Bros, if they could've they would've), the reunion movies had the flag on the car(and the last movie came out when the issue in South Carolina was red, I mean RED hot!), the DVD shows the flag right on the cover, not to mention the boxes that the merchandise come in are covered with the flag. I really don't think anyone would say anything anyways, but if someone does I'm sure the execs at Warner Bros know as well as we do that a little controversy only helps sell tickets to a movie. If there's ever a saying in Hollywood that has been proven to be true time and time and time again it's "There's no such thing as bad publicity". It's come to the point that I don't really even worry about it anymore. My main concern is the chemistry between the cast. Coy and Vance showed us that even if everything in the show is the same, with out chemisty it sucks. Sorry to all you Coy and Vance fans out there but that's my personal opinion.


Well all the talk about having no flag on the roof of our beloved General Lee was all for nothing apparently. There is a new member - beanie_biologist , who posted about filming in another thread . It was said that they saw the General , Daisy's jeep and patrol cars and the General had the flag....YYYYYYEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAA



Given the information / lack thereof at the time, we had plenty o' reason to freak out. A couple years ago, special interest groups and political forces succeeded in making the State of Georgia remove all traces of the Confederate stars n' bars from their state flag. And during the making of the second Dukes reunion movie, these same groups attempted to pressure CBS / WB into removing the flag from the General Lee. I expect there will be some hue n' cry from these groups once they realize that the Confederate flag is going to be "celebrated" on the big screen.

Or maybe...just maybe...folks will realize that the Dukes of Hazzard is about down-home fun, and no political offense need be taken. We'll see how it unfolds. In the meantime....we're all going to enjoy this movie much more, with the General Lee in full uniform. The faces of our favorite characters will look different...Hazzard itself is going to look different....but if this film captures the true spirit of the show, the movie will succeed beyond all expectations.



In regards to the flag on top of the car...Okay...here goes. I seemed to have gotten access to the construction set in Baton Rouge. It's very tight-lipped and hush-hush. Where the testing happens, the painting and the other star cars are is almost impossible to see from outside the compound. BUT, the flag is on the roof of the car. The name is STILL the General Lee. Absolutely nothing has changed from the original car. Actually, one thing is different. The grills have been painted mostly black,versus the silver color from the series. The big guys liked it better black. I also found out the doors were never welded shut, even on the tv series. That was for safety purposes. Also found out that none of the cars have the Dixie horn. That's all added in during the cut and splice (editing) stage. Bummer for me. After riding and sliding in the Lee with stunt driver Kevin Scott, I can attest to the 440's power. I got video of it. Awesome ride. Gone through many tires these guys have. I'm still taking pictures so I'll have a nice library of pics! Some things in life are definitely worth kissing butt over!!!


Hi Scott!

Well, there's two ways you can post a picture. One is right in your message here on the forum, or you can upload your picture to our picture gallery.

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Thanks Mary ann. It's in here somewhere...I got more but I want to hold off and talk to the guys to see if it's cool for me to put the good ones in here.



The flag is on the car my friend is driving it. I talked to the transpotaion section of hazzard production and they even said it was. Ill be in the movie im driving a truck so i stay incontact with the transportation and casting section. HOPE YA LIKE THE FILM


TheRealLuke, are ya keep us updated when you get the chance? That is just great that you are driving a vehicle in the movie. Gonna invite us all to the premiere?? I hope the movie does the original Dukes justice...


  • 2 weeks later...

Well the politically correct can kiss my butt, and as long as WB says the same and put the flag and whatnot on the car, well I think that be just great. And hearin` from differant people that it WILL be there, well, that kinda is a relief. But I will not put a hundred percent trust that some politically correct group won't cry about it and force it to be removed.


I was down at the maintenance place on Florida Blvd. and happened upon an old General Lee. On the trunk was an autograph from John Schnieder telling us to "keep it 'tween the ditches". This old car was rough. Had two flats and multi-color orange paint. It looked like it had been stored (outside maybe?) somewhere for quite a while. Found out this was one of many that John still has. It's on loan to Warner Brothers as a future promo. Looking at the original from back then and the new ones, there are many differences between the two. The transportation guys said that on the new one, the grill is painted black. The original's had a silver painted grille. The push bars on the front are bigger and there are many smaller differences. BUT, the flag and the number are still the same. I'll get a picture of it developed and scanned soon. Merry Christmas, y'all.


thanks scott for sharing the story about seeing an actual General Lee from the good ol' days of the original Hazzard County. I wish I could of been there with ya man. i too did get to see an actual General Lee at Warner Bros in Burbank california while I was on tour of the studios.

Saw a General from a distance in the transportation department . But I was not allowed to get close to the car. ( this was back in early 2001).I hope someday to build my own General Lee, but I really want to see one of the Original Generals up close....perhaps even drive em....yeee hawwww!!!! take care.....

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