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Redneck Rage

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Everything posted by Redneck Rage

  1. if you get a chance go to stupidvideos.com and go to search....and then search for dukes of holland I found this vid to be funny as hell
  2. The one difference I have seen between mine (1970) and an 1969 is the I-Piece in the front grill. 69 has it and a 70 does not. Just real minor details. and the 69 has the "[===]" shaped tail lights while the 68 has to "OO" on each end other then that its the same on the body.
  3. Lol the orginal wasnt family oriented...at least not for anyting set to todays standards. Everyone who did the dukes show would say it wasnt a "family oriented show for being in the late 70's and 80's" I personaly think the Dukes is just trying to get a more teen audiance. Even the orginal Dukes had its fair share of "daisy shots". Once again wuts the diferance in Catherain Bach (yea yea prolly not spelled right) runing around in a bikini and Jessica Simpson.....I meen even set for todays standards The Dukes are still a family type show I saw kids/people/familys rangeing from 5-65 going to see the movie and from the vibe I got they all enjoyed it.....but thats just my 2 cents.
  4. lol cooter would be fun....Might get him to build me something better then the General
  5. Dam I hate to say it but that doesnt look to bad id drive the hell out of it!
  6. yea....kinda a 4-door general lee sad enough they tried to make a classic sports car a 4-door but now there just bringing down the General....But it does have a Hemi but HP is not everything.
  7. I just got my 2nd car itsa 97 Camaro V6 (3.8) 5 speed black with T-tops with 106k miles.....I love this car. I did have a 98 Mustang Automatic kinda got totaled. I personaly like my Camaro better has better pick up and looks 10Xs better. (yea I was allways a chevy person).
  8. I was watchin tv the other nite and I saw Leno kinda knocking the dukes I was kinda surprised to see him of all people knock this movie. He himself claims to be a big car guy so I kinda figured and car person would love the movie. thats just my opion seeing as tho this is the best car movie since smokey and the bandit....at least imo....seeing as tho all the new movies use all the CGI crap.
  9. Well, if I was you I wouldnt get the sticker decals I meen even the biggest Dukes Fan has his or her limits. lol But there is another option there is a site that sells Magnet (I think thats how ya spell it ) decals that look the same and all. Just alot better IMO. For example say you gota go somewere like a date or what ever just pop off the decals and your all set to go and your date wont think your nuts. OR you go to Dukes Of Hazzard movie for the 1st time pop on the decals and your all set. If I had a car witha orange paint scheme thats what I would do.
  10. Well, if I was you I wouldnt get the sticker decals I meen even the biggest Dukes Fan has his or her limits. lol But there is another option there is a site that sells Magnet (I think thats how ya spell it ) decals that look the same and all. Just alot better IMO. For example say you gota go somewere like a date or what ever just pop off the decals and your all set to go and your date wont think your nuts. OR you go to Dukes Of Hazzard movie for the 1st time pop on the decals and your all set. If I had a car witha orange paint scheme thats what I would do.
  11. Considering the other DoH games out there this is sadly the best one yet. Personally I think the DoH could of had a better story (seeing as tho it had the over done "Save the Orphanes" story") and could of had a better replay value. Ima big gamer and I like the idea of being able to roam Hazzard but it get very repiditive....The cop AI sucks condsidering you "lose them" as soon as you get into a chase. (I might just be that good lol jk) but really all in all they could of done better it is a below par comapared to the big games out there. All though the raceing AI was very good and I found the final race a challenge. IMO its a gimped out GTA (Grand Theft Auto). I did enjoy the game tho but still it leaves me wanting more.
  12. Considering the other DoH games out there this is sadly the best one yet. Personally I think the DoH could of had a better story (seeing as tho it had the over done "Save the Orphanes" story") and could of had a better replay value. Ima big gamer and I like the idea of being able to roam Hazzard but it get very repiditive....The cop AI sucks condsidering you "lose them" as soon as you get into a chase. (I might just be that good lol jk) but really all in all they could of done better it is a below par comapared to the big games out there. All though the raceing AI was very good and I found the final race a challenge. IMO its a gimped out GTA (Grand Theft Auto). I did enjoy the game tho but still it leaves me wanting more.
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