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MaryAnne last won the day on October 7 2023

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  • Biography
    Good. Clean. Kind
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  • Interests
    Annoying Brian
  • Occupation
    Deputy Sheriff, Putting Up With Brian

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  1. Thanks for the reply MaryAnne, the cat is now satisfied ;). LOL. I cant' remember seeing that, but I can totally believe it coming from the one that shall not be named. LOL. Yeah I understand him being frustrated, but yeah, don't take it out on the people trying to help you. But then again, we are talking about the driver that has been known to throw a few punches around here and there when made upset.

    Thanks for the reply. I do think he has mellowed out now that he has left his Home Depot ride, but am still not a fan of his. The story kinda reminded me of the race on the Fourth of July this year, except different driver and I don't know if he pushed the medical people, but he wasn't happy to go with them. LOL

    Well I'll shut up now before you throw me out for boring you to death ;). Take care.

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