Brian Coltrane Posted January 4, 2003 Author Posted January 4, 2003 *winces as jacket is thown back, puts it on again. Reaches down for deputy hat. Picks it up, and looks at it with a little regret.*If you're sure about this duel, MaryAnne....then so am I. *whaps MaryAnne over the head with the hat, then shoves it into her arms.*Awright, we've agreed to a senseless duel. Now by 'high stakes', I'm trusting you meant needlepoint at twenty paces, or somethin' yer usual speed. Quote
MaryAnne Posted January 4, 2003 Posted January 4, 2003 *recovers from whapped with hat and having said hat being shoved into arms, fixes it and then slowly places it on head. Regards Brian with both sorrow and animosity before shoving him back* No, that's more your speed I believe. Seein' as we're shoving each other around here why not just good ol' fashioned hand to hand combat? A Dixie-fried brawl between you and me. Bad guy vs. cop. Just you and me. No help from the outside, no interference...but no holds barred. Just name the time and place.... Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 *gets up and moves between the entertainment* You know, a nice brawl would be nice to watch... but don't kill each other! We do need more entertainment than y'alls cousin crashing into Hazzard Pond ya know. Besides Rosco, y'all are the only other primary sorce of entertainment in this county when your cousin ain't caught anyone in that celebrity speed trap. Sides, you can only have so many brawls at the boars nest before you get caught and locked up ya know. Now I wanna see a good clean fight, NO DEATH!*whispers to brian* whoop her butt good, i got more 'money' ridding on you than her, just don't kill her. And if you win you get a few free oil changes, maybe two of them from the hazzard garage.*moves over to maryanne and whispers* Kick his butt, you win, you get a three free oil hcanges and a free tune up at the Hazzard Garage. Either way i get some 'money' from this whole fight Just don't kill him. Quote
MinDuke Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 *grabs a hold of Hilery and promptly wraps her in an ESCAPE PROOF straight jacket and hauls her away from MaryAnne and Brian* down in FRONT! This is between the two of them and dont need any outside interference or attempted BRIBERY *puts her in a closet somewhere and pad locks the door* Just stay in there and think about how ILLEGAL it is to have BET on both of them!*sits back down and has another handful of popcorn* ahhh PEACE And QUIET! *looks at MaryAnne and Brian* okay Guys you may PROCEED! Min Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 *screams at top of lungs* LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!LET ME OUT AND UNTIE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!*bangs self against door continueing to screem at the top of her lungs* lemme out!!! Quote
essyjane Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 *Crosses legs and whistles loudly to avoid people finding Hilery*Ain't I just a stinker???*Screams out fight over and over again to drown out her friend* Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 Daney just shakes her head at all the unneeded noise. This is about MaryAnne, Brian and a trip to hell... nothing more or less. She reaches a hand up to her silver necklace and thinks about helping Hilery... Quote
MinDuke Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 *unlocks the pad lock and opens the closet door* GEEZ! What a noise maker you are! *puts a thick strip of duct tape over her mouth* sorry Kid but everyone's been complaining about the noise! *slams door again and relocks it* AHHH much better! So sorry about the noise everyone! But I took care of that! Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted January 5, 2003 Author Posted January 5, 2003 *Watches commotion out of corner of eyes, but keeps concentration on the Deputy.""Awright...have it as you will, cousin. I agree to no outside interference, no help for either of us. No cheatin'." *crosses jacket-covered heart* "Just one thing I think needs to be clear. Exactly how far do you want this thing to go, MaryAnne? Were you serious about that ticket to hell, as ya so quaintly put it?" Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 *continues to bang on the door as loudly as possible, over and over again, a large thump is heard. Looks around in the dark for something to cut the straight jacket off if possible, seeing nothing continues to bang, then passes out from too much exertion at once and too many blows to the head from hitting it against the door* Quote
MaryAnne Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 Let's just say I can getcha a cheap fare for the trip. And I'm wiling to take this thing however far it has to go to finish it. By whatever means nesessary..... *places hand on hip...close to the holster that holds the snubnose .38* Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted January 5, 2003 Author Posted January 5, 2003 *takes a deep breath, realizing that there's no backing down...for either Coltrane. Looks away for a moment, wondering if pride and honor is really worth the price...**after a few heavy heartbeats, returns gaze to MaryAnne.* "I guess each of us have somethin' to prove, cousin. For once and for all. If you're bringing your gun, I'm sure as hell bringing mine. We'll find out which one of us gets a chance to draw."*stares at the Deputy, waits for reaction...* Quote
MaryAnne Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 *returns the gaze, unflinching* "That we will, cousin.....that we will...." Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted January 5, 2003 Author Posted January 5, 2003 *sees the cold determination in MaryAnne's blue eyes, and gives a slow nod.*"I never thought it would come to this...but then part of me ain't surprised. I suppose it was inevitable."*turns to the watching townfolk* "Y'all can watch, place bets, what have ya. Let Hilary out so she can get her money's worth. But none, and I mean NONE of ya, get to interfere. MaryAnne and I are gonna go into this thing with honor...and I'm gonna ask ya'll to respect it with honor. "*takes another breath, looks over shoulder at MaryAnne* "I'm gonna put my affairs in order...and I'd suggest you do the same. As far as the time and place....make it outside, behind the Boar's Nest, tomorrow."*waits for agreement, hoping against hope MaryAnne finds some way to reconsider....* Quote
DaneyDuke Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 Unbeknowst to Min, Daney had taken the key from her cousin. She walks over and unlocks the closet. She looks at Hilery with a smile. "You better heed Brian's word or else." She whispers to the young woman, then the private investigator's glance goes to MaryAnne and Brian. Quote
MaryAnne Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 *simply nods. There was no reconsidering this agreement* "Tomorrow. Behind the Boar's Nest."*looks to the townfolk* "And as Brian said, there will be no helping or interference. Y'all just watch, place bets and...munch on yer popcorn." *looks back to Brian* "I will see you tomorrow." Quote
MinDuke Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 *breaks a smelling salt tablet and waves it under Hilery's nose. She wakes up coughing* MaryAnne and Brian are the ones that want you out of this closet but I've got their blessing to tar and feather you, put you BACK in the closet, padlock it, chain it and ship you off to ANTARCTICA if you interfere at ALL in their duel... okay? So just stand back out of the way and let these two get down to business... Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 okay... i won't interfere... i don't think... *gets up and moves outside and sits on the hood of Jumper, head hurting severely from hittin it so many times. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted January 5, 2003 Author Posted January 5, 2003 *hearing no remorse in MaryAnne's voice, nods back curtly and walks away, already making a mental checklist of things that must be done before tomorrow. Glances over to sees Daney, Min and Hilary watching departure. Stops for a moment, standing in silence, considering each face. A dark-eyed glance sweeps over the gathering, conveying an expression to each of them...a combination of hope...and possible farewell.* Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 "MaryAnne, Brian, good luck to you both...may the best Coltrane win." *looks between the cousins, hoping against hope that they are both alive after this senseless duel.* Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 *While the duel was getting ready to take place, Vicki was on the CB with Sheriff Little.*"Sheriff, are you sure that I have to arrest Hilery Davenport?" asked Vicki in a surprised voice into her CB mike then added, "What did she do this time?"*"I caught her spray painting the side of my patrol car yellow and orange," said Sheriff Little angrily. He then added, "When I asked her about it, she tried to talk her way out of it."Vicki giggled. "What do you want me to do about it?""Just get here as soon as you can," barked Sheriff Little into the CB mike then added, "I have a warrant here for her arrest.""10-4, Sheriff. I'm on my way," said Vicki back into the CB mike as she was heading back towards Chickasaw. Quote
Valerie Strate Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 With arms crossed, her Game Warden hat tilled down, and shaking her head in disappointment, "Sad state of affairs... Sad sad state of affairs. I hope they know what their doing cause alot of folks are gonna be hurt after this is over. No matter who wins. By the way, I ain't watching. Just tell me the verdict." *leaves in maroon Chevelle* Then thinks about who will be hurting inside besides herself, "Lord please don't let them do this." Quote
LittleRedVicki Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 *Scoot, I'm borrowing your character for a minute. I hope that you don't mind. * ******About 45 minutes later, Vicki cuts Hilery off the road as Hilery crosses into Chickasaw County."Vicki! What are you doing here?" Hilery asked as she watched Vicki walk over to her car with a paper in her hand."Just patrolling the roads this way. What are you doing going in Chickasaw County? Are you on your way to the mall?" asked Vicki, brushing her auburn red hair away from her eyes."Nah, just taking a drive into town for parts for the garage. You pulled me over for a reason. What is it?" asked Hilery."Hilery, I don't want to do this to ya since we're friends, but I have a warrant for your arrest," said Vicki apologetically then added, "If you'll get out of the car, I need to take you into town so you can talk to Sheriff Little about what you did.""Oh, okay. I have no choice anyhow," said Hilery as she was getting out of her Shelby mustang... As Vicki was taking Hilery to the patrol car, Vicki looks back towards Hazzard, then thinking through her thoughts, "Good Luck, Maryanne. Good Luck, Brian. Don't do anything crazy tomorrow." Quote
Valerie Strate Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 (Note: I'm posting now cause I won't be able to until after 10pm est tonight. Thing called workie...)Val got up that morning and was going to head into the woods for work as usual. She got to the preserve and seen how quite and peaceful it was. It was an ironic twist to the fact that all chaos was going to go on behind the Boar's Nest and soon after that would be in her heart as well. She felt her throat tighten as she felt her eyes began to tear up. She had to visit a friend before this tragedy took place, the heck with work for now. She ran back to Cricket and hopped in. The maroon Chevelle headed to the Duke farmstead. (Cue Daney) Quote
MinDuke Posted January 5, 2003 Posted January 5, 2003 Min was sitting on the edge of the Boars Nest roof looking down at both MaryAnne and Brian facing each other. She crossed her arms over her chest, biting her thumb nail. There was a sound close by and she turned to see her brother plop down next to her."Hey Sis, got a good seat."She nodded, sighing. "Yeah, I feel so bad for both of them, having to face one another like this with the whole town watching."The blond man nodded, reaching between them to take his sister's hand. "It'd be like me and Luke facing each other down." His gaze lifted to the two people down on the ground. They were both kin and something about blood versus blood didnt sit well with him. "There has to be a way for them to do this without hurting one another."Min gave her brother's hand a squeeze. "I hope so Bo, not only for themselves but for Rosco's sake too."The pair of Duke siblings said nothing more, simply watching the situation unfold just below them. Quote
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