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Does anyone else think that they fact they are using like '80s Caprices as the Hazzard County sherriffs cars in the movie is totally gay? I mean when I was a kid growing up in the late 90s and first got into the Dukes, I'd fantasize about what the show would be like with modern cars esp like Crown Vic police cars.... Keep the General a 69 Charger, but for god's sake why they used Caprices is totally beyond me... If they wanted to be like the old show, get 76 Furys, or if they wanted to modernize the whole thing (which I think they did) why not use 99-present Crown Vics!!! Its completely insane to me... They have Daisy's jeep as a damned Rubicon (cheap product placement there) but they have to use junk Caprices.... Eventhough the Furys they used for the show were quite a bit older than the years in which they were used, they still looked like modern police cars that a normal department would use anywhere across America... Using 20 year old Caprices in a 2005 movie is rediculous! You could never use cars that old simply due to reliability issues and the fact that they are hard to find nowadays! Another thing that bugs the hell out of me is Boss Hogs limo, couldn't they have found the same model and year used in the original? That was a cool car then and it still is, so I'm glad they kept generally the same car, but it should have been exact if they were going for the nostalgic appeal... Honestly I think that the producers did a half assed job on this movie just to hit on a blockbuster for the summer... It's clear that no one on the crew ever watched the show and its apparent in thier disregard for the nuances. And look at the retards they chose for Bo and Luke, do they think we are going to take Stifler and idiot humour boy seriously!!!


I can only guess that they picked up a bunch of Caprices on the cheap at an auction or something. Given that most of them were doomed for the salvage yard after five minutes of filming, I can't see 'em spendin' a bundle here.

Just to throw this in, I don't dig the police uniforms, either. Pretty bland.



the crown vics are the GA state potrol(state troopers???)

They probobly wrecked a bunch of them too

the old cppreices are Hazzard county sheriff Cars

The uniforms look some-what like the uniforms in Super Troopers


Something just came to mind. Those old Caprices bear a striking resemblance to the die cast police cars made by Ertl. Maybe they wanted to sell merchandise without having to manufacture new toy police cars? Just a thought. I have no proof behind this.


If Boss was that cheap he wouldn't have boughten so many Furys in the original season! He would have just found new damn sheriffs that could drive better :p I'm just saying that Caprices are totally gay for this movie...


Not only do the Hazzard County Sheriff Dept. uniforms resemble the uniforms from Broken Lizard's "Super Troopers", but there is another tie-in to that movie as well. Enos, in the new movie, is wearing a mustache. If you watch "Super Troopers", you'll notice that all of the troopers have mustaches. It's pretty much an inside joke with Broken Lizard. However, they shouldn't have put a mustache on Enos.

I don't have that big of a problem with the Hazzard County Sheriff Dept. uniforms in the new film. The uniforms actually bring more of a "realistic" feel to the movie. Those tan/brown uniforms are actually identical to what the majority of the departments here in Georgia wear. If they had dressed the Hazzard County Sheriff Dept. in uniforms like the ones worn in the original series, they would have looked way too similar to the uniforms worn by the Georgia State Patrol officers. I'm really glad that they decided to bring the "Georgia State Patrol" into the new movie as well. In my opinion, this will also help in giving the movie a more "realistic" feel.



In the original the state police were never called because what they were doing in Hazzard County was all illegal... It will be interesting to see why they do team up in this movie...

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