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So Unfortunetly as Luke was suffering bad Bo was not getting anywhere close to finding him he wasn't giving up he was gonna find Luke he knew that eventually he would find him so he kept looking even though O'l Luke wasn't that far off just Bo had no idea that Luke was under a hypnotic spell that these people put on him that is why he has been acting funny and his bad Concussion plays a role in it also.

So as Luke was sleeping on a bed in the backroom of the Cabin them baddies was thinking of how great their plan is going " Shawn this plan is working like a charm Luke Duke is gonna pay for putting us behind bars i just can't believe that Hypnotizing Luke Duke was so easy he is still under the spell he won't remember a thing when he wakes up he'll be more confused then the last time then Shwan says " Right that boy is lost for sure ".

Suddenly Luke started making noises in his sleep Shawn said " He better not be waking up i'm gonna give him some more so he walks over to Luke's bed he gives him some more Chlorofrom luke says something incoherant then falls back to sleep.


Jess sat alone in the living room of the Duke farmhouse staring out the window, her long legs pulled up to her chest and her chin resting on her knees. Daisy watched her friend in concern. Ever since Bo had refused to let Jess go with him she'd been withdrawn. Jess was usually not like that. She was so strong and never seemed to get mad at Bo.

Meanwhile Bo was driving a loaner from Cooter while searching for Luke since he had loaned the General to Jess and Daisy who were going to do some shopping in Atlanta. He was still trying extra hard to get back in Jess' good graces but was having quite the time of it. He suddenly halted the car when he spotted what looked like a deserted old cabin. He got out and started to approach the door but was stopped by the man appearing in the doorway with a gun.

Bo stopped and held his hands up, his eyes sparkiling angrily. "Look Mister, You better tell me where Luke is." He snapped. Shawn grinned. "We ain't seen your cousin plowboy, but if you don't get outta here, you're gonna regret it." He said. Bo backed away and got back in his car, knowing he needed some back-up.

Shawn looked at Michelle. "I'm gonna follow him and run him off the road to ensure he don't come back." He said. She nodded and watched as he left the cabin.

Bo looked in the rearview mirror and saw the baddies car pull out behind him and then hit the back of his car. "Lost Sheep to Shepherd, I got them bad guy's on my tail and they're trying to run me off the road, I need some help." He said.

Jess had just pulled the General up in front of the farm house when she heard Bo's distress call. "This here is Jess. What's your 10-20?" She asked. "I'm near Hazzard Pond." He said. "I'm on my way." She said and climbed back in through the window and started up the engine, racing out of the yard.

Bo felt the other car strike his again and then lost control, swerving off the road and striking a tree. He shook his head and then watched as the car stopped and the man started to get out. "Is this the end?" He thought to himself, just as he heard Dixie playing and then the General swept into view.

The man jumped into his car and spun the wheel heading back the way he'd come. Jess halted the General and jumped out running to Bo as he got out of the car. "I ain't never gonna find Luke now." He said. Jess shook her head and gazed at him. "Jess I need your help." He said, staring into her bright blue eys.

Jess smiled. "That's what I've been waiting for, is for you to ask for my help." She said and then held out the General's keys. Bo grinned and grabbed her by the back of the head bringing her forward and kissing her hard on the lips.

Shawn drove back to the cabin and stormed onto the porch. Michelle ran out to meet him. "What happened?" She asked. "I almost had him until that orange car came from outta nowhere." He said. They both turned when they heard a groan and then saw Luke try to sit up. Shawn crossed the room and knocked him over the head with his gun, causing Luke to sag back onto the bed.


Unfortunetly Friends O'l Luke maybe just a memory soon if something don't happen quick. So them baddies are trying really hard to think of what they could do to make sure that Bo never finds Luke he says " Well we could always threaten Luke's life which would give us some breathing room cause i'm pretty sure that they ain't gonna be coming back if we tell them he'll be dead if they try to sneak in here take him away",

So Meanwhile out at the Dukefarm Bo was wondering why he can't seem to find Luke why them people have against him the only thing that Bo could think of is that it is personal reasons only he don't know which personal reason it is so he walks over to Uncle Jesse he says " Uncle Jesse do you think these people have something personal against Luke for putting them behind bars "? Uncle Jesse thought for a second then he said " Well that could very well be the reason ", Bo then said " Only I ain't got the slighest idea of who this people are i ain't never seen them around Hazzard before ", Then Uncle Jesse said " Bo don't give up keep looking you'll find him eventually after all the'll have to let him go sometime right ?",

So Luke meanwhile is stuck in between a rock and hard place these baddies ain't planning on letting him go anytime soon so as Luke was sleeping away Shawn was thinking how he could prevent Luke from seeing them when he does wake up so then Shawn said " We Can always give him something that would give him temporary blindness he wouldn't be able to see he is already messed up what with having that bad concussion , memory loss , he ain't gonna remember much when we get through with him ".

Them Michelle laughed and said " Do you think that will work i mean his Cousin could very well come here and get him without us knowing about it ", Then Shawn said " Honey nothing will go wrong trust me darlin' he'll pay for the pain he caused you and me he is suffering right now '.

Meanwhile Luke was having trouble waking up he said " Bo he...lp then he fell back to sleep he was getting weak but luckliy Bo is pulling into the Cabin he said " Hold On Luke I'm comin'", So then Bo started walking and Jess stayed in the car the bad dudes was out on the porch at the time so when Bo got to Luke he said " Oh Shoot Luke c'mon wake up , wake up cuz , wake up Luke , c'mon please Luke , but Luke don't stir he is still asleep so Bo unties Luke's hands he takes his gag out he gently lift's Luke into his arms he carries him out to the car then Shawn goes inside to check on Luke he says " He's Gone that boy must have gotton him ", so then he goes to get his Gun he sees Bo with Luke he says " STOP Or I'll SHOOT ", Bo keeps moving so then Shawn Shot his gun he thinks he hit Luke cause he is laying on the ground not moving but he didn't then Bo says " Luke wake up now , Wake up Luke , Luke , Then Luke opened his eyes he said " Bo is that you ", , What happend where am I ," Then Bo said " Luke don't you remember ?' Then Luke said " I don't remember anything who's the girl their "? ,


Jess was ready to get out of the General and go help Bo. She didn't know if the two baddies had seen her or not. She swung herself around and reached into the backseat and grabbed the set of Bow and Arrows that were resting behind Bo's seat and pulled them out and then sat up and slid out the open window of the General and crept up the steps of the old cabin, trying not to be heard.

Bo glared at the two baddies. "You're gonna pay for this." He said angrily, half wishing Jess would come in and not knowing that she was on her way at that very moment. Shawn grinned at the younger Duke boy as he pulled a bottle of pepper spray out of his pocket and aimed it at Luke. "Nooo." Bo yelled and charged forward.

The spray hit Bo in the face and he cried out going to his knees and covering his face with his hands. Shawn laughed and then as Luke started to wake up he sprayed him in the face too so he was temporarily blinded. Michelle was starteled when the door burst open and a pretty blond appeared holding a Bow and Arrow.

"Where'd you come from and who are you?" Shawn yelled. Jess grinned though she made no movement. "Well that ain't none of your business fella, but I'm telling you right now you went and messed with the wrong family." She said.


So After Jess scared Shawn and Michele back into the Cabin she went over to Bo who was crying out in pain , so was Luke who was pretty much in bad shape compared to Bo said " Luke i can't see you where is you Luke ", Luke was not much better off only he was still rather groggy he started crying out in pain " AHHHHH my eyes they burn i can't see Bo i can't see where the heck am i who is y'all i feel so Dizzy , Confused , my head is killing me and i feel so weak and sleepy please help me somebody ",

So then Jesse walked over to Bo and Luke she helped Bo up then she helped Luke help slowly as she was helping the boys to the general she started to think how in the world is these boys gonna make it being temporary blind so then Luke looked over at Jesse he said " Who are you and who's car is this ," then she looked over at Luke and said " Luke my name is Jessi i'm Bo's girlfriend your name is Luke Duke this is your and Bo's car called the General Lee then Luke said " Um I don't remember that car she looked over at Bo wishing he hadn't gotton hurt too cause now how is they gonna get these bad dudes for hurting Luke if Bo is out of the way too so after Luke got into the backseat he suddenly felt this headache come on he fell asleep again not realizing that it was from the drug them people gave him.

So When they reached the farm Uncle Jesse was standing outside hoping for good news he said " Well Jessi did you find Luke ? then she said " Yes Bo and me sure did but unfortunetly them bad people sprayed pepper spray in the boy's eyes they can't see at the moment and Luke is still in the same condition that he was in before only he is a little worse now due to them people hurting him worse with Chloroform .


Jess was close to tears as she got out of the car and dropped to the ground. Jesse went over to her and hugged her before going to the door and grabbing Luke, gently pulling him out of the car while Jess went around the car to help Bo as he was trying to get up and out of the car. She grabbed Bo's waist and braced him in case he lost his balance though he seemed to manage okay with her help.

Jesse watched as Jess wrapped Bo's arm around her shoulder's and walked with him slowly into the farmhouse. Jess was amazingly strong for her size and height. She was feisty and drove well. She'd beaten Luke and Cooter before and he knew that even though she'd never raced Bo she'd give him a run for his money too.

He walked in through the kitchen where Daisy stood at the sink filling up two glasses of water and handed one to Jess and followed her Uncle woth the other glass staright to the two boy's bedroom.

Jess gently tilted Bo's head back though he was trying to fight her and keep her from doing it. "Bo, please, let me help you?" She cried, her blue eyes filling with tears as she watched Bo. He finally stopped struggling and she managed to pour the glass of water in his eyes though he cried out sharply and pulled back, knocking the glass from her hand and causing it to shatter loudly once it hit the floor.

Jess cried out in surprise and jumped back a step. Bo slowly opened his eyes and watched as the kitchen slowly came into focus, along with Jess' frightened face and tear-filled blue eyes. "C'mere." He said, reaching out and pulling her down onto his lap, just as Daisy came back in the kitchen.

"How's Luke?"Bo asked. Daisy smiled. "Well, I flushed his eyes out and he's starting to see though things are fuzzy." She said.

Jesse Duke tried to keep his older nephew from getting up but he was having a hard time. "I don't wanna sleep Uncle Jesse." Luke mumbled. Jesse groaned. "Now see here Luke you can't be staying up long cause the doc says you have to rest.' He said.


That evening Jess and Bo sat at the table eating some late dinner when Uncle Jesse came out of the living room. "Bo I want you to sleep on the couch tonight and I'm gonna sleep in your bed in case Luke needs me." He said.

Bo looked over at Jess and nodded sliding back his chair. "I'm gonna go an get my pajama's." He said and headed down the hall to his and Luke's room, but a few seconds later he was back out and frantic. "Uncle Jesse, Luke's worse." He cried. Uncle Jesse jumped up and ran down the hall while Jess went to Bo and hugged him. "Call an ambulance." Jesse yelled, sending Bo, Jess and Daisy into action.


So Bo quickly picked up the phone he said " We need an Ambulance out at our farm it is an emergency please hurry " , So Meanwhile in the boys bedroom Uncle Jesse was trying to wake Luke up but having much luck also about that same time Bo came into the bedroom he said " I called the Ambulance Uncle Jesse they is on their way ", Then Bo said " How's Luke doing is he okay ?" Uncle Jesse turned to the doorway said " No he ain't Bo he stuck in a deep sleep he won't wake up ".

Meanwhile out in the Kitchen Daisy heard the Ambulance pull up she said " Uncle Jesse , Bo , The Ambulance is here ", So then Bo came out told the Ambulance attendents where his cousin was and that Luke is asleep he won't wake up then one the ambulance attendents said " Were gonna take care of that where is your cousin boy " , So Bo showed them to his and Luke's bedroom one of them picked up his radio and said " okay bring in the gurney ", So they brought in the gurney they slowly picked Luke up he moaned some layed him on it then they checked his blood pressure so that it was it good , then tried waking him up that didn't work one of them said " That boy is out cold he can't even hear a pin drop ", So then they took Luke out loaded him into the back of the ambulance made their way to the hospital ".

Bo Followed in the General Lee cause he was very worried about his cousin he hoped that it was not something serious he feels bad for Luke on accont of maybe if he had been their Luke wouldn't be in this mess O'l Luke sure is in a mess now so a couple minutes later they arrive at the Hospital they quick get O'l Luke out rush him into the hospital with Bo following behind but finds he can only go as far as the waiting room he is told to stay their.


Bo sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room waiting for Uncle Jesse, Daisy and Jess to get there. He was upset and worried about his cousin and also angry because them baddies hadn't been caught yet. He looked up when he heard boot heels clicking on the clean tile floor and a moment later Jess swept through the door, her long blond hair flowing behind her as she moved.

She walked over and sat down next to him, reaching over and taking his hand. "Any word?" She asked. Bo shook his head and sqeezed her hand just as Uncle Jesse and Daisy walked through the door. "No word." Jess said just as the doctor appeared from down the hall. Bo squeezed Jess' hand harder as they all got to their feet.

"How is he doc?" Uncle Jesse asked. The doctor looked from Uncle Jesse to Bo and Jess to Daisy and then back to Uncle Jesse again. "Well he's sick from the effects of the Chloform them people gave him to keep him knocked out after they grabbed him." He said.

"I would just like to know what them people have against Luke." Bo muttered angrily. Jesse turned and gave Bo a stern look and then turned back to the doctor. "How bad is he?" He asked. "Well I lsitened to his lungs and they aren't clear, there must be some of that there drug in his lungs." He said.

Bo gasped and then pulled away from Jess and turned walking down the hall. Jess looked at Uncle Jesse who nodded and then she ran after Bo.


Jess caught up to Bo outside where he stood next to the General Lee with his face buried in his hands and his shoulders shaking with muffled sobs. She slowed to a walk and stopped in front of him, reaching out and gently taking his hands, pulling them away from his face. Bo tried not to meet her concerned gaze, but her wide blue eyes staring into his made him want to turn and run, but all he did was pull her into his arms and hold her.

Jess wished she could somehow make it all go away for him, but she didn't have that power. She just held him and allowed him to cry on her shoulder as they stood next to the General.

That evening after the Duke's and Jess had left for the night, the doc was in Luke's room checking on him during his rounds when Luke started coughing in his sleep. "Nurse." He yelled, just as one of the nurses came through the door. "What's going on doc?" She asked. "It's gotta be the effects of the Chloform that is causing this, let's move em to the ICU and run some more tests." He said. The nurse nodded and hurried from the room to make the arrangements to move Luke.

Then he ordered some tests to be done. "Let's get an MRI done on his chest and a CAT Scan on his head to make sure that his head injury is healing okay." He said, and wondered how the Duke family was going to take the news when they showed up in the morning.

When Jesse, Bo, Jess and Daisy got to the hospital the following morning and heard the news, Bo was the most upset but he wanted to see Luke. "Doc, can I see Luke?"He asked. The doctor nodded and led Bo to Luke's room, leaving Jess and Daisy with Uncle Jesse in the waiting room.

When Bo stepped into the room and saw Luke he bit back a cry of alarm. Luke looked so pale and weak. He was hooked up to an oxygen machine and an IV was pumping fluids into his body. "Luke you gotta pull through this." He murmured.


So Early the Next morning when Jesse , Jess , Daisy , show up at the hospital the doc tells them the unfortunete news Uncle Jesse says " is he okay he ain't worse anymore is he ?", Then Doc says " Well he is doing better now but he is still rather sick we ran a few tests on him last night like a Cat Scan to test his head injury , An MRI for his Chest due to the fact that some of the Cholroform got into his lungs i had to put him on some Oxygen in order to breath cause his airways are blocked due to the chemical but i'm pumping him with fluids and meds for the bronchi cough that he has due to the infection in his lungs and he is still rather weak but he can go home in about 2 weeks . "

Then Jesse said " Well Can we see him doc ?" Then Dr. Jolly said " Sure y'all can but only for a little while due to the fact that he needs his rest ", so then Jesse , Daisy , and Jessica make their way to the ICU to see Luke Bo is holding his hand hoping he'll make it Uncle Jesse walks over he says

" Bo the doctor said he excepts Luke to make a full recovery ", Then Bo said " Uncle Jesse Luke is still pale , weak , he won't wake up and he :(:( hooked up to Oxygen the doctor said that he has a cough due to chloroform i don't want Luke to die Uncle Jesse ", Then Uncle Jesse says " I don't either boy but all we can do is wait and see if that infection that he has in his lungs get's any better the doc said that it could go away in about 2 weeks ".

Then Uncle Jesse and the rest of um left Luke's room so he could get some rest as he was sleeping the Oxygen mask was pumping air into Luke's airways making it easier for him to breath plus that medication that the doctor is giving him made luke cough to get rid of that chemical mess hopefully Luke will get better but only time will tell.

So Meanwhile over at that Cabin them bad guys was very mad that Luke was gone but they wasn't going to get away with it cause Bo and Jess was on the lookout suddenly they came to the Cabin where Luke was Bo said " Alright Mister you is gonna pay for the pain you caused my cousin he is suffering because of you NOW WHY DID YOU HURT HIM ? " Then Michele said " Because you Cousin Luke got us put in jail we was senteced for a long time we came back for revenage he is paying the price ", then Bo walked over ot the General got a Dynamite stick out he put it on his Bow and Arrow he blew their Cabin up he said " Now Y'all better get out of here before i call the sheriff and the FBI ", Then them bad dudes hit the road.

2 Weeks later Luke was alot better but unfortunetly he had a bad case of Broncitus he was on a prescripiton for Cough Medicene with Codine in it , Thinner for all the Gunk that is in his chest.

The End

  • 6 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

So one day Courtney plans to throw Jessica Mae Parker out of the relationship with Bo. She thinks about hitting her on the head with a garden shovel! "Look Jessie! Bo is the boy of *MY* dreams, it's unexeptable for you (a different girl than me) to have him!" Courtney says to her

  • 1 month later...

Courtney says to herself alone: "I want to be Bo Duke's Girl, I want to be Bo Duke's Girl, that's the most important thing to me! I will destroy Jessica Mae Parker for sure! I will! I will! I WILL!!" There's no right for any gal but me to have Bo Duke, he's the one who I dream of. any girl who's with him will soon be destroyed!

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
Even though Bo was exhausted from his hard work on the back 40 he was grinning from ear to ear and it wasn't just because he was driving the General but also because he'd run into his girlfriend Jessica in town and convinced her to go back to the farm with him.

He looked over at her, where she sat on the passenger side gazing out the window. Her long hair blew in the wind that came through the open window. She looked over and caught him looking at her and smiled. Bo found himself once again taken in by her beauty.

She was definitely pretty and knew it though she didn't let it go to her head. Suddenly sirens started wailing behind them and they turned to see Rosco's patrol car pull out behind them. "You better step on it Bo or the only dinner we're gonna be eating tonight is gonna be jail food." She said.

Bo nodded and pressed his foot down hard on the gas and tightened his hands on the steering wheel as the General shot forward, racing towards Hazzard Pond.

Rosco was muttering softly as he followed the retreating General Lee. "This time I'm gonna getcha, I'm a comin', I'm a comin'." He said, chuckling smugly. But he wasn't prepared to see The General turn around and come racing back towards him.

"Bo, what are you doing?" Jessica cried, staring at him, her blue eyes wide. Bo turned and grinned at her. "Just you watch Jess, he ain't gonna catch us." He said. Jessica rolled her eyes. She was used to Bo's daring stunts when he was driving and knew that when she drove in chases with Rosco she tended to be the same way.

Bo skidded to a halt and spun the wheel, turning the other direction. "Bye Rosco." He yelled, and turned heading back to Hazzard Pond. Jessica tensed for a moment and then relaxed when she felt the General hit the ramp and make a clean jump through the air and over the murky pond water.

"YEE-HAW!!" She heard Bo yell and couldn't help but laugh.

When they reached the Duke Farm Luke had just returned from the back 40 and Daisy had gotten home frpm the Boar's Nest and dragged Jessica off to her room for some girl talk. Bo watched the two girl's disappear down the hall and then turned to Luke. "You wanna shower first or should I?" He asked.

Luke grinned and gave him a gentle shove. "I'm going first, then I'm gonna go find out what them girl's are saying bout us." He said and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Along comes a girl named Courtney Benton and asks Jessica to come and talk to her. Courtney says to Jessica "Hey Jessie, you deserve to die and be dead for being in a relationship with Bo! He's the guy of MY dreams and I want him for myself! It's time for me to get back at you for being in a relationship with him!" So Courtney acts on her feeling of wanting to physically hurt Jessica!

  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
Jess caught up to Bo outside where he stood next to the General Lee with his face buried in his hands and his shoulders shaking with muffled sobs. She slowed to a walk and stopped in front of him, reaching out and gently taking his hands, pulling them away from his face. Bo tried not to meet her concerned gaze, but her wide blue eyes staring into his made him want to turn and run, but all he did was pull her into his arms and hold her.

Jess wished she could somehow make it all go away for him, but she didn't have that power. She just held him and allowed him to cry on her shoulder as they stood next to the General.

That evening after the Duke's and Jess had left for the night, the doc was in Luke's room checking on him during his rounds when Luke started coughing in his sleep. "Nurse." He yelled, just as one of the nurses came through the door. "What's going on doc?" She asked. "It's gotta be the effects of the Chloform that is causing this, let's move em to the ICU and run some more tests." He said. The nurse nodded and hurried from the room to make the arrangements to move Luke.

Then he ordered some tests to be done. "Let's get an MRI done on his chest and a CAT Scan on his head to make sure that his head injury is healing okay." He said, and wondered how the Duke family was going to take the news when they showed up in the morning.

When Jesse, Bo, Jess and Daisy got to the hospital the following morning and heard the news, Bo was the most upset but he wanted to see Luke. "Doc, can I see Luke?"He asked. The doctor nodded and led Bo to Luke's room, leaving Jess and Daisy with Uncle Jesse in the waiting room.

When Bo stepped into the room and saw Luke he bit back a cry of alarm. Luke looked so pale and weak. He was hooked up to an oxygen machine and an IV was pumping fluids into his body. "Luke you gotta pull through this." He murmured.

Courtney Benton comes by and punishes Jessica (Jessi) for having Bo that she cuts her and harms her badly!
  • 1 year later...

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