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Everything posted by Julieduke

  1. Ashley Says "I miss the twins and Matt right now." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  2. Julie Says "I wish I can go home but the docter said I'm not ready and he doesn't want me coming back home just to land here again Daisy." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  3. Angel was crying and nothing could stop the tears right now as well, they had her cornered she was never going to see her kids ever again right now she might as well accept the fate right now. Mr. Dasani walked in Angel's room and Says "We have Molly but she won't stop screaming for Luke and Lizzy right now her parents as she says now." Angel Says "Right now you have seven great-grandkids with tears in their eyes I hope your happy right now Jerk." Mr. Dasani Says "I don't care Angelena!" Angel Says "Call me Angel Damm It." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  4. Angel couldn't roll to her left because of the cuff and she realizes they have Molly her baby sister. She Says "Oh no this is just keeps getting worst, damm my wrist hurts they won't take this damm cuff off of my wrist allreadry now." The guys shoved Molly in a room and locked the door and let her scream in there as well. Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  5. Julie calls Daisy and tells her that they kidnapped Angel from Beverly Hills in front of her son and that he had just called her and told her as well. Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  6. One of the Guys Says "SHUT UP BRAT THIS AIN'T CHANGING AND YOUR NOT SEEING YOUR PARENTS EVER AGAIN." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  7. Lizzy was asleep and she had woken and she gets worried about her little but those guy followed them there.

  8. okay what is the whole thing about Molly disappering a dream of Lizzy then.

  9. The guy had watched the little girl like a hawk and had the childlock so she couldn't get out either door and she was trying as well they shouldn't used the seatbelt with her right now as well. The driver Says "We lost that Orange car, and now on to Atlanta with the last grandchild right now." After a while they had got there and carried in a very unhappy Molly in the house as well. Angel was asleep and she wanted to go back home to Beverly Hills and her family this was not where she wanted to be at right now as well. Jimmy watched as Lizzy woke up and got Daisy's attention about something as well. Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  10. Angel is upset and misses her husband and kids right now.

  11. Mr. Dasani walks in and Says "Please forget about your wife and kids they'll move on and your staying here forever your sister got lippy with me and she's skipping dinner now. Oh that stays on until I say if goes off and don't talk back to me ever again now Clay." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  12. Somebody waited for Lizzy and Daisy to leave and got Luke and he fell and the person grabbed Molly and she was crying "No, No, I don't know you help." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  13. I wander what Clay is up to right now.

  14. Back at the secluded Dasani house there was a phone a round table in her room but Angel had that one cuff on she couldn't even reach to get help right now she was crying because she missed her family and she felt her pocket and forget they had taken her cellphone back in the private plane she was truly alone right now as well. Mr. Dasani had called Julie and Says "Mrs. Knight we have removed Angel from her mansion in Beverly Hills and she will staying with me and wife from now on and don't try to get her back and tell that husband of her's to forget about her move on as well." Julie Says "The Hell I will do as you say sir." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  15. How is Lizzy and Daisy or the police going to find Julie now.

  16. Back at her room in her Grandparents secluded house Angel wouldn't cry it hurt and she was hungry but she wasn't going to let her Grandfather get to her right now as well she missed her husband and kids but Nathaniel seen what happened and he would tell David what happened as well. Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  17. Mr. Dasani walked in Angel's room and Says "I see they got you comfortable Angelena I'm calling to start calling you by your proper name from now on and that will stay for as long as I say and forget about your husband and your kids." Angel Says "Go to hell Grandpa!" Mr. Dasani went and slapped Angel and Says "I'll leave and it stays on longer as well and think about as well and goodnight your not getting supper as well." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  18. do get even because they think Julie, Lizzy and Daisy were bad parents.

  19. Julie was so upset right now she didn't know where she was right now. Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  20. that's good but they got Angel and Clay at their secluded Atlanta house right now.

  21. Angel had a one cuff on a wrist and the other on a bedpost as well in a separate bedroom from Clay right now. Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  22. Mr. Dasani had called her cellphone and when she answered he Says "Were taking Molly weather she wants to go with us or now Lizzy. We have Clay and Angel right now all we need is Molly now." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  23. The other guy was behind her and wrapped his arm around her but something around mouth and she was out. Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  24. But two other guys walked and somebody had grabbed Daisy and Says "Gotcha were very good now best in New York as well." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
  25. He went and moved to her head and Says "Go ahead and try something but you might as well give up Ms. Jackson-Davenport now." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
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