Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted August 27, 2005 Posted August 27, 2005 "Well it's about dang time!" Jesse shouted as he stepped out on to the porch. "Why, what's going on?" Luke asked as he took Des by the hand and walked towards the farm house. Kristy stepped out on to the porch, when she saw Bo she ran down the stairs to meet him. "Rosco's been hanging around all day, watching the farm!" The Dukes all stop, listening to the coming sounds of Rosco and Enos' sirens. "C'mon let's go Bo!" Luke moved towards the General Lee. "Hold on Luke, we haven't done anything, recently!"Bo called to his older cousin. "Bo's right, you boys haven't come within an Kentucky mile'o breaking yer probation! They can't arrest ya fer nothin'!" Cooter added walking up to the house to stand beside Jesse. "Yah, but there ain't nothin' Boss an' Rosco ain't willin' to try!" Daisy said. Bo shrugged, Luke nodded. The boys were off running faster than you can say possum on a gumbush! Luke slid into the passenger seat and started the engine while Bo slid across the hood of the General Lee. Bo jumped in, shifted into gear and stepped on the gas. The tires spun up dirt and rocks, sending all bystanders scattering for cover. Whan the dust had settled Jesse shook his head and mumbled, "Those boys are going need new a set of tires if'n they keep that up!" "Yah, but it sure is good fer my business Uncle Jesse!" Cooter looked over at Jesse with a greasy smile. "Cooter! I ain't yer Uncle Jesse!!" "Yes sir! Mr. Uncle Jesse sir," Cooter cringed, "I'll work on that!" Jesse just looked at the grease monkey standing beside him.Bo and Luke were well out of sight by the time Rosco and Enos made it to the farm. Daisy and Kristy were hanging clothes to dry, Cooter and Jesse were chopping wood, and Angie and Des were looking at a map. Nothing out of place, except for the absence of Bo and Luke. "Howdy Mister Uncle Jesse Sir!!!" Enos called as he shut the door to his patrol car. "Enos, hush! Just hush wiil ya!?" Rosco scolded Enos. "Whadaya want sheriff?" Jesse cried over the sound of Cooter splitting wood. Rosco walked over to Jesse and Cooter, he started, "Well Jes.." Chop. Chop. Chop. Rosco grabbed the axe out of Cooter's hands and tossed it ont he ground. It landed on Enos' foot, while he was hopping around in pain Rosco continued, "Well Jesse, this here is an official visit. Uh... where are Bo an'Luke? Gyuk, Gyuk, Gyuk! I need to speak with them!" "They ain't here!" Jesse replied causually. "Well where are they?" Rosco asked. Enos had now come to join them. "Haven't seen all day Sher-iff!" Cooter answered playfully. "Oh hush Cooter! I wasn't askin' you! Jesse, where are yer nephews?" "Cooter told ya, they ain't been around all day!" Jesse smiled. "Well this is regarding important police business involving their pro-bation!" Rosco said professionally, if it's possible. "Well I'm their Uncle, don't ya think I outta know what they's in trouble for?" "Oh they ain't in trouble fer notin Jesse, just wanna talk!" Roscs smiled back. "That's not true Sherrif! Boss Hogg said that we was to arrest the boys fer breaking probation, cause they ain't reported to the district probation officer, only the county of..." Enos chimed in, cut off by Rosco saying, "Hush you Dipstick, Hush! Well when ya see em next tell em I'm looking for em." Rosco turned around and walked away, he hit Enos withhis hat as he went. Dipsick, he thought. Enos followed his superior officer, waving goodbye to Daisy. The two lawmen got in their cars and drove off back towards Hazzard. (Tag you're it Des!) Quote
bodukelover23 Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 hi all sorry ui have not posted i have been under strees and some famley things that i don\t want to get in to right now. I well try 2 post tonight or something like that Quote
Moms lil' Daisy Posted August 29, 2005 Author Posted August 29, 2005 As they watched Rosco and Enos drive away back to Hazzard, Jesse looks to Cooter and says, "Cooter see if you can reach those two on the cb while Daisy and I start dinner, let 'em know we'll bring them theirs.""Yes'ir Unc..... Mr. Jesse sir." Cooter made his way to his truck and called for Bo and Luke. "Breaker one breaker one, might be crazy but I aint dumb, Craaaazzy Cooter comin' atcha any ya'all lost sheep out there Come on?""Yea Cooter this is lost sheep 1, go ahead.""Well buddy roe ya'll got a few hounds out lookin for you fer breakin probation.""What? We aint done nuttin to break or violate our probation.""Yea thats what we all here said, but hey, Uncle Jes.... your Uncle Jesse said we'd bring ya'll some dinner so where we gonna meet?""Alright Cooter, thaks we'll be at ol' still site 3, see ya there.""Alright, I'm gone."Cooter had washed up a bit before he sat down to Jesse's table for dinner. They all ate and cleaned up a bit around the farm. Des and Angie and Kristy were outside puttin Maudin and Cheif away when Daisy yelled from the house. "Ok ya'all ready? Uncle Jesse says we're only taking two cars...." she said comin out the door. "... so that'd be Dixie and the wrecker." Angie's face dropped coz she wanted to drive her baby but sighed and understood. Angie and Des raced to the wrecker, and Angie got a head start and beat Des to the truck. "Well it looks like these two are riding with me Daisy." Cooter laughed. Daisy waved as she and Jesse got into Dixie. Daisy pulled out and Cooter followed her as Kristy waved form the back seat of Dixie. Des and Angie talked about what was to be done yet on their farm and Cooter was content to just sit and listen. Daisy pulled up to the boys site and Kristy jumped out to meet Bo hallf way. She handed Bo and clean shirt and then the two embrassed in a hug while Daisy handed Luke their food. "Where's Des and Cooter and Angie?" Luke asked "They're comin' Luke, see there they are now." Jesse said pointing to the wrecker pulling up. As the truck pulled up Des jumped out before Cooter had even stopped and Angie quickly followed her sister. The two girls were soon rolling around in the dirt wrestling and laughing. Jesse, Daisy, Kristy and the boys looked on in confusion and Cooter just walked over to them casually with a big grin on his face. "Alright you two girls, knock it off." Jesse yelled. the girls stopped and Des began to explain."Sorry ya'all but we aint seen eachother in about a month and this is how we act when we get back to gether after a while." "Yea me too, sorry everybody." Angie said elbowing Des Jesse turned and walked away shaking his head and Des and Angie followed him. Bo and Luke ate their dinner and Des ran to the truck to get Luke's clean shirt she had grabbed for him. "Here ya are Luke." she said handin it to him."Thank you darlin. Excuse me." he said turning away to go clean up at the far end of their site. Bo followed him to do the same and Kristy and Des watched the two change shirts and clean up a bit. Whlie Angie said goodbye to Cooter who had gotten a wrecker call to pull Cletus out of the ditch, Daisy and Uncle Jesse set up for a fire. The boys turned to walk back an dthe two girls tried to look bussy but blushed becasue they knew they had been seen. Bo and Luke gave eachother a knowing look and a smile, because they had been doing the same thing all day almost. "Des? Would you like to take a walk with me?""Sure Luke.""We'll be back ya'all" Luke yelled over his shoulder as he lead Des by the hand down a path toward a clearing."Luke..... I ....... uh ... well.." Des studdered"Take yur time honey.""Well I ..... Luke? ..... I just feel that I should tell you that I really like you and I understand if you don't understand or feel the same way but I just had to tell you coz I had to get it off my chest, and I..." Des began to ramble on."SShhhhh." Luke shushed her. "I do understand and I show my feelings real well honey, and this is how I feel." he said pulling her close to kiss her."Luke." Uncle Jesse yelled in the distanceLuke and Des pulled away from the kiss both lost in their own thoughts. "Yea, comin' Uncle Jesse." Luke yelled backThey got back Jesse scolded his eldest nephew for going out there without a light. "Well I was wondering if Bo and Kristy would like to join Des and me for a nice sunset walk?""Oh I'd love to Bo, could we?" Kristy asked with excitement.Luke grabbed a lantern and the four of 'em headed down the same path as before. They stopped at a fallen log and Bo and Luke sat their girls down and then joined them at their sides. Nothin was said but Bo held Kristy close and Luke squeezed Des' shoulders gently untill she leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder. They walked back and Jesse insisted they leave right away. "I'll see ya tomarrow morning honey, I promise." Luke said with a wink"In the morning then."The next morning Des woke up and made a pot of coffee that was too strong for Jesse but just how Luke and she liked it. After Bo had finished in the bathroom and everyone had breakfast Luke showed Des around the farm. Bo had asked Kristy to talk and they walked out beside the General Lee.Cue Kristy, your it girl. Quote
bodukelover23 Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Morning Bo,Luke, Daisy,Jessie and Des. Kristy sead. Bo can I talk to you about something? Kristy asked. Bo sure you can. Bo sead. Kirsty and Bo go out side. Uncle Jessie is everything ok with Kristy and Bo? Luke asked. Yes thay are ok thay are just talking. Jessie saed to Luke. Bo i have some thing for you and it is from me. Kristy tould Bo. What is it? Bo asked. Opin it Bo. Kristy sead. Omg kristy it's a ring. Bo sead. Yes it is bo. kristy sead. Luke Looks out the window. Luke what are you doing? Daisy sead. Nothng. Luke sead. Kristy i like it. Bo sead. I know you would bo. Kristy sead.tag Moms lil' Daisy or CCC your it Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted August 30, 2005 Posted August 30, 2005 Bo and Kristy sat on the front porch, whispering to each other. Kristy giggled, and the smile on Bo's face was wider than a texas mile. "Bo," jesse said looking over at the two, "play nice!" "Yes'r Uncle Jesse!" Bo said straghtening his back and saluting his uncle. Kristy tried not to laugh, Jesse jsu shook his head and wandered off to collect the eggs. Luke and Des were walking back towards the farm hand in hand. They passed Jesse, who took one look at his nephew and almost laughed out loud. Luke had hay sticking every which way out of his hair, and Des' pink lipstick smudged on his face. Des looked at Jesse's face, he was studying Luke. Des turned her gaze to Luke, she burst out lauhging, it was contagouis and Jesse snorted through his laughter. Luke was puzzled, "What? What? Unca Jesse! Des, what's so funny!?" they continued to laugh, "Luke!," Des reached over to Luke's head and pulled out a piece of hay, "this!" She smiled. Des put her free hand on his face and rubbed off the lipstick, "And this!" She showed Luke the pink on her finger. Luke shook his head and laughed. Jesse gave Luke a look, you better watch it mister! was the message Luke got. Luke tried hard to smile as he watched Jesse walk away.(sorry ya'll this was all I could think of at the moment! Tag!) Quote
Moms lil' Daisy Posted August 31, 2005 Author Posted August 31, 2005 Des had the day off and was lookin forward to spendin the day with Angie at their farm. Des walked Luke back to the house and helped him clean the straw out of his hair, and sat with him on the couch while she whipped off the rest of her lipstick from his face. She laughed and Luke was still thinkin about that look from his Uncle Jesse. "Alright now honey, we gotta take it easy, you didn't see that look I got from Uncle Jesse." "What did you do?" she said asking completely unaware "Haha you mean what did we do, honey?" he said laughing "Well, we kinda.... disrespected his... our home. Not entirly, darlin so don't worry. That look just said to be carefull and watch it." "Oh no. I'm sorry sugar I didn't mean to get us in trouble." she said scared."Don't worry...... It takes two for what got us that look." he said with a wink. Des then pulled her feet up on the couch and snuggled up closer to him and started playin with a botton on his shirt. Angie walked through the room and seen her sister. She couldn't help but laugh."We gonna work today or you just gonna cuddle all day with that handsome Duke.""Aahhhh hush....... I'm waitin for Daisy, so I can show her the farm and I'd cuddle all day if i could, and don't you think about tryin to embarasse me." Des said. Luke just smiled and blushed at Angie's comment. Daisy came out and said she was ready when they were. They headed out to the cars and meet Bo and Kristy on the way out. "I'm going first, ya'all follow me." Des yelled as she started up her truck.They all followed her. Angie, Daisy, and then Bo, Kristy, and Luke were in the back. "Lil' fox this here's Tigerlilly, come back?" Angie called for her sister in the cb"Yea this is Lil' fox, go ahead Tigerlilly.""Uh...... I've been out there once and uh.... I was wondering how you expect us all with these cars to get there in one peice?""Hahaha, well ya'all aint gotta worry about that, you'll see.""Hey now, if shes worried about her car we sure aint taking the General down there then." Bo interupted with a lot of concern."Don't worry Bo, I wouldn't think of messing up that beauty back there, or the car." Des said sarcastically. Everyone knew what she meant and Luke blushed in the passenger seat of the General. "Well I thank you for that there compliment darlin but next time make sure Luke aint in ear shot of it." Bo joked, only to be punched playfully but hard by Luke."Come on ya'll follow me." Des said still laughingThey followed her down a path to a break in the fense that wound around the back of the barn and up to the house. "Here it is ya'all." Des said proudly. She was happy and proud of her work. "This is great Des." Angie said tackling her sister to the ground."Wait Ange. There's somthing I haven't done yet. I promised you we would do that together." Des said leading her sister into the old barn that was falling apart."You didn't touch this at all yet?" Angie asked shocked"Nope, it was very tempting but no.""Well Des, I'll tell ya, you sure did a great job so far. You did this on yur own?" Luke asked pointing at the slightly restarted farm house."Yea, aint it great?" Everyone walked around to see the farm and Luke noticed Des had disapeared. "Hey, anyone seen Des?" Everyone began looking for her and noone seemed to find her. Luke began to worry that she had been kidnapped again. 'now where'd she go?' he thought. Just then Des walked around the corner of the barn with a big smile on her face. "Where'd you get off to and what are you smiling about?" Luke asked impatiently and still worried"I was just........ why? And why do you look so worried?""Well becasue you just disapeared.""Oh well sorry 'bout that. I was just checking 'my' baby. I aint started 'im up in about 4 weeks now."Luke just looked confused. "Ange grab my keys out of my jacket." she yelled. Angie ran to her and tossed her the keys and asked "Hows he running now that you fixed 'im up?""You wanna find out?" Des said and turned and ran to where she had just came from. Beside the house there was a big willow tree and a shed the covered her car. The rest followed the girls around the house and when they seen the plum crazy purple 1981 Round Runner, Daisy yelled, "Oh my goodness Des hes beautiful. I 'used' to have one myself.""Whata ya mean?""Bo and Luke drove it off a cliff.""You all did WHAT? Never mind, sshhh" she said listening to her baby rumble."AAAhhhhhh, Ange scoot over we're going for a ride." Des climbed in a peeled away leaving them in a cloud of dust. Luke and Bo couldn't resist and jumped in General and raced after them. Bo drivin caught up real quick and yelled to race back. "See ya when you get back then" Des yelled over the engines and pulled away ahead of the general. The girls got a good start but the car flooded out and coasted back to the house. Naturally Bo rubbed it in and Luke gave him that look. Daisy headed back to town for work and the boys and Kristy stayed to help around the farm. Ange and Des changed into old shirts and overalls for the work, and Bo and Luke did whatever was asked of them, while Kristy made lunch for them all. They all ate and Des asked to be excused while she took a quick shower. When she finished Ange was next and Des showed Luke her favorite spot on her farm. She walked him out to a field were the grass was tall and you could see the front of the house but couldn't be seen. The two sat down and began to pick up were they left off back at the Duke farm. Bo and Kristy headed back to the fense to meet Cooter and bring him up to the house. Ange was working on Des' car while she waited and heard the wrecker comin'."Hey Cooter." she yelled "Did ya find us alright?""Well I found Bo and Kristy and you ok, but not Luke or Des." Cooter says looking around."Oh yea, they went off when i was in the shower. I aint seen them at all.""Well, if Des is anything like Luke, we wont find them, they'll come out when they's ready." Cooter joked."Well how bout you help me out here." Angie said turning to the car again.Now aint that a match. a girl that aint sure what she wants to talk about more, cars or guys. Sound familiar? Cue CCC ( i tagged you back) Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 "Oh Luke!" Des whispered as she snuggled in closer to his chest. She took in a deep breath. Luke wrapped his arms around her and looked out towards the farmhouse. "They're probably lookin' for us." Luke said regretfully. Des looked up at him and smiled, "Yeah, but a few more minutes ain't gonna hurt!" The two sat amongst the tall grass, Luke followed a butterfly with his eyes, beautiful, He thought, and not just the butterfly. "Lady, you shoulda listened to your boyfriend, and left while you still had the chance." A grim voice said from behind the couple. Luke twisted his head around, to stare up the barrell of a shotgun. Des and Luke raised their hands, "Now mister, we ain't done nothin'! So why don't ya put that pea shooter away!" Luke pleaded. "Pea shooter huh? Watch this plough-boy!" The man raised the gun and pulled the trigger letting off a loud shot. Luke and Des ducked for cover. "He.. He.. didn't mean that sir," Des stumbled with her words, "Luke here like to run his mouth off!" Des shot Luke a 'shut up now or we're going to die' look. He smiled at the armed man sheepishly."What was that?" Kristy asked peering out from the house. "It sounded like a gunshot!" Cooter replied wiping his hands on his shirt. "Well it wasn't Luke, we can't have no guns!" Cried Bo. "Well it sure wasn't Des!" Angie said as she slammed the hood down. Kristy jumped. Cooter and Bo were alreadt running in the direction of the shot."Now get up easy lady!" The armed man instructed Des, "You're gonna stay here hayseed!" The man swung the butt of the gun into Luke's face knocking him over. "Luke!" Des cried reaching down to him. She was pulled away by the man, "Let's go or he'll die now!" The man shouted to Des. "Luke!! Bo help!! Angie!! Can you hear....." She made one last effort to shout as she was stuffed into the back of a van.“Cooter! over this way!†Bo yelled as he raced through the tall grass. “I heard her! Des!! Luke? Where’d ya’ll get to?†Cooter hollered running behind Bo. “Luke! Hey cuz?†Bo asked when he saw Luke. He lay on the ground rithing in pain. Cooter burst through the grass to see Bo kneeling beside Luke. He wasn’t sure what to say. “Luke, what happened? C’mon Luke ya gotta talk to me cuz!†Bo said to his older cousin who was holding his head in his hands. Bo just looked at him, waited for him to respond. “Cooter, go radio the Doc!†Bo instucted his friend. Cooter took off back to the farm.“What’s going on?†Kristy asked jogging out to meet Angie. “I don’t know.†Angie replied dryly, staring off into the distance. “I hope...†Kristy started but was cut off. “SHHHHH!†Angie put a finger to her lips and listened. She could hear to sound of a car in close by, headed away from them, back to Hazzard. Angie didn’t say a word, she just took off for her sister’s car. “I hope Des got ya running smooth!†She said to the car as she climbed in and started the engine. Kristy stood in the yard, still unsure of what was happening. Balladeer: Don’t worry Kristy! I ain’t to sure what’s goin’ on neither! Quote
Guest Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 Balladeer : Well So Far O'l Bo ain't having that much luck in finding out what happened and O'l Luke's pain was getting worse by the minute.Unfortunetly Luke wasn't that much help in telling Bo what happend since the pain in his head is making it hard for him to remember but Bo tried one more time to get Luke to say anything about it", " C'mon Luke why does your head hurt who did this to you ?", Luke then looked up at Bo with sleepy eyes he said " Bo my head hurts really bad i got hit with something hard the girls is in trouble you gotta find this bad dude he took her ...... away ." Then Bo said " took her where Luke ?", Luke , Luke , c'mon Luke ", Bo kept trying but Luke wouldn't stir he was out .Balladeer : But unfortunetly friends O'l Bo was too late Luke had already fallen into a Unconicous state and i hope that Bo , Cooter , and Kristy can find out what happens before it gets too late.Meanwhile in the Dukes Farmhouse Cooter was talking to Doc Applebee telling him that Luke took a fall is in alot of pain then doc said " Oh No that is terrible i'm on my way ", then Cooter hung up made his way back out to the field where Bo is still trying to get Luke to wake up when Cooter walked up to where Bo is he said " any luck in finding out what happend Bo ?" , Bo said " Well i found out that the girls is in trouble this bad man came and took Des away but unfortunetly before i could find out where Luke fell into Unconicous any luck with the doc Cooter ?".Then Cooter said " He is on his way Bo ", Then Bo made his way over to where Luke lay he picked him up Luke made a silght moan but he didn't wake up ", once they got into the farmhouse Bo took Luke into their bedroom he layed Luke down on his bed ", a few minutes later Doc showed up so Bo looked out the window then he made his way into the kitchen he said " Well hey Doc he's back here so Doc made his way into the boys room he checked Luke out he said " Well Bo it looks to me like he has a Concussion if i was you i would keep an eye on him for 24 hours. Quote
bodukelover23 Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 Bo what is happing 2 luke? Kristy asked. Kristy he is in pane. Bo sead. bo i am woored about des. Kristy tould bo. I don't want any thing to happen do her she is like my sis 2. Kristy tould bo and started to cry. kristy please don't cry. Bo tould Kristy. Doc can i see Luke please? Kristy asked. Bo and yes you and luke are like my brothers to me and i do mean it. Kristy tould bo. do you really mean that? Bo asked kristy. bo yes i am sure. Kristy tould bo. Bo that ring dose mean alot to me. Kristy tould bo. Kristy hears the cd in her car and it is dasy. bo peep to babyblue you got your ears on? dasiy asked. This is babyblue here. kristy sead. i am here with Bo and Luke. kristy sead to her.tag ccc your it Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 "Well now how are we gonna find Des?" Bo sighed. "I don't know.." Cooter mumbled, looking down at his friend. A muffled sound came from outside. "That's the CB!" Bo hollered as he raced down the old stairs. "Lost Sheep, this is Shepard do you read me?" Jesse's voice crackled over the radio. "Yea go ahead Shepard!" Bo replied. "I just seen Des here in town, in a green mustang. They were headed west towards snakenation road." Jesse said with a hint of panic in his voice. "I'm on my way Uncle Jesse! Lost sheep out!" Bo dropped the CB and started the engine. He didn't think about anything except the green mustang, headed towards Snake Nation road. Bo knew he had to do something, Luke couldn't and would never forgive him if he didn't. "Lost Sheep this is shepard come back? .....Bo this is yer Uncle Jesse talking!" Jesse shouted in the radio, but Bo did not respond. "Shepard this is Crazy C!" Cooter called into his CB. "Where's Bo? Luke?" "Well uncle Mister Jesse sir..." Cooter started. "What's going on Cooter?" Jesse yelled into the CB. "Maybe you'd just get out here. The old Henderson place on Rocky Ridge Road." Quote
Moms lil' Daisy Posted September 2, 2005 Author Posted September 2, 2005 "Bo......... Bo? Please come back and talk to your uncle." Kristy pleaded over the cb. "Bo? Please?"Bo waited a minute and then picked up the cb mic, "Ok Kristy, I'm comin back. Uncle Jesse I'll meet ya there, they got a way around tearin' up your car. I'm gone."Jesse stopped at the begining of the road and waited for his nephew. Bo was there in a matter of minutes and lead his uncle to the farm house. Jesse was impressed with the work that was done by the girl. The last time he had seen this farm was nearly 15 years ago and it was begining to look run down then. "Now what happened Bo and go slow." Jesse instructed Bo.Bo began to explain what happened and when he finished Jesse asked to see Luke. About that time Luke had fought his way down the hall and colapsed in the chair next to his cousin. "Luke what in the he!! are you doin'?" Bo exploded. Luke grabbed his head in agonny form the yelling and Bo immediately quieted down and appologized. "Sorry Luke but you need to rest." "Luke, Bo's right, you need to go relax.""I'll relax when i can hold Des again! AFTER I knock that man into the county." Luke said angerly holding his head."Umm, Mr. Jesse? Will this do anything for him?" Kristy walked in holding a jug of shine. "Did the doc see ya yet?" Jesse asked "Yea he said he'd leave the cleaning up till he woke up.... for you Uncle Jesse." Bo said grinnin."Well, I bet Frank left this here." Jesse said uncorking the jug. "Woooweee, smells like mine," he teased. Luke kringed at the comment. "Well this is too old, it wont do anything for 'im." Luke let out a sigh of relief. "But there's jug behind my seat that will do the trick. Would you go get it Kristy?""Uh huh. Ok." Luke watched Kristy run out the door and thought 'no hurry'. Jesse moved around the table and asked, "Now what'd ya get hit with? Do you remember?""Do I remember? He!! ya I remember. That sorry son of a......" "Here ya go Mr. Jesse." Kristy burst through the door in a hurry.".... uh..... he hit me with the butt of his shot gun." Luke stopped his self knowing better then to use language like 'that' in front of a lady."C'mon sweetheart." Bo said guilding Kristy back out the door. Bo knew his cousin would fight the shine 'treatment' and Bo and Luke had that connection so Bo knew what Luke was thinking. Luke shot Bo a 'thanks a lot cuz' look as he walked out. Bo just nodded knowingly"Now lets see Luke." Jesse examined his nephews left eye, where he had been hit. He whipped away the dried blood and then began to put on the shine. Luke pulled back and winced from the pain. "Aahh c'mon Uncle Jesse, do you gotta......""Yes I gotta." Jesse interupted him. "Now hold still or there'll be more to go on after I'm done." "Yes'ir"Bo walked Kristy toward the barn so they could just hold eachother. Meanwhile Des was fighting with her kidnappers. "Damn it, grab 'er." the tall man screamed out in pain. Des had just kicked him in his knee."I thought you had her!" The other man, slightly shorter, ran to get her.Des turned around and punched him in the nose making him bleed, and hurting her hand. "Aahh" was heard from both of them. Des grabbed her hand as she turned to run when the other man pulled her back. "Let me go..... What do you want with me anyways? Let me go. HELP" Des screamed.Angie had disappeared in Des' car shortly after hearing the car heading toward Hazzard. Now where did she get off to?Angie was running every which way she could, and soon found herself lost. "This here's Tiggerlilly calling for uhh.... lost sheep. Come back?"Bo forgot about Angie and ran for the cb but Cooter beat him to it since he was relaxing and thinking in his truck. "Hey this is Crazy Cooter here Tiggerlilly. I'm with them lost sheep yet, what'd ya need darlin'?""Well Cooter, I ran outta there without thinking and I ....... well I kinda got myself lost out here. I'm at uh.... actually I'm near the Duke farm, but I don't remember how i got here. I was just drivin' lookin for whatever and whoever." "Alright darlin don't you worry none I'll be out there in a few minutes to bring you back. I'm gone""I'll be back ya'all and I aint lettin' that girl outta my sight she aint gettin taken too. Luke you take care now while I'm gone." Cooter yelled as Jesse and Luke walked out the door and he drove away.Now Des' hand is possibly broken and shes still being held by them two dudes. Luke's injured and Cooters gone to pick up Angie. Daisy's at work still. Jesse's keeping an eye on Luke. And Bo aint let Kristy go since they left the house eatlier. Who's thinking of how to get Des outta there? Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Luke sat himself down on the porch, he held his head in his hands, trying to think. He couldn't, all he could think about was Des, and if she was alright. He wanted so bad to go looking for her, but didn't even dream of leaving, Jesse would tan his hide. "Why do I always gotta come up with the plans?" He mumbled to himself. "What's at Luke?" Jesse asked. "Nothing Unca Jesse, I is just talking to myself." He sighed and got up, still dizzy. Luke went into the house and sat down to think, alone."Well how bout this!" Bo said excitedly, "Me an' Cooter i'll go into to town, an' find out who these dudes was..." Kristy cut him off, "No good Bo! You go into town and the Sheriff will have ya behind bars faster than you'll know. That ain't gonna help." She smiled, "It was a good idea though Bo!" She hugged him tighter. "No it wasn't! It was dumb, just like all the other ideas I come up with. This Luke's specialty dang it!" Bo cried. Kristy rolled her eyes, she stood up on her tip toes and whispered in his ear, "You'll think of somethin'. I know ya will." She dropped back down, "Let's go see how yer cousin's doin'.""Country Cousin callin' Lost Sheep? Shepard? Crazy C? Ya'll got yer ears on?" Daisy said angrily into Her CB. She stood outside of the deserted Duke farm. Where are they she thought. "Tigerlilly? Babyblue? Are ya out there?" She said getting more frustrated. "Where the he... Where are they?" She shouted at a chicken. She knew better than to curse, Uncle Jesse would know."Did ya hear that?" Bo asked turning around. "Hear what Bo?" "It was Daisy on the CB," He raced to the nearest car, Des' and grabbed the radio, "Country Cousin, this here's the Lost Sheep I hear ya darlin' Come back?" "Where is everyone?" Daisy asked. "Oh sorry Dais, we is at Des an' Angie's place, get out here quick cousin!" Bo called into the CB. "That's a big 10-4 Bo, I'm on my way!" Daisy jumped into the driver's seat and her and Dixie tore off the dirt road headed for the old farm."What's going on out here?" Jesse called stepping out from the house. "It was Daisy callin' on the CB Mr. Duke." Kristy explained. "Good, did ya tell her what's going on? I outta tan yer hid if'n ya did Bo Duke!" "I didn't! I just told her to get out here as quick as she could!" Bo defended himself. Jesse looked at him and was about to say something but changed his mind. He shook his head and went back into the house.(we are at d and a's farm right?? I'm confused! tag anyways) Quote
bodukelover23 Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Kristy just sants on the portch. jesse what can i do? Kristy asked. Kristy you can just help bo find des with me. Luke sead. You really waht me 2 do that Luke? Kristy sead. Yes i do. Luke sead. Babyblue 2 bo peep. Kristy trys to get a hold of dasiy. I am going to help Luke and Bo get des back. Kristy sead. Just be cafle ok kristy? dasiy sead. I well be ok i pormise. Kristy tould daisy. When i get back i need to tell you something dasiy. Kristy tould dasy. Ok i well be wating for you to come back. dasy sead. I just hope des is ok you guys. kristy sead. Me 2. luke sead. Dasiy where is Kristy? jessie sead. She is with Bo and Luke she is going to help find Des. Dasiy sead. Why would she do that for? jesse asked. I have no idea. dasiy sead. Kristy starts to cry. Kristy what is wrong Luke asked. It's just that i care about her she is like a sister to me. Kristy sead.tage dasiy's lil mom Quote
Moms lil' Daisy Posted September 5, 2005 Author Posted September 5, 2005 "Ouch. That hurts." Des yells out in pain"Good, maybe next time you'll think again about hittin' me or my partner." the older man says."Well maybe I wouldn't have if you wouldn't have.......""Oh, shut her up Paul." the other man says."You shut up. If I could I'd do it for ya, just come on over here and let me help you close that mouth of yours." Des says not takin' kindly to be told to shut up."Yea? what you gonna do? Your tied up." he says walkin' over to where Des was sitting on the ground with her hands tied."Hahahaha................umph" he lands on his back with a thump and screams out in pain. "Aaaahhhhh""Hahaha, thats what I'm gonna do." Des says laughing at the man now rolling in pain on the ground in front of her."Jimmie, you jacka$$. I cant beleive you did that." Paul says laughing at his dumb partner."Why you...." Jimmie starts for Des"You do it and I'll be laying you out on the ground next." stepping in front of Des. "How's your hand, sweetheart?""I'm not your sweetheart, and it hurts. what did ya think?""Alright, fine. Jimmie go get some ice for the little lady.""Excuse me?" Jimmie said frustrated. "I aint gettin nothin for her.""Hahahaha, he's a smart one aint 'e?" Des said laughing at him."FINE. Whatever will get me away from her." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"Lost sheep, this is Tiggerlilly and Crazy Cooter, you got your ears on?" Angies voice came over the cb."Yea go ahead Tiggerlilly this is Lost sheep 1." "Hey ya'all, Cooter and me was wondering which way we should take? You know since we're all going to town.""Uuuhhh....... I think you two should go into town and keep a look out. We'll stop outside of town and meet ya at Cooters in about an hour.""Thats a 10- 4 there Buddy roe. And by the way Bo you all left before Daisy got there, but she's all filled in thanks to Uncle Jesse." Cooter says"Thats a 10- 4 and we'll see ya in town. We're gone.""Hey Cooter, How long have ya'all known my sister? You know you, the Dukes and Kristy." Angie asks Cooter"Well me and the boys we meet your sister at the same time. Well sorta.. I'll explain that later, but Daisy has known her since hhhmmm... almost a month now, and Kristy a little less then Daisy. Why?""Cause ya'all are so ready to jump in for me and her. You all barely even know us.""Now hang on just a minute there darlin'. You aint gotta know someone for long to be a friend.' Cooter says holding his hand up."Yea but, I mean it's easy to see why Luke is doing all this, but what about you?" "What about me?""Why are you doing all this?""Well like I said before, your sister is a friend of mine. And as for ol' Luke, HA.... he likes your sister and if your even a friend of the Dukes, Your family to the Dukes.""I get it now. Thanks Cooter." Angie said no longer confused. "Ok, now, tell me about this sorta meeting my sister at the same time."Cooter tells Angie about the night at the Boars Nest a week ago. He finally finishes and looks over at Angie...."....and thats how we 'meet' your sister.""HAHAHA. That serves Luke right, he should have given them room. I know my sis can handle her own and what I've seen of Daisy, so can she." Angie laughed. They pulled into Cooters and looked around for a van or a green Mustang. Neither of them seen anything, but Angie was gonna go look. "I'm gonna go for a 'walk', you could join me and we could walk and look at the same time." she suggested to Cooter who didn't need a second invitation. They walked through town together when something cought both their attentions, for different reasons........~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~"Bo you drive and wake me in a few." Luke said knowing about his head injury. He layed back in his seat and couldn't get situated. "Oh never mind" he said sitting up. He looked back at Kristy who was almost a sleep, exhausted from being worried about her friend. "Here honey." he said handing back Bo's flannel shirt for her to lay her head on. "Go ahead an' rest up a bit. We'll wake you if anything changes.""But....." she said only to be cut off by both boys shushing her. "Alright fine. (yawn), but promise me...""We'll wake you for any little thing. I promise." Bo said.Daisy and Jesse were on there way back to their farm and were thinking of any way to help. Daisy got the chores done with Jesse and they headed for town....~*~*~*~*~*~ "Here's her dang ice" Jimmie said throwing the ice at her feet."Oh thank you Jimmie, your such a sweetheart." Des kidded"Hey, don't start now. Here lean forward." Paul reached around and untied Des' hands to retie them in front of her so she couldhold the ice on better."Thanks" she said. She was unhappy but she was greatful. She rubbed her hand gently in pain. "Well, it aint no problem if you don't try anything, other wise your gonna be back to the way you were." Paul said. Des nodded in agreement as he walks toward his partner."Now, please tell me why you are treating her like shes a pincess?" Jimmie said"Cause she aint the one we are after, is it?" he said snapping at his partner."No, i guess not, but how is she gonna help us?""Cause our farm belongs to her now legally. And that fat man, Hogg, is the one that sold it to her." Balladeer: UH HUH........ I knew he was in this mess somehow..... didn't you? Now what are they planning? and what are the Dukes planning to get Des outta here and keep themseves outa jail? Remember Rosco is looking for them. Quote
Moms lil' Daisy Posted September 11, 2005 Author Posted September 11, 2005 Cooter and Angie both stopped and watched Boss Hogg go into his bank. Angie says to Cooter, "Thats Boss Hogg aint it?""Yea, it sure is. And I'll bet he can help us find your sister....... Some how. But first, lets get back to the garage, the boys and Kristy should be gettin' there soon.""Alright." Angie began to walk back to the garage with Cooter, when she felt Cooter grab her hand. Angie didn't mind, instead she closed her hand tightly to his and the two walked back hand in hand. When they got to the garage Cooter let out a whistle lettin' 'anyone' who was waiting know it was all clear. They walked in and sat down and waited for the boys.......Uncle Jesse finally yelled to Daisy, "Daisy, Lets go... I'm gonna go talk to JD and see if he'll help us.""Uncle Jesse, do you think he's really gonna help us? He wants Bo and Luke, you know that.""Yea I know that, but, Des aint a Duke, and she just bought property form Boss. So he'll have to help." Jesse said clmbing in the passenger's side of Dixie. "I'm comin' Uncle Jesse""Well lets go." Jesse yelled rushing her.They drove into town and drove right to the bank know that's where Boss would be. Jesse got out, running into the back. "JD we gotta talk. Where's Rosco?"......."Kristy, sweetie, wake up." Bo said nudgind her gently."huh?" Kristy said sleepily. "Bo whats wrong? What did you find out?" she jumped up remembering about Des."Nothin'. It's ok sweetie. We made to town. We gotta get to Cooter's, come on." Bo said helping her outta the General.The three of them made their way into town without being seen and 'dropped in' on Cooter and Angie. Angie jumped back and screamed and Cooter caught her. "You know you fella's is gonna get it one of these days..... I swear, can't ya'all give a holler before you just 'drop' in like 'that'." Cooter said a bit annoyed."Sssorrry 'bout that Cooter.... and Angie." Luke said laughing. "Are we interupting anything?""What's going on?" Bo asked putin Kristy down next to him after climbing down with her."Oh, I was just askin' if we were interupting anything." Luke said with a smerk on his face.Angie was gettin' red and excused herself to the bathroom in the back of the garage. Kristy slpped Luke's arm and ran after her."Thanks a lot ya'all." Cooter said more annoyed."What? What did I do?" Bo said defending himself.Luke turned to see to Angie. "I'm sorry Angie. I didn't mean anything by it. It was all funning. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." Luke appologised refusely."Don't worry Luke, it's nothin', I'm just........ never mind." Angie said assuring Luke he was fine."Are you sure?""Positive.""Alright then. Hey don't you worry none...." he said pulling Angie to him in a brotherly way. "I'm gonna find your sister, and the person or people that took her will pay." "I know you will Luke and I will be there with you when you do." ANgie said giving Luke a thankfull hug. Daisy and Jesse were talking with Boss and Rosco now....Cue: Candian Country Cousin (your it) Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted September 12, 2005 Posted September 12, 2005 "Ok Kristy, we need you to go into the sherrifs station and distract Rosco and Enos." Bo started, "Get them out of the building if you can, anyway you can think of." Luke added. "Yep!" Bo replied kissing Kristy on the forehead, "It's gotta be one hell of a shuck an jive Darlin'!" Kristy raised her eyebrows and sighed, trying to come up with a way to get the Sherrif and his Deputy outside. She smiled and laughed, "I've got! I need a dime!" She held her hand out to the boys. The dug through their pockets, Luke finally pulled one out and put it in her hand. "Now you get em outta there, Luke 'n me are gonna go to the office and see what we can find out about that farm.The phone on Rosco P. Coltrane's desk rang loudly. Enos jumped and opened his eyes wide. Rosco picked up the reciever, "Hello? Hazzard County Sherrif's office! Sherrif Rosco P. Coltrane here!" The women's voice on the other end was frantic, "Sherrif I think there's someone in trouble behind Rhuebottoms!! Please help her!!" The line went dead. Rosco raised an eyebrow and hung up the phone. He looked at Enos, "C'mon you dipstick let's go check it out!" Bo and Luke watched from the bushes as Kristy dropped the pay phone and sprinted off behind Rhuebottoms. She started to scream and cry for help. The two cousins looked at each other with a grin. Rosco and Enos burst out of the doors and raced across the square. "Let's go!" Luke whispered, pushing Luke towards the door. They ran into the county building and into Boss Hogg's office.Boss Hogg and Jesse looked up when they heard the screams. "Now what is going on?" Boss asked standing from his desk. Daisy and Jesse shook their heads. "Let's go find out! C'mon JD!" Jesse cried as he walked towards the door. Daisy stayed behind, she watched as her uncle and Boss left the bank. She started to dig through the papers on his desk, looking for anything that could help."Hey Luke!! Take a look at this!!" Bo cried as he pulled a file out reading it's contents. Luke jogged over to Bo and took the file from him. "Hmm... it's the history of Des and Angie's farm!""Oh! Help me someone!!" Kristy cried. "Please help me!! Sherrif" She screamed as loud as she could. Enos and Rosco rounded the corner, Kristy started to cry and ran into the sherrifs arms. "Please Sherrif! He mugged me!!!" Rosco looked down at the young lady she was frightened and sobbing, "Which way did he go?" Rosco asked, Kristy pointed, "Go get him Enos!! C;mon lil lady! Let's get you back the station, you can explain it all to me!" "No!!" Kristy started but was cut off by Jesse, "Kristy? What's going on??" Kristy ran to Jesse crying harder. "She was mugged." Rosco explained. "A mugging?? In my County??" Boss asked with an eyebrow raised. Kristy looked up at Jesse still crying, she gave him a little wink. Enos came back into veiw, "Sorry...Sherrif!" He panted, "I couldn't...find...him!" Daisy picked up a sheet of paper, "It's a list of farms....Who owned them, and who owns them now." She whispered to herself, "All the former owners either passed on, or went to jail!!" She tucked the sheet of paper into her blouse and ran outside, like she had been there the whole time.Boss Hogg, Rosco, Jesse, Kristy, Enos, and Daisy walked back towards the County Office. They were all talking and jabbering. Enos held the door open for eveyone. "Sheriff you have to find him!!" Kristy cried loudly, sending a warning to Bo and Luke.The two Dukes looked up when they heard voices outside the office door. Bo's eyes widened. "Bo the window!" Luke whispered, diving through the open window, Bo followed, rolling out onto the soft grass below. Luke held the file in his hands, "Dang! I forgot about this!" He ran towards the garage. "Why don't you just take it back!" Bo teased running ahead of his cousin. "Cute Bo!" The Duke Boys ducked into the garage trying to catch their breath.(tag your it!!) Quote
Moms lil' Daisy Posted September 17, 2005 Author Posted September 17, 2005 Bo and Luke watched frome the garage with Cooter and Angie as they cought their breathe. "How's it lookin' ya'all?" Bo asked "Well we aitn seen much other then them walk in."Luke asked, "Ya'all hear any of it?""Nope, nothin'." Angie said regretfully."Don't worry honey, it'll all be ok. You'll see." Cooter said putting a comphorting arm around her. "But, you may wanna go file a report on your sisters kidnapping too.""Why? Don't you think their's is enough?""Uh....not exactly.... see uh..." Bo struggled"Boss Hogg and us Dukes aint the best of 'friends' if ya will.""Why not?" Angie questioned in confusion."It's a long story, I'll tell you later darlin'." Cooter said as he and Angie exchanged a little kiss as she went out the door. Bo and Luke turned to tease Cooter for that 'darlin'' comment, but stopped when they seen him smiling ear to ear. "You get the feelin' we missed somthin' cuz?" Bo asked Luke"Sure do." Luke said as they all turned around to watch Angie enter the jail house."Sheriff? Sheriff? Sheriff?" a panic screaming voice was heard."That sounds like Angie." Daisy says. "In here Angie.""Sheriff?" Angie yelled again as she entered the room. "Sheriff it's my sister she's been kidnapped."Boss gasped, "Another kidnapping?""No JD, the same." Jesse said "Angie here is Des' sister.""Oh that's terrible." Rosco says. "Well little missy, don't worry cause Sheriff Rosco Peeeeeeee. Coltrane, is on duty and ready to serve.""Oh brother." Daisy said softly only for her and Kristy to hear."Well, it's like Mr. Duke said, she's my sister. Sheriff, I just got here and I aint seen her in almost a month, I barely spent a whole day with her yet and now...... now .... she's ..g..gone." Angie said begining to trail off in tears."Now now, you getttin all worked up like this isn't gonna help you any, it's only get upset your stomach." Jesse said giving Angie a caring hug."That's righ sugar, we'll find her, everything will be ok." Daisy said taking Angie from Jesse as her and Kristy lead Angie out to get some air and calm down."Now JD, you got one witness to this and he aint about to waltz on in here now." Jesse said sternly"Witness? Who and why wont he come in?""Luke and you know he aint about ot come in here so you can lock him and Bo up for them fony charges.""Fony charges? Oh... that ....I was just.... never mind that. They were speedin' so they only gotta pay the ticket. $30 and they can go.""$30? JD what are you...?" Jesse started but decided not to continue fo rthe sake of his boys and Des. "Fine JD, here." he said pulling out $30 and handing it to Boss.""Thank you Jesse, your boys are all set.""Bo, Luke, you boys get on over here to the jail house. Boss needs your statement Luke." Jesse said into the cb."that's a 10-4 Uncle Jesse." Bo said The boys ran past the girls waiting out front. When they got in the room Luke was eager to set down and give his statement so he could get out and go search for Des himself. Luke gave a detailed description of the man and added, ".. And when we catch him, I'd like to add Assault charges to his belt." as he pointed at his head. They all left except for Boss, who was sorting his money out when the phone rang..."Hello? Boss Hogg county Commisioner, how can I help you?""Hogg?" a mans voice said"That's right.""Well Hogg, you sold my farm and i want it back.""Your farm?""Thats right Hogg, you sold it after you promised me it back when i got out.""Wait I only sold three farms in the last 4 months and two were.... *gasp*.... who is this? Paul? Paul Brickman?""You got it.""Yeah but.... you ... you weren't supposed to get out." then Boss thought of one other thing,.... Des"Well Hogg either you get me my farm back or there wont be a farm to collect on or anyone to collect from." Boss gasped again as what he had thought had just been confirmed by Paul's statement. "You got.....?" Boss was cut off as Jesse walked in the door....Meanwhile, at Paul and Jimmie's hide out, while Paul was on the phone...."Boy you sure are a pretty one, it's a shame aint it?" Jimmie said "What's a shame? You aint gonna get to see me for much longer?""HA! You think so? No, honey, it's a shame you aint got the attitude to match.""First, I aint your honey. Second, I know I wont be here for much longer. Third, I like my attitude, it's got me where I am now and it also whopped your butt not 2 hours ago. And finally, you call me honey again, and you'll be needin' this ice, not me."Jimmie laughed, "Well, HONEY, we aint done with you yet so you'll be here as long as we need you.""Ok.... I'll let that one slide Jimmie, but you say it again and I'll be handing you the ice." Des warned "You can try HONEY, but you wont get the chance to do ......" he was cut short as Des lunged forward and knocked him on his back and her ropes came loose. Des pulled her arm back to hit him when he pushed his weight into her and threw her to the ground. He sat on top of her tryin' to hold her arms, when he smacked her accedentally. Des was shocked and not happy. She threw her arm up and hit him in the jaw and threw her weight into him and tossed him to the ground. She looked at the man laying there motionless. Jimmie had hit his head on a board when she threw him to the ground that time. Des felt bad and made sure he was 'ok'. She grabbed the ropes and tied him up and put the ice pack on his head, and said "sorry Jimmie." as she ran toward the door.Balladeer: It's nearing dark and Des is running around outside who knows where. The Dukes are at home turning in for the night, even though noone will get much sleep. And Cooter is filling Angie in on the 'Boss vs. Duke' situation at the garage. And poor Jimmie still aint come to, and when he does I bet he aitn gonna know what hit him this time. I just hope that other fella aint found Des. I'm startin' to get worried folks aren't you? Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 "And so that's how it all started sweetie!" Cooter grinned. Angie wrinkled her brow, glaring at Cooter, "What did you call me?" Cooter looked around the room, biting his lower lip. He finallt grinned and looked straight at Angie, "Sweetie! I called you sweetie!" Angie stared back at him another minute before she shared his grin, "Ok.." Angie scooted closer to Cooter and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. She stood and started off to her room, "G'night Cooter!" Cooter put his hand to his cheek and watched her walk away, he let out a heavy, happy sigh.Luke tossed and turned in his bed, desperately trying to find sleep. He couldn't think about anything except Des and how much he wished he could hold her in his arms. Luke rolled around another minute before he gave up. He pushed himself up with a depp sigh and slipped his jeans on. Luke walked into the kitchen to see Daisy and Kristy sitting at the table, silently sipping their tea. Luke glanced out the window to see Jesse standing on the porch, staring out into the darkness. Well, looks like Bo's the only one gonna get some sleep tonight, Luke thought to himself. His thoughts were quickly interuppted by a hand on his shoulder. It was Bo's.Dasiy sat with her head in hands, she was worrying about her friend. How are we gonna find her? Is she even alive? Kristy picked up on Daisy's thoughts and broke the silence, "Daisy Duke! I know what yer thinkin'! And I can't believe you!" Daisy looked at kristy, tears in her eyes, "I..I can't help it!" Kristy gave Daisy a stern look and a hug. "Kristy's right." Jesse said to his family.Des stood still with her back against the wall. She held her breath as she watched Paul stroll by, not noticing her. But it wouldn't be long before he found out she was gone. Des darted out from the shadows and ducked behind the green mustang. Paul stopped and turned around, "Jimmie? Is that you?" He called out to the night. He waited for an answer, but finally shrugged and walked away. Des let out a deep sigh of relief and pulled the door open, she climbed into the car. Des pulled the door closed behind her, as quietly as possible. Sge picked up the CB radio, "Breaker! Breaker!" She wispered, "Any Dukes got their ears on out there?" She dropped the radio to the seat and shifted the vehicle into neutral, letting it roll away silently.Luke looked up, his eyes wide, "Is that? Was...That was Des!" He cried, leaping up and racing to the CB, "Yeah, This here's Luke Duke! I hear ya!" He was crying, relieved to hear her voice. Des giggled with excitment as she started the engine and tore off towards the Duke farm. "Luke!!! I'm comin! Im comin! Say, where are ya at?" The Dukes laughed, and Daisy grabbed the radio from Luke, "We're at the farm sugar! Where are you?" Des looked out the window and tried to get her bearings, "Well gosh I don't really know! I can see the creek? Does that help?" Bo put his hand on his chin, thinking. He finally took the radio from Dasiy and replied, "Hey sugar, I think I know where yer at, just stay there, Luke n' me i'll be there soon!"(cue Momslildaisy) Quote
bodukelover23 Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 Daisy what is going on? kristy asked. I don't know kristy. Dasiy sead. I need to tell you something Daisy. Kristy sead. What is it kristy? Dasiy asked. I mite be Pragenet. Kristy toukld dasiy. Are you shure tou are? dasiy asked kristy. i think i am Daisy i was 2 scahred to tell bo. kristy tould dasiy. I don't no what to do Dasiy. Kristy touls daisy. Well we can get you to a doc. Dasiy sead to kristy. But What about bo? kristy asjked Dasiy. He well be fine trust me. Daisy tould kristy. i hope he well not get mad at me cuz i didn't tell him about this. Kristy sead to dasiy. I start to cry. Kristy why are you crying? dasiy asked. It's just that i am so schrard. kristy tould Daisy.tag ccc your it girl. Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 "Hey Jimmie! Tell out little HONEY I brought her some food!" Paul called as he pushed to door open with his shoulder. He dropped the plate of food he was carrying, the glass smashed to peices on the floor. Jimmie still lay unconscious and bound on the floor. Des was no where to be seen. "Damnit!" Paul shouted as he kicked Jimmie in the ribs, trying to wake him. Jimmie moaned in pain and rolled over to his stomach.Bo and Luke raced out to the General Lee and slid in the windows, tearing out of the drive. Daisy climbed into Dixie starting her up, kristy leapt into the back and Jesse got in beside Dasiy. "Bo...yer sure ya know where she's at!?" Luke cried impatieantly. Bo glared at his cousin, "Luke would you jus relax! I know where I'm going dangit!" "Alright! Alright!" Luke held his hands in the air defensively.Des pulled the green mustang to the side of the road, eyeing the pond below. She raised an eyebrow and pushed the emergancy brake with her foot. She shifted the car into nuetral again and climbed out. "Bo!! There she is! That's the mustang!" Luke cried, pulling his head and chest out of the window before the General was even stopped. "Des!" He yelled.Des didn't hear Luke at first she was focusing on paying Paul and Jimmie back for her lovely stay with them. She stood beside the open car door and glanced at the pond and laughed. Des reached into the car and pulled the brake realese, letting the car roll away from her, slow at first. It gained speed quickly and spashed into the water, sinking down to the bottom."Des!!" Luke cried again as the General skidded to a halt behind her. Des whirled around to see Luke leaping out and running at her. She jumped up into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. "Luke!" She cried. Luke pulled her to him , kissing her for a long time. Bo finally cleared his throat, and Luke pulled away from Des's lips, "Sorry Bo." He said in a raspy voice. Des dropped her feet back to the ground and realesed Luke she walked over to Bo and hugged him tightly, giving him a small kiss in the cheek. "Now that's more like it!" He joked. They all laughed and Bo gently pushed Des back to Luke. "Oh thank goodness!" Kristy exclaimed as Daisy pulled the Jeep off the road behind the General. Jesse jumped out and walked over to Des, wrapping her in a fatherly hug, "We were so worried about you!" Kristy and Daisy jogged over together and they both smothered Des in a hug. Des started to cry, so relived to be with people she cared about, and who cared about her in return. Bo jogged over to the General and picked up the CB, "Lost Sheep calling Crazy C! Ya out there Cooter?" He waited for a while.Cooter nearly dropped Angie, he was helping her down the ladder from the second floor of the garage when Bo's voice crackled over the radio. "Sorry Ang.." He said, putting her feet on the floor. He picked up his CB, "Breaker one breaker one! Might be crazy but I ain't dumb! CCRAAAAZZY COOTER comin' atcha!" Angie jumped a little startled. Quote
bodukelover23 Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 I start felling panes. Dasiy help me. Kristy sead to dasiy. Kristy what is it? Dasiy asked. I am felling panes Dasiy. she sead to her. Bo get her to the doc now. Dasiy tould bo. ok i well do that Dasiy. bo sead to dasiy. Dasiy can we take her in your jeep? Bo asked. Yes you can but i well drive her there you just be next to her. Dasiy sead to Bo. Yes i well do that Dasiy. Bo sead. it hurts Dasiy. Kristy sead. Don't worry we will get you 2 a doc. Dasiy sead to kristy. thanks Dasiy. kristy sead. Bo I still love you no batter what hppends. kristy seas to Bo. Bo i think i may be pregnet. kristy tould bo.tag ccc your it agine Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 Bo took Kristy by the hand an lead her to Daisy's jeep, helping her into the backseat. Daisy slid behind the wheel and started it up. "I'm comin' too!" Jesse cried as he slid in next to Daisy, who smiled at her uncle and sped off to town. Luke and Des were left standing by the road alone.Balldeer: Well they still got General Lee!"Cooter!" Luke cried letting go of Des and racing to the car. "He'd rather talk to Cooter than snuggle with me!" Des gasped at a rabbit hoping by. "Yeah Cooter come back! We've got Des she's safe!"Angie ran over to the radio and held her hands around Cooter's, "Des! Oh thank goodness! I was so worried about ya!" Des leaned against Luke, who was leaning against the door, she took the CB and replied, "Ang! Im fine! But it sure is good to hear you!" Luke wrapped his hand around Des's and put the CB to his mouth, "Ya'll better get over to the Sheriff's station and let Rosco and Enos know Des is no longer a missing person!" "Will do Luke! Take it easy!""Is that all I am? A missing person?" Des cried. Luke was still holding her hand, he pulled it to his lips and kissed it. He shook his head and was about to say something, but she silenced him with her fingers an his lips. "Hush! Now, c'mere!" She cried and pulled him into a hug.Jesse looked back over his shoulder, "Just hold on Kristy, we're almost there." She nodded and held onto Bo's shirt. Bo rubbed her back trying to comfort her, "'re alright." "Yeah don't worry Doc will take good care of ya!" Daisy smiled in the mirror at Kristy. Quote
bodukelover23 Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 Bo i am sorry i was going to tell you. Kristy sead to bo. Hey it's ok that you tould me now. Bo sead to kristy. Bo are you mad? Kristy asked. No i am not mad. Bo sead to kristy. There is one thing it's jeff's baby bo. Kristy sead. what no you are not leting him be the father are you? Bo asked kristy. no bo i don't no what to do. Kristy tould bo. i keep getting more panes. Thay are getting wores Dasiy. Kristy sead. it's ok we are all most at the doc's. Dasiy sead to kristy. i look down at the ring that bo have me. bo i well understand if you don't love me. Kristy sead to bo. Yes I still love you kristy. Bo sead to her. I all most passout. kristy you ok? jessie sead. yea i am ok. kristy sead.tag your it ccc. Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 Angie did a little dance in the garage and kissed Cooter's lips, then danced around some more. Cooter just watched wide eyed, unsure of what to make of it. "C'mon!" Andie cried, grabbing Cooter's wrist, pulling him towards the door. Cooter stood up letting Angie drag him into the street. She let go and lept up on the hood of her car and let out a big "YYEEEEE-HAAAW!!!!" Cooter laughed, holding his stomach, "You've been spending to much time with Bo!""I'm so glad you're alright." Luke whispered to Des as she slept, her head against his chest. She sighed and snuggled closer to him, so glad that she could just rest and be with Luke. Luke closed his eyes, and realized that this was what he wanted, what he had been looking for all his life. She was laying on him, sound asleep.Dixie slid to a stop, tire screeching, in front of Doc Applebee's office. Dasiy and Jesse dropped to the ground. Bo helped Kristy to the front, he climbed out and jumped to the ground. Bo put his hands on Kristy's hips and lowered her to the ground. "Let's go Kristy." Jesse said as he wrapped his arm around her shouldrers and lead her inside. Bo and Daisy followed closely."What's going on?" Doc asked when they walked through the door. "Kristy needs to see you. Daisy? Maybe you should go with her." Jesse suggested. Daisy nodded, but Kristy said, "I'd like Bo to come with me!" She looked up into Bo's blue eyes, "Please?" Bo rasied his eyebrows and pointed to his chest, "Me?" Kristy nodded, looking at Bo pleadingly. "Alright! I'll go." He muttered following Doc and Kristy into the exam room."Rosco? Enos? Ya'll in here?" Cooter shouted as he and Angie pushed the doors to the sherrif's staion open. "Hush! This is a county building! What do ya want?" Rosco cried from his desk. Quote
bodukelover23 Posted September 22, 2005 Posted September 22, 2005 doc what is wrong with me? kristy asked. well it looks like you are pregnet. the doc sead. you sure? kristy asked. Yes you are. the doc sead. i look at Bo. you well have to take it easy kristy. the doc tould kristy. I well do that doc. kristy sead. i go out of the room. Dasiy and Jessie i am pregnet. Kristy tells them both. How many mothes are you kristy? Dasiy asked. I am 1 week dasiy. kristy tould Daisy. he tould me to take it easy. kristy tould them. ccc your it Quote
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