Just from the look of who they have cast for Bo and Luke,this movie is going to be as stupid as the Starsky and Hutch movie.I didn't find the S&H movie anything like the tv series.John S. and Tom W. weren't comedy actors and the DOH was not a comedy.Why are they trying to make the movie a comedy :x Sure there were funny PARTS in the show with Roscoe,Enos,Boss etc.but overall the show wasn't a comedy.With that off my chest,here's who I think they should've gotten.Paul Walker and Luke Wilson,can be funny when they need to be,for Bo and Luke.I also don't like Jessica Simpson as Daisy,they obviously weren't going for acting talent there.We all know what they WERE going for.Maybe Brittany Murphy would have been a good Daisy,at least she can act.I'd like to see Kris Kristofferson as Uncle Jesse.As for the comedy aspect,Steve Martin or Tom Hanks for Roscoe.I like the Danny Devito for Boss Hogg idea.I'm not sure if Randy Travis could pull off the goofy'aw shucks'character Enos,maybe David Arquette could.Anyway,thats a few of my ideas.By the way,I'm from Canada,farther north than even 'Yankees',does that mean I don't get what the Dukes are all about either.LOL