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Ok i have read that Scott's Bo seems stupped but there where times the John's Bo was'nt the brights lights in all of Hazzard

Also in the movie they seem to be women crazy but they where like that in the show to. Luke love story he what to be with her but yet he did'nt what to stop seeing other women :evil: :x and in other show the guys ether where runing after girls or very happy about spending all night out with a girl.

From the first ep they uesd bad words.

They where alwasy blowing or runing people off the road yet in the movie when they don't people cry about it.

Ok in the movie they have a bar fight and i have read Bo and Luke never do that ye right very time they went to the Boar's nest something happend and they did'nt always win

and morel's runing moonshine, chasing after girls, bad words,

OK I did'nt do this to make the show look bad i just what to show that the movie and the tv show is some what a like what do you thank i hope i didn't make anyone mad if i did im sorry


Don't forget the times that Daisy jumped into a bikini to distract a cop or bad guy in the original. She was a tease! From what I saw in the trailer, the new daisy is pulling the same tricks.

The original Daisy was also really tough, we saw that too in the trailer when Simpson knocked the dude in the floor at the nest.

The "where do i get an application" is very in character for Luke. Go back and watch the original and see how many times he has a clever one liner around a girl.

I think what we'll have to get used to is modern filing techniques and dialogue.


Don't forget how many times they got in fights over this and that. The Duke boys from the t.v. show weren't perfect as some people hear would like to believe.

They were acquaintences with the local madam: Daisy's Song

The did make moonshine: High Octane

Started a fight cause they got run off the road: Double Sting

Stole patrol cars on several occasions

Agreed to run shine again: Swamp Molly

And all this is just off the top of my head.


I don't think that anyone on the board feels that the Duke boys were "perfect", I think that the main concern over the movie version is that the core of family values that was central to the original Dukes will be lost - which is a valid concern given the director/cast of the movie.

Yes, there were scenes in the original where Daisy put on a bikini to distract someone, but there was also a scene in "Daisy's Song" where Daisy get's mad at Bo and Luke because they don't ask her if her virtue is intact (which it was).

Yes, Bo and Luke had scenes where they had shirts off - with rare exception it was when they were doing hard work on the farm, which is totally believable - many farmers take their shirts off when mending fences, chopping wood, etc. The only time the boys were without shirts elsewhere was when they had their clothes stolen.

Yes, they made moonshine, though never for their own profit. Moonshine was something that the Duke family was proud of. They only gave it up to keep Bo and Luke out of prison. They only made it in the series when circumstances were beyond their control.

Yes, they started fights, but usually only when they were wronged. Once in a while when they needed a distraction. More often than not they tried to avoid starting them, like in "And In This Corner Luke Duke".

Yes, they stole patrol cars - but this was more like "borrowing" as they only did it so they could clear their name. And the patrol cars were always returned to the sheriff's department by the end of the episode.

And even with all of this, yes, I consider Dukes a family show. In most of the episodes there was a lesson about family, community, helping somoene in need or doing what's right. How many times did the Dukes get reward money and turn around and give it to either the guest who was in trouble or charity? Being farmers, they could have used that money themselves, but they only kept it in a few instance (usually to repair The General).

How many times did Jesse make a comment about helping someone, or not hating someone because they were family? (Even the family members only seen once or twice).

There were even episodes where Boss is seen as not so bad - many times he ends up working with the Dukes for a common good - even if he does end up having Rosco ticket the boys for speeding during the chase.


Dukes is a family show because you can watch it with your kids and not worry that someone is going to get killed, or that there will be a lot of swearing. The occasional "jacka$$" or "damn" heard on the Dukes is mild by today's standards.

I know that this is long - but I have been hearing a lot about how the original Dukes is not a family show - which is totally wrong, in my opinion.



If we had only ever saw "One Arm Bandits" we'd probably not call the show a family show. We've had all those seasons with the show knowing the values of the Duke Family. It's really difficult to pull off that same feel a 2 hour movie while keeping the impact. It doesn't help that a good majoritiy of the culture is going braindead.


Again, I disagree.

Yes, "One Armed Bandit's" is grittier, so are the first five episodes. Yes, in this episode there is Daisy in a bikini, Bo commenting to Luke that a couple of the kids in the orphanage could be his (I've always taken this as a joke), and of course Cooter stealin' Rosco's car. .

But in "One Armed Bandit's" Jesse comments that gambling is a vice and that he is not taking part in a vice. Jesse tells the boys to get Daisy out of jail because she is family (she was falsely arrested). Bo and Luke end up putting the "bandits" in the fraternal organizations and charitable orginations in town. They split the profits between the charitable organization and the orphanage - they do not make any profit on the machines.

Overall, the family values which will make up the core of the Dukes "philosophy" for the rest of the run of the show do start in this first episode.



So far we've only seen the trailer. It's possible those things might be there in part. Trailers are just eye candy. Granted the director doesn't seem family oriented, I doubt Warner Bros will let it go too far. The rumors that we've heard about Jesse smoking weed and such for example will probably be cut.

I'm sure we'll see protection for daisy. Since their saving the farm there will probably be a Duke family moment. Who knows.


I've never said that the Dukes wasn't a family show. But you can still have a family show and have some adult content. Look at the Shrek movies. My nieces and nephews loved them but they were filled with adult humor. As long as a movie doesn't have graphic or gratuitious sex and violence then I think it's ok for children to see. Johhny Knoxville getting thrown into a wall and Jessica Simpson in a bikini are neither. There maybe some inuendo in the movie but the show had plenty of that as well. I watched the show from when I was 4 until about 10 or 11 and I never picked up on some of the stuff until TNT put it back on the air and I was like 16 or 17. Not to mention there is nothing in the trailer that would make me believe that the Dukes aren't a strong family. Obviously Daisy is trying to help out the boys in both the scenes they show of her and they only really show one scene of Jesse when he's talking to Lynda Carter. BTW Jesse was a ladies man in the show too if you'll remember. This movie seems to be sticking to the show fairly well considering today's world, even if it is more loyal to the first 3 seasons or so which are my favorites anyways.

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