DaneyDuke Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 (Val gave me permission to post with her character) Val arrived at the Duke farm and frowned when she didn’t see the 72 dark green Plymouth Duster named Hunter. In fact the only vehicle around was the pick up truck. The Game Warden got back in her car and drove to the Boar’s Nest, a crowd had gathered. The General Lee, Hunter and Dixie were parked in front of the gas pumps. She waved to Min and Bo on the roof, and stepped up beside Luke, Daney and Daisy. “I’ll be right back,†Daney walked over to her vehicle. She was tense and needed an outlet before she yelled at someone. She got in and put the key in the ignition, turned it so the radio would come on. She was in her attire of blue jeans, brown cowboy boots and cotton t shirt.“I’ll Stand By You,†by The Pretenders played in the tape deck. She would always stand by MaryAnne and Brian. While she got strands of hair untangled from the silver necklace she had on, a tiny smile came to her face. She had so many memories of the cousins Coltrane. She turned the car off and went to join Min and Bo on the roof. Luke and Daisy followed her.She really didn't want to be that close, yet she did... if nothing more, out of respect for Brian and MaryAnne. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 Val watched nervously. She glanced up at the roof where the five Duke cousins were at. One blond, the rest brunette. The two males with blue eyes like MaryAnne. Daisy and Daney had hazel and Min had dark eyes like Brian. She climbed up the ladder that the boys had put up so people could get on the roof. Her mouth formed the word oh when she saw something laying on the roof next to Daney. It was about the size of two small hands and looked like it could fit in a shoulder holster. “No one is suppose to interfere!†The Game Warden yelled and dove for the shiny gray metal. She looked up puzzled by the soft chuckles and a chorus of shhhh. Her eyes were still wide when the Duke boys helped the young woman to her feet. “It’s just a pair of binoculars,†Daney paused and stood up. “I was going to watch from over there on the hill by myself.†Val’s mouth repeated oh. She smiled feeling each of the boys pat a beige covered shoulder. Her eyes looked sad at the sight below of the two cousins so close. The Game Warden cringed when MaryAnne shove Brian. She glanced to each of the boys who had a hold of her. “No interfering, remember?†Luke reminded. She shook her head. Bo sat down and smiled up at the older woman. “Come on, Cletus and Enos’ll be bringing the popcorn and drinks any minute now.†“Ow,†He exclaimed and looked up to the person who had whacked him on the top of his head. “Would you shut the hell up?†Daney looked down at him, Val who had taken a seat and Luke next to Daisy. Their interest turned to more words being said below, each of them straining to hear. Daney paced nervously. Quote
MinDuke Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 Min was watching the two cousins down below her, her arms still crossed. They were roughhousing and genuinley seemed hell bent on hurting one another. "This is getting worse."Luke nodded, his hands folded in front of him. "Yeah I know, but they've got to settle this.""Why? Why do they have to settle this?"The dark haired man shrugged his shoulders. "A Deputy and an ex bad guy, it was bound to happened. This kind of confrontation has been coming on for a long time now and they both couldnt ignore it any more."Min's gaze focused away from her cousin's face to the two wrestling people. "Can they come out of this and still be family?"Luke too faced forward. "They're both more alike then they realize, but in the end it'll be up to them. No one else can say for sure or make up their minds for them." Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 Daney watched with wide, teary eyes. She couldn't believe that something hadn't happened to stop this. It would be so easy to climb down and interfere... but that would not solve anything, just create another problem. She saw Val praying and her other cousins talking. She trembled and wiped the tears that been falling down her cheeks since the cousins had made contact with each other. She didn't care who knew she was crying.She couldn't take it any more. It was making her sick to see this... two cousins who loved each other so much and had already been through hell fight like two alley cats at midnight. She started to reach for the ladder when one of her cousins looked at her. While Val and the other three Dukes continued to watch, Daisy walked over to her younger cousin. "You can't interfere!" "I have too, I'd rather have them hate me than see anymore of this!" Daisy shook her head when Daney disappeared over the side of the building down the ladder. Quote
Riddick Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 *Some asked me why I hadnt gotten in on this whole quiz thing, I havent even taken the quiz. the reason why I hadnt gotten in on the fic part of this is because I wanst sure if I was welcomed as Hazzard Citizen, havent felt very welcomed.***Riddick had been in the back round of all the comotion, he knew what was going on. It simply wasnt his fight, he hardly knew Brain or Marryann so why interfere despite the fact the town had been asked not to interfere. But when Hilery was arrested that had taken it too far, sure she didnt need to interfere but if she felt such the need to then there must be a reason. Walking right on into the Chicksaw police department he found just the sheriff and a girl named Vicki, he knew Vicki because of Hilery."Im looking for Hilery Davenport." He said, Vicki and the sheriff staired at his Goggles like he was an alein or something."Shes here wanna see her?" Vicki asked kindly."Sure, thought I would give her some company." Riddick answered. He acted cool and strate as Enos Strate himself.Hilery was locke dup tight in a jail cell, so Vicki left him and her to converse through the bars figuring there was no harm in it."What are you doing here?" Hilery asked him in a happy voice, she was happy to see him but confused why he was even there."If you feel that you have such a need to stop the Coltranes then guess you should do so." He said oulling the sharp metal shive he carried form his pocket and jaming it hard into the lock on the jail cell. With a simple click and a grinding noise the cell door unlached and creeked open. In silent moments Riddick had helped Hilery threw the window, he just walked on outta the police department in a cool manner. By the time they would ifn dout that HIlery was gona it would be too late.Waiting behind the building Riddick met up with Hilery."How we gonna get back to Hazzard? Jumper was impounded." Hilery said following him a few parking lots over until they came to a 69" Barracuda. MIdnight blue with a silver metelic tint to it. Riddick pointed to the car."We'll take my car." He said and they both got into the car. The 427 engine growled and they flew to Hazzard and passed the line. The Boars Nest wasnt too far off and they made it there in inpeckable time.**SORRY VICKI HOPE YOU DONT MIND I NEEDED TO USE YOU.IF THERES A PROBLEM NOTIFY ME AND I WILL CHANGE IT*** Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 Riddick had gotten in touch with a friend of Hilery's named wiz just before the break. He had neglected to tell her her car would be out very soon. Wiz was a very intellegent young man about her own age, and could drive about as well too.He slinked around the wall of the impound yard, quiet as a mouse. Riddick had dropped him off before going to get Hilery, so he could leave Cincinatti back in Hazzard.Wiz looked at the guard who was standing at the entrance. Nope, he thought, couldn't go in that way, gotta go over. He took out a pair of wire cutters and quietly climbed up the top of the fence, seein's how the guard was busy listening to a Disk man so he wouldn't hear much unless he was loud. When he was at the top, he used a pair of wire cutters to clip the barbed wire, then jumped the rest of the way over.A few minuts later, he located Jumper and Hot wired her, a trick Cooter had shown him and Wiz promised not to use the techneque unless he had to. He was a young man of his honer.When teh car started, he threw her into drive, after honking the horn. The guard heard it over his music, which he wasn't even supposed to be listening to in the first place, and moved quickly towards the side gate and ran through it.Wiz revved the vehicles engine and got into an alighnment with the vehiclar gate. He quckly hit the gas hard, flooring it, and rammed teh car through the gate. The guard tried a persuit, but the quick and witty german boy had deflaited his tires, and cut the wires on teh CB, not to mention put sugar in teh gas tank of Vicki's patrol car too a few moments before hand before Riddick went into the police station.He arrived back in Hazzard a few minutes after Riddick and Hilery. The three of them slipped up onto hte boars nest roof unnoticed by anyone. A few minutes after getting up there, HIlery said "Hi," while she sat directly behind Min, Bo, Luke, and Val, startling them. She could see Daney getting ready to do something, but didn't know what. She wished Daneywould have waited for her to get there because she loved ruckus, but shook her head at hte htought. No one was expecting her to get out.Wiz wasnt' sure who he was rooting for, because of hwo evenly challenged the cousins were.(sorry, i couldn't leave Jumper in that impound yard, and I don't think Wiz woudl want to miss out on the fight either lol) Quote
Valerie Strate Posted January 6, 2003 Posted January 6, 2003 Enos and Cletus arrived late to the fight. They brought the popcorn and sodas for everyone watching this grizzly event. He climbed the ladder with sodas in hand to the roof where his sister was sitting hunched over with her elbows on her knees, hands clenched together as if she was prayinging, and her full attention was on what was going on below. Cletus was right behind him comming up with the bags of popcorn and his soda. Enos walked over to his little twin and sat down next to her. She didn't notice him till he took his arm and around her shoulders and his hand squeezed her shoulder gently. "Things will be ok..." his voice drifted and he glanced at the sence below and his stomach turned, "I brought ya something to drink. Chocolate milk, your favorite."Val then turned to him and began to cry on his shoulder. "SSssshhh, Val ya gotta be strong here, sugar." Enos said softly."I can't... I don't even wanna be here. I don't even wanna see this happen." she whimpered."I know... but they need ya. God has a reason for this Val and we dare not question it." he replied his blue-green eyes looked into her soft tear brimmed blue-grays. She knew he was right and nodded slightly as she sat up straight. "Ya gonna be ok?" Enos asked her."Yeah... I'll be ok, I guess." Val replied softly as she took the milk carton from him and sipped on the straw. He bit his lip and smiled softly at his sister and grasped her hand. The twins then watched the fight. As they looked at the scene below, Val couldn't help but feel for the Coltrane Cousins. Her mind also drifted to another person, a friend who would be pained even more about this that she was. She looked around to see how they were handleing this and if they needed someone. However she couldn't find her friend anywhere on the roof.Cletus was handing out popcorn after everyone got their drinks. He was just ready to sit down when he tripped. His huge tripple buttered jumbo bag of popcorn flew all over Hillery Davenport. "Oh! Golly I didn't mean to do that Hil. I'm sorry. Here let me help you." Cletus replied as he leaned down and as he did the top to his drink came off and spilled all over Hillery's shirt, "OH! Gosh! I'm so sorry." Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 7, 2003 Posted January 7, 2003 Daney lifted the binoculars to her face after her ears picked up noise from the direction of the woods. Her green brown eyes through the clear lenses observed a broad shouldered, average frame built long legged man in dark clothing. The metal in his slender fingers glistened when he turned sideways. The young woman hated to miss a moment of the duel. Maybe he was just someone looking for his family’s evening meal. She thought and turned her attention to MaryAnne and Brian. She was closer than any of the other spectators. The Deputy, former hitman now Syndicate Don and her had a list of enemies, an occupational hazard. Some of those shady types would do something sneaky. Her eyes glanced between the woods and the crowd from her cousins, the Strates and others on the roof to the folks on both sides of the one level gray brick tavern. It took her no more than thirty seconds to squeeze to the back of the crowd and over to Hunter. No one had interfered yet and no one would. She’d given Brian and MaryAnne a word of honor oath. And that meant as much as the ritual little kids do of being blood brothers or sisters. And it was the detective’s duty to investigate that fella. She leaned in the Plymouth's window and put the binoculars in the backpack that was placed on the front passenger side floor board. She stood up straight, a new tool of the trade in one hand. What worried the long haired brunette the most was that MaryAnne and Brian liked to finish what they started and this would be no exception. Suspicion and instinct told the private eye that the man in the woods was of the same kind. Daney could’ve have ran to Brian and MaryAnne to let them know about the fella but that wouldn’t be right. She could’ve gotten at least one if not all of her cousins or some of the folks in the crowd to walk with her. But she made the decision to go alone because she was not a damsel in distress. She glanced to the magnificent royal blue Firebird and sleek black Chevy, then to their owners still battling. The advantage had see sawed back and forth by the time she approached the edge of the woods. Quote
Valerie Strate Posted January 7, 2003 Posted January 7, 2003 After begging Daney not to go Daisy turned around in time to see the popcorn and soda bath. She giggled slightly and slipped back to her seat next to her cousins. Bo and Luke were now laughing at the sight of popcorn every where. Cletus was trying his best to help Hillery out but she didn't seem interested in his help. Bo then truned to Luke as they watched the fight, "Boy, MaryAnne sure does pack a punch.""Uh hun.... I sure don't wish to be in Brian's shoes." Luke replied. The Duke boys continued to watch the fight with the rest of the town folk. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 7, 2003 Posted January 7, 2003 The salt and peppered haired man’s attention went momentarily toward the folks on the rooftop, the rowdy crowd on the side of the building. How could they all want to see this? Some folks thought of him as just a simple country law officer who followed the county commissioner around like a puppy dog. Others thought of him as the mean old Sheriff who had lost his pension. A few still believed he was the best lawman in the state. His cheeks were streaked from seeing his younger cousins still at it. The advantage had flip flopped like a dying fish being reeled in from a creek on a fishing line. That’s where he wished he was right now, when MaryAnne was about ten years old and enjoying a quiet Saturday afternoon. Seemed so long ago… so much had happened since then and it was no good hashing over what could not be changed. He was glad to have added Brian to the family in spite of everything.The uniformed man was comforted to know that there were still people who would give it all they had to keep Hazzard a peaceful town… no matter the price they paid. But that it had to be one of his cousins, it gave him a quiver in his liver just like this battle was doing. A gentle breeze brought the scent of blooming wildflowers to his nose. His ears strained to hear the fighters that his blue eyes viewed, but he heard the forest wildlife scurrying about the woods like it was a normal day.The man spun around hearing leaves and twigs crunch; a string snapped, an arrow flew and the bow in his hands dropped to the dirt and moss covered earth. The bow was level, arrow dead center pointed at the back door of the Boar’s Nest that led to Boss Hogg’s office. Rosco knew the tavern’s structure like one of his patrol routes. He just couldn't take it any more and he knew they'd be sore at him. Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted January 7, 2003 Posted January 7, 2003 **This is a slightly long post. I may have to continue this on another post! Y'all should enjoy it though! I may use some of y'alls characters for a few lines. Bear with me on that one! Take Care!** ******About an hour earlier at the Chickasaw County Courthouse...Meanwhile, in Sheriff Little's office, Vicki was talking to her boss about what happened yesterday afternoon. Sheriff Little had to run an errand to Atlanta, so he wasn't around later Vicki finally did arrest Hilery Davenport."So are you going to let me take over Chickasaw anytime soon?" asked Vicki sweetly to her boss."Well, let's see..." said Big Ed Little, thinking. "Last week your fiery temper caused the Chickasaw County Jail to be overcrowded, thanks to you arresting every single car crossing the Chickasaw County Line from Hazzard County, which put quite a bit of money into our pockets and the County fund. And yesterday, you caught Hilery Davenport when she was coming back into the County after I caught her earlier vandalizing my car.""Is that good or bad?" asked Vicki yawning, as she was looking out the window."It's good enough for you to take the rest of the day off if you want to. You've been here all night keeping an watchful eye on Hilery Davenport.Vicki giggled. "That's fine. If I'm not too tired, I'm going to head into Hazzard County to go to a fight at the Boar's Nest.""Who is keeping an eye on that Davenport girl?" asked Sheriff Little. "I was keeping an eye on her, until a young man came in here and wanted to talk to her, so I left with the cell keys to go get me a can of soda(probably a Dr Pepper), and that's when I noticed you in your office." said Vicki yawning loudly then added, "Which reminds me, I need to get back I've been gone about 10 minutes longer than I should have.""I'm going with you, Redhead. You need to get home and get some rest. You've been up all night," said Sheriff Little as he followed Vicki down the hall.Just then, a loud CRASHcould be heard inside the jail area."What the heck was that?" asked Sheriff Little surprised."That sounded like glass breaking inside our jail cell!" said Vicki excitedly.The redhead then ran into the jail cells area. "Sheriff! Come quick! That girl has escaped!""Go after her, Redhead! Go after her!" yelled Sheriff Little watching from the front door as Vicki was running down the stairs with her small caliber pistol in her hand heading towards her patrol car.As she reached it, Vicki noticed that her gas tank lid was missing."Of all things..." said the redhead surprised then added, "They put sugar in my gas tank! But luckily for them I'm not that dum. Those kids don't know about my other car! I'll still catch them. I know where they live!"**POST CONTINUES ON NEXT POST** Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted January 7, 2003 Posted January 7, 2003 **Sorry for long post y'all! This one isn't quite as long. I may or may not borrow any of y'alls characters, if I do, it will be only 1 line or two. This may or may not be my final post in fic. It depends on what y'all write! Take Care!** *********About 35 minutes later, Vicki pulls the spare Chickasaw County patrol car up behind the Boar's Nest."What is going on here?" asked Sheriff Little."It's that fight I told you about earlier," said Vicki.Watching from the side of the Boar's Nest, the Chickasaw Sheriff looked surprised as he watched Maryanne fight Brian. "What kind of fight is this?""It's just 2 cousins fighting each other in a duel," said Vicki as she looked around in the parking lot then added as she noticed a Shelby Mustang, "Ah...just as I thought. We found our fugitives!""Good. Let's climb the ladder," said Sheriff Little as he climbed the ladder followed by Vicki."Okay," said Vicki, following the Sheriff up the ladder.Quitely, they climbed up the ladder."What are y'all doing here?" asked Bo surprised to see Vicki back in Hazzard."Just running an errand," said Vicki, smiling at Bo then added to Hilery, "It's a good thing that you didn't find my other patrol car. It was at the Boarding house down the street. I'm not as Dumb as y'all think I am. But I do get the job done!""Ain't that the truth! You do get it done one way or another!" said Bo as he turned back to watch the duel."Oh...no! I should have known that Vicki had another car stashed!" said Hilery surprised as the furious redhead grabbed her arm. "Let's get out of here!" said Riddick, grabbing Hil's hand."Oh no you don't!" said Sheriff Little, grabbing Riddick's arm. He then cuffed Riddick's left wrist to Wiz's right wrist.Vicki meanwhile had done the same to Hilery. She cuffed her wrist to Riddick's right wrist."Why don't y'all just settle down and watch the duel. Then we'll go back to Chickasaw," said Vicki giggling wildly as she sat down behind a cuffed Hilery, Riddick, and Wiz then added, "That way you can tell me why I had to arrest y'all for putting sugar in my gas tank, and for vandalizing Chickasaw County property. It is going to cost y'all a bunch of pretty pennies to bail y'all out. Enjoy the duel.""I don't believe it! What has gotten into her? She has never acted this way before. Especially around me!" thought Hilery as she watched the duel down below them. Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted January 7, 2003 Posted January 7, 2003 **Oops! Sorry! Post double posted. But I deleted it! Continue on!** Quote
Riddick Posted January 7, 2003 Posted January 7, 2003 (Hope ya dont mind Vicki, I didnt mean any harm in this. Just aint Riddick's style to be cuffed.Thanks Hilery for once again letting me use Wiz, hes a great Character and a fare match to Riddick despite the size and age difference.)Riddick felt the razor sharp metal shive in his pocket and glimsped through his goggles at the red headed deputy. She was stairing down at the fight, Riddick had no interest in the fight what so ever. He couldnt stand being hand cuffed to Wiz who he haited so much and Hilery who was so good looking it hurt him.With a quick motion that knocked Wiz off balance leaving him stunned, Hilery didnt know what was going on until it was already in progress. He had pulled the shive from his pocket not even getting up, the arm that Hilery was on went around Vicki's chest pinning her arms to her sides. The arm with stunned Wiz on it held the shive to the officers neck, Riddicks hands were steady and the swet of deep concentration ran down his muscular body in heavy droplets."Unlock me from them...or I slit your throat." Riddick said, his voice growling deep and dangerous.Vicki shook a little, the tone of the muscular stangers voice was truely chilling. Like that of a monster from hell its self. Vicki looked into Hilery's eyes asking thousands of questions, but neither women said a word. The Chicksaw officers hands shook in fear as she retrieved the key from her pocket. Without a word she unlocked both of Riddick's wrists, when she was done she set the keys down and raised her hands in meek surrender to him. Riddick lowered the shive, people around them had become alarmed but dared not move even as he jumped off the side of the building preparing to walk away. In an angry rush with a loose hand cuff still attached to one wrist angry Wiz ran behind the crowd on the roof of the Boars Nest and jumped down on Riddick. Both men went to the ground, Wiz used the cuffs to his advantage and brutally wacked Riddick in the head. The hits didnt phase Riddick although cutting into his skin he through the German off and regained his feet. The smart and similarly sized German man pulled a huge german boot knife, the large blade flickered in the sun, he figured the odds better considering the mans masive size advantage. Now a second fight had started, both fights having intentions of a grewsome battle and the odds weighing evenly.(YA'LL DIDNT THINK YOU WAS GONNA LEAVE ME OUTTA THE ACTION DID YA?) Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 Rosco shook his head, his eyes like wildfire seeing MaryAnne look toward her weapon... It was too much and he began to walk from the forest. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 Daney took a deep breath and ran after the Sheriff. He had every right to stop them but he couldn't.. they had to finish this. "Sheriff Rosco," She paused to see the arrow land exactly where it had been targeted. She stopped in her tracks seeing Brian grab his weapon. "Oh god no," She screamed and started trembling, the tears began as she glanced up to her own cousins, then back to the Coltranes.Her and Rosco were closer than anyone else except for the people on the roof. They had walked that far in the few seconds. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 Rosco bit his lip at the scene in front of him and figdeted with his shirt. He glanced to see the people on the roof and the rest of the damn crowd quiet... The Sheriff stopped where he was and stared at his younger cousins about twenty feet away. He turned for just a second to see Daney had managed to stop crying enough to come and stand behind him. He was shaking just as much as she was. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Daney heard not just her voice but Rosco's as well. He was heartbroken at the shot. So was she. They were both in shock. She reached up to her necklace a second and held it tight. She pulled the item that had been held at her side... and looked toward the rooftop and the crowd. Then back to the MaryAnne and Brian... before she crumpled to the ground in tears, like a ragdoll that had been thrown. This wasn't suppose to happen. She could Rosco cussing as his feet kicked angrily at the ground. Quote
Valerie Strate Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 Enos sat with his sister intensely watching the fight. His eyes widened when MaryAnne and Brian drew their guns. When he seen Brian point the gun at MaryAnne and she slammed Brian against the wall of the bar with his eyes intensely fixed on the pair he breathed, "Possumonagumbush."Valerie was frozen in her position. She held her breath. Enos glanced at his sister, "Valerie... Val..."He shook her lightly but she didn't move or speak just sat still like a statue in her brother's arms. Then a shot rang out suddenly and the twins jolted. Valerie's body tensed and she screamed and Enos grabbed her closely rocking her like a baby doll. His eyes too misted from the scene and he just held her tightly and she wept into his shoulder hysterically. Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 Hilery had just broken the fight up that had started between wiz and Riddick, telling them to settle it over a game fo checkers. Riddick had seen the anger in her eyes and yeilded, as did wiz. All three had whipped aorund at the sound of hte hsot. They ahd been on the other side of hte boars nest from daney and Rosco.when Hilery seen the coltrane drop to the ground, she bacame dizzy. The thoughts of what could become of the victem of the shot ran through her head over and over again. Wiz had began to yell something in German, not realizing he wasn't speaking in englsh untill Hilery called simmilar out. She yelled "Someone call an ambulance! They've duked it out, they've settled it, just don't let them die!" Hilery yelled. She wanted to rush over to the bullet impaled person, but Wiz nad Riddick held her back slightly. There was no tellin' if the person who had fired the shot would let anyone near their victem. The poor davenport wanted to break down and cry like many others, but she refused to give into those feelings. Some people need to keep up a good facade up for Rosco and the other friends of the Coltrane family. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 Rosco was speechless for a moment, then angry. MaryAnne was dead or dying and no one was moving to help to her. Not even Daney who was frozen in shock except for the tears. His foot brushed againist something. He reached down and picked it up. The feel of the small warm metal piece was no comfort. "Sheriff, please don't. Brian had no choice." Daney's voice was a mere whisper. The Sheriff didn't care... He looked toward his cousins, then glanced around with revenge in his heart and mind. Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 Hilery quickly looked around, and spotted Rosco pick up the object after she, wiz and riddick moved around to the otherside afterwalking around hte front of the building to get another view. Wiz, Hileyr and Riddick made eye contact breifly, a sudden agreement between them apparent. They moved midway up, to get a closer look. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 Rosco shook his head and threw the gun back to Daney, then ran toward MaryAnne and Brian. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 Daney's eyes got really wide hearing Brian and MaryAnne. She put a hand up to her mouth and bit on her lip, she didn't want to spoil it for anyone. Quote
MinDuke Posted January 9, 2003 Posted January 9, 2003 The Dukes were watching, all of them with wide eyes at the scenario just below them. They had watched them fight, and watched when the guns flashed in the sunlight. The shot had been a shock, and the family all watched in horror as MaryAnne fell to her knees and had all the appearance of someone about to meet their maker. Min gasped, her hand coming to her mouth as she watched Brian holding his dying cousin in his arms. She shook her head in disbelief that they were all about to see MaryAnne die. She glanced down at Daney and creased her brow when she saw the young woman cover her mouth. The way she did it was almost comical. This took Min by surprise and she creased her brow. Could it that things didnt look so grim after all?Min leaned forward, getting a better look at the two Coltranes. She saw Brian look shocked and a grin bloom on MaryAnne's face."Oh my God..."All the Dukes up on the roof all turned towards her."What?" Luke whispered, he too was upset about MaryAnne.The dark haired woman sighed. "She's okay."Bo's dark eyes widened briefly. "What?"Daisy was looking at MaryAnne and Brian and her eyes grew wide. She took in a deep breath. "She's smiling." She sighed in pure relief, shaking her head."Thank God." Min said as a smile broke out on her face. Quote
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