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"What in blue blazes are ya'll talkin' about?" Bo asks. Luke looks at his younger cousin and grins.

"Don't worry 'bout it Bo. What were we lookin' for Cooter?"

"Well, I thought ya'll were late 'cause you were lookin' fer a place to have ya'lls race."

"It's true me and Des were checkin' out some curvy places, but we ain't decided yet which one is the best. New territory and all ya know. Right sweetheart?"

"That's right, we definitely have more explorin' ta do." Luke and Destiny laugh at their private joke.

"Will ya'll let us in on the joke." Cooter requests. He's completely baffled with the way Luke is acting too.

"Nope." Luke answers still chuckling.

"Well shoot fire an' save box matches! I just don't get it. Do ya'll have any clue?" He looks to Bo and Tracy for enlightenment.

"Oh I have an idea Cooter." Tracy replies.

"An' I think I might be gettin' one." Bo mutters.

"Huh?" Cooter is still lost in the conversation.

"Nuthin' Cooter, nuthin' at all."

"Here ya go fellas, Tracy." Daisy interrupts. "Enjoy these drinks. Hey there cousin, Destiny! 'Bout time ya'll got here. What'll ya have?"


"Oh, I don't know. I'm in the mood ta try somthin' new. What'll ya'll suggest?"

"Well, I guess if'n your brave, you could try some shine." Daisy offers with a grin.

"What's shine?" Tracy asks.

"That'd be homemade corn whiskey Trace." Bo answers. "But it's awful strong stuff. Are ya sure you can handle it Destiny?"

"Actually Bo, I've tried it once before. Just a sip ya gotta understand. Grandpa taught Tom how ta make it a few years ago. I was pretty curious so I snuck off and tried it. I'd only taken my first sip when Daddy caught me. Then Tom got caught with it on school grounds so we were all forbidden ever since."

"Got caught huh? I guess me and' Bo know a little 'bout that."

"Yeah, jus' a smidgeon." Bo adds with a grin.

"That mean ya don't wanna try it since it's forbidden?" Daisy asks.

"Sometimes a girl just has ta be rebellious an' do what she wants. And what Daddy don't know... yeah, I think I'll try it."

"What 'bout you cousin?"

"I'll take the same Daisy."

"Comin' up." Daisy says as she swings around and heads back toward the bar.

"Is everyone this nice in Hazzard?" Tracy asks.

"Generally most are, but there are a few exceptions." Luke states.

"An' here comes one now." Bo growls as he sees Rosco approaching their table.

"Awright you Dukes, I gotcha now! Jus' freeze!"

"What now Rosco?" Bo asks, "We ain't doin' nuthin'."

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"Yer under arrest! Cu, cu, cu."

"Again? What for now?"

"Yeah, what's the charge this time?"

"Oh, jit, jit. For disturbin' the peace. That's what for. Oh, I love it, I love it!"

"Rosco, jus' who's peace are we supposedly disturbin'?" Bo asks.

"Over the juke box and everyone else's yellin' in here mind you." Luke adds sarcastically.

"Oh, uh, uh, well the Boss's peace, that's who."

"Right Rosco, an' we can do that so easily when he's not even in the room." Luke points out.

"That dog won't hunt Rosco." Cooter adds.

"Well, it's your word against mine, an' you jus' hush Cooter or I'll arrest you too."

"'Fraid not Rosco. Ya see, even though yer bored an' jus' lookin' for somethin' ta do, we jus' happen ta have two fine ladies as witnesses right here. They jus' came inta town taday so they's impartial. They'll talk to the judge for us." Luke states matter of factly. Tracy and Destiny nod their heads in agreement.

"Sheriff, I do think you are mistaken. These boys have acted very politely all evening." Tracy supports Luke. As she's talking to the sheriff, Destiny leans over and whispers in Luke's ear.

"I think you might be disturbin' my peace."

"Well if I ain't, I hope to later." Luke replies. Destiny looks into his blue eyes for a long moment before dropping her gaze and lightly blushing again.

"So you see Sheriff," Tracy continues, "we just don't understand where these charges are coming from. Although I'm sure all of these fine citizens of Hazzard here appreciate you trying to protect their best jukin' place."

"Oh, oh, uh, well, I, uh.... well, ya know protectin' the citizens is my life."

"I can see that Sheriff. Keep up the fine job."

"Why thank ya ma'am. And you have a nice evenin'." Rosco tips his hat with a big grin and moves back across the room.

"Ya handled that right well Miss Tracy." Cooter says.

"Thanks Cooter, and just call me Trace okay?"

"What was that all about anyways?" Destiny looks to Bo and Luke for answers.

"Don't worry Destiny. Ol' Rosco P. Coltrane is always tryin' ta pin somethin' on us. We're his favorite passtime." Bo laughs.

"Ya got that right cousin." Luke agrees as Daisy walks up to their table with two fruit jars of clear liquid. She sets the jars in front of Luke and Destiny.

"Here ya go, two glasses of moonshine." She takes a step back, but doesn't leave the table. Destiny, sensing that Daisy is waiting for her opinion of the drink, picks up her glass and raises it to Luke.

"Bottoms up?"

"Ya might wanna take jus' a sip first." Luke cautions.

"What's the fun in that? Awright, just a sip then." Destiny takes a good sip and just sits there for a moment.

"Wooo Weee!!! That stuff burns all the way down an' keeps right on goin'!" She gets out after she catches her breath. Luke just smiles as he takes a drink from his glass.


"Yer under arrest! Cu, cu, cu."

"Again? What for now?"

"Yeah, what's the charge this time?"

"Oh, jit, jit. For disturbin' the peace. That's what for. Oh, I love it, I love it!"

"Rosco, jus' who's peace are we supposedly disturbin'?" Bo asks.

"Over the juke box and everyone else's yellin' in here mind you." Luke adds sarcastically.

"Oh, uh, uh, well the Boss's peace, that's who."

"Right Rosco, an' we can do that so easily when he's not even in the room." Luke points out.

"That dog won't hunt Rosco." Cooter adds.

"Well, it's your word against mine, an' you jus' hush Cooter or I'll arrest you too."

"'Fraid not Rosco. Ya see, even though yer bored an' jus' lookin' for somethin' ta do, we jus' happen ta have two fine ladies as witnesses right here. They jus' came inta town taday so they's impartial. They'll talk to the judge for us." Luke states matter of factly. Tracy and Destiny nod their heads in agreement.

"Sheriff, I do think you are mistaken. These boys have acted very politely all evening." Tracy supports Luke. As she's talking to the sheriff, Destiny leans over and whispers in Luke's ear.

"I think you might be disturbin' my peace."

"Well if I ain't, I hope to later." Luke replies. Destiny looks into his blue eyes for a long moment before dropping her gaze and lightly blushing again.

"So you see Sheriff," Tracy continues, "we just don't understand where these charges are coming from. Although I'm sure all of these fine citizens of Hazzard here appreciate you trying to protect their best jukin' place."

"Oh, oh, uh, well, I, uh.... well, ya know protectin' the citizens is my life."

"I can see that Sheriff. Keep up the fine job."

"Why thank ya ma'am. And you have a nice evenin'." Rosco tips his hat with a big grin and moves back across the room.

"Ya handled that right well Miss Tracy." Cooter says.

"Thanks Cooter, and just call me Trace okay?"

"What was that all about anyways?" Destiny looks to Bo and Luke for answers.

"Don't worry Destiny. Ol' Rosco P. Coltrane is always tryin' ta pin somethin' on us. We're his favorite passtime." Bo laughs.

"Ya got that right cousin." Luke agrees as Daisy walks up to their table with two fruit jars of clear liquid. She sets the jars in front of Luke and Destiny.

"Here ya go, two glasses of moonshine." She takes a step back, but doesn't leave the table. Destiny, sensing that Daisy is waiting for her opinion of the drink, picks up her glass and raises it to Luke.

"Bottoms up?"

"Ya might wanna take jus' a sip first." Luke cautions.

"What's the fun in that? Awright, just a sip then." Destiny takes a good sip and just sits there for a moment.

"Wooo Weee!!! That stuff burns all the way down an' keeps right on goin'!" She gets out after she catches her breath. Luke just smiles as he takes a drink from his glass.


"Ya want somethin' else honey?" Daisy asks.

"No, I think I can get through it. I just have to get used to it is all."

"Ya know, this stuff is actually pretty tame compared ta Uncle Jesse's." Luke comments.

"Your Uncle makes this stuff?" Destiny croaks after taking another drink.

"He used too. Me an' Bo did some of the runnin' for him. But none of us do it anymore. We're out of that business."

"Hey ya'll, not to interrupt such scintillatin' conversation, but let's get back ta the race. Have ya figured out any of the when and where yet?" Cooter goes back to his favorite topic, anything to do with cars. Destiny looks at Luke and shrugs her shoulders.

"I guess it really don't matter as long as I know the layout a bit... How 'bout over inta Chickasaw County and back? That's the way me an' Trace came in taday." Bo and Luke look at each other and start shaking their heads no.

"What's the matter boys? It seems like a good enough road."

"Weeellllll, ya see Des, aawwww, I really didn't want ta tell ya this yet." Luke grimaces and takes a deep breath, "Me an' Bo are on probation."

"Yeah, me an' Luke got caught runnin' shine a few years back and Uncle Jesse promised the Fed's us Dukes wouldn't ever make or run moonshine again. He gave up the family business so me an' Luke wouldn't have ta go ta prison." Bo explains what Luke had started.

"Ya'll got caught runnin' moonshine?"

"Yep, so now the two of us cain't cross the state line and we definitely cain't go inta Chickasaw County. Sheriff Big Ed Little is out ta get us jus' like Rosco is ." Luke continues.

"An' let me tell ya, he is one tough bird." Bo finishes.

"Oookkaaaaayyy. No problem." Destiny replies.

"It don't bother ya none?" Luke asks hoping in his heart that it doesn't mean a thing to this girl.

"Not me. Stuff happens. We all get caught doin' somethin' at some point. It bother you Trace?"

"It might have before I got to know you all, but it doesn't now."

"She's a goody two shoes sometimes."

"I am not! You just retract that statement right now Destiny Dawn!"

"Oh come off it Trace! Just admit that you can be-"

"Now girls! Let's all settle down before someone says somethin' they'll regret later. We're all here ta have a good time. Let's keep it peaceable an' not get riled up. Otherwise me an' Bo's liable to join in and we'll have another civil war on our hands." Luke breaks in.

"I'm sorry Trace. I didn't mean it." Destiny apologizes with her head bowed.

"Apology accepted." Tracy replies with a smile.

"Awright, we'll pick a track tomorrow so Des can practice some. That way she ain't got no excuses when the General wins." Luke teases, "Meanwhile let's have some fun."

"Let's dance sugah, I'll just show ya what I can do."

Balladeer: Well folks, looks like another revolution has narrowly been avoided. After more dancin' and talkin', they all decide they better head on home. Luke and Destiny decide ta take the long way home. Now who's that tailin' Bo and Tracy? Uh oh, looks like it's that stranger again. Ya'll didn't forget about him did ya?


"Ya want somethin' else honey?" Daisy asks.

"No, I think I can get through it. I just have to get used to it is all."

"Ya know, this stuff is actually pretty tame compared ta Uncle Jesse's." Luke comments.

"Your Uncle makes this stuff?" Destiny croaks after taking another drink.

"He used too. Me an' Bo did some of the runnin' for him. But none of us do it anymore. We're out of that business."

"Hey ya'll, not to interrupt such scintillatin' conversation, but let's get back ta the race. Have ya figured out any of the when and where yet?" Cooter goes back to his favorite topic, anything to do with cars. Destiny looks at Luke and shrugs her shoulders.

"I guess it really don't matter as long as I know the layout a bit... How 'bout over inta Chickasaw County and back? That's the way me an' Trace came in taday." Bo and Luke look at each other and start shaking their heads no.

"What's the matter boys? It seems like a good enough road."

"Weeellllll, ya see Des, aawwww, I really didn't want ta tell ya this yet." Luke grimaces and takes a deep breath, "Me an' Bo are on probation."

"Yeah, me an' Luke got caught runnin' shine a few years back and Uncle Jesse promised the Fed's us Dukes wouldn't ever make or run moonshine again. He gave up the family business so me an' Luke wouldn't have ta go ta prison." Bo explains what Luke had started.

"Ya'll got caught runnin' moonshine?"

"Yep, so now the two of us cain't cross the state line and we definitely cain't go inta Chickasaw County. Sheriff Big Ed Little is out ta get us jus' like Rosco is ." Luke continues.

"An' let me tell ya, he is one tough bird." Bo finishes.

"Oookkaaaaayyy. No problem." Destiny replies.

"It don't bother ya none?" Luke asks hoping in his heart that it doesn't mean a thing to this girl.

"Not me. Stuff happens. We all get caught doin' somethin' at some point. It bother you Trace?"

"It might have before I got to know you all, but it doesn't now."

"She's a goody two shoes sometimes."

"I am not! You just retract that statement right now Destiny Dawn!"

"Oh come off it Trace! Just admit that you can be-"

"Now girls! Let's all settle down before someone says somethin' they'll regret later. We're all here ta have a good time. Let's keep it peaceable an' not get riled up. Otherwise me an' Bo's liable to join in and we'll have another civil war on our hands." Luke breaks in.

"I'm sorry Trace. I didn't mean it." Destiny apologizes with her head bowed.

"Apology accepted." Tracy replies with a smile.

"Awright, we'll pick a track tomorrow so Des can practice some. That way she ain't got no excuses when the General wins." Luke teases, "Meanwhile let's have some fun."

"Let's dance sugah, I'll just show ya what I can do."

Balladeer: Well folks, looks like another revolution has narrowly been avoided. After more dancin' and talkin', they all decide they better head on home. Luke and Destiny decide ta take the long way home. Now who's that tailin' Bo and Tracy? Uh oh, looks like it's that stranger again. Ya'll didn't forget about him did ya?


"Trace, I know ya don't like fast drivin', but we got us a tail an' it ain't Luke an' Destiny. You jus' hang on now." Bo comments while glancing at the side mirror.

"Oh my!" is all Tracy could squeak out.

"I'm gonna call Luke an' see if he can get a make on 'em first." Tracy stays silent. She's praying it's not who she's afraid it is.

"Breaker, breaker, this is Lost Sheep Two calling Lost Sheep One. Ya'll got yer ears on? Come back?"

"Ya got me Bo. What's up?" Luke's voice comes through the CB.

"We got us a tail an' I was hopin' you'd like ta try an' see who it is."

"What's yer 20?"

"Headin' south on Mill Pond Road. We're out by Dobro's back 40."

"We'll be there directly cousin. Keep us informed of any direction corrections. We're down an' gone."

"10-4." Bo replies.

Meanwhile in Jesse James Luke looks over at Destiny and grins.

"Are ya ready for a little fun?"

"Bring it on country boy." Destiny smiles back at him. "Just let me know where to go and me an' Jesse will do the rest."

"Awright Des, take that shortcut there on the right. We'll see what Jesse James is made of."

"He's made of strong stuff Luke, you just wait an' see." Destiny follows Luke's directions with a sharp turn of the wheel. It didn't take them long to catch up to Bo and the car following him. As their headlights hit the car ahead of them, Luke could see it was a blue sedan.

"Double D**n." Destiny bursts out.

"Ya know this sucker?" Luke asks, he knows about all the local cars around here and this isn't one of them.

"That's for d**n sure. I know it, an' I don't like it one bit."

"Awright, so who is it?"

"Someone Trace an' I really don't wanna see, but before ya ask anymore questions just know that I ain't gonna answer them. It's her story to tell."

"Okay Des, I won't push." Luke says slowly while looking at her. He leans over and picks up the CB mic.

"Lost Sheep Two, we got us a make on yer tail."

"Hey Lukas, I was wonderin' when ya'll would get here. So is our friend back there someone we want to talk to?"

" I don't think so Bo, better lose 'em."

"10-4 cousin. Now ya'll try ta keep up if ya can. I'm gone." Bo hits the accelerator and shoots off into the night. Destiny also gains more speed and pulls up along side the blue car. When she is beside it, she cuts her wheel to the right and crashes into its side. She does this a few times before pulling slightly ahead and cutting to the right. The blue car tries to evade Jesse James but loses control. It slides off the road, ending up with its front tires in a deep ditch.


"Trace, I know ya don't like fast drivin', but we got us a tail an' it ain't Luke an' Destiny. You jus' hang on now." Bo comments while glancing at the side mirror.

"Oh my!" is all Tracy could squeak out.

"I'm gonna call Luke an' see if he can get a make on 'em first." Tracy stays silent. She's praying it's not who she's afraid it is.

"Breaker, breaker, this is Lost Sheep Two calling Lost Sheep One. Ya'll got yer ears on? Come back?"

"Ya got me Bo. What's up?" Luke's voice comes through the CB.

"We got us a tail an' I was hopin' you'd like ta try an' see who it is."

"What's yer 20?"

"Headin' south on Mill Pond Road. We're out by Dobro's back 40."

"We'll be there directly cousin. Keep us informed of any direction corrections. We're down an' gone."

"10-4." Bo replies.

Meanwhile in Jesse James Luke looks over at Destiny and grins.

"Are ya ready for a little fun?"

"Bring it on country boy." Destiny smiles back at him. "Just let me know where to go and me an' Jesse will do the rest."

"Awright Des, take that shortcut there on the right. We'll see what Jesse James is made of."

"He's made of strong stuff Luke, you just wait an' see." Destiny follows Luke's directions with a sharp turn of the wheel. It didn't take them long to catch up to Bo and the car following him. As their headlights hit the car ahead of them, Luke could see it was a blue sedan.

"Double D**n." Destiny bursts out.

"Ya know this sucker?" Luke asks, he knows about all the local cars around here and this isn't one of them.

"That's for d**n sure. I know it, an' I don't like it one bit."

"Awright, so who is it?"

"Someone Trace an' I really don't wanna see, but before ya ask anymore questions just know that I ain't gonna answer them. It's her story to tell."

"Okay Des, I won't push." Luke says slowly while looking at her. He leans over and picks up the CB mic.

"Lost Sheep Two, we got us a make on yer tail."

"Hey Lukas, I was wonderin' when ya'll would get here. So is our friend back there someone we want to talk to?"

" I don't think so Bo, better lose 'em."

"10-4 cousin. Now ya'll try ta keep up if ya can. I'm gone." Bo hits the accelerator and shoots off into the night. Destiny also gains more speed and pulls up along side the blue car. When she is beside it, she cuts her wheel to the right and crashes into its side. She does this a few times before pulling slightly ahead and cutting to the right. The blue car tries to evade Jesse James but loses control. It slides off the road, ending up with its front tires in a deep ditch.


"Nice drivin'! Couldn't of done it better myself." Luke grins at Destiny who smiles back at him. He leans over and picks up the CB mic again.

"Lost Sheep Two, he couldn't keep it 'tween the ditches. Lets all head fer home base."

"Yessir, we'll meet ya there." Bo answers. They both head toward the farm, with Destiny and Luke pulling in only a few moments behind Bo and Tracy. They all head into the house and congregate around the kitchen table. Luke puts on a pot of coffee while Bo pulls out some milk and cookies. Once everyone takes a seat, Bo breaks the silence.

"So Luke, who was our friend?"

"I don't rightly know Bo." Luke answers and looks at Destiny.

"All I'm saying is it's someone me an' Trace really don't wanna see."

"I was afraid of that." Tracy whispers.

"Are ya'll in some kind of trouble or somethin'?" Luke asks with a frown. Destiny just shakes her head and looks at Tracy.

"I'm confused. What's goin' on?" Bo's face shows his puzzlement as he glances at each person around the table. Luke shrugs, Destiny stares at Tracy, and Tracy is busy looking at her hands. She finally raises her gaze to Bo then looks at Destiny.

"I guess I should explain it."

"Only if you want to Trace." Destiny says softly.

"I really don't want to, but I think I should. I don't want anyone here to get hurt because of me." Bo and Luke's faces show surprise, they look at each other in question and then turn back to Tracy.

"Please don't be angry with us. I was really hoping this time he wouldn't find me."

"We're not mad atall Trace, but who's lookin' for ya and why?" Luke questions gently. To him it seems a small breeze could snap Tracy in half right then as frail as she looks.

"Bo, remember earlier when you asked me what my CB name means?"


"Well, it's very descriptive of who I am today. My real name is Tracy Rosalyn Moss and I've been on the run for a while now. That's why I'm Rose Runner."

"Trace, did someone set you up or somethin'?" Bo asks. He doesn't believe that this sweet lady could ever do anything unlawful on purpose. Nope, she had to be framed or something.

"Maybe I should start from the beginning. I'm originally from New York. Several years ago I inherited a number of prominent and profitable businesses when my parents were killed. They never did solve the case and the businesses were ran by my uncle until I turned 21. A few years ago, after I began taking over the businesses, I started dating Josh. The first six months seemed absolutely wonderful. He even helped me with the daily running of my companies. I was deeply in love and so was he, or so I thought at the time. Then he started to change, becoming very possessive and jealous. He even started making all of my decisions for me, small and large. He tried to keep me from having any contact with anyone but him. I won't go into all of the details, let's just say he locked me in my own home and used any means to keep me there."

"What!!!" Bo can't contain his anger any longer. He was getting madder by the second.

"Settle down Bo, let her finish it. I've got a feelin' there's more." Luke interrupts the tirade he can see coming.

"Oh you're right Luke. So about two years ago I managed to escape the house. I went directly to my lawyer and had my uncle put back in charge of the businesses. I moved to Montana to try and hide, hoping he wouldn't pursue me across that many states since he wasn't getting anymore of my money. I was wrong. He did find me, but I managed to get away from him again. It had taken him five months to find me, so I thought I'd make it a little harder by changing my name. This time I went to Missouri, hoping he'd think I'd go west again. That's where I met Destiny. This time I was okay for a little over a year before he showed up again. I was packing when Destiny came to visit. She refused to let me go alone and we've been on the road since. That's how we ended up here, on the run from Josh Butler. It's never ending."

"What's never ending?" Uncle Jesse asks walking into the kitchen.


"Nice drivin'! Couldn't of done it better myself." Luke grins at Destiny who smiles back at him. He leans over and picks up the CB mic again.

"Lost Sheep Two, he couldn't keep it 'tween the ditches. Lets all head fer home base."

"Yessir, we'll meet ya there." Bo answers. They both head toward the farm, with Destiny and Luke pulling in only a few moments behind Bo and Tracy. They all head into the house and congregate around the kitchen table. Luke puts on a pot of coffee while Bo pulls out some milk and cookies. Once everyone takes a seat, Bo breaks the silence.

"So Luke, who was our friend?"

"I don't rightly know Bo." Luke answers and looks at Destiny.

"All I'm saying is it's someone me an' Trace really don't wanna see."

"I was afraid of that." Tracy whispers.

"Are ya'll in some kind of trouble or somethin'?" Luke asks with a frown. Destiny just shakes her head and looks at Tracy.

"I'm confused. What's goin' on?" Bo's face shows his puzzlement as he glances at each person around the table. Luke shrugs, Destiny stares at Tracy, and Tracy is busy looking at her hands. She finally raises her gaze to Bo then looks at Destiny.

"I guess I should explain it."

"Only if you want to Trace." Destiny says softly.

"I really don't want to, but I think I should. I don't want anyone here to get hurt because of me." Bo and Luke's faces show surprise, they look at each other in question and then turn back to Tracy.

"Please don't be angry with us. I was really hoping this time he wouldn't find me."

"We're not mad atall Trace, but who's lookin' for ya and why?" Luke questions gently. To him it seems a small breeze could snap Tracy in half right then as frail as she looks.

"Bo, remember earlier when you asked me what my CB name means?"


"Well, it's very descriptive of who I am today. My real name is Tracy Rosalyn Moss and I've been on the run for a while now. That's why I'm Rose Runner."

"Trace, did someone set you up or somethin'?" Bo asks. He doesn't believe that this sweet lady could ever do anything unlawful on purpose. Nope, she had to be framed or something.

"Maybe I should start from the beginning. I'm originally from New York. Several years ago I inherited a number of prominent and profitable businesses when my parents were killed. They never did solve the case and the businesses were ran by my uncle until I turned 21. A few years ago, after I began taking over the businesses, I started dating Josh. The first six months seemed absolutely wonderful. He even helped me with the daily running of my companies. I was deeply in love and so was he, or so I thought at the time. Then he started to change, becoming very possessive and jealous. He even started making all of my decisions for me, small and large. He tried to keep me from having any contact with anyone but him. I won't go into all of the details, let's just say he locked me in my own home and used any means to keep me there."

"What!!!" Bo can't contain his anger any longer. He was getting madder by the second.

"Settle down Bo, let her finish it. I've got a feelin' there's more." Luke interrupts the tirade he can see coming.

"Oh you're right Luke. So about two years ago I managed to escape the house. I went directly to my lawyer and had my uncle put back in charge of the businesses. I moved to Montana to try and hide, hoping he wouldn't pursue me across that many states since he wasn't getting anymore of my money. I was wrong. He did find me, but I managed to get away from him again. It had taken him five months to find me, so I thought I'd make it a little harder by changing my name. This time I went to Missouri, hoping he'd think I'd go west again. That's where I met Destiny. This time I was okay for a little over a year before he showed up again. I was packing when Destiny came to visit. She refused to let me go alone and we've been on the road since. That's how we ended up here, on the run from Josh Butler. It's never ending."

"What's never ending?" Uncle Jesse asks walking into the kitchen.


"Oh Uncle Jesse, did we wake you? I'm so sorry." Tracy rushes to apologize.

"Don't ya worry a hair on yer head about it young lady. This ain't the first late night meetin' I've woke up for. An' I'm sure it won't be the last with these two rascals runnin' 'round. Now what's got ya'll burnin' the midnight oil?"

"Uncle Jesse, there's a mean ol' sidewinder that's chasin' these girls." Bo answers. Everyone else helps explain things again from the beginning.

"Well I'll be." Uncle Jesse comments, "What's this world comin' to?"

"I guess it's time for us to go again before he finds us here." Tracy sighs. Destiny scowls but reluctantly nods.

"You don't seem too happy with that Destiny." Uncle Jesse observes.

"I ain't Uncle Jesse. I'd rather stay here and teach that bully a few manners."

"Fiesty, ain't she?" Bo whispers to Luke who chuckles softly as Bo continues, "'Sides, ain't that usually my line?" Luke elbows Bo and shakes his head even though he is trying to hide his smile. He looks back at Tracy as the conversation continues.

"Oh Des, I can't let you do that. I'm afraid you'll be hurt."

"Tracy! You know that I-"

"No Des! I can't let you! I don't want anything to happen to you. I know you think you can stop him, but you can't. No, I'm afraid it's time for me to go."

"But Trace-"

"No, you can stay if you want. Actually, I think you should. You don't deserve to be in the middle of this. I really appreciate all you've done for me. You've come farther and have been more of a friend than anyone else. Thank you so much Des. I'll just get a bus ticket or something and try to disappear again."

"Absolutely not! No, don't interrupt me again. I ain't lettin' you go off on yer own. I wouldn't before, and I still ain't. If yer goin', so am I."

"Okay Des. I don't want to argue about it. We'd better go pack our things back up then."

"Now hold on just a minute!" Uncle Jesse says with enough force to stop the two girls in their tracks. "You's ladies ain't in this by yerselves anymore."

"That's right. Me an' Bo here are part of it now, whether ya'll think we are or not. An' if we need help we've got it." Luke adds.

"Who? The local law?" Tracy asks.

"Are you kiddin'? Ya'll met the sheriff." Bo chuckles.

"Not the law. Luke means me an' Daisy. We're family, an' family sticks tagether." Uncle Jesse answers Tracy.

"But Uncle Jesse, I'd really rather not involve-"

"Missy, this family has been fightin' the system fer a long time now. We ain't about ta let you two girls run off and get cornered elsewhere. Ya'll are part of the family now, so there'll be no more talkin' about runnin'. Is that clear?"

"Uncle Jesse I appreciate-"

"It ain't no use Trace. Ya'll can argue all ya want, but Uncle Jesse's got a stubborn streak that's a mile wide." Bo interrupts her.

"Yeah, an' if he's stubborn, jus' wait 'til we tell Daisy. She's got that same stubborn streak along with a lot of orneriness to go with it. Sometimes she's down right scary." Luke adds with a grin.

"Okay, okay, I give up. I'm tired of arguing with you all. No more running, but if it starts getting dangerous I'm leaving." Tracy sighs again. Destiny smiles happily at her then smiles at Luke and winks.

"Awright kids, now I suggest we all get us some shut eye. Tomorrow's soon enough ta figure out a way ta get Tracy outta this mess. Well, com'n boys."

"Yes sir Uncle Jesse." Bo replies. Everyone gets up from the table to do as their told, but Destiny has another idea.

"Hey Luke, could I talk with ya outside for a minute?" Luke grins at her and gets that look in his eyes. Uncle Jesse and Bo look at Luke's face and then look at each other. Luke and Destiny step outside and he pulls her to a deeply shadowed area of the porch. Destiny smiles up at him as he pulls her into his embrace.

"I sure do hope this is what you had in mind honey."

"Luke Duke, I didn't get my good night kiss at the door. That's what I had in mind."

"I'm happy ta oblige ma'am." As Luke lowers his head to her waiting lips the night sounds all around them seem to fade away. When their lips touch it's like a jolt of electricity running back and forth between them. Luke's mind empties of everything except for Destiny's sweet lips. She breaks away slightly gasping for air.

"Sugar, we'd better stop there. I think yer uncle and cousin are gettin' restless."

"Their probably already in bed honey."

"Oh no, their waitin' for us ta come back inside, I know by those looks they gave each other. Now you walk me inside so I can go ta bed." She lightly touches his lips with the tip of her finger. "Dream sweet dreams."

"Honey there ain't no call ta dream when the reality is so much better." Luke smiles and reluctantly walks her back into the kitchen. Just like Destiny had said, Uncle Jesse and Bo were sitting at the table.

"G'night everyone." Destiny says as she walks on through the room.

"Night Des, sweet dreams for ya." Luke replies. Uncle Jesse and Bo watch her leave the room before turning back to Luke.

"Okay Lukas, what was that all about?" Bo asks. "Plus all that stuff at the Boars Nest. Yer actin' like me."

"Ah, doin' a little sparkin' on the porch were ya Luke. Just remember, this ain't no brawdy house." Uncle Jesse states.

"I know Uncle Jesse. I wouldn't think of disrespectin' you atall. It's just... well..."

"What Lukas?" Bo bursts out impatiently.

"Bo, have ya ever had a girl get at ya like she's on the same frequency, like she's under yer skin an' in yer head?"

"Well sure Luke, all the time, but-"

"No Bo. It ain't the normal feelin' you get around a pretty gal in a skirt. This is different, so much more."

"I don't get it Luke." Bo replies. Uncle Jesse smiles, he knows what Luke is talking about.

"Bo, I think what Luke's tryin' ta tell ya is he's in love."

"Now wait a minute, Luke doesn't fall in love in one day. He's too-"

"It ain't a question of logic or rationality. Am I right Luke?"

"Yes sir, I keep tellin' myself that this is way too fast and it don't make sense. But it feels so right. It's like I've known her forever and I don't want to lose a minute of it."

"Oh Lord." Bo mumbles.

"We've had this talk before Luke. Do ya remember what I said then?"

"Uncle Jesse, I remember like it was yesterday. You said that when ya found a lady that got atcha like that, ya married her."

"Oh Lord." Bo mumbles again with his head in his hands.


"Oh Uncle Jesse, did we wake you? I'm so sorry." Tracy rushes to apologize.

"Don't ya worry a hair on yer head about it young lady. This ain't the first late night meetin' I've woke up for. An' I'm sure it won't be the last with these two rascals runnin' 'round. Now what's got ya'll burnin' the midnight oil?"

"Uncle Jesse, there's a mean ol' sidewinder that's chasin' these girls." Bo answers. Everyone else helps explain things again from the beginning.

"Well I'll be." Uncle Jesse comments, "What's this world comin' to?"

"I guess it's time for us to go again before he finds us here." Tracy sighs. Destiny scowls but reluctantly nods.

"You don't seem too happy with that Destiny." Uncle Jesse observes.

"I ain't Uncle Jesse. I'd rather stay here and teach that bully a few manners."

"Fiesty, ain't she?" Bo whispers to Luke who chuckles softly as Bo continues, "'Sides, ain't that usually my line?" Luke elbows Bo and shakes his head even though he is trying to hide his smile. He looks back at Tracy as the conversation continues.

"Oh Des, I can't let you do that. I'm afraid you'll be hurt."

"Tracy! You know that I-"

"No Des! I can't let you! I don't want anything to happen to you. I know you think you can stop him, but you can't. No, I'm afraid it's time for me to go."

"But Trace-"

"No, you can stay if you want. Actually, I think you should. You don't deserve to be in the middle of this. I really appreciate all you've done for me. You've come farther and have been more of a friend than anyone else. Thank you so much Des. I'll just get a bus ticket or something and try to disappear again."

"Absolutely not! No, don't interrupt me again. I ain't lettin' you go off on yer own. I wouldn't before, and I still ain't. If yer goin', so am I."

"Okay Des. I don't want to argue about it. We'd better go pack our things back up then."

"Now hold on just a minute!" Uncle Jesse says with enough force to stop the two girls in their tracks. "You's ladies ain't in this by yerselves anymore."

"That's right. Me an' Bo here are part of it now, whether ya'll think we are or not. An' if we need help we've got it." Luke adds.

"Who? The local law?" Tracy asks.

"Are you kiddin'? Ya'll met the sheriff." Bo chuckles.

"Not the law. Luke means me an' Daisy. We're family, an' family sticks tagether." Uncle Jesse answers Tracy.

"But Uncle Jesse, I'd really rather not involve-"

"Missy, this family has been fightin' the system fer a long time now. We ain't about ta let you two girls run off and get cornered elsewhere. Ya'll are part of the family now, so there'll be no more talkin' about runnin'. Is that clear?"

"Uncle Jesse I appreciate-"

"It ain't no use Trace. Ya'll can argue all ya want, but Uncle Jesse's got a stubborn streak that's a mile wide." Bo interrupts her.

"Yeah, an' if he's stubborn, jus' wait 'til we tell Daisy. She's got that same stubborn streak along with a lot of orneriness to go with it. Sometimes she's down right scary." Luke adds with a grin.

"Okay, okay, I give up. I'm tired of arguing with you all. No more running, but if it starts getting dangerous I'm leaving." Tracy sighs again. Destiny smiles happily at her then smiles at Luke and winks.

"Awright kids, now I suggest we all get us some shut eye. Tomorrow's soon enough ta figure out a way ta get Tracy outta this mess. Well, com'n boys."

"Yes sir Uncle Jesse." Bo replies. Everyone gets up from the table to do as their told, but Destiny has another idea.

"Hey Luke, could I talk with ya outside for a minute?" Luke grins at her and gets that look in his eyes. Uncle Jesse and Bo look at Luke's face and then look at each other. Luke and Destiny step outside and he pulls her to a deeply shadowed area of the porch. Destiny smiles up at him as he pulls her into his embrace.

"I sure do hope this is what you had in mind honey."

"Luke Duke, I didn't get my good night kiss at the door. That's what I had in mind."

"I'm happy ta oblige ma'am." As Luke lowers his head to her waiting lips the night sounds all around them seem to fade away. When their lips touch it's like a jolt of electricity running back and forth between them. Luke's mind empties of everything except for Destiny's sweet lips. She breaks away slightly gasping for air.

"Sugar, we'd better stop there. I think yer uncle and cousin are gettin' restless."

"Their probably already in bed honey."

"Oh no, their waitin' for us ta come back inside, I know by those looks they gave each other. Now you walk me inside so I can go ta bed." She lightly touches his lips with the tip of her finger. "Dream sweet dreams."

"Honey there ain't no call ta dream when the reality is so much better." Luke smiles and reluctantly walks her back into the kitchen. Just like Destiny had said, Uncle Jesse and Bo were sitting at the table.

"G'night everyone." Destiny says as she walks on through the room.

"Night Des, sweet dreams for ya." Luke replies. Uncle Jesse and Bo watch her leave the room before turning back to Luke.

"Okay Lukas, what was that all about?" Bo asks. "Plus all that stuff at the Boars Nest. Yer actin' like me."

"Ah, doin' a little sparkin' on the porch were ya Luke. Just remember, this ain't no brawdy house." Uncle Jesse states.

"I know Uncle Jesse. I wouldn't think of disrespectin' you atall. It's just... well..."

"What Lukas?" Bo bursts out impatiently.

"Bo, have ya ever had a girl get at ya like she's on the same frequency, like she's under yer skin an' in yer head?"

"Well sure Luke, all the time, but-"

"No Bo. It ain't the normal feelin' you get around a pretty gal in a skirt. This is different, so much more."

"I don't get it Luke." Bo replies. Uncle Jesse smiles, he knows what Luke is talking about.

"Bo, I think what Luke's tryin' ta tell ya is he's in love."

"Now wait a minute, Luke doesn't fall in love in one day. He's too-"

"It ain't a question of logic or rationality. Am I right Luke?"

"Yes sir, I keep tellin' myself that this is way too fast and it don't make sense. But it feels so right. It's like I've known her forever and I don't want to lose a minute of it."

"Oh Lord." Bo mumbles.

"We've had this talk before Luke. Do ya remember what I said then?"

"Uncle Jesse, I remember like it was yesterday. You said that when ya found a lady that got atcha like that, ya married her."

"Oh Lord." Bo mumbles again with his head in his hands.


"That's right Luke. Just remember what else I said too. Women don't like ta wait around forever." Uncle Jesse pauses for a moment to let that sink in. "Now I'll say goodnight. You boys try ta get some sleep, there's a lot ta do in the mornin'." He smiles at Luke again and turns to go to his bedroom.

"Are ya serious Luke?" Bo asks looking up from the floor.

"As a heart attack cousin."

"So it ain't gonna be you an' me anymore." Bo states quietly. He has always thought they'd be together until the end.

"Bo," Luke sighs, "it ain't like yer losin' me. Jus' think of it as gainin' another cousin, a sister even. 'Sides, it ain't like I'm goin' anywhere no how. We're still on probation."

"That's true, ya cain't leave us." Bo perks up a little at the thought.

"I'd never leave my family again. I did that once an' that was enough. We'll jus' have ta see how things work out."

"Just remember Lukas," Bo begins seriously, "you'll always be my brother, no matter what. I'll do anythin' ta help ya find happiness, even try ta keep my mouth shut."

"Bo you've always been my best friend and you'll always be my brother, no matter what. I won't have it any other way. The night we took our blood oath we promised ta always stick tagether. As a Duke, I will never dishonor that promise."

"Just be happy."

"I'm tryin' Bo, I'm tryin'. An' I hope you will too."

"How could I not be. Bein' a part of this family practically guarantees it." Bo grins and they give each other a back slapping hug. They leave the kitchen and Luke steps back in to turn off the light. They both unroll their sleeping bags and lay down in the dark. Neither falls asleep very fast, thinking of everything that has gone on in the past day. Uncle Jesse was also lying sleepless in his bed. 'My Luke,' he thinks to himself, 'I never thought ta see the day. Their finally growin' up. I guess I'd better dig out that old lock box tomorrow. Luke might be a needin' what's inside.'

Balladeer: Hang on folks, don't forget they still have ta get Miss Tracy outta her fix. Ya'll do realize this started with the boys wantin' ta look over that pretty new car don't ya? 'Course the women in the car had a little ta do with it too.

The next morning when Uncle Jesse walks into the kitchen he finds Daisy frying bacon and making grits at the stove. Luke is putting on a pot of coffee while Bo is pouring out some milk. They are all talking softly about Tracy's situation.

"Weeellllll, good mornin'. Did you boys get everything worked out 'tween you last night?" Luke and Bo look at each other and grin.

"Yes sir, we sure did." Bo answers.

"Good, good. I hope you boys got some sleep too, we got a big day ahead of us." Daisy looks at all three of them. Something else was going on besides Tracy's problems, she just knows it.

"Okay, what's goin' on fellas?"

"Well Daisy honey, Luke's got a lot on his mind. Me an' Bo were jus' tryin' ta help him sort it all out." Uncle Jesse answers. There is a beat or two of silence.

"Well! What's on your mind Luke? Somebody fill me in." Luke grins at Bo and then at Daisy. He knows she hates being left out of the loop. Before he can explain it he catches sight of something Uncle Jesse sets on the table. It's an old cedar box with a lock on the lid.

"What's that Uncle Jesse?" Bo and Daisy turn to see what Luke is looking at.

"This here's somethin' I've been waitin' ta give ya'll. I was waitin' fer the first one of you kids ta need them." Uncle Jesse pauses and looks toward Daisy. "I always thought it'd be Daisy first though. Now, you each can keep these yerselves or I can continue ta hold on ta them." He takes out a key and opens the lock. All eyes are on him as he lifts the lid.

"This here," he says reaching into the box, "is Luke's mama and daddy's weddin' sets." he pulls out two small jewelery boxes and hands them to Luke. Luke just looks at the boexes for a moment before he opens them.

"I didn't know you had these Uncle Jesse."

"Well, like I said boy, I've been awaitin' fer the right time. Now here's yours Bo, an' here's yours Daisy." Bo and Daisy flip open their boxes and stare at their parents rings. Daisy looks up at Uncle Jesse with tears in her eyes.

"What's this mean Uncle Jesse?"

"It means I'm thinkin' on askin' a special lady ta join our family." Luke replies quietly. Daisy's jaw drops open and her brown eyes widen.

"Do ya approve then?" Luke asks with a grin.

"Oh Luke honey! I'm so happy for ya! Of course I approve!"

"Good thing, but I ain't asked yet Daisy so let's keep it to ourselves fer now. I guess I'll be a holdin' on ta these myself Uncle Jesse. We'll see whether or not I give 'em back to ya later on." Luke shuts the lids and puts the boxes into their hiding spot on top of the cabinet.

"Here Uncle Jesse, you'd better keep holdin' onta mine. I'd probably lose 'em somehow." Bo hands his across the table.

"Me too." Daisy agrees handing hers across also.

"Awright kids, jus' let me know when yer ready for 'em."

"C'mon Bo, let's get started on them chores so we can get 'em done." Luke says. Bo lets out a big sigh, chores aren't his favorite things.

"Awright, I'm comin'." He replies reluctantly. Just then Destiny walks into the kitchen.

Balladeer: Good thing she didn't come in just a few minutes earlier huh?


"That's right Luke. Just remember what else I said too. Women don't like ta wait around forever." Uncle Jesse pauses for a moment to let that sink in. "Now I'll say goodnight. You boys try ta get some sleep, there's a lot ta do in the mornin'." He smiles at Luke again and turns to go to his bedroom.

"Are ya serious Luke?" Bo asks looking up from the floor.

"As a heart attack cousin."

"So it ain't gonna be you an' me anymore." Bo states quietly. He has always thought they'd be together until the end.

"Bo," Luke sighs, "it ain't like yer losin' me. Jus' think of it as gainin' another cousin, a sister even. 'Sides, it ain't like I'm goin' anywhere no how. We're still on probation."

"That's true, ya cain't leave us." Bo perks up a little at the thought.

"I'd never leave my family again. I did that once an' that was enough. We'll jus' have ta see how things work out."

"Just remember Lukas," Bo begins seriously, "you'll always be my brother, no matter what. I'll do anythin' ta help ya find happiness, even try ta keep my mouth shut."

"Bo you've always been my best friend and you'll always be my brother, no matter what. I won't have it any other way. The night we took our blood oath we promised ta always stick tagether. As a Duke, I will never dishonor that promise."

"Just be happy."

"I'm tryin' Bo, I'm tryin'. An' I hope you will too."

"How could I not be. Bein' a part of this family practically guarantees it." Bo grins and they give each other a back slapping hug. They leave the kitchen and Luke steps back in to turn off the light. They both unroll their sleeping bags and lay down in the dark. Neither falls asleep very fast, thinking of everything that has gone on in the past day. Uncle Jesse was also lying sleepless in his bed. 'My Luke,' he thinks to himself, 'I never thought ta see the day. Their finally growin' up. I guess I'd better dig out that old lock box tomorrow. Luke might be a needin' what's inside.'

Balladeer: Hang on folks, don't forget they still have ta get Miss Tracy outta her fix. Ya'll do realize this started with the boys wantin' ta look over that pretty new car don't ya? 'Course the women in the car had a little ta do with it too.

The next morning when Uncle Jesse walks into the kitchen he finds Daisy frying bacon and making grits at the stove. Luke is putting on a pot of coffee while Bo is pouring out some milk. They are all talking softly about Tracy's situation.

"Weeellllll, good mornin'. Did you boys get everything worked out 'tween you last night?" Luke and Bo look at each other and grin.

"Yes sir, we sure did." Bo answers.

"Good, good. I hope you boys got some sleep too, we got a big day ahead of us." Daisy looks at all three of them. Something else was going on besides Tracy's problems, she just knows it.

"Okay, what's goin' on fellas?"

"Well Daisy honey, Luke's got a lot on his mind. Me an' Bo were jus' tryin' ta help him sort it all out." Uncle Jesse answers. There is a beat or two of silence.

"Well! What's on your mind Luke? Somebody fill me in." Luke grins at Bo and then at Daisy. He knows she hates being left out of the loop. Before he can explain it he catches sight of something Uncle Jesse sets on the table. It's an old cedar box with a lock on the lid.

"What's that Uncle Jesse?" Bo and Daisy turn to see what Luke is looking at.

"This here's somethin' I've been waitin' ta give ya'll. I was waitin' fer the first one of you kids ta need them." Uncle Jesse pauses and looks toward Daisy. "I always thought it'd be Daisy first though. Now, you each can keep these yerselves or I can continue ta hold on ta them." He takes out a key and opens the lock. All eyes are on him as he lifts the lid.

"This here," he says reaching into the box, "is Luke's mama and daddy's weddin' sets." he pulls out two small jewelery boxes and hands them to Luke. Luke just looks at the boexes for a moment before he opens them.

"I didn't know you had these Uncle Jesse."

"Well, like I said boy, I've been awaitin' fer the right time. Now here's yours Bo, an' here's yours Daisy." Bo and Daisy flip open their boxes and stare at their parents rings. Daisy looks up at Uncle Jesse with tears in her eyes.

"What's this mean Uncle Jesse?"

"It means I'm thinkin' on askin' a special lady ta join our family." Luke replies quietly. Daisy's jaw drops open and her brown eyes widen.

"Do ya approve then?" Luke asks with a grin.

"Oh Luke honey! I'm so happy for ya! Of course I approve!"

"Good thing, but I ain't asked yet Daisy so let's keep it to ourselves fer now. I guess I'll be a holdin' on ta these myself Uncle Jesse. We'll see whether or not I give 'em back to ya later on." Luke shuts the lids and puts the boxes into their hiding spot on top of the cabinet.

"Here Uncle Jesse, you'd better keep holdin' onta mine. I'd probably lose 'em somehow." Bo hands his across the table.

"Me too." Daisy agrees handing hers across also.

"Awright kids, jus' let me know when yer ready for 'em."

"C'mon Bo, let's get started on them chores so we can get 'em done." Luke says. Bo lets out a big sigh, chores aren't his favorite things.

"Awright, I'm comin'." He replies reluctantly. Just then Destiny walks into the kitchen.

Balladeer: Good thing she didn't come in just a few minutes earlier huh?


"Good mornin' everyone!" Destiny says happily. "Is it time ta get started?"

"Mornin' Des. Ya look right nice this mornin'." Luke answers as he pulls out a chair for her. Bo and Uncle Jesse smile a greeting.

"Breakfast is ready Des. Ya want bacon and grits or grits and bacon?" Destiny greets her with a smile.

"Well, temptin' as that sounds, how 'bout a cup of coffee. I never did acquire a taste for grits."

"Coffee it is then."

"You enjoy yer coffee Des. Me an' Bo have got ta get at the chores, then we'll figure somethin' out for Tracy." Luke says as he heads for the outside door.

"Good, I'll help with the chores. That way they'll get done quicker." This stops Luke in his tracks.

"Hang on now, you're our guest. Guests don't do chores. 'Sides, Bo an

Luke's had lotsa practice. They'll be done quick enough." Uncle Jesse argues.

"I do my best thinkin' while I work Uncle Jesse. 'Sides, believe it or not, I kinda miss doin' my mornin' chores. This'll be a breeze as long as I don't have ta milk any cows. I hate milkin' cows."

"You ain't gonna take no for an answer are ya?"

"Nope." Destiny grins wickedly.

"Come on then honey." Luke sighs. "I promise ya won't have ta do any milkin'. I'm pretty sure that's Bo's favorite chore anyways." Luke laughs when Bo grimaces at him.

"Yeah, 'bout as much as you like shovelin' manure Lukas." Bo grumbles.

All three head out the door into the barnyard. Bo and Luke start dividing up the work, giving the easy jobs to Destiny.

"You two don't think I can do my share of heavy labor, do ya?"

"We didn't say that."

"Well I ain't gonna just gather eggs and throw feed to the chickens. I bet I can throw a hay bale just as far as ya'll can."


"Good mornin' everyone!" Destiny says happily. "Is it time ta get started?"

"Mornin' Des. Ya look right nice this mornin'." Luke answers as he pulls out a chair for her. Bo and Uncle Jesse smile a greeting.

"Breakfast is ready Des. Ya want bacon and grits or grits and bacon?" Destiny greets her with a smile.

"Well, temptin' as that sounds, how 'bout a cup of coffee. I never did acquire a taste for grits."

"Coffee it is then."

"You enjoy yer coffee Des. Me an' Bo have got ta get at the chores, then we'll figure somethin' out for Tracy." Luke says as he heads for the outside door.

"Good, I'll help with the chores. That way they'll get done quicker." This stops Luke in his tracks.

"Hang on now, you're our guest. Guests don't do chores. 'Sides, Bo an

Luke's had lotsa practice. They'll be done quick enough." Uncle Jesse argues.

"I do my best thinkin' while I work Uncle Jesse. 'Sides, believe it or not, I kinda miss doin' my mornin' chores. This'll be a breeze as long as I don't have ta milk any cows. I hate milkin' cows."

"You ain't gonna take no for an answer are ya?"

"Nope." Destiny grins wickedly.

"Come on then honey." Luke sighs. "I promise ya won't have ta do any milkin'. I'm pretty sure that's Bo's favorite chore anyways." Luke laughs when Bo grimaces at him.

"Yeah, 'bout as much as you like shovelin' manure Lukas." Bo grumbles.

All three head out the door into the barnyard. Bo and Luke start dividing up the work, giving the easy jobs to Destiny.

"You two don't think I can do my share of heavy labor, do ya?"

"We didn't say that."

"Well I ain't gonna just gather eggs and throw feed to the chickens. I bet I can throw a hay bale just as far as ya'll can."


"Are ya makin' a bet here Des, cause as a Duke I cain't back down from a bet ya know." Bo grins thinking she is just kidding with them.

"That's exactly what I'm doin'. Let's see, if I win... oh, I know! If I win then you get ta do all the chores for a whole day while Luke takes me fishin'."

"How come just me? Luke's a Duke too."

"Hang on Bo, this here's your bet. It's 'tween you an' Des, leave me out of it." Luke argues.

"That's right." Destiny agrees. "Now name yer terms."

"Weellll, awright then. If I win I don't have to do any chores for a whole day. An' since Luke's yer pal, maybe he can do them all." Bo grins at Luke who shakes his head at first, looks at Destiny who nods, and then shrugs his shoulders in agreement.

"Yeehaaawwwww! A whole day without chores! This is gonna be a piece of cake."

"Don't count yer chickens yet Bo. C'mon, let's set this up." Luke replies. He hopes Destiny knows what she's doing. Bo and Luke climb up into the hayloft and toss down two bales of hay. After jumping back down, Luke marks a line in the dirt as their tossing point.

"Okay, we're goin' for distance right?" Destiny asks innocently.

"That's right." Bo agrees thinking this was going to be so easy. "Ladies first."

"Oh no, I insist you go first. That away 'lil ol' me can gather my strength."

"Okay. Get prepared for those chores Lukas. Here we go." Bo reaches down and grabs a bale by the twine. He shifts it in his hands slightly, walks up to the line in the dirt and gives it a couple of swings before letting go. It lands a pretty good distance away.

"Yeehaawww! That was a pretty good 'un. Whadya say Lukas?"

"I think the lady still has her turn Bo."

"Okay boys, give me some room to work my magic." Destiny picks up her hay bale and tests the weight. She readjusts her hands before walking up to the line. Bo grins at Luke still thinking he has this in the bag. Destiny swings the bale back and forth a few times to gather some momentum, on the last swing she twists her hips to give her toss a little more umph and lets it go. Bo's grin fades into astonishment as he watches her bale land about three feet past his.

"Uh, that was just a practice throw right?" Bo asks, wishing he'd put more effort into it.


"Uh, best two outta three then?"

"No way, I won fair and square."

"By the looks of things, you'd best quit whilst ya can Bo." Luke comments with a chuckle.

"How in the world did ya do that?"

"I tol' ya Bo, I been workin' on a farm all my life. It was either keep up or go do women's work. An' I think it's purely torture ta be cooped up in a house all day."

"Well I'll be." was all Bo could say.

"Next time we'll see who can put an engine tagether faster." Destiny states seriously. "Ya'll better practice up."

"That'll be Luke's turn. I think I learnt my lesson. I won't underestimate you again."

"Let's get the chores done for now. We gotta figure out a plan fer Trace still." Luke says around his laughter.

"It ain't funny Luke, not atall. I cain't believe I was bested by a girl."

Balladeer: I was bettin' on the girl the whole time, wasn't you?


"Are ya makin' a bet here Des, cause as a Duke I cain't back down from a bet ya know." Bo grins thinking she is just kidding with them.

"That's exactly what I'm doin'. Let's see, if I win... oh, I know! If I win then you get ta do all the chores for a whole day while Luke takes me fishin'."

"How come just me? Luke's a Duke too."

"Hang on Bo, this here's your bet. It's 'tween you an' Des, leave me out of it." Luke argues.

"That's right." Destiny agrees. "Now name yer terms."

"Weellll, awright then. If I win I don't have to do any chores for a whole day. An' since Luke's yer pal, maybe he can do them all." Bo grins at Luke who shakes his head at first, looks at Destiny who nods, and then shrugs his shoulders in agreement.

"Yeehaaawwwww! A whole day without chores! This is gonna be a piece of cake."

"Don't count yer chickens yet Bo. C'mon, let's set this up." Luke replies. He hopes Destiny knows what she's doing. Bo and Luke climb up into the hayloft and toss down two bales of hay. After jumping back down, Luke marks a line in the dirt as their tossing point.

"Okay, we're goin' for distance right?" Destiny asks innocently.

"That's right." Bo agrees thinking this was going to be so easy. "Ladies first."

"Oh no, I insist you go first. That away 'lil ol' me can gather my strength."

"Okay. Get prepared for those chores Lukas. Here we go." Bo reaches down and grabs a bale by the twine. He shifts it in his hands slightly, walks up to the line in the dirt and gives it a couple of swings before letting go. It lands a pretty good distance away.

"Yeehaawww! That was a pretty good 'un. Whadya say Lukas?"

"I think the lady still has her turn Bo."

"Okay boys, give me some room to work my magic." Destiny picks up her hay bale and tests the weight. She readjusts her hands before walking up to the line. Bo grins at Luke still thinking he has this in the bag. Destiny swings the bale back and forth a few times to gather some momentum, on the last swing she twists her hips to give her toss a little more umph and lets it go. Bo's grin fades into astonishment as he watches her bale land about three feet past his.

"Uh, that was just a practice throw right?" Bo asks, wishing he'd put more effort into it.


"Uh, best two outta three then?"

"No way, I won fair and square."

"By the looks of things, you'd best quit whilst ya can Bo." Luke comments with a chuckle.

"How in the world did ya do that?"

"I tol' ya Bo, I been workin' on a farm all my life. It was either keep up or go do women's work. An' I think it's purely torture ta be cooped up in a house all day."

"Well I'll be." was all Bo could say.

"Next time we'll see who can put an engine tagether faster." Destiny states seriously. "Ya'll better practice up."

"That'll be Luke's turn. I think I learnt my lesson. I won't underestimate you again."

"Let's get the chores done for now. We gotta figure out a plan fer Trace still." Luke says around his laughter.

"It ain't funny Luke, not atall. I cain't believe I was bested by a girl."

Balladeer: I was bettin' on the girl the whole time, wasn't you?


The three of them all pitched in and got the chores done in record time, with Luke being the one to do the milking after all. Bo's last stop was to collect the eggs as Destiny threw out the last of the chicken feed. Bo stops by Destiny and looks at her.

"I still cain't believe it." He mutters. Luke walks up to them in time to hear Bo's comment. Both he and Destiny let loose with laughter as they head into the house. Bo trails after them shaking his head.

"What's so funny?" Daisy asks as she takes the eggs from Bo.

"Oh Bo was just beat by Destiny in a friendly little contest is all." Luke continues chuckling. Uncle Jesse walks in the room catching Luke's comment.

"Doin' what?" He asks.

"We had us a hay bale tossin' contest is all." Destiny replies trying to contain her laughter.

"And you beat Bo?" Daisy asks excitedly. She loves her cousins dearly, but she loves it even more when a girl shows them a thing or two.

"By at least three feet." Luke answers with pride in his voice. Uncle Jesse and Daisy look at Destiny with her small body and then turn to look at Bo with his tall strength. They both start laughing, trying to hide it behind their hands.

"She's deceptive, this one is." Bo replies good naturedly. "All I can say is Luke better watch out if she can drive as good as she does chores." Tracy comes into the room carrying a broom.

"I heard that from the living room and I have to say you don't need to worry about her. She scares me to death with her driving most of the time."

"Well, I ain't got no worries." Luke grins at Destiny and puts his arm around her. "I do believe I'll win either way." Destiny smiles up at him and whispers in his ear.

"I'm still waitin' for my good mornin' kiss sugar."

"All in due time honey, all in due time. And the sooner the better I'd say." Luke whispers back.


The three of them all pitched in and got the chores done in record time, with Luke being the one to do the milking after all. Bo's last stop was to collect the eggs as Destiny threw out the last of the chicken feed. Bo stops by Destiny and looks at her.

"I still cain't believe it." He mutters. Luke walks up to them in time to hear Bo's comment. Both he and Destiny let loose with laughter as they head into the house. Bo trails after them shaking his head.

"What's so funny?" Daisy asks as she takes the eggs from Bo.

"Oh Bo was just beat by Destiny in a friendly little contest is all." Luke continues chuckling. Uncle Jesse walks in the room catching Luke's comment.

"Doin' what?" He asks.

"We had us a hay bale tossin' contest is all." Destiny replies trying to contain her laughter.

"And you beat Bo?" Daisy asks excitedly. She loves her cousins dearly, but she loves it even more when a girl shows them a thing or two.

"By at least three feet." Luke answers with pride in his voice. Uncle Jesse and Daisy look at Destiny with her small body and then turn to look at Bo with his tall strength. They both start laughing, trying to hide it behind their hands.

"She's deceptive, this one is." Bo replies good naturedly. "All I can say is Luke better watch out if she can drive as good as she does chores." Tracy comes into the room carrying a broom.

"I heard that from the living room and I have to say you don't need to worry about her. She scares me to death with her driving most of the time."

"Well, I ain't got no worries." Luke grins at Destiny and puts his arm around her. "I do believe I'll win either way." Destiny smiles up at him and whispers in his ear.

"I'm still waitin' for my good mornin' kiss sugar."

"All in due time honey, all in due time. And the sooner the better I'd say." Luke whispers back.


"Did ya get all the chores done then?" Uncle Jesse asks.

"Yes sir. They went a lot quicker with the three of us."

"Good, good. Now has anyone thought of anythin' to get this little lady outta trouble yet?" Everyone turns serious then and they all gather close to work out a plan.

Balladeer: While the Dukes and company are brainstormin', who else but the sidewinder in question is payin' a visit ta Boss Hogg and Sheriff Coltrane at the county courthouse. I've got a bad feelin' about this.

"Rosco! Get your hands off my pickled pigs feet!"

"Oh, oh, but Boss! My tummy's rumblin' like thunder! I just want a little nibble."

"No, no, no-"

"Excuse me gentlemen." interrupts a man in a three piece suit.

"Who're you? And didn't ya ever learn how ta knock?" Boss yells still smacking at Rosco's hands.

"Gentlemen, my name is Joshua Butler, from New York. I was wondering if you fine sirs could tell me a little about the family named Duke?"

Balladeer: Ain't he slick? First a compliment then wantin' the dirt on the Dukes. Nothin' could make Boss happier than a million dollars in new bills.


"Did ya get all the chores done then?" Uncle Jesse asks.

"Yes sir. They went a lot quicker with the three of us."

"Good, good. Now has anyone thought of anythin' to get this little lady outta trouble yet?" Everyone turns serious then and they all gather close to work out a plan.

Balladeer: While the Dukes and company are brainstormin', who else but the sidewinder in question is payin' a visit ta Boss Hogg and Sheriff Coltrane at the county courthouse. I've got a bad feelin' about this.

"Rosco! Get your hands off my pickled pigs feet!"

"Oh, oh, but Boss! My tummy's rumblin' like thunder! I just want a little nibble."

"No, no, no-"

"Excuse me gentlemen." interrupts a man in a three piece suit.

"Who're you? And didn't ya ever learn how ta knock?" Boss yells still smacking at Rosco's hands.

"Gentlemen, my name is Joshua Butler, from New York. I was wondering if you fine sirs could tell me a little about the family named Duke?"

Balladeer: Ain't he slick? First a compliment then wantin' the dirt on the Dukes. Nothin' could make Boss happier than a million dollars in new bills.


"The Dukes! Those no accounts! What're ya wantin' ta know 'bout them for?" Boss replies as he slaps Rosco's hand again. "I tol' ya, get yer own snack!"

"Oh, oh, that smarts Boss!"

"Well, at least you got some sorta smarts then you Do-Do."

"Gentlemen," Josh interrupts again, "I was hoping we could come to some sort of agreement."

"Huh? What kind of agreement?" Josh has finally caught Boss's attention.

"It seems that this Duke family, along with that country bumpkin friend of theirs, has kidnapped my financee."

"Kidnapped? The Dukes?!" Rosco exclaims.

"That is correct. I was hoping you would be willing to help me retrieve her. Of course I am offering a $10,000 reward."

"Reward!" Boss chokes on his pickled pigs feet.

"Retrieve her? Well let me call Flash then. Khee, khee!"

"Rosco you Do-Do! This is what we've been waitin' for!"

"Oooh! What we've been waitin' for! Uh, Boss, what've we been waitin' for?"

"If yer brains get any smaller their gonna roll outta yer ears. This is our chance ta put the whole Duke family behind bars!"

"Oooohhh, jit, jit! Uh, for what?"

"For kidnappin' you mush for brains!"

"For kidnappin', I knew that! Ya know, that's a maximum life sentence. I love it, I love it!"

"Yeah, I thought you might and I'll get the reward money too! Heh, heh, heh!" Boss laughs and rubs his hands together thinking of all that dough.

"Awright Mr. Butler. I'm gonna need some vital statistics on your financee. Uh, that's French ain't it? I love speakin' a foreign language! Khee, khee, khee!" Josh describes both Tracy and Destiny to Boss and Rosco along with Destiny's car.

"And Sheriff, watch out for that girl Destiny. She should be considered dangerous. She's crazy as a loon, I'm sure she has escaped from a mental institution somewhere. My lawyers are checking into it for me." Josh adds.

Balladeer: Uh huh. If Destiny's crazy as a loon, what does that make this turkey?


"The Dukes! Those no accounts! What're ya wantin' ta know 'bout them for?" Boss replies as he slaps Rosco's hand again. "I tol' ya, get yer own snack!"

"Oh, oh, that smarts Boss!"

"Well, at least you got some sorta smarts then you Do-Do."

"Gentlemen," Josh interrupts again, "I was hoping we could come to some sort of agreement."

"Huh? What kind of agreement?" Josh has finally caught Boss's attention.

"It seems that this Duke family, along with that country bumpkin friend of theirs, has kidnapped my financee."

"Kidnapped? The Dukes?!" Rosco exclaims.

"That is correct. I was hoping you would be willing to help me retrieve her. Of course I am offering a $10,000 reward."

"Reward!" Boss chokes on his pickled pigs feet.

"Retrieve her? Well let me call Flash then. Khee, khee!"

"Rosco you Do-Do! This is what we've been waitin' for!"

"Oooh! What we've been waitin' for! Uh, Boss, what've we been waitin' for?"

"If yer brains get any smaller their gonna roll outta yer ears. This is our chance ta put the whole Duke family behind bars!"

"Oooohhh, jit, jit! Uh, for what?"

"For kidnappin' you mush for brains!"

"For kidnappin', I knew that! Ya know, that's a maximum life sentence. I love it, I love it!"

"Yeah, I thought you might and I'll get the reward money too! Heh, heh, heh!" Boss laughs and rubs his hands together thinking of all that dough.

"Awright Mr. Butler. I'm gonna need some vital statistics on your financee. Uh, that's French ain't it? I love speakin' a foreign language! Khee, khee, khee!" Josh describes both Tracy and Destiny to Boss and Rosco along with Destiny's car.

"And Sheriff, watch out for that girl Destiny. She should be considered dangerous. She's crazy as a loon, I'm sure she has escaped from a mental institution somewhere. My lawyers are checking into it for me." Josh adds.

Balladeer: Uh huh. If Destiny's crazy as a loon, what does that make this turkey?


"Awright, awright. Rosco you'd better take Cletus with ya then out to the farm for backup. And don't come back 'till you arrest the whole Duke gang. Enos can stay here an' help bring 'em in and book 'em when ya'll get back."

"10-4 little fat buddy." Rosco tries to do a military snap turn and knocks over a side table.

"Oh, don't you threaten me!" Rosco exclaims pointing at the table.

"Rosco! Go!!!!"

"Yes sir Boss, I'm gone!" Rosco runs into the booking room yelling for Cletus to hurry up and follow him.

Balladeer: Do ya think ol' Rosco should take up ballet? Yeah me neither. Now I wonder if the Dukes have any inklin' what's about to happen.

Everyone is still gathered around the table in the Duke kitchen. It's real quiet while they all try to think of a plan. Bo glances over at Luke and sees that look on his face and the gleam in his eyes.

"Okay ya'll, Luke's got somthin'. This is the part where he snaps his fingers and says 'I got it. Let's go Bo.' and then I get inta trouble." Everyone looks at Luke who wasn't paying any attention he was concentrating so hard. Luke suddenly smiles real big and snaps his fingers.

"I got it!"

"See? What'd I tell ya? So where we goin' Luke?" Luke looks up at them.

"Huh? We ain't goin' nowheres Bo, what are ya talkin' about? Anyway, Tracy do you think you can track down any information on this guy? Anythin' that could damage his credibility in a court settin'?"

"What're ya thinkin' Luke? Blackmail?"


"Awright, awright. Rosco you'd better take Cletus with ya then out to the farm for backup. And don't come back 'till you arrest the whole Duke gang. Enos can stay here an' help bring 'em in and book 'em when ya'll get back."

"10-4 little fat buddy." Rosco tries to do a military snap turn and knocks over a side table.

"Oh, don't you threaten me!" Rosco exclaims pointing at the table.

"Rosco! Go!!!!"

"Yes sir Boss, I'm gone!" Rosco runs into the booking room yelling for Cletus to hurry up and follow him.

Balladeer: Do ya think ol' Rosco should take up ballet? Yeah me neither. Now I wonder if the Dukes have any inklin' what's about to happen.

Everyone is still gathered around the table in the Duke kitchen. It's real quiet while they all try to think of a plan. Bo glances over at Luke and sees that look on his face and the gleam in his eyes.

"Okay ya'll, Luke's got somthin'. This is the part where he snaps his fingers and says 'I got it. Let's go Bo.' and then I get inta trouble." Everyone looks at Luke who wasn't paying any attention he was concentrating so hard. Luke suddenly smiles real big and snaps his fingers.

"I got it!"

"See? What'd I tell ya? So where we goin' Luke?" Luke looks up at them.

"Huh? We ain't goin' nowheres Bo, what are ya talkin' about? Anyway, Tracy do you think you can track down any information on this guy? Anythin' that could damage his credibility in a court settin'?"

"What're ya thinkin' Luke? Blackmail?"

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