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  1. Umm.. it's all over this web-site and IMDB. Not a hard answer to find.
  2. It's disgusting how they're treating this issue. Haven't we moved past the absurdity of the flag being a "symbol of racism"? Aren't we in a day in age of thinking people? Or is it more politically motivated liberal bull? Why? A thinking person would clearly see the truth if they just searched for 5 minutes. This is the kind of ignorance that makes my blood boil. Ignorance.
  3. Thank you Stonewall!! A friend of mine told me a while back that he had seen that on FreeRepublic but I could never find it. Much appreciated.
  4. The flag will be left on and should be left on. Anybody that has problems with it are indeed ingnorant of the history and what it stands for. Many fly the flag for pride of heritage. If they had left the flag off the car you can be damn sure i would never have even considered watching the movie.
  5. Here is a link that contains 2 new pictures that I do not think have been posted here yet. The link contains a new pic of Jessica and a new pic of what seems to be the logo for the movie. Enjoy. http://www.comingsoon.net/cgi-bin/imageFolio.cgi?direct=Comedy/The_Dukes_of_Hazzard
  6. Here's the deal. The show is what started it all. That is what I loved. The show. Now a movie is being made. Now people keep asking the question of whether or not I'd like to see some of the old stars in the movie. OF COURSE I WOULD! I'd also like a movie that was similar to the television show enough to where we would get more than just Roscoe's dog Flash's endorsement of the movie. The original formula is what worked. Yeah I'll watch the movie anyway out of curiosity, but I really wish the script had been inclusive of the original cast members (possibly the duke boys being sons of Bo and Luke for example). Or at least a movie that did the original show justice. Judging from John Schneider's and Ben Jones' opinions about the script, it doesn't look like we're going to be getting that.
  7. Nice pics! Thanks bro!
  8. I don't like football either. I wish superbowl-ads.com and other sites hadn't reported that the Dukes was going to be preview during the super bowl. I could have used the valuable time to twiddle my thumbs.
  9. LOL. It aired twice? I suck.. I missed both times. Oh well.
  10. Yeah, what the hell? I've watched the whole thing and neither commercial (Batman or DOH) aired as it was supposed to.
  11. Yeah I wish it was gonna be longer. But from what I see, 30 seconds each. Hopefully not long after that we'll be able to see something more than just 30 seconds, but I'm excited anyway.
  12. Actually, bam, you mentioned the "trailers" would be showing and the Batman would be 2 1/2 minutes. I was only clarifying with the correct information. It'll be 30 seconds each. One of only a very select few reasons I'm going to actually watch the "game" (in quotes).
  13. It looks as if Warner brothers has purchased two 30 second spots for the Superbowl as reported on superbowl-ads.com. One presumably for Batman and the other for Dukes of Hazzard. Follow the link below for the news. Highlight the picture of batman with your cursor for the information. http://www.superbowl-ads.com/2005/index.html
  14. I have had the honor of meeting Ben Jones and Sonny on a few occasions and they are some of the most pleasant, kind, fun people I have ever met. Truly gracious to their fans as they take all the time in the world to greet, talk to fans, etc. There's no rush with them. Especially with Cooter. As long as the line was to meet him, he spared a GREAT deal of time talking with me and my girlfriend. It was truly a great experience. He even took the time to ask somebody to use my camera to take pics of all 3 of us together. And to make sure we got a good pic he asked them to take three pictures. Anyway, no.. it's not all about the money, and when you have the honor of meeting them, you'd clearly understand that.
  15. Found 'em on this site.. don't know if they've been posted here before, but here they are anyway: http://www.sweetkisses.net/images/dukesjan27/
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