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Posts posted by Julieduke

  1. "Keep it." Rosco says. "Hey Lizzy ever thought about working for the force."

    "No I have too much fun out running you. Rico is fine Cassidy." Lizzy says.

    Cassidy Says "That's good because those guys told me that they shot all the horse they found and I was very upset as well. I think I'm a very concerned horse breeder right now by with Rico and Trigger there foals are cute and very stubborn as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  2. Enos said "sorry" and took the guys to his squad car

    Daisy hands over her badge and gun to her dad "here dad...after today..i dont deserve these"

    Salena looks at her Aunt Daisy Says "Don't give up you was corner just like I was now that's all don't give up on your dream and Mom I have this letter in my pocket now can you take a look a minute and let me know how it sounds to you as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  3. "Sure." Lizzy says then turns to the cops. "A little late on the back guys."

    Cassidy runs to her father and Says "Oh Daddy I gave Josh a black eye at Aunt Daisy's and then he hit me but I hit him, I finally fought back againist thos damm Malones and how's Rico, Trigger, Lounge Lizard and Little Trigger doing right now you seem very upset something is wrong right now."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  4. Lizzy sneaks up behind Josh throwing him to the floor and then tying him up after she had tied up Jake. Before they knew it the federal officials were there and taking the Malone's away. Lizzy grinned at her best friend then spotted her daughter. "This is why you never send a man to do a woman's job. Salena are you alright?" Lizzy asks.

    Salena Says "Yes Aunt Lizzy there's a letter I want to you to proof read it's written to Angel and Ashley I has about the past five years and it's the only way I can tell them as well. I was like a scared rabbie there I didn't even know what to do can you have Dad teach me how to throw a bunch because Cassidy told me that her father taught her now."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  5. Bo and Luke took Enos into the living room and sat him down to talk to him

    Julie had gotten a letter explaining from Lizzy what had happened to her and she was crying and Says "Oh My, I hope those guys don't come here they sound tough."

    Brian comes up and Says "Drill Sargeant Duke, are you a scared little rabbit just face whatever is going on with your like and go to Captain Smith and tell him everything going as well and see what he says as well. And also explaing everything to him as well and tell him your side of the story as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  6. Daisy came in "guys dont ya'll start nothin again! please go and leave my family alone"

    The Guys show Daisy some offical paperwork and her morning smile was gone right now as well and Uncle Jesse came out and Says "What's wrong right now?"

    John Says "We don't appreciate door being slammed in our faces when we come peacefully now as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  7. Daisy sighed "thanks Bo"

    Bo Says "Your welcome Daisy."

    The Next Day the guys were back and Stan looks and Says "we gave everybody a day to come and see us and nobody showed up but we got something about Vance and Bo interfering and you ain't going to like it as well." Bo and Vance both looked and knew there little acts got them in trouble right now as well.

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  8. Daisy said "what am i gonna do about my jeep...i just want things to be okay Bo...i dont want Lizzy to hate me!"

    Bo Says "Daisy calling about your Jeep was the first thing we did this morning after you left as well and Cooter is getting them and he's bringing them out her since we can't exactly tow it on four rims right now as well."

    Back In Federal Marshall Office, The Guys are talking and Stan Says "I think me might have to get something offical for the brother he ain't willingly going to come to this office now John."

    John Says "Yeah that might be a problem he thinks he has nothing to do with this case right now as well but he heard his sister say what she said right now as well and were just investiagating before we got to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and make sure we have a case and don't make a ass out of ourselves as well now Stan and listen I was thinking how can we pick him up as well. But that Vance Duke he slammed the door in our face wouldn't that interfering with a investigation as well right now go get something for that one now as well he won't willingly come as well he's pretty stubborn you heard him talking to us or rather talking about us now as well."

    Stan looks and finds both guys have records and signals John over and Says "Take a look at this as well very intersecting almost everybody in the Duke family does as well this one tough family to talk to now I typed in everybody's name including Julie and her is mild just tickets and well little stuff as well." A Little while later they had what they needed they were trying to find out if she was really innocent right now and her family couldn't see this right now as well.

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenostrait or Elly Mae Duke

  9. Daisy smiled "dont tick me off and i wont threatin you..i was hyped on hormones to day too"

    Bo Says "Well I ain't going to there office willingly and they can't make me either Daisy and I of course we love you as well. But well I had nothing to do with what happened in Oklahoma now why should I go and talk to them as well Bo. And don't like those two guys as well there to pushy about it as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  10. Daisy said "they took me to that office so i would coorperate with them"

    Bo Says "Daisy is was only fair you wasn't very cooperative here I think you've been taking lessons now last night you ran in your room. Evasive to anything they asked and told them to get out as well and practically threaten them with the fryin pan as well geez that was pretty good today and yesterday now as well. And Vance slamming the door in their faces as well I pretty surprized nothing came of that right now as well I only raised my voice with now Daisy. Daisy I still want my letters and Julie's picture back it's like she with me wherever I go right now as well that all right now it's my coping with her being missing that's all right now nothing more nothing less if that was you I would do the samething as well now. Daisy I just don't care they can hand them their card all they want I ain't going now and I don't care what they think I don't see no reason decent reason for me to willing talk to them right now as well and I don't care what they think as well. I don't have to do and they can't force to me as well it's working with me I don't like thme as well there do bossy about it as well and well Julie is innocent they should just forget about it right she's happy in Missouri right now."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  11. Daisy said "no of course not..im still just scared that shes gonna hate me for taking her to see Chad and landing her in a coma"

    Bo Says "Don't worry about but really why did they take you with them the way they did I can understand why you ran away from them the first time very clearly now as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

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