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Change of clothes

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Speaking of that subject. Does anybody else notice that only Daisy Duke has the biggest wardrobe variety? Along with Uncle Jesse, Cooter, and Boss Hogg, Bo and Luke wear the same dang clothes in every episode?!

With the exception of a few recurring extras like Bo's T shirt and Luke's denim jacket, the Duke boys code is simple.

Bo wears yellow shirts, light or beige. Luke wears plain or plaid shirts as long as they're blue in color. And of course, always wear blue jeans.


I mean come on, even Starsky and Hutch had a little more variety in their line of clothing.

Another absurd example, In Ghost of General Lee, Bo and Luke have exact replicas of the clothes they lost when they return to the farm. It's like Luke has blue shirts and Bo has yellow shirts and blue T shirts all stocked up. No other colors. Is that weird or what?!


Will Rodgers

The Voice Man

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Are you talking about Bo's brown coat or the green shrit? I never got why they always wear the same thing. But when they did play dress it was great. Oh one other thing about Bo, (this may just be me) but when his yellow shrit was untucked I think it made him look hotter. It gave him that care free look. I just love that.

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I think the reason that they kept them in pretty much the same clothes is that being farmers they don't have a lot of extra money for clothes (Daisy had an outside job so she could afford it). Also, a lot of people have a color scheme that they tend to stick with because it works for them.


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I have a variety of clothes but mostly Black outfits, Red Blouses various shades and alot of Pink thrown to the mix. And I have a long sleeve faded blouse and a bright yellow short sleeve , and a bright yellow hoodie and a bright yellow t-shirt that I usually put under my faded yellow blouse. And about four or five different black jackets, and tuesday I thought I was falling in a rut so I bought a majestic pink trenchcoat varitey in a denin fabric it is really cute. Oh, I forget a light orange long sleave blouse and a bright orange hoodie that I picked up for seven dollars . One time I was going on vacation and realized that I had enough red tops and blouses that I could've packed why entire vacation clothes in red but I didn't.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still a relatively new Dukes fan... I've been watching religiously on CMT. And have all three seasons... including the third that came out today that I went to the 24 hr. Wal-Mart to go get at 2am this morning. I really like Bo's blue shirt and I noticed they did away with it a bit during the third season and then brought it back towards the end but now in the last few episodes it's gone again and he's just wearing the yellow shirt buttoned up about half way... which don't get me wrong I love looking at John's fabulous chest but I live for scenes where he's just wearing that wonderfully fitting blue shirt. Can someone tell me if it'll be coming back anytime soon?

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