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About jacobsoj74

  • Birthday 12/30/1975

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  • Location
    Saint Louis
  • Interests
    Model Building, Collecting
  • Occupation

jacobsoj74's Achievements

Junior Member

Junior Member (1/4)



  1. Thanks so much my friend I ordered 2! cant wait to get them! I also got corel draw x7 for $67.99 on ebay! Now I need to learn how to use it! Thanks again for everything!
  2. Mark! Where did you find that 1969 Chevy grill??? I need one!
  3. Thanks Hoss I'll be checking into this!!
  4. Thanks so much! I cant wait to play with it!
  5. I'm building several building from hazzard square in 1/43. I was wondering how you figured out the actual size of the buildings and then scaled them down to 1/25? Do you have computer software or a special program to design them on? Thanks so much!
  6. Wow!!!! I am completely blown away! I have been following this build since the beginning and have been away for awhile..What an amazing model!! I cant wait to see the rest of it my friend!!
  7. Welcome to the HazzardNet!

  8. Thanks so much! i'll do a search for those! I'm working on daisys 71 satellite first, its almost done. Ive started on the Mason Dixson car and I have been taking pics so I will get them up here soon! BTW where should I post them? I was hoping to show progress photos from start to finish and tell How and what kits etc that I used. Thanks again I'm very excited to be a member of Hazzardnet!!!!
  9. Hey Hoss I love all of your artwork! You seem very knowledgable about all of the vehicles and pretty much anything Hazzard. Do you by any chance know the name of the wheels on daisys roadrunner and lucifer, I know they are the same, also I need to know what wheels are on Mason Dixsons firebird? Im building models of all the vehicles and im trying to make them accurate to the show! Im having a hard time finding these wheels because I dont know what they are called. LOL BTW Im a newbie LOL
  10. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

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