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    I'm JadedPhoenixBurning. I had to get a second account so that I can log into chat.

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  1. Two months before his death, according to Byron, Mayer was diagnosed with two aneurisms. I assume that they played a role in his death. http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/08/01/byron-cherry-christopher-mayer-dukes-of-hazzard/
  2. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  3. Can't wait to hear more!
  4. Too bad he won't be in Sperryville in August. That is the first Dukes' event that I plan to attend despite having to drive 5 hours to get there. It'd be even more great if he ever wandered down to Lexington, NC in October during the BBQ festival thought. HINT HINT!!
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