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Everything posted by HeavyMetal

  1. I'm in awe.. I can't believe I found you on here... I just wasn't expecting it. LOL.

    Mr. Best, I am a long time fan since the very first episode of the Dukes as most people on here as well. I can't explain the feeling I had when I saw your name on here, I felt like a kid again. lol.. I want to thank you from the heart for your role as Rosco. You and all the Duke gang has given me so many fond memories as a child. I'm still in love with the show! My youngest son is getting to know the real DOH and it's bringing back so many memories. My son is almost 4 years old and love's the General Lee and Daisy of course. haha. It's a real honor and a privilege to speak to you in any fashion and I wish you all the best! From a long time fan, God bless!

  2. Hey ya'll, Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I'm a long time fan of the Dukes of Hazzard and it's truly a pleasure to be here. As I write this my soon to be 4 year old son is watching The Dukes on CMT.. LOL.. (mouth hangin wide open) haha.. Good to be young! I'm one of the fans that remember the very first time it was aired on television. lol.. (I never missed an episode). 0.0 I remember how excited I was every week just to catch the "New" episode with the whole family. It was some good times and I'm glad I have those memories. The General Lee and Daisy Duke, what's better than that?! LOL.. Glad to be here and hope to sit a spell with you guys sometime. Chat with ya later... Dave
  3. Thanks HossC, Have a great day what's left of it. lol



  4. Hello all,

    I would like to introduce myself and say that I'm glad to have found Hazzard.net. My name is David or "Dave" would be fine.. I'm a long time fan of the Dukes of Hazzard and it's truly a pleasure to be here.

    I'm one of the fans that remember the very first time it was aired on television. lol.. (I never missed an episode). 0.0 The General Lee and Daisy Duke, what's better than that?! LOL..

    I'm glad to be here on the site, I don't know why I didn't join sooner. I'm introducing my youngest son which is almost 4 years old to the General Lee and the Dukes and he's loving it! lol.. Ain't kids great?! =) Hope everyone is having a great 2011! Thanks Dave :p

    Thank you CMT for putting The Dukes back on the air! :)

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