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Everything posted by bethie88

  1. Which of Daisy's cars was your favorite and why?
  2. Which of Daisy's cars was your favorite and why?
  3. Luke pulled his jeans on and went downstairs. Bo tried not to smile at his cousin. Once Luke was gone, Bo went to talk to Uncle Jesse. He'd had some things on his mind, and knew that there was nothing like the old man's wisdom to help him out. Jesse was in the kitchen, mopping up behind Coy and Vance who'd done no more than hit it with a lick and a promise. "Uncle Jesse?" Bo said softly. "Yeah?" Jesse said, smiling at his nephew. "I gotta talk to you. I mean, I woulda talked to Luke, but there's some things even Luke don't know." Jesse nodded. "Time is a good teacher. And experience is the best." "Well, Uncle Jesse, I know you helped take care of me and Luke and Daisy when we were babies and all... And you didn't have none of your own, but you still know alot about 'em... Dontcha?" Jesse smiled. "Yes, Bo. I know enough." "Well, Uncle Jesse... I don't know nothin' about babies... Except what we learned in Health, and that was 4 years ago." Jesse nodded. "Well, what they teach you in them classes don't amount to much. Every baby's different and special. And every baby needs to be took care of a little different." Bo sighed. "I was afraid of that. I don't know nothin' about takin' care of babies or anything!" Jesse walked over to Bo, who was sitting in a kitchen chair, and patted his shoulder. "You'll learn, Bo," he said. "And I'll be beside ya, and Beth will. And believe me, most mamas take to it pretty quick." Bo smiled. Leave it to Jesse to make him feel better. ~*~*~*~*~ Meanwhile, in town... Cue Dixie
  4. Luke pulled his jeans on and went downstairs. Bo tried not to smile at his cousin. Once Luke was gone, Bo went to talk to Uncle Jesse. He'd had some things on his mind, and knew that there was nothing like the old man's wisdom to help him out. Jesse was in the kitchen, mopping up behind Coy and Vance who'd done no more than hit it with a lick and a promise. "Uncle Jesse?" Bo said softly. "Yeah?" Jesse said, smiling at his nephew. "I gotta talk to you. I mean, I woulda talked to Luke, but there's some things even Luke don't know." Jesse nodded. "Time is a good teacher. And experience is the best." "Well, Uncle Jesse, I know you helped take care of me and Luke and Daisy when we were babies and all... And you didn't have none of your own, but you still know alot about 'em... Dontcha?" Jesse smiled. "Yes, Bo. I know enough." "Well, Uncle Jesse... I don't know nothin' about babies... Except what we learned in Health, and that was 4 years ago." Jesse nodded. "Well, what they teach you in them classes don't amount to much. Every baby's different and special. And every baby needs to be took care of a little different." Bo sighed. "I was afraid of that. I don't know nothin' about takin' care of babies or anything!" Jesse walked over to Bo, who was sitting in a kitchen chair, and patted his shoulder. "You'll learn, Bo," he said. "And I'll be beside ya, and Beth will. And believe me, most mamas take to it pretty quick." Bo smiled. Leave it to Jesse to make him feel better. ~*~*~*~*~ Meanwhile, in town... Cue Dixie
  5. Jesse looked at 'his three boys'. "Now, boys!" he said, angrily. "We Dukes have never held to payin' for a lady's company." He smiled just a bit. "We've never had to, far as I could tell." He shook his head. "So, Jeb, Luke's right about that. But either way, we'll have no disrespectin' each other in this house." Jeb nodded. "Yessir, Uncle Jesse." Luke agreed. Both boys knew that Jesse had said his piece, and as far as him, the case was closed. But Luke knew how hardheaded Jeb could be. And Jeb knew that Luke wouldn't let this thing die. All three boys went to do their chores. Coy and Vance would have been helping, but had been talked into doing the morning housework by the girls. A little later, Daisy, Dixie, and Beth came down stairs, ready to go. Luke watched Beth watching Bo, and again felt the heartache that came from thinking about the things he'd done. Unfortunately, he was too deep in thought to notice that Beth wasn't the only one sending a loving look in the direction of a Duke boy. Cue Dixie.
  6. Jesse looked at 'his three boys'. "Now, boys!" he said, angrily. "We Dukes have never held to payin' for a lady's company." He smiled just a bit. "We've never had to, far as I could tell." He shook his head. "So, Jeb, Luke's right about that. But either way, we'll have no disrespectin' each other in this house." Jeb nodded. "Yessir, Uncle Jesse." Luke agreed. Both boys knew that Jesse had said his piece, and as far as him, the case was closed. But Luke knew how hardheaded Jeb could be. And Jeb knew that Luke wouldn't let this thing die. All three boys went to do their chores. Coy and Vance would have been helping, but had been talked into doing the morning housework by the girls. A little later, Daisy, Dixie, and Beth came down stairs, ready to go. Luke watched Beth watching Bo, and again felt the heartache that came from thinking about the things he'd done. Unfortunately, he was too deep in thought to notice that Beth wasn't the only one sending a loving look in the direction of a Duke boy. Cue Dixie.
  7. Beth was out in the garden when Dixie came around from the front yard. "Hey, honey!" she said, picking another ear of corn. "Hey," Dixie said with a smile. "Are we goin' soon?" she asked. Beth smiled. "Just as soon as me and Daisy get done here." Dixie pitched in and they got all the corn in. They all went inside so that Daisy and Beth could wash up and get ready to go. ~*~*~*~*~ While the girls were getting ready, Luke was having a talk with a very cocky and headstrong Jeb Stuart Duke. "Jeb, just what the he-- are you trying to prove?" he said, staring his cousin down. "Just WHO the he-- made you my father?" Jeb shot back. "I'm not tryin' to be your father!" Luke replied angrily. "I'm just tryin' to keep you from makin' an @$$ out of yourself!" "What, like you?" Jeb replied. "At least I ain't been with every girl in the county, married or not." Luke shook his head. He'd done alot of things in his time, but adultery was NOT one of them. "You better watch it, Jeb!" he said. "There's some things you don't say..." "Oh, come on, Luke," Jeb said, trying to reason with his cousin. "I'm a Duke! You expect me to beat Enos's record?" he added, referring to Enos's being the "oldest virgin in Hazzard County." Luke sighed. "Would that be such a bad thing?" he asked, his voice full of regret. "Luke, this ain't you!" Jeb said, disappointed in his cousin. "Yes, it is," Luke replied. "The fella who's done everything with every girl in Hazzard... and some outside... THAT'S not me." Jeb turned his back to Luke. "Don't talk to me, Luke. You're just a da-- hypocrite." Luke started to get angry, but then, he just hung his head. "You're right, Jeb," he said sadly. "You're exactly right." Jeb looked at his cousin, and immediately felt a pang of guilt for what he'd said. "Sorry, Luke," he said, sincerely. "If anybody should be sorry," Luke said, "It's me. I'm the one who's been setting the example. I'm the one who made it look like love's just a three letter word... Just a one-night stand. If I'd been better about these things, maybe Bo and Beth wouldn't be in such a mess. And maybe you'd quit runnin' around like a..." "Luke," Jeb said, touched by his cousin's honesty, but far too proud to admit it. "Thanks... but no thanks... I happen to like Paige." "More than Lisa?" Luke asked angrily, striking a nerve. "I don't recall the part where this became any of your business!" Jeb snapped. "What's gotten into you, Jeb?" Luke yelled, immediately kicking himself for being so loud. "We're family. And family helps each other!" "Well, I'm sick of your 'help'! And Bo's too!" Jeb stamped his foot without meaning to. "You, Bo, Uncle Jesse... All of you! I'm not 10 anymore! Quit making me be!" Luke shook his head. "Fine. Just don't blame me when you get ready to settle down and no decent girl will touch you with a 10 foot pole. Jeb glared at Luke, pulled on his boots, and stormed downstairs. ~*~*~*~*~ Bo, who had been sitting in the livingroom with Uncle Jesse, heard Jeb stomping down the stairs, and... Cue Dixie
  8. Beth was out in the garden when Dixie came around from the front yard. "Hey, honey!" she said, picking another ear of corn. "Hey," Dixie said with a smile. "Are we goin' soon?" she asked. Beth smiled. "Just as soon as me and Daisy get done here." Dixie pitched in and they got all the corn in. They all went inside so that Daisy and Beth could wash up and get ready to go. ~*~*~*~*~ While the girls were getting ready, Luke was having a talk with a very cocky and headstrong Jeb Stuart Duke. "Jeb, just what the he-- are you trying to prove?" he said, staring his cousin down. "Just WHO the he-- made you my father?" Jeb shot back. "I'm not tryin' to be your father!" Luke replied angrily. "I'm just tryin' to keep you from makin' an @$$ out of yourself!" "What, like you?" Jeb replied. "At least I ain't been with every girl in the county, married or not." Luke shook his head. He'd done alot of things in his time, but adultery was NOT one of them. "You better watch it, Jeb!" he said. "There's some things you don't say..." "Oh, come on, Luke," Jeb said, trying to reason with his cousin. "I'm a Duke! You expect me to beat Enos's record?" he added, referring to Enos's being the "oldest virgin in Hazzard County." Luke sighed. "Would that be such a bad thing?" he asked, his voice full of regret. "Luke, this ain't you!" Jeb said, disappointed in his cousin. "Yes, it is," Luke replied. "The fella who's done everything with every girl in Hazzard... and some outside... THAT'S not me." Jeb turned his back to Luke. "Don't talk to me, Luke. You're just a da-- hypocrite." Luke started to get angry, but then, he just hung his head. "You're right, Jeb," he said sadly. "You're exactly right." Jeb looked at his cousin, and immediately felt a pang of guilt for what he'd said. "Sorry, Luke," he said, sincerely. "If anybody should be sorry," Luke said, "It's me. I'm the one who's been setting the example. I'm the one who made it look like love's just a three letter word... Just a one-night stand. If I'd been better about these things, maybe Bo and Beth wouldn't be in such a mess. And maybe you'd quit runnin' around like a..." "Luke," Jeb said, touched by his cousin's honesty, but far too proud to admit it. "Thanks... but no thanks... I happen to like Paige." "More than Lisa?" Luke asked angrily, striking a nerve. "I don't recall the part where this became any of your business!" Jeb snapped. "What's gotten into you, Jeb?" Luke yelled, immediately kicking himself for being so loud. "We're family. And family helps each other!" "Well, I'm sick of your 'help'! And Bo's too!" Jeb stamped his foot without meaning to. "You, Bo, Uncle Jesse... All of you! I'm not 10 anymore! Quit making me be!" Luke shook his head. "Fine. Just don't blame me when you get ready to settle down and no decent girl will touch you with a 10 foot pole. Jeb glared at Luke, pulled on his boots, and stormed downstairs. ~*~*~*~*~ Bo, who had been sitting in the livingroom with Uncle Jesse, heard Jeb stomping down the stairs, and... Cue Dixie
  9. Beth shook her head. "No, I'm crying because I'm the pregnant lady. It's my job. I didn't know the boys were going fishing so early, and it scared me when I woke up without Bo." Bo shook his head. "She was just mad because she can't stand a morning without a look at my dazzling body, and my sparklin' blue eyes." Beth shook her head. "Well, bein' married sure hasn't affected your ego, honey," she said, forcing a smile for Dixie's benefit. Bo grinned. "Course not! My ego's very important to me." "Sure..." Beth said, playfully swatting his chest. Bo grinned. "You shouldn't do that, honey," he said, pulling her close for a kiss. Luke shook his head. Who would have ever thought? He was supposed to be the smart Duke. The one with all the answers. And yet, here was his crazy wild cousin, living the good life with a good woman. And Luke was the one who'd used more girls than most people'd even known in their lives. And he was alone. And feeling it more and more keenly everytime he saw Beth give Bo that look that said she loved him. Beth smiled, leaning into Bo's chest. Bo stood there, his chin on her head, stroking her hair, and talking with the rest like it was the most natural thing in the world. And really, for him, it was. Bo Duke had been a ladies' man since middle school. Beth sighed as Bo tightened his arms around her protectively. Dixie turned to Luke, then to Jesse. She wasn't stupid. She knew a shuck and jive when she heard one. And she knew a shuck and jive from the Dukes even better. But she shrugged. She figured that, for the time being, there was no point in worrying about it. "Hey, Dixie," Beth said softly, "You wanna go shopping tonight? There's still a few things I could use in the baby's room." Dixie replied, "....." Cue Dixie!
  10. Beth shook her head. "No, I'm crying because I'm the pregnant lady. It's my job. I didn't know the boys were going fishing so early, and it scared me when I woke up without Bo." Bo shook his head. "She was just mad because she can't stand a morning without a look at my dazzling body, and my sparklin' blue eyes." Beth shook her head. "Well, bein' married sure hasn't affected your ego, honey," she said, forcing a smile for Dixie's benefit. Bo grinned. "Course not! My ego's very important to me." "Sure..." Beth said, playfully swatting his chest. Bo grinned. "You shouldn't do that, honey," he said, pulling her close for a kiss. Luke shook his head. Who would have ever thought? He was supposed to be the smart Duke. The one with all the answers. And yet, here was his crazy wild cousin, living the good life with a good woman. And Luke was the one who'd used more girls than most people'd even known in their lives. And he was alone. And feeling it more and more keenly everytime he saw Beth give Bo that look that said she loved him. Beth smiled, leaning into Bo's chest. Bo stood there, his chin on her head, stroking her hair, and talking with the rest like it was the most natural thing in the world. And really, for him, it was. Bo Duke had been a ladies' man since middle school. Beth sighed as Bo tightened his arms around her protectively. Dixie turned to Luke, then to Jesse. She wasn't stupid. She knew a shuck and jive when she heard one. And she knew a shuck and jive from the Dukes even better. But she shrugged. She figured that, for the time being, there was no point in worrying about it. "Hey, Dixie," Beth said softly, "You wanna go shopping tonight? There's still a few things I could use in the baby's room." Dixie replied, "....." Cue Dixie!
  11. Beth ran from her room, recognising the General Lee's motor. She met Bo halfway off the porch, and was in his arms before she knew what happened. "Honey, I was so worried," she said, softly as tears of relief began to fall. "Honey, don't cry," Bo said, brushing the tears away. "Please don't cry!" Bo knew that if Beth cried long enough, he'd be crying right along with her. She sniffled. "I can't help it, Bo. I was so worried, and I thought you wouldn't come back." "Honey, come he-- or highwater, I'll always come back to you. Remember that." Bo's eyes promised her that he wasn't lying. He'd fight anything or anyone to get to her if she needed him. Dixie walked over not long after. She knew that Beth and Bo needed a minute. So she waited, then walked over to Luke and Jeb. "Hey, boys! What has y'all out so early in the morning?" Luke looked at Jeb, who was looking to him for an answer to give the girl. "Uh..." Cue Dixie
  12. Beth ran from her room, recognising the General Lee's motor. She met Bo halfway off the porch, and was in his arms before she knew what happened. "Honey, I was so worried," she said, softly as tears of relief began to fall. "Honey, don't cry," Bo said, brushing the tears away. "Please don't cry!" Bo knew that if Beth cried long enough, he'd be crying right along with her. She sniffled. "I can't help it, Bo. I was so worried, and I thought you wouldn't come back." "Honey, come he-- or highwater, I'll always come back to you. Remember that." Bo's eyes promised her that he wasn't lying. He'd fight anything or anyone to get to her if she needed him. Dixie walked over not long after. She knew that Beth and Bo needed a minute. So she waited, then walked over to Luke and Jeb. "Hey, boys! What has y'all out so early in the morning?" Luke looked at Jeb, who was looking to him for an answer to give the girl. "Uh..." Cue Dixie
  13. Chapter 5: Tellin' Jesse Becky arrived at the Duke's at 6:30, dressed for work in her short shorts and tank top, similar to Daisy's. Bo walked over to her quickly, kissing her on the cheek. "Well?" he said softly. "I've got two weeks," she replied sadly, wiping her eyes. "Two weeks?" "To get out of my house. My dad told me to leave." "Oh, my Lord," Bo said, hugging her. "I don't know what to do, Bo. I can't afford to get my own place. You don't make that kind of money working at the Boar's Nest." "Well, we'll think of somethin'." "We better," she replied. "We gonna tell Jesse?" Bo asked. "Tonight?" "Yeah." "Uh-huh. Uncle Jesse'll figure somethin' out." The two of them went inside together, preparing to face the storm. For those of you who don't know Jesse Duke... this here ain't gon' be perty. Things in the Duke home were so calm that Bo didn't want to disturb them. But he had to. Jesse looked up from his paper at his nephew, and Becky, who were standing before him, hand in hand. "Uncle Jesse," Bo said quietly. "Can we talk to you?" "Sure," Jesse said. "Sit down." Bo sat down with Becky at his side. "Uncle Jesse... Me and Becky... We... We gotta..." There's another sign things just ain't right. You ever seen Bo have that much trouble talkin'? Jesse's wise eyes rested on Bo. "Go on, Bo." "Me and Becky..." he couldn't get the words out. He looked helplessly at Becky, who spoke, her voice strong. "Uncle Jesse, Bo and I are having a baby." "Beauregard Jackson Duke!" Jesse said angrily. "Tell me I heard her wrong." Boy, Bo wishes he could. "I can't, Uncle Jesse. I can't." "Bo..." Jesse said, unable to put into words the disappointment he felt. Bo knew that as soon as Becky left, he was in big trouble with Jesse. Probably in more trouble than he had ever been in. Because this wasn't the kind of trouble that was just going to end. This was trouble that was going to follow him for the rest of his life. Daisy walked into the room and saw how red Jesse's face was. She, wisely, said nothing about it, but she knew what had happened. She looked at Bo and Becky. They were holding hands, and a lone tear was running down Becky's cheek. "Rebecca, honey," Daisy said softly. "It's time to go to work." Becky nodded, squeezing Bo's hand. "I love you," she whispered. "Love you, too," Bo said with a nod. She stood up and walked out with Daisy. "So what happened?" Daisy asked as the two girls reached the Roadrunner. "Uncle Jesse's gonna kill Bo..." Becky said. "It's all my fault." "Honey, it's not your fault. Believe me." Becky shook her head. "It's my fault. I could have done something." "Honey, you couldn't have done anything. Don't worry about Bo." "But Daisy..." "Just calm down. We've got to get to work. And I'm more worried about you than Bo." "Why?" "Honey, just get in the car. Bo's not the one who has to be pregnant and have that baby." Becky climbed into the car on the passenger's side. Daisy slid into the driver's seat, and the two of them left. Becky was so worried about Bo she couldn't stand it. 0o0o0o0o0 "Bo Duke, I am aweful disappointed in you," Jesse said shaking his old white head. Ol' Jesse has a way of sayin' things that just let's ya know he means 'em. "I know, Uncle Jesse," Bo said, his shame in the tone of his voice. "Just what do you figure on doin', Bo?" Jesse asked. "I... I don't know exactly, Uncle Jesse... I... I reckon I'll have to... Well, I'm gonna marry her," Bo said. There was firm Duke determination in his voice. "I'm going to take care of her." "Good," Jesse said. "I'm sorry, Uncle Jesse," Bo said. He was scared. He thought he was past being scared, but then, he'd seen Jesse's face, and he was scared all over again. "Bo, you made one heck of a mistake. But I'm proud of you for being willin' to do your part to take care of the girl and the baby. But, Bo, I'm not proud of what you and Rebecca did." "Neither am I, Uncle Jesse," Bo said, hanging his head in shame. 0o0o0o0o0 Becky was working extra hard at the Boar's Nest. But her mind was elsewhere. And Daisy knew it. As soon as she got the chance, Daisy walked over to Becky. "Honey," Daisy said softly. "Yeah?" Becky replied, in the middle of whiping down a table. "What's wrong? It ain't just worrying about Bo." "No. It's not." "Well, what is it?" "Daisy, my daddy told me I had 2 weeks to be out of the house. And I ain't got nowhere to go." "Well, sure ya do! We'll talk to Uncle Jesse. I'm sure he'll figure somethin' out." Becky checked her watch. 10:30. And her shift wasn't over until midnight. You ever had one of them days where you keep lookin' at your watch like it was a lover's face?
  14. Chapter 5: Tellin' Jesse Becky arrived at the Duke's at 6:30, dressed for work in her short shorts and tank top, similar to Daisy's. Bo walked over to her quickly, kissing her on the cheek. "Well?" he said softly. "I've got two weeks," she replied sadly, wiping her eyes. "Two weeks?" "To get out of my house. My dad told me to leave." "Oh, my Lord," Bo said, hugging her. "I don't know what to do, Bo. I can't afford to get my own place. You don't make that kind of money working at the Boar's Nest." "Well, we'll think of somethin'." "We better," she replied. "We gonna tell Jesse?" Bo asked. "Tonight?" "Yeah." "Uh-huh. Uncle Jesse'll figure somethin' out." The two of them went inside together, preparing to face the storm. For those of you who don't know Jesse Duke... this here ain't gon' be perty. Things in the Duke home were so calm that Bo didn't want to disturb them. But he had to. Jesse looked up from his paper at his nephew, and Becky, who were standing before him, hand in hand. "Uncle Jesse," Bo said quietly. "Can we talk to you?" "Sure," Jesse said. "Sit down." Bo sat down with Becky at his side. "Uncle Jesse... Me and Becky... We... We gotta..." There's another sign things just ain't right. You ever seen Bo have that much trouble talkin'? Jesse's wise eyes rested on Bo. "Go on, Bo." "Me and Becky..." he couldn't get the words out. He looked helplessly at Becky, who spoke, her voice strong. "Uncle Jesse, Bo and I are having a baby." "Beauregard Jackson Duke!" Jesse said angrily. "Tell me I heard her wrong." Boy, Bo wishes he could. "I can't, Uncle Jesse. I can't." "Bo..." Jesse said, unable to put into words the disappointment he felt. Bo knew that as soon as Becky left, he was in big trouble with Jesse. Probably in more trouble than he had ever been in. Because this wasn't the kind of trouble that was just going to end. This was trouble that was going to follow him for the rest of his life. Daisy walked into the room and saw how red Jesse's face was. She, wisely, said nothing about it, but she knew what had happened. She looked at Bo and Becky. They were holding hands, and a lone tear was running down Becky's cheek. "Rebecca, honey," Daisy said softly. "It's time to go to work." Becky nodded, squeezing Bo's hand. "I love you," she whispered. "Love you, too," Bo said with a nod. She stood up and walked out with Daisy. "So what happened?" Daisy asked as the two girls reached the Roadrunner. "Uncle Jesse's gonna kill Bo..." Becky said. "It's all my fault." "Honey, it's not your fault. Believe me." Becky shook her head. "It's my fault. I could have done something." "Honey, you couldn't have done anything. Don't worry about Bo." "But Daisy..." "Just calm down. We've got to get to work. And I'm more worried about you than Bo." "Why?" "Honey, just get in the car. Bo's not the one who has to be pregnant and have that baby." Becky climbed into the car on the passenger's side. Daisy slid into the driver's seat, and the two of them left. Becky was so worried about Bo she couldn't stand it. 0o0o0o0o0 "Bo Duke, I am aweful disappointed in you," Jesse said shaking his old white head. Ol' Jesse has a way of sayin' things that just let's ya know he means 'em. "I know, Uncle Jesse," Bo said, his shame in the tone of his voice. "Just what do you figure on doin', Bo?" Jesse asked. "I... I don't know exactly, Uncle Jesse... I... I reckon I'll have to... Well, I'm gonna marry her," Bo said. There was firm Duke determination in his voice. "I'm going to take care of her." "Good," Jesse said. "I'm sorry, Uncle Jesse," Bo said. He was scared. He thought he was past being scared, but then, he'd seen Jesse's face, and he was scared all over again. "Bo, you made one heck of a mistake. But I'm proud of you for being willin' to do your part to take care of the girl and the baby. But, Bo, I'm not proud of what you and Rebecca did." "Neither am I, Uncle Jesse," Bo said, hanging his head in shame. 0o0o0o0o0 Becky was working extra hard at the Boar's Nest. But her mind was elsewhere. And Daisy knew it. As soon as she got the chance, Daisy walked over to Becky. "Honey," Daisy said softly. "Yeah?" Becky replied, in the middle of whiping down a table. "What's wrong? It ain't just worrying about Bo." "No. It's not." "Well, what is it?" "Daisy, my daddy told me I had 2 weeks to be out of the house. And I ain't got nowhere to go." "Well, sure ya do! We'll talk to Uncle Jesse. I'm sure he'll figure somethin' out." Becky checked her watch. 10:30. And her shift wasn't over until midnight. You ever had one of them days where you keep lookin' at your watch like it was a lover's face?
  15. Actually that's Luke's line. Bo says something like, "hey Willy, when'd you get out of jail son." and then Luke says, "he had to go to jail Bo. That's the only way he could see his mama." I was just watching that episode today... it's one of my faves. Oh, OK, cool.
  16. Actually that's Luke's line. Bo says something like, "hey Willy, when'd you get out of jail son." and then Luke says, "he had to go to jail Bo. That's the only way he could see his mama." I was just watching that episode today... it's one of my faves. Oh, OK, cool.
  17. Bo: We'll use the old Stonewall Jackson tactic... when they think you're runnin' away, attack. Luke: Yeah, but Stonewall Jackson had the whole Confederate Army. I've got you. Balladeer: Now, I know what you're thinkin'. It ain't natural to see the General Lee losing a race like this to cousin Daisy. But the last time Bo and Luke beat Daisy into town, she put starch in their undershorts. And it gave 'em a little somethin' to think about. Daisy: [over the CB]: You lose, boys! Another blow for equal rights. Bo: I tell ya, next time, my pride's gonna come before my shorts. Luke: Not mine. Bo: On my word as a Duke, Luke'll take care of it. Bo: He had to go to jail, Luke. It's the only way he could see his mama. Willy: You lost Elmer? Luke: Well, I never liked Elmer much. Always slitherin' around. He never said much. Bo: He had them beady little eyes, and they weren't even a pretty color. [gunfire] Bo: Who the heck'd be shootin' at us? Luke: Anyone of the number of the fathers of them girls you been datin'. Bo: You just let this whole thing be a lesson to me. Luke: How's that? Bo: If I didn't leave the keys in the dang General Lee, none of this mess would've happened. Luke: You can say that again. Bo: If I didn't leave the keys in the dang General Lee...
  18. Bo: We'll use the old Stonewall Jackson tactic... when they think you're runnin' away, attack. Luke: Yeah, but Stonewall Jackson had the whole Confederate Army. I've got you. Balladeer: Now, I know what you're thinkin'. It ain't natural to see the General Lee losing a race like this to cousin Daisy. But the last time Bo and Luke beat Daisy into town, she put starch in their undershorts. And it gave 'em a little somethin' to think about. Daisy: [over the CB]: You lose, boys! Another blow for equal rights. Bo: I tell ya, next time, my pride's gonna come before my shorts. Luke: Not mine. Bo: On my word as a Duke, Luke'll take care of it. Bo: He had to go to jail, Luke. It's the only way he could see his mama. Willy: You lost Elmer? Luke: Well, I never liked Elmer much. Always slitherin' around. He never said much. Bo: He had them beady little eyes, and they weren't even a pretty color. [gunfire] Bo: Who the heck'd be shootin' at us? Luke: Anyone of the number of the fathers of them girls you been datin'. Bo: You just let this whole thing be a lesson to me. Luke: How's that? Bo: If I didn't leave the keys in the dang General Lee, none of this mess would've happened. Luke: You can say that again. Bo: If I didn't leave the keys in the dang General Lee...
  19. Uncle Jesse smiled. "The boys had to go out early this mornin'. They took the General." "Oh," Dixie said, thinking that the explanation was a little strange. Why would the boys be out before dawn in the General Lee? "Is Beth here?" "Yeah," Daisy said. "She's in her room. She didn't sleep too good last night." "She feelin' bad?" Dixie asked. "Yeah. Kinda. Baby's givin' her a fit." Dixie sighed. She felt sorry for her friend, though she knew that being a part of the Duke family was nothing to be sad about. She walked down the hall and knocked on Beth's door... Cue Dixie
  20. Uncle Jesse smiled. "The boys had to go out early this mornin'. They took the General." "Oh," Dixie said, thinking that the explanation was a little strange. Why would the boys be out before dawn in the General Lee? "Is Beth here?" "Yeah," Daisy said. "She's in her room. She didn't sleep too good last night." "She feelin' bad?" Dixie asked. "Yeah. Kinda. Baby's givin' her a fit." Dixie sighed. She felt sorry for her friend, though she knew that being a part of the Duke family was nothing to be sad about. She walked down the hall and knocked on Beth's door... Cue Dixie
  21. One Armed Bandits, Daisy's Song, The Runaway, Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough, and Find Loretta Lynn.
  22. One Armed Bandits, Daisy's Song, The Runaway, Dukes Meet Cale Yarborough, and Find Loretta Lynn.
  23. I loved John in Dr. Quinn. I watched it when I was little. I liked Sully, though now I don't really... I loved Daniel!
  24. I loved John in Dr. Quinn. I watched it when I was little. I liked Sully, though now I don't really... I loved Daniel!
  25. Meanwhile, back at the Duke farm, Beth was sleeping fitfully. She was up and down all night with night sickness, and worrying about Bo. She ran her hand over her stomach. she still wasn't showing much, but she did it out of habit. She had the weirdest dreams, and it was driving her insane. Uncle Jesse came to their room to check on her. "Are ya OK, honey?" he asked in a fatherly fashion. "Yessir, Uncle Jesse. Just worried about Bo." "Don't you worry 'bout him none. Bo knows what he's doing. He's smart." "But last I heard, so was the sheriff of Osage County." Jesse smiled. He loved this girl just like she was another neice... which meant more like a daughter to him. "Now, trust me on this... Bo and Luke have been runnin' for me for quite a while. And they know what they're doin'. And, for one thing, Bo don't have any shine in his car. Luke had him run blocker... Now, you know why he had him run blocker?" "So he could... Oh, Uncle Jesse, Bo wouldn't leave Luke and Jeb to get in trouble. He's got more loyalty than that." "I know that... But Luke was just giving him the option." Beth smiled. When Luke Duke got back, she was going to give him a big hug and thank him for at least trying to keep Bo out of trouble. "You gonna be able to sleep now, honey?" he asked. "Probably not, but I'll try. Baby's givin' me a fit tonight." "Well, I'm gonna let you try. Call me if you need me." "Thanks, Uncle Jesse." ~**~**~**~**~ Meanwhile, in Osage County... Cue Dixie
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