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I covered the things you mentioned just in a different way, Hilery. Besides I don't have time to waste words on you. I have more importnant matters to think about.

This MaryAnne and Brian shooting thing... it's been done before. Let's look back at some of the facts...

Rosco and Enos both arrested Brian but he got away and he's out walking the streets. What is wrong with that picture?

Seems to me if the Hazzard County Sheriff's Department, the Atlanta cops, the Syndicate and the FBI couldn't get the job done...

They need someone who can.


To Brian: When you shoot me first???You really think I'm gonna afford you that kinda opportunity?? Fergit it!

You know, Daney makes a point there....the Sheriff's department, the Atlanta cops, the Syndicate and the FBI all couldn't get the job done and they need someone who can. Someone who's intelligent. Resourceful. Cunning.

And has a perfect aim.

Maybe I might just volunteer for that lil' job.... :p


MaryAnne and Brian,

Please don't do this. Where is there a need to shoot anyone? Can't you two just have a nice talk and a cold one at the Boar's Nest or some place.

There's been enough violence... let's have peace.



MaryAnne, if you were crazy enough to volunteer for the task of my dispoal...you'd have no better luck than anybody else who's ever tried it. Why kid yerself?

There's a reason why I'm THE number one bad guy in these parts. Reformed or otherwise. Hell, the only reason I don't kick yer uniformed posterior more often, is because you're my cousin, and I have a certain amount of sympathy for ya.

Not that it'll save your rear end if you really get on my nerves, tho'.


Sympathy?? That's the ONLY thing stopping you?? Hmm, I may just have to get on your nerves a little bit more then...

*Walks up to Brian, pokes a finger into his shoulder* The only reason you're the self-proclaimed number one bad guy around here is because you haven't incurred the full extent of my wrath. Perhaps you'd like to become better acquainted with it??



*pokes a finger back into the blue-clad shoulder of MaryAnne*

Hey, I proved my worth a LONG time ago, Deputy. If you still think you're the law that can take me down....then you just bring it on, cousin.

Tho' really, shouldn't you be out writin' parkin' tickets?

KHEE! :p


Crickets and Crocs!

HOLD IT!!! Deputy! Brian! Have you lost your mind! Brian you can't shoot MaryAnne! What the heck are you two thinking! You can't do this... you can't possibly be serious!

*Game Warden steps up to Brian and MaryAnne*

Come on! We can settle this over a game of checkers, or an arm wrestling match, a game of tic tac toe! Please don't do this.... alot of innconece will suffer if you two destory each other.


Crickets and Crocs!

HOLD IT!!! Deputy! Brian! Have you lost your mind! Brian you can't shoot MaryAnne! What the heck are you two thinking! You can't do this... you can't possibly be serious!

*Game Warden steps up to Brian and MaryAnne*

Come on! We can settle this over a game of checkers, or an arm wrestling match, a game of tic tac toe! Please don't do this.... alot of innconece will suffer if you two destory each other.


Yeah MA, Bri, we need ya here. Who's gonna make our tests??? Who's gonna run this board ;)

Whose gonna help Hazzard?

I guess we'll find out

Same County time, Same County Channel (Or whenever either of them answers LOL)


Okay MaryAnne and Brian, if you two want to shoot it out by all means! Lets have fun! You two sell tickets because it'd be the DUEL of the century and I for one would get a big tub of popcorn and a large soda to get ringside seats! There hasnt been this much excitement around here since Sherman burned down Atlanta...

We could even place BETS!

Who would people put their hard earned dough down on?

The spunkies deputy in Hazzard Country....MaryAnne Coltrane!


The baddest reformed bad guy in Atlanta...Brian Coltrane!


I'm with you, Min!

I may be a Chickasaw County Deputy, but I still have ties to Hazzard! I still have family and friends that live here!

I'm not sure on who to put my bet on since they're both equal! But I hope that they don't decide to kill each other! :lol:

"I wonder what Rosco would say to what is going on? I know that he would be upset," thought the spitfire redhead as she was taking a wad of bills out of her purse.


Um, might sound stupid, but becuz we have been having wacked weather, its been warm out and all, and yet we still have snow on the way, I am thinking that something out of the ordinary will happen, like the bad guy wins or osmething... my bets with brian, but i'm still putting a little down on maryanne just to be safe. No offence maryanne, just the waether has me wondering, and thinkin' something out of the ordinary wil happen, its been happening each time it has snowed 'round here too.


Vicki giggling... "Brian, I know that you've helped me out of a few jams in the past, but if you don't mind I'm going to change my bet and put the bet on Maryanne instead of you because she's also a Deputy like me, and a woman should have a chance to fight for their rights. I hope that you don't mind." :lol:


**Tho' really, shouldn't you be out writin' parkin' tickets?**

Parkin' tickets?? *stares at Brian for a long, lonnnnng moment, blue eyes acquiring an icy look. Listens as everyone around her and Brian first try to stop them from dueling then decide to place bets on who would succeed. Takes a step back from Brian*

You insult me, sir. You've insulted me and my badge long enough. *removes deputy hat from head and drops it on the ground at Brian's feet* I'm gonna give you a ticket. Sraight to hell. I'm takin' you DOWN....

*cue ominous music....*


**** Turns on Friends In Low Places****

Blame it all on their roots LOL

Okay...is that a one way ticket????

I would like to see a wrestling match myself. Big Brian takes on Mystical Maryanne.

Whose gonna win that one?


*sidebar comments here..*

ROFL. I gotta admit that the suggestions for our duel have been hilarious. The wrestling match is funny (Mystical MaryAnne! =) but I think my favorite is Val's suggestion of Tic Tac Toe. Khee!

Perhaps a match of tidlywinks, Brian?? KHEE!! ROFL!!

And...in reply to Essy's choice of song. Yes. Blame it all on our roots!! :)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming... LOL


*Focuses dark eyes on MaryAnne, then looks down at the hat. Slowly takes off black leather jacket, folds it neatly over one arm...and then in a return gesture of throwing the gauntlet, tosses the jacket down at the Deputy's feet.*

Deputy, if you're gonna challenge me, then you're going to have to be willing to play for big stakes. I've suffered my share of insults from the Hazzard County Sheriff's Department. And from you.

*glares at MaryAnne* You started this. But I'll bet you ain't got the guts to FINISH it.

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