I'm here! Just watching you and Luke sword duel here... Brian he called you a reprobate! And that you fight dirty...*chuckles* Luke Luke Luke... *tisk tisk* Do you not know that Brian is the Lord of the Outlaws? It even says that right under his name! Bad guys like he and I do what we have to do to survive...So no we dont always fight fair... And as far as fiction goes, Brian and MaryAnne both have written some of the best that I've ever seen! And the Skinny Dip Challenge really peaks my interest! Truck Stop Dukes huh? Brian I'd like to see that personally! If it makes Luke cringe than its got to be just terrible! *laughs* Let me guess...Bo is the fry cook slinging hash, Daisy is the waitress and Luke is the gas jockey? *chuckles* Send me the link Brian, if it makes Luke back down so hard and so fast it sets his plaid shirt on fire... definitely sounds like something to check out!