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Album Comments posted by MoonRunner-01

  1. 6 minutes ago, RogerDuke said:

    You are going to fit in here just fine! We are excited to have you and hope you stay around a long time. I love those Georgia episodes too. In fact, High Octane is my favorite episode of all time....even though I don't drink! Jesse is my favorite character now because I am becoming him (slower than Tim Allen became Santa in The Santa Clause). When the show first aired Enos was my favorite. I loved it when he got his own series. Boss is a good choice as a favorite. The man was made for that role. Nobody in the world could have done it better. 

    High Octane is probably my favorite episode aswell. I can definitely say when I was younger I played that episode on VHS tape more than anything else. One of these days I plan to try and recreate a scale model of the Moonshine Still they used in that episode.

  2. 7 hours ago, Hobie Hartkins said:

    You might look at web sites on the computer, that specialize in Duke memorabilia. Not sure....just a suggestion. Good to have you by the way! :)  I'm on here off and on, depending on whether I can get on.....sometimes I'll try several times and still won't be able to get on. Today, however...FIRST TIME WAS A CHARM!! :)    

    Thank you! Glad to be apart of fellow Duke fans. Still trying to figure out how to work this site haha. 

  3. 21 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

    He hasn't posted for awhile and might not respond. Welcome to the HazzardNet though. Tell us about your love of Dukes. Been a fan long? Have a favorite character, episode, season, vehicle or scene? Ever met any of the stars? Seen all the episodes? 

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I've been a fan of The Dukes forever, it's my number tv show of ALL time haha. I love all the characters on the show but if I really had to pick who would be my favorite it would have to be good ol Boss Jefferson Davis Hogg. My favorite season would be season 1 especially the first 5 Georgia episodes. Favorite vehicle is The General and 2nd would probably be a tie with sweet Tilly from High Octane and Cooter's brown Chevy  tow truck. I've seen every episode except for the Coy and Vance ones ha.

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