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Past Lives aka Dukeville, is a first of its kind in crossovers that I am aware of. Actually about 99.999999% certain. What if Jonathan Kent WAS Bo Duke? As we all know John Schneider, great actor, played Bo Duke in his late teens, early Twenties, and now is currently playing Jonathan Kent on Smallville. Well what if the 2 characters were one in the same?

Why, and where did this idea come from? Well for the last 2 weeks, I've been watching Dukes of Hazzard, and I couldnt resist the urge to write this fic.

I just posted chapter 3.


I hope you guys will read it, like it, leave some feedback lol.

It is in the Crossover section. To leave feedback hit the contact bttn, and then go to guestbook.





From what I've seen of your story -- just got to skim it as I have to leave soon it looks really good.

However, this is not the first time this idea has came up. I ran into the same idea though what looks like a very different story a few months back. If you or anyone else likes both shows and are interested it is at this link:


It is called "Just a Good Old Boy" by Teri




Ah thx. I had no idea one exsisted like mine. I think I'll email the author to invite her to read mine.

I'm glad you like mine. Havent had any feedback from anyone. I am posting a chapter in a few minutes. And if you liked the first 3, you should really like chapter 4.


Thx, I write better when I am pissed, and my day has not gone well, so I will be writing tonight.

Thx for reading glad you liked it, dont forgoet to leave come feedback in the guestbook located in the Contact area


Ok added Chapter 5!! Lots of feedback on this paticular chapter would be much appreciated. I wasnt sure about going this route in the story, so I am anxious to see what you guys think.


Well that is what Luke and Daisy showed up in. Maybe you should read that chapter over....hmm wait... ok go ahead and read that chapter over... I'm making a bit of a change there.


Thx for the link, but I dont like to read other stories similar to any current fic I am working on. Dont want to accidently use someone elses ideas and such.

So I'll just bookmark it for later.

Glad you liked chapter 6. I plan to work on Chapter 7 tonight. If I get it done I'll prolly post it in the early morning tomorrow.


Hmm, I did not get any emails from you. Did you email it to the right addy?

PM me here and tell me if you like.

And I have not posted a new chapter yet, Ive been sick since Friday night. Havent slept much today either yet. Gonna get some sleep in a sec. I went to bed at 6am, got up at 8am. Gonna go back to sleep, hopefully tonight I'll feel better to write another chapter.

I have already chosen who will be the new Duke boys heh. Hope you all like my choices. I had others in mind, however it comes down to pictures. I needed actors that had many pictures available.

Ok, now off to try and sleep some. Again Jessi Duke, please PM here and send me your idea if you like. I did not recieve any emails from you.

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