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now, im Not tearing the new flick to shreds here But...

in a recent post the most popular word on any message board was muttered there, "Crybaby". Now, just tell me arent any of you guys thankful for a New dukes movie? a New dukes vid game commin out? not to mention the original DOH on DVD? personally speaking here im NOT about to complain one bit myself! its better than Nothing which many other fans of TV shows/flicks/comics recived. in fact its a very good thing, its bringing the dukes up "with the times". it now Should appeal to newer younger generations. kinda like getting the green light to spread a wildfire. weather it "sucks" or Not, its new, its fresh and opens up many more doors for the future of the dukes franchise itself.

something like this was most likely posted here before, but sometimes its best if you read it twice and let it soak in. however, if you disagree with any of the above i completely understand ones stance on this topic. in fact, some things are better left untouched and only to the imagionation for some.

im gone.



I totally agree with you. I've been saying since I saw the trailer, "I'm not real big on the actors, but I'm glad to see the Dukes on the big screen!" It definately opens doors. I bet if the movie wasn't coming out we wouldn't get Season 4 as fast as we are. And if the movie does well, maybe we'll see a new TV show. That's a big IF, but I'm optomistic. Personally, I see this movie as a positive for Duke fans everywhere... even if it does suck! :wink:



General Lee, and everything about it.

The confederate flag made it into the movie, so now stupid people may finally accept it.

It will be fun. Easily the best sit-down-and-enjoy movie of the summer.

It seems to have a real "Southern-ness" to it.

The General Lee, again.

You will no longer be "dorky" to be a fan of a 25 year old show, you will be a "purist."

I'm finally convinced that Knoxville and Scott can make these roles cool, still not as well as other choices, but not too shabby.

The car starts out kind of crusty and gets restored. Kind of a retelling of the beginning of General Lee, in a way.


Jessica Simpson opening the door on that video.

Everything else about Jessica Simpson, from her ugliness to her attention-whore-ness (ie. announcing she had the role so that she'd be sure to get it, that nasty video, etc.).

The "apology" scene explaining the flag. Only excusable because the suits in charge demanded it.

The decision to get a Summer Comedy Director. It would have worked better to just let the comedy "happen" in Hazzard, and focused more on it as an action movie.


Why can't I hear Willie singing on that video?

Why is Boss Hogg thin?

Why can't Rosco go "kew kew kew"?

Why are the police uniforms brown?

Why isn't Daisy's hair brown? (in the "disguise" scene, she actually looks better).

While Southern Rock would be my close second choice for music, why not go old school country?

Why on God's green Earth didn't someone on the set of that music video say "Pardon me, but the doors don't open"?

Speaking of which, WHY say that the doors are broken, instead of saying that the doors of a race car are welded shut?

Is a Super Troopers cameo really needed since that movie is so forgettable?

Why is the General Lee's steering wheel burgundy? I understand product placement, but it's friggin' burgundy.


That is what I have been "preaching" about for a long time on here.....

We get the Dukes fever all over again with the movie. I have always said that the movie will bring new generation of Dukes fans who will hopefully discover the original legacy. WE have gotten a ton of Dukes stuff this year because of the movie, DVD's of the first 3 seasons so far, the re-release of the original Dukes Of Hazzard album on CD, re-releases of the ERTL/Joy Ride diecast cars, and best of all reruns i na great time slot on CMT....

I tell you a Dukes fan I am very thankful for all of this. And it is because of the movie. Because of the movie this and other Dukes message boards are very active.

Either way , I am looking forward to the movie. Seeing the General fly and the awesome stunts, Burt Reynolds(which I still say will make a good Boss Hogg) , Willie Nelson(who will make a good Uncle Jesse), Bo & Luke as modern day Good Ol' Boys who better have morals and respect like the originals(even if they are a bit wild, they must have the manners) ...



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