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  1. i cannot speak for everyone so ill say why it pisses me off the cast is a) jackass.................luke wasnt an ass b)american pie..........bo wasnt a retard c)a dumb blonde ......daisy was smart!!.....nor was she slutty d) willie nelson...........thats the right guy e)burt reynolds..........boss was FAT f)the general.............is not some fast and the furious tuner that powerslides and drifts on asphalt.........its a dirt racer and out of curiosity....when did bo and luke ever blow themselfs up with dynomite arrows(watch the trailer closely) that being said.... the movie alone would be good, but they are taking a show that people love and changing it.....if they took your spouses head off and replaced it with a fish head, would you still like them the same.....i think not!!!!!!!
  2. WELL......its been a while since i wrote here, but after watching the trailer i had to comment. Im torn between love and hate... its gonna be a great movie as far as movies go, but its DUKES BLASPHEMY, its the wrong cast of dukes(minus uncle jesse of course). feels like jackass meets american pie.....that and i have a hatred for jonny knoxville...my rant is done i guess
  3. well i was at A Day in the Country music festival we have here, he was one of the headliners along with lone star. they let about 100 people go back to see him (after the two whole songs he sang). then we stood in linefor 30mins and then with his late entrance he was grumbling and complaining cause he had to see the fans and sign autographs. then before he met everyone he bailed out... that is a dick
  4. he wore those "hey look at my junk" jeans so he might just fit..hehe
  5. im a neck and proud of it!!
  6. i met michael peterson (country singer) he was a total dick
  7. http://www.codeoneauto.com/frames/images/genlee2000.jpg im diehard but i love it
  8. this is my first post here and i'd like to say hello to everone......hi im popo..and i ...have a duke addiction...heheh in respect to the retard who spent $40g to demolish an icon, he need be hanged by his genitalia and have tabacco juice spat on by irate redneck persons such as myself. i would have given him a kidney or lung or other vital organ to have that car
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