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Posts posted by russell1997

  1. If you're heading for Georgia, I think location maps are easy to come by when you get there, and I've even read about tours. This thread has mainly concentrated on the California locations, and I've included Google Maps links to most of them. Let me know if you're having trouble finding any locations.

    will do, thank you!

  2. I just sat down in the waiting room of the doctor's office this morning when I heard a YEEHAWW coming from the TV screen. I looked up and saw a picture of Bo, Luke and Daisy on the screen. To my surprise it was CBS and not TNT.

    John Schneider was just being introduced by Rachael Ray on her show. Great timing I thought..... but I bet this will be one of those doctor's visits where you get called in right away. Luckily I was wrong and got called in right after the interview was over. Great timing twice!

    John looks great. He talked about his new series, The Haves and Haves Not. He also talked about various other subjects as well, like his love of horror movies. Of course the thing that excited me the most was the times that Dukes were mentioned briefly. Thankfully Rachael mentioned that they are still on the air!

    never cared much for Racheal Ray but i would tune in for this interview!!

  3. Welcome to HNet, Russell. I hope you enjoy your time in Hazzard :).
    Welcome tom HazzardNet Russell!
    Welcome to Hazzard County Russell.

    I'll never own a real General Lee but I can always dream!

    We look forward to hearing more from you.

    Thanks guys! looking forward to getting to know you.

  4. Welcome aboard Russell! I too have wished for a General Lee, but if you have seen the prices they're going for, you know why I don't have one! It's a shame too, because, while the '69 Charger is a nice car, it's really not all that! However, take a '69 Charger + a specific paint job + a popular T.V. show = BIG $$$!!!

    lol, very iconic car to say the least.

    yeah i just can't justify getting a new car over a 40 yr old car even though i want the 40 yr old car ;)

  5. Hello, my name is Russell. I'm been watching the Dukes since i was a kid. it's the first show i remember watching. I had a die cast general lee and would jump it along with the theme song at 2 or 3 yrs old.

    i always said when i learn to drive i'm getting a general lee. Well now i'm in my mid 30's and I do not drive a general lee but the dream still lives!!

    looking forward to getting to know the community :)

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