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Posts posted by DukesFan24

  1. Last Friday he was moving rugs for my grandma, which he wasn't supposed to and he just sat down on the floor, and hurt his butt. So Sunday night, he kept saying that he wanted to go to the ER, so luckily when my grandma called the hospital his doctor was there and said to take him Mon. afternoon. The next morning my grandma got him up and they ate breakfast, everything was fine. Then he told her that he was hot, which he was always cold. She got him a new shirt and helped him dress. then she was reading the newspaper and talking to him and he didn't say anything, she looked and he was gone. He had a heart attack.

    I feel like May 16th, has always a bad luck for my family. May 16th 1993, my parents split up. May 16th 2001, my brother breaks his leg. May 16th 2005, my grandfather died.

    My dad lives with them and when I went over Monday afternoon, my dad was standing outside talking to my cousins and he started to cry. When I seen him, i lost it. After a few minutes I got myself under control and i walked with him inside the house, which you basically walk into the kitchen. I saw my grandmother sitting at my grandfather's place at the table, and i lost it then too. My aunt, who i am very close too, took me into my dad's room to get me calmed down. I did get calmed down and i was fine. I wanted to shouted at my other aunt to get out of his chair. (He wouldn't let anyone sit in his chair, unless you were really sick.) BUt i didn't do anything.

    Tuesday, the family was supposed to go to the funeral home to see his body for the first time, but they were going after lunch. (Keep in mind, this is the closest death, i have experiersed and i have never walked up to a coffin inches before or never touched them. I am the youngest grandchild) My mom decided to take me there just so i can used to them and i knew that i would be okay, but she took me anyway. I walked in there and i looked and i wanted to leave within one minute. I didn't cry or nothing.

    I stood in line that night at the viewing right inbetween my cousin Danny (who everyone thought I was married too) and my brother. I was fine, but when people hugged me and said "I'm sorry", I got teary eyed. When we got ready to leave, all the grandchild went up and said Goodbye to him. But i didn't. I dont know why, but i was biting the inside of my cheek to keep from bawling like a baby.

    When my family and i got to the church the next day for the funeral, they opened the coffin again. One last time. And i grabbed my mother's hand and walked up there. My cousin was touching his hands and saying Goodbye, and i lost it. I couldn't move. I was about maybe 2 feet away from the coffin and I told her "I cant go any futher" She walked with me over to the chairs, and my dad held me in his arms and I cried. My cousin Danny rubbed my back, and for the first time in 24 years, I realized he does care about me.

    My mom took me away and into the place where we were going to eat lunch after the funeral. I got myself together and I was fine. My dad came and got us and told us that my family was in one of the classrooms.

    While we were waiting, i went to the bathroom. When i came out, my cousin Danny was right waiting and I had my mom and my other cousin Kim say "Stop" I stoped and the next thing I know was my cousin Kim pulling at my skirt. My skirt was tucked in my underwear, so that was a good laugh, luckily my cousin Danny didn't see anything.

    I held my mom's during the entire funeral service. I was fine. I was thinking good thoughts (Kasey Kahne winning his first race) The choir sung 'How Great thou Are' and i was fine. The preacher said the one thing that made me start crying. He said "65 years ago, Parks (my grandfather) said to Dot (my grandmother) 'I'll love ya until the day i die' and I lost it. Then the choir sung 'Amazing Grace' and the prayer. I was fine.

    When they carried the coffin out (which was all the grandsons) I lost it then. As we were walking out, I saw my grandmother and aunt (on my mom's side who i am extremely close too) My mother pushed me toward them and i bawled like a baby. My grandmother and aunt held me in there arms, and let me cry. I needed it. I didn;t want to go to the burial and i didn't.

    My grandfather and i were never that close and i only saw him once a year. Now i regret it. I wish i spent more time with him. I know i have had 24 great years, but i wished i had more.

    My grandfather was an avid Atlanta Braves fan and last night I watched the game for the first time. I cried all the way through it.

    I'm taking this alot harder than i thought i would. So please pray for me.

    Sorry it was so long, but I thought i would share it.


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