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Everything posted by jaydee311

  1. I thought that they had, but a friend of mine swore they never did. Wish I had bet money on it. Thanks.
  2. I know season 5 of the Dukes of Hazzard starts with Coy & Vance as replacements till much later in the season when Bo & Luke return. I was curious if all 4 ever appeared in the same episode? I would assume if this ever happened it happened during the episode Bo & Luke returned.
  3. I'll grant you the fact that yeah, this movie is not a remake, but more of a movie "inspired" by the show. That's fine. But when you have a show as good as it was, and as loved as it was, if ya decide to make a movie about the show, yer gonna get a lot of flack with messing with something that is so sacred and loved by so many people. I'm going to see the movie, yeah.. will I like what they do with it? I dunno.. probably not. The original show and cast will always be what I loved as a kid and still love to this day. We'll see how it goes, but I just think everybody that has something positive or negative to say about what they know about the movie has the absolute right to say whatever. So here I go... Daisy was not a blonde. Just messin.. I can't really argue with a POA like Simpson playing Daisy.
  4. I haven't seen these pics posted on this message board before, but if this is a duplicate, my apologies. I think it's worth being a duplicate. Damn she's a hottie... Here are some paparazi shots...
  5. New trailers for both! I can't wait to see both movies. I guess I do have a reason to watch the damn game.
  6. Haha! I'm just messin with ya.
  7. I hope that's true! I'm looking forward to the trailer and/or teaser for the Dukes. Although, you say the Batman Begins Trailer will premiere at the Super Bowl? The trailer for Batman Begins has been out for a few months now. Check it out here: http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/batman_begins/trailer
  8. The cast is "solid"? WB isn't making the movie for "us"? I hate to break this to you, but the cast is anything but "solid". They made some good decisions in casting and some poor ones. Calling the cast "solid" is a great exaggeration. I hate to break this to you as well, but contrary to the tone of your message, WB IS indeed trying to make money off this movie and do want a movie that we WILL watch. If they were making the movie for themselves I'm sure they's spend far less money making a quaint home movie. And it doesn't matter which way you want to "spin" the facts. We all probably wish the movie was far more like the TV show than it will be. In addition Waylon Jennings theme would be far better than any alternative theme. Is it going to happen? Probably not. Do I have to be happy about all of this because "that's the way it's going to be"? Nope.
  9. Which one was supposed to be the entertaining one?
  10. Actually I just noticed those 2 pics can also be seen on this site's member pic galleries, although the pic of Jessie there seems to be a badly done Photoshop job. BUt you can see the pics in the Member Galleries as well..
  11. Friend sent these to me, so I can't claim credit. But here are Uncle Jessie and Boss Hogg.
  12. You can say that again, and again, and again, and again. Drool......
  13. Yeah I noticed that, T-Man. They look like shot glasses. The Dukes weren't "drunks". Yeah they had a beer now and then, but they weren't alcoholics.
  14. I love how Hollywood is so pressed for ideas that they keep recycling what was popular 20 years ago. Liberal, uncreative Hollywood has become even more of a pathetic joke than it even was 5 years ago. I don't mind seeing the General Lee in action again, but yeah.. I won't be satisfied or happy with the finished product. That's for damn sure. But what can ya do.. I mean I guess I could not go see the movie. But, I feel like I have to just so I can complain about how bad it was. I'm a glutton for pain I suppose. LOL.
  15. I've heard that they're going for a movie "inspired" by the original series. Meaning they can take from the show what they like and toss the rest. We'll see how it turns out. I'm inclined not to believe this movie is going to make me happy since I was a diehard fan of the original series, but I'll watch it anyway. I just don't want to walk out of the movie angry. That's all I ask. That this movie isn't another Starsky & Hutch "abortion".
  16. The complete MTV News page on The Dukes of Hazzard Movie Can Be Found here: http://www.mtv.com/movies/movie/263859/moviemain.jhtml
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