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Dukes of Hazzard... of corse, and cars of all sorts.
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____________________________________________ Good point LittleRedVicki, a Camero COULD keep up with the General provided ol` Rascoe could just keep the dang thing between the fences. *Tries to imagine Rascoe in a powerful car such as a Camero* And a Suburban? Expect to see the tires in the air more than on the ground (overturned). lol
Well the politically correct can kiss my butt, and as long as WB says the same and put the flag and whatnot on the car, well I think that be just great. And hearin` from differant people that it WILL be there, well, that kinda is a relief. But I will not put a hundred percent trust that some politically correct group won't cry about it and force it to be removed.
Allright, I guess I'll be the first to post here.
k_harvic_29 replied to Eddiemunster's topic in The Patrol Cars
Y'all are forgeting one important reason why you don't see too many Hazzard Co. Sherriff car replicas. A lot of people are afraid to replicate patrol cars because of that "Impersonating a law officer" law. Even though it say "Hazzard County" on the side and it is fictous, it still resembles a police car. Now some pl;aces may go easy for the fact Rasco's car is fictious, but other places don't like the idea of mached up police cars. I knew a guy that wanted to rerplicate the Ghost Busters "Ecto One" , but the local police gave him beef sayin` he could not put the bar lights on top of the car. Imagine the earful he would have gotten had he tried to moch up a Hazzard Co. Sherriff car. However, y'all may get away with it if ya transport it in an inclosed trailer and only drive it at the show. The guy ya saw driving the moch up of Rosco's car must 'ave had some right big cahones as to not get stopped. That or the police knew the car show was in town and the moch up was for the show. TRULY YOURS: Skye -
I think the General would look good in that "Illusion" paint. No matter what angle you look at it, it is a differant colour. I always liked that paint. TRULY YOURS: Skye
If any of you have ever played "Dukes of Hazzard Return of the GENERAL LEE" You will see that the General in the game is black at first. The Dukes were remanising (SP) on when they first got the General. They went to the scrapyard to get the upgrade parts, then they had to beat Cooter to his gerage in a race. He said "If you boy can beat me to my gerage, Ah will build you your dream car...". Don't know too sure if that is how it went in the seiries, but that was how the game put it. TRULY YOURS: Skye
Was that "Extreme Lee your car Jance? As I says, the livery was cool. Liked the "01" and the flag especialy.
Well, I say, the Crown Vics, the 03/04 Impalas, or the Caprices. Well that be the standard issue police vehicles anyhow, so what the heck, right? YOURS TRULY: Skye
k_harvic_29 replied to GOCANES's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Why thank ya there Danny, I do right appreceate the Info. And if they leave the flag alone, well I reacon I got riled fer nutin'. I just hate seein` the gov trying to politicaly correct everything. and as for the locale, reacon yer right. But Louisiana ain't really the best choice I think. Well, shoot, ya got swamps, bogg, crocadiles, mosqeetos, more fussy wether than there ever was in Georgia. And did I mention crocodile? My roommate says if the Dukes try ta go through the crik, or go through the swamps like they did in the series, the General will end up like the Titanic... sink and lost forever. Or at least just plain stuck. if not stuck or sank, they may become dinner. I sure think I mentioined crocodiles. Besides, ain't Louisiana a little big ta be "Hazzard Town Square"? I ain't never been ta Louisiana, but I have seen Marti Gras (SP) and other parts. so, please, by all means, correct me if I am wrong on anything. TRULY YOURS: Skye -
New Dukes of hazzard VS old dukes of hazzard
k_harvic_29 replied to ndog62000's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
J.D., that is a right fine Dukes story. Y'all should see my script idea for the movie in an earlier thread. well, take care all. TRULY YOURS: Skye -
Boss Hogg and Jesse have been cast
k_harvic_29 replied to Capt_Redneck's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Ok yall, I don't know how many of ya have seen or played Grand Theaft Auto "Vice City", but those of you that have, Burt played a voice in that game. Who did he play? -
Britany Spears says she's Daisy Duke....or else!
k_harvic_29 replied to Brian Coltrane's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
"Breaker, breaker, this is Crazy Cooter coming at ya. Ah may be crazy but Ah ai'nt dumb... Sorry, Good ol` Dukes memories. Anyway, back to buisness. This is how I would script the film... Bo and Luke got off probation and moved to the city to be busnessmen. they got married and had children. (Hence the new acters) Rasco Coltrane Straitens up a bit (or not) and takes over as mayor of Hazzard. Good ol` Enos who went to Atlanta to become a Georgia st lawman, becomes the cheif officer of the Georgia St Police. Daisy and Enos realized just how much they really loved each other and got married and had a child of their own (Enos Strate Jr.), who becomes deputy sherriff of Hazzard Co. Dasy becomes manager of this huge fassion store in Atlanta. Cletus, who went to the U.S. military, becomes a ret. General and returns to Hazzard and becomes Sherriff. Crazy Cooter still owns and works at the old garage. Well one day one of the Duke boy's children asks "Dad, how were things like in Hazzard in your younger days?" Well, after a short remanicing (sp) story of the old days, Bo and Luke take their boys (who are in their teens, one almost 20) and reviels the good ol` GENERAL LEE. Well after a minor tune up and a few other things to get the ol` car road ready, for ol`-times-sake, they take the Genral for a spin. Balladeer: And so the story goes. Welcome back y'all ta HAZZARD County. -
k_harvic_29 replied to GOCANES's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
I see yer point, but doesn't Hollywood or WB or whoever have the money ta fix it. I mean come on, they want to build a whole new set of buildings so they will have what they need. That costs money. Would it not be cheeper to just restore the old locale then build a whole brand spankin new locale? That is my take anyhow, what be y'alls take? TRULY YOURS: Skye -
Cool car. I don't know `bout all the chrome and street racing wheels. It also was missing the rollbars. But all-in-all, for show, it was a realy nice job. The livery on the car was very well done. TRULY YOURS: sKYE
k_harvic_29 replied to GOCANES's topic in Dukes of Hazzard Movies
Okay, heres MY idea, and again, Ah thank it is a good one. Why not film the movie in Levington (Ah thank) Georgia? It is where they filmed the first several origanal ep ov the TV show. It already has the "Duke farm" (whi8ch WAS a real farm) and the road house they used as the "Boar's Nest". Plus, there are the "Roughneck Redneck" natives that lived in that area. It would make the movie feel more at home. *thinking* "If only they would leave the flag on the damned General." Anyway, that be what Ah thank. How `bout Y'all? -
Here is MY idea, and in my personal oppinion, is the best idea. "The Good Ol Boys" Written by: Waylen Jenings Preformed by: Waylen Jenings Reproduced by permission by:Randy Travis Contribute preformance by: Randy Travis In other words, Randy Travis is the best nominee to do the "Good Ol` Boys". What y'all thank? TRULY YOURS: Skye